Confused b©yfri£ndEpisode 13 & 14

CONFUSED b©yfri£nd🤦‍♂🤷‍♂
(He’s in love with two girls)
Chapter 13
Frank’s POV
📱 “Hello dear, how do you feel now? I asked her.
Well, right from her voice, I knew she was okay.
“I told you I’ll be fine and of course I am” 📱 She spoke with her sweetest voice.
📱 “You know.. I was only being concerned” I said.
“Yeah, I know. Since I’m one of those that are special to you then you ought to be worried about me” 📱 She said and I smiled.
📱 “I’m always there for you hun? So what are you up to? Did I interrupt your sleep? ” I asked her.
“No, I was just re-ading the novel you gave to me, This is the last one. So you’ll return them back to your so called girlfriend” 📱 She said, I think she is insinuating into something…
I just muttered “Yeah” 📱
But did I say hi to Angela today?
I asked myself.
“So thanks for checking up on me Frank, see you tomorrow in school”
“I promise to pick you up tomorrow” I told her – I promised.
“And I’ll be so grateful dear” She giggled.
We said Bye to each other and the call got disconnected.
I smiled to myself thinking of the perfect time to ask her out… on a d@t£ or as my girlfriend.
I don’t think it’s too early though, if it is I’ll just have to wait for few more days.
A sudden movement above me, j£rked me off from the thought and it reminded me that Freddie is here – there – above.
“Hey dude” I stood up from my be-d and looked up to him.
“Her phone was’nt available earlier, now it is but she won’t even pick up my calls” He said sadly.
“Are you so madly in love with her? ” I asked pitifully to a fact that his very first crush doesn’t want him.
With teary eyes, he sniffed and nodded in affirmation.
“I’m so sorry Twinee. You can continue to try to speak with her. I don’t know how but try a different method” I told him.
“Thanks. I also tried to get over the feelings but they won’t leave” He said alre-ady cheering up himself as he fought back every possible tears.
“Was it Angela you spoke to? ” He asked me.
“Errm…” How am I going to tell him that she wasn’t?
“At times Frank, I must confess: I envy your relationsh!p. It’s the sweetest one ever” Freddie said and I smiled -somehow.
“It was not Angela I spoke to”
“Then who? ”
“Hmm, a new girl. She just c@m£ on Monday and it suddenly happens that I’m so into her” I told him.
“What Frank, don’t tell me you broke up with Angela because of a new girl”
“Actually no, I’m not planning to break up with Angela. I really still love her” I said. Right?
Yes I still like her.
“What do you mean? I thought you just told me you are like a new girl, Isn’t that what you said? ” He asked.
“Err… Yeah” I almost stammered.
“So.. Are you gonna get married to two girls? ”
I laughed: “Of course not. But I don’t know. Let’s not talk about marriage yet, I’m still too young and just about to hit 19years next Saturday”
“You seems to be forgetting that you have a twin. We, both of us are gonna be 19 years” He corrected.
“Sorry” We laughed.
“Told ya, I won’t fall asleep first” Frank said.
“Neither will i” Freddie argued. “We’ve got alot we are yet to talk about right? When are your exams coming up? ” He asked me.
“Oh exams. I think it’s a month after our birthdays”
“Same here and I really can’t want to be in college, Uncle Timothy said there are more fun there than high schools” Freddie said.
F~F – Fast Forward
Angela’s POV
It’s no more a new thing. Wednesday and Thursday is no different from the first school days; Monday and Tuesday. The same Monday, Paulina arrived and ruined it all. My Frank ba-rely talks to me not even an Hi, I can’t even remember the last time he called me on the phone. Seriously, is that what guys do? They’ll make you feel loved but when there’s any available girl, they’ll leave you. Our three years relationsh!pcouldn’t even guarantee us that we’ll end up together forever.
Will I continue to cry everyday blessed day because of him?
Perhaps, James was right, he doesn’t deserve my tears not even a drop.
Speaking of James, here he comes.
“Hello” He said.
“And What are you doing? ”
“Trying to… re-ad a book. Our exams are alre-ady at the corner James” I said. True, I was with a book but I wasn’t re-ading it. My mind was far away, somewhere else – someone – Frank – and, or Paulina.
