coincidence episode 77


Gem stares around, pleased with the
”This looks breathtaking beautiful” she says to
Mrs. Barlow who had come a few hours
”Indeed , it is” she sounded distant
Gem studies her ”You have been awfully quiet
since you came, pas-sively listening to me,
what is wrong?”
”Nothing Gem”
”We have been friends for a bit, friends don’t
hide things from friends, talk to me, is it
She nods, she recounts the incident of the
night ”I was so scared for her and..she didn’t
even let me take her to the hospital. I didn’t
realize that losing Jaime can turn her into this-
she is worst off and-”
”Listen to me, listen” Gem held her hands ”I
know, i know it’s suc-ked, you know what, i
would speak to Christine and find out what
happened to her and if she is going throu-gh
some kind of melt down we would handle it
okay, i have a friend- she is a counselor and
she would help her, okay?”
‘I am just so worried about my daughter and-”
”It’s okay, you have got to be strong okay?
Come, let me make you some hot choco, you
can rest here before the party begins and i
promise you all would be well” Gem carries her
friends away.
Salim enters the hall from the rear side,
followed by a dozen officers ”Okay everyone,
just for safety precautions, sweep the
area…there have been a lot of vendors
working here, so we nee-d to make sure no one
dropped anything they shouldn’t, meet down
here within the hour, let’s go!” Salim orders
walking away from the group of officials who
break away.
Gareth is among them, he turns and then
signals for three of them to follow him, they
enter into the house and then begin to look
around. He beckons to them, they come closer
”You know the drill, when i give the signal,
show down okay?”
”yes, when is Jimmy getting here?”
”When do we get our money?”
”After the job fool, now get to work looking as
though you have something to find” Gareth
dismisses them, he dials Jimmy’s number, he
speaks into the phone when Jimmy speaks
”Ready when you are”
Jimmy gets up from his chair and then turns
away to face the window, he smiles ”See you
then!” He cuts the call.
There is a girl seated before him ” So, what
would it be?” he smiles turning to face her
”Ofcourse i would love to!”
He smiles ‘Attah girl!!”
Frank checks to make sure the coast is clear.
It was. But he nee-ded to be sure, one wrong
move would cost him everything.
”Where is boss?” He inquires from an officer
pas-sing his desk
”I thought he told you he would be at the
Mayor’s today?”
”No i mean as-sistant boss, shouldn’t he here
by now?”
”Oh, you didn’t hear?”
”He is running late, his flight got delayed so–”
Frank hides a smile ”it i didn’t, boss said he is
supposed to be here while i hold down the
”Well, he is running late”
”And i have to do my rounds for the station,
damnit, can you help me-”
”No Frank, i can’t- plus we are short staffed at
the moment , i have piles of paperwork on my
desk and this case of the missing kid- i can’t
do rounds for you”
”Fine whatever, just— don’t worry, i would
handle it but i nee-d to go out for lunch first-
think you can handle things till i get back?”
”Eh, 30 minutes tops”
That’d all i nee-d
”Sure” Frank nods and lets the officer pas-s, he
was busy with his computer. He taps into the
security camera and then disables it for 30
minutes which he times, then he does thesame
for the alarm systems. He checks his watch
and then times himself, give or take he should
be back here in 20 minutes before everything
goes back to reset. He grabs his phone and
wallet, he makes for the door.
He makes his way out of the gate, making
sure he was seen leaving. He makes it down
the street, then he cuts the bend joking down
till the end of the fence , looking around to
make sure he isn’t seen, he climbs it, knowing
that the alarm had been set off , he lands at
the back-end to where the cell is. There would
be few guards on duty today, and he ensured
to place them at different posts for duty, so he
knew no one would be watching the fenced off
area today.
He peeps to make sure they were where they
are supposed to be, the new Cell Guard
supervisor is walking out of his post, a
cigarette in one hand, his other hand he held
his phone, distracted. There were ten guards
here in total, all harmed.
He checks his watch, a few seconds to lunch
time. He waits. He touches his hand to his
pocket to make sure the key to the cell gate
and his cell was still there, it was- he waits for
the right time to go in-unnoticed.
Lunch! Everyone gets to eat.
He watches for a minute. It didn’t seem as
though they were in a hurry, and he had less
time. He goes back to the fenced off area,
and then searches for their alarm box. He
opens it, takes out a knife and then he checks
to see where he can hide just incase, when he
was sure he could fit in a back-end hole for
supplies, he goes back to the box, he opens it,
and then he cuts a wire, joins it with another,
knowing that if it connects it back it would
cause a spark. He closes the box and then
goes to hide.
He counts to ten watching from his hole, he
could see the smoke, watch it twirl in the air,
followed by a spark, then a loud fuzz
explosion, he smiles as he sees them running
towards the fence, he docks hiding further into
the hole he hid himself in.
