cold heart in love episode 15 & 16

Cold Hearts Inlove –
Chapter Fiveteen
(Shes a psycho p@rt )


Selena pov
Gosh am so clumsy
“Selena who did you k!ss”donald asked

“Dont tell me you havent heard the song “i didnt k!ssyou by Rihana” i said

” ohh okay” donald said looking at me ,damn am a good lier
I sat down in the dining and began eating ,Am soo happy kate is here she has really being of help and i will surely miss her if she goes
“Danny has agreed to treat me”i said looking at donald
“without d@t!nghim” donald asked
“Yes”i replied
“So are you going to move in with him”he asked
“I dont really know yet,he said i nee-d a lot

of care and attention” i replied
“But i can take care of you”kate said
“You are going to leave soon kate and besided i dont want to stress you”i replied
“Well even if i leave donald is always here and i can employ someone too”kate said and i starred at donald who ate his meal quietly
soon we were done eating ,i walked behind donald as we step outside when i saw a basket of flowers and big box of chocolate in the porch and a note attached to it
“From Donald”i re-ad and he smiled at me
“Wow the flowers are much “i said and sniffed them ,I dropped them at the side of the door and carried the box of chocolate to the car
“Thanks for the flowers and chocolate” i said to donald
“You wellcome,that is how a true b©yfri£ndbehaves not the one who buys small flowers and small chocolate”he said in a mockery tone
“So why did you drop the flowers at home” he asked
“Do you want me to carry the basket of flowers about”i replied looking at him
“Well yes,you carried the one s£nt to you yesterday about “he answered and i starred at him mouth open
Is this guy being serious right now ,he want me to carry a basket of flowers about because he bought them for me and because i took the one danny s£nt to me to work ,he is sounding jealous

Donald pov
First selena was acting werid this morning and now she can just carry the basket of flowers i bought for her can you imagine but she carried the one s£nt to her yesterday ,Shes so rude and ungreatful
I watched her as she shoved the chocolate into her mouth and eat them ,i am still wondering who she k!$$£d “is it danny or her b©yfri£nd” because i have searched all over the internet and i didnt see any new song by rihanna tittled”i didnt k!ssyou”
“I wish i was the one she k!$$£d “my inner voice yelled
yea i really wish it too,i know it sounds crazy but herl-ips are soo sweet and i really wish to k!ssthem again
Soon we arrived at the company and i parked
“Selena” i called as she was about to come down
“Yes”she answered facing me and she starred at my face actually myl-ips which i find really weird
“selena is something on my face”i asked and she closed her eyes immediately i looked at herl-ips too and re-moved my eyes immediately
“Selena “i called again and she opened her eyes
“Are you okay”i asked
“Am fine ,i was just thinking”she replied
“Oh okay” i said
“So why did you call me”she asked
“Well there is a ball tomorrow and you are coming with me”i said and she nodded
“One more thing the people coming there are of high clas-s and you nee-d to dress expensive ,anyways kate will handle that” i said and she stormed out of the car angrily ,what did i say to upset her now ,this girls is really difficult and she even went with all the chocolate soo stingy

Selena pov
I stormed out of donald’s car angrily what is he trying say “you nee-d to dress expensive ” but am going to shock him tomorrow
i sat down in my office and began working ,and soon it was closing time i quic-kly board a cab and went to ella’s house since i know today is her off day
When i arrived there i saw danny’s car packed outside my just someone else with the same car as his
I knocked on ella’s door and she opened jumping on me
“What happened you did show up”
“Are you okay”
“You are getting slim why”
“one questions at a time ella i said she looks so excited
“Perfect timing i want you to meet someone” she said dragging me in
We both called at the same time

“So you guys know each other” ella asked and we nooded the same time

Cold Hearts Inlove – Chapter sixteen
(Shes a psycho p@rt )


Selena pov
“Yea we know each other” i replied and starred at danny

“What are you doing here danny”i asked looking at him

“Well i c@m£ to see ella ,we have been really good friends” danny replied

“can i see you pri-vately ella” i asked and i went to the room with ella following me behind