“You are re-ading a book with red eyes?” He noticed but I didn’t say anything.
“May I join you? ” He asked.
“Sure” I permitted and he took a seat in front of me.
“Will you attend his birthday p@rty? ” He asked.
“Whose birthday?”
“Your b©yfri£nd, Frank” He said.
“Oh, Erm, Well mmm I don’t know but I ought to” I responded not knowing what exactly to say. I even forgot his birthday.
“In order to weep more? ” He asked.
Ok, looks like James knows what is happening between Frank and I.
I sighed;
“Listen James, I don’t seem to un-derstand you and what you’ve been saying to me recently but whatever it is, Frank is still my b©yfri£nd” I said then shrugged: ” I just nee-d to give him time and space, He’ll realise his mistakes soon and he will return to me” I added.
He only nodded – continuously even when I was done talking, he didn’t say anything but to stare at me and finally, he said something:
“Tell me when you un-derstand and tell me when you are done giving him space”
Chapter Fourteen.
F **** F. * Fast – Forward.
Paulina’s POV
Exactly when it was 6:30pm…
Well according to what was written on the invitation card, the p@rty starts by 7:00pm.
I got dressed in a lovely pink go-wn, Aunt Bella picked the dress for me. She said its perfect since its my b©yfri£nd’s birthday…She still refers Frank to as my b©yfri£nd. Anyway, I think he is too.
The go-wn was armless, if one is really close to me, he or she… no, he. He will surely see my bo-ob s.
I was looking so stunning, elegant and gorgeous.
My aunt styled my natural long hair, I think that’s the only thing natural in me.
She did a light but very perfect makeover on my face..
And I put on an high white heels to match.
Staring at myself throu-gh the mirror, will you believe I was drooling -Over myself¿
Just as I was about to leave my room, my phone beeped. I thought it was Frank but no, it wasn’t. It was Freddie..
He alre-ady called me several times last night and this morning too but I didn’t pick the calls… For Christ Sake, do I have to yell at him before he’ll un-derstand that I’m not interested in him.. at all?
When my phone won’t st©p ringing, I tiredly gave an eye roll then picked it up.
📱 “Hello Freddie” I almost screamed into it.
“Paulina” I heard him sigh, yeah whatever.
“I called you severally just to tell you that today is my birthday” He said.
“So? Happy birthday” I said and rolled my eyes again as if he could even see me.
“Oh Good, I have a birthday p@rty to attend now, so if you’re thinking I would come all the way to Kartella to celebr@te a p@rty with you then you are wrong” I quic-kly added.
“I know, I’m not at.. ”
I interrupted him: “Freddie, I’ll be candid to you. If I continue to talk to you now, I’ll be late to the p@rty.. Aside that, speaking with you makes my head-aches” I said and hung up the call instantly and when I was about to shove back the phone into my bag, it rang again.
Oh seriously, I think I’m gonna change my sim but the inner me made me glance at my phone to check who the caller ID was, it wasn’t Freddie this time but Frankie.
I hurried slid to the receiver, blu-shed then put the phone on my ear.
“Hello Babe” Frank said before I could even speak..
“Happy Birthday dear”
“Thank you. So I’m expecting you or should I come and pick you up? ” He said.
“Oh Come on, it’s your day. There won’t be a nee-d for that, I’ll be there in few minutes” I told him.
“Then…..Bye” He said.
“See you soon”
*I c@m£ out of my room, Aunt Bella was a in the sitting room.
“And here comes, Princess Cinderella in a pink dress” She cl@pped her hand.
“Are you Kidding me aunt? ”
“Well no, hurry, go have fun and tell your b©yfri£ndI said ‘Hi’and ‘Happy birthday to him” She said.
I smiled and nodded then gave her an hvg before heading to the door…
As soon as I got to the door, that same annoying thing that happened to me in school last week, – happened again.
My breathe was ceased, it affected my stamina this time as it made me fall on the floor.
“Paulina… Paul…” My aunt screamed and ran towards me, bending behind me.
“What is wrong? ” She asked, but when I couldn’t speak, I gave her a pale look. True it’s not possible to speak when you are not breathing.