“Ella what going on between you and danny”i asked

“Well i met him ,his a really cool guy and we have a thing for each other “ella replied

“Are you sure because….You know what never mind just be very carefull okay”i said and she smiled
With the looks on ella’s face i could tell she inlove with this guy and saying anything right now might ruin her happiness,maybe danny is really sorry and she’s the reason why he changed his mind about me

“Danny will be the doctor treating me”i said and ella jumped up exictedly

“He told me he is a doctor,wow so this is how destiny is “ella said smiling

I just hope danny dos£nt hurt her ,i went back to the sitting room with ella and told danny about the arrangement and when i will be starting treatment me and ella talked about alot of stuffs when danny left
and soon i head back home

“Where are you coming from by this time “donald asked angrily as i entered the house

“St©p acting like a protective b©yfri£nd”i yelled back ,well i went to see my b©yfri£nd”i replied smiling while donald starred at me angrily

“Where is kate ” i asked

“She had an emergency so she has to leave “donald replied

“Okay” i replied ,i pu-ll-ed my shoes and started limping upstairs

“why are you walking that way”donald asked

“Well at my b©yfri£nds place we did alot of stuffs”i said and wi-nk at donald who alre-ady turn red
I went into my room laughing out my as-s ,gosh that guy is something else ,he believed what i said and he was really upset ,what his problem anyway ,i thought he dos£nt like me ,i ran into the shower too a quic-k bath and come out ,i put on my nightie and layed on the be-d when i heard m0@n s coming from donalds room .

Are you kidding me kate just left today and he brou-ght a slut alre-ady ,i kept tossing about on my be-d ,i nee-d to do something
I ran out of my room to the stairs and screamed loudly before i saw donald running to me in his shorts and his who-re tying a towel arround her che-st

“What happened selena” he asked in a caring tone

“I think i twisted my ankle “i replied while he took my leg and began mas-saging in and i win-ked in fake pains

“What are you doing downstairs” he asked

“Well i was hungry”i replied faking tears

Donald carried me in a bridal style and placed me on the couch we went to the kitchen while his slut kept giving me deadly stares ,soon donald c@m£ back with food in a tray and gave me while i began eating ,i was hungry but i had to f0rç£ myself to eat

“So baby can we get back to what we were doing”the lady asked ru-bbing donald che-st with her hands and they began k!ss!ngin my pres£nt ,gosh what kind of torture is this ,i nee-d another plan before i could think of another plan i felt a sharp pain in my head and this time for real

“My head “i yelled in pain holding my head

“Selena are you okay”donald asked

“Baby” the lady called again
“Get out johanna “Donald yelled angrily at her and she ran upstairs in fear ,donald brou-ght me water and aspirins to take

he sat down of the couch and helped me l@ymy head on his l@ps and soon i dose off

I woke up and found donald starring into my eyes ,he flin-ched as i opened my eyes

“Are you feeling better”he asked as i stood up immediately noticing he was only wearing shorts and we were really close to each other

“am fine “i said and ran upstairs

“Knock knock”

“Selena you dont have to go to work today” donald said
“Well i want you to prepare for the ball tonight ,my credit card is on the table”he said

“Okay” i replied and called ella immediately

“Ella for the last time it is just a ball and not a wedding ” i said
“You will thank me later” ella replied

Right now we were at the saloon ma-king my hair ,we bought cloth ,jewellery ,shoe and other stuffs
And soon we were done ,i took ella to the house,took my bath she helped me with the make up and other stuffs and i looked more than beautiful
Soon i was done i took my purse and ella followed behind complimenting me

Donald pov
I stood in the sitting room waiting for selena ,when i saw her walking down the stairs in a blue jumpsuit and her was amazing the makeup and everything was just perfect i kept starring at her like shes from another planet
I walked to her and k!$$£d her de-eply