But.. I’ve done this before, I’ve held my breathe myself before for at most 5 seconds but this one is not my doing. I couldn’t just breathe, no matter how ha-rd I tried to, it took longer time than the one that happened when I was in school.
“I will go get you water” Aunt Bella said then left and just when she returned, whatever held my breathe re-leased it and I coughed out and was able to breathe again.
“Aunty” I could speak now.
“Paulina, what happened to you? ”
“I…I don’t know but this is the same thing that happened to me when I was in school the other time” I told her.
“Wh…What? This is serious Paulina, don’t you think so? What do you think is happening to you? ” She asked me.
But… How would I know? It’s just started happening, I wasn’t born this way.
“I don’t kmow” I said, worried about it but it didn’t make me cry because I didn’t want to.
“I’m okay” I told my aunt.
“Oh my dress is in a mess now” I exclaimed and quic-kly stood up from the floor.
“You won’t be able to attend the birthday p@rty” My aunt said.
“No, I can. I’m okay now” I insisted.
“Seriously, I am fine. The stuff just come and go” I said but she gave me me an -I’m-afraid look.
“Now I’ll go change my dress and make sure I do not ruin my make over” I said then quic-kly went back to my room before she will insist on st©pping me from going to the p@rty.
*…..So I changed into a lovier pink go-wn, took a small posh-looking purse then said Bye to aunt Bella and scurried out of the house.
It didn’t take time before I found a cab to take me to my destination -My Frank’s place.
…I got there after 3 to 5 minutes, I alighted before paying the Cab Driver who drove away almost immediately.
..Staring at the sto-rey building in front of me, I muttered : “This guy’s parent is fv¢king rich”
I sighed and tried to give out my best look before ma-king an attempt to walk further towards the big building. – 33 coker’s avenue.
“Paulina” After walking a bit closer, I heard Frank’s voice called me.
He was right there, on the stairs then he ran to meet me.
“Hey, Happy Birthday once again” I said to him.
“Thanks once again too. I’ve been waiting outside here for you” He said.
He was looking more handsome, than when he’s on school uniforms.
He was putting on a suit material, inner shi-t and white Jacket..He was even putting on a n£¢klace and his hair style is kinda different as well.
I was just about to compliment him but I was second to do that because he did first.
“You are…,you are looking so beautiful ” He stammered still staring all over me. What if I didn’t mess up the first dress which expo-sed the things that makes guys go crazy and what if that was what I wore -here, then we will perhaps be ma-king out by now.
“Thanks” I smiled and he held my hand and k!$$£d it. Oh finally, there’s no doubt about it, Frank is more than a friend, not just my crush but he is now my b©yfri£nd!
What does it mean to be k!$$£d on the hand?
Err, is it ‘I cherish you alot’ or ‘ I want you’ ?
Whichever one, all I know is that a k!sson the hand means alot to me.
“The p@rty has just started, follow me” He said ma-king an isoscele angle with his hand – arm.
I smiled again and intertwined arms with him.
“I’m going to introduce you to some people you don’t know, my friends, my families and most especially, my twin brother” Frank said.
I huffed, disbelieving him: “Oh now you’re lying to me that you have a twin brother? ”
“I do, I really do but because he doesn’t stay here with me or attend the same school with me. So many people don’t know that I do have a twin” He said as we began to climb the stairs.
“Oh wow, really? ” She exclaimed.
“I can’t wait to see him. In my next life, I would love to come in a pair, I mean I would love to be a twin. And we should be very identical b’cos I presume having a twin is splendid when we share the same room, do same things, have same things and all that” I said and he laughed.
“Well, maybe not. My Twin and I are different, we have different things, different suggestions, we are just different in so many ways and we are not even identical. His name is Freddie, You know, twins name are supposed to sound alike but ours do not except for the similar alphabet ‘F’ ” He said.
“Freddie? ” That name, that guy.
No, he can’t even be the one.
“Yeah Freddie” Frank said;
“We are there now” He said when we stood in front of a door.
“Be re-ady to welcome the loudest noise and the most merrious merriment” He said and was about to turn the door knob but someone turned it first from inside and it opened.
“Hey Twinee, why did you leave immediately the real fun started” A guy c@m£ out of the room and asked Frank.