He saw them become alert, pulling out their
weapons and shouting orders. He waits. He
sees them running around to the fences, and
trying to find intruders or anything that had
caused the ruckus. In that vein, the space
leading to the cell gate was vacant, they are
Where they never taught not to ever leave a
prison cell unguarded during an attack? He
shakes his head as he crawls out of the hole,
dashes for the gate, in one swift move he has
the key unlocking the gate, he closes and then
locks it to avoid them suspecting fowl play. He
makes his way further inside the cell, avoid the
crowded cells he makes his way down the only
right turn, leading to his cell.
He had a ten minutes window, he has to use
five to kill him and be out of there in 9
minutes. He makes his way to Kennedy’s
cell..but he stops to pick up the crowbar and
then the gun he had planted there a few days
ago behind the table.
He hadn’t decided which he would use in killing
him, he smiles. The further he went down the
hall, the darker the halls became.
They only kept the worst of the worst here,
and for now- it was just Anderson Kennedy, he
had the VIP section-
He chuckles..
The dude really did step on the wrong people’s
toes. Frank tries not to laugh to alert the other
inmates of his presence.
Kennedy is seated on the ha-rd floor, his eyes
accustomed to the shadows, his food for that
day ba-rely eaten. It is piled up together with
the others he had refused to touch.
He is angry. The security guards felt it was
good to anger him, they showed him TV news
of the Mayor’s son and then of Alexander,
teasing him that the girl he tried to Kill is alive
and not just alive, she is dating the Mayor’s
son, and that men like him would rot in jail for
attempting to kill a fine as-s woman like her.
They told him stories of men like him, and how
they sometimes got the gas chambers for
being an as-s-hole.
This officers, this security guards made fun of
him. And the more they made fun of him, the
more angry he got and the more angry he got,
the more he realized that he could do nothing.
He had had sleepless nights, bad dreams when
he finally slept of Alexander, being fxxked by
that man , Jaime. No wonder he seemed
protective of her.
He was fxxking his love, his everything, his
Anderson Kennedy pulls at his hair ”She is
mine, mine, mine-mine!” he cried.
He has to get out of here, he nee-ds to get out
of here, and take her away, and he would
punish her for letting another man touch her,
ki-ss her and make love to her willingly . He
curse. He watched the news from the cell
when the officers brou-ght a Tv to mock him,
there was a look in her eyes, one he had never
seen – peace, and something else.
He shakes his head ”He has taken my Alexa,
he has made her his-” he cries, ”Oh My Alexa, i
would punish you for leaving me, all those
years, i will, but..daddy only punishes you
because he loves you- but i would forgive you
if you come back to me willingly- yes yes i
will” Kennedy talks to himself. ”But He, Jaime
Lockswire it is? I would make him pay, i will”
A thousand thoughts runs throu-ghhis head of
what he wishes to do to Jaime, then he is
angered even more…that he would be left to
die here. Not an opportunity to pour his anger
on Jaime and then get his Alexander.
He knew that Alexander had got to know he
was arrested, and the fact with the many
messages he sent throu-ghthe security to
inform her to come rele-ase him or the chief of
police for a audience only awarded him laughs
and taunts angered him.
They called him a mad man, delusional to dare
to say she was his daughter, they said they
would not even bother informing the Chief of
police that a mad man like he wanted an
audience, for what, to seek for what?
He is angry, angry that he would be left to die
here, and he didn’t want it.
There is Jimmy, and there is Christine, those
bastards- he had some unfinished business with
them. They left him here to die too did they not,
Jimmy, Jimmy cause it all, he caused it all and
that witch Christine, she too, infact all of them
deserve to pay for this.
Jaime, Jimmy, Christine and Alexander, only that
he would not kill his Alexander, well- he loves
her, he would only punish her, and what’s the
best punishment if not for her to watch her
lover die?”
He smiles , Jimmy and Christine would have a
even more painful death, if only he is able to
escape this place, he would ensure they all
come to ruin.
He hits his head against the ha-rd wall.
And then, there there is that man, that man that
keeps coming to tell him that he would die
soon, that he would die that Jimmy had asked
for his head, his head would be taken off and
then smashed, that man-
Kennedy sniffs
He has a list of all of them to kill, All of them
would pay, he swears it, all of them would pay
if by any chance he leaves here, he would
ensure it that all of them would pay, so they
had better pray he dies here but if by sheer
luck he-
Then he heard it, that voice bu-tting his out of
his thoughts ”The reaper have come to collect”
the voice laughs at him ,mocks him, and then
taunts him.
It was that man again.
”Have you come to kill me?”
”That is obvious”
Kennedy hears his gate been opened, wide and
then the man stood there, there were
somethings in his hand – one looked like a gun
in the dark and then another –
Kennedy co-cks his head to stare at it – a
It was dark inside his cell, but it’s been a few
days, his eyes is accustomed to the darkness..
”Should you not be afraid to be here officer?
They said i am a dangerous, i almost killed a
girl you see”
The torch comes on, there it was, the face of
the man sent to kill him. He was smiling ”Oh, i
have met dangerous men Kennedy, you are
what we call, fish, we bring you out of the
water and you die. You are a fickle old man,
and i am unable to decide, shoot you with a
silencer or use a crowbar? What do you think?”
Frank walks into his cell, sighting that he
hadn’t tou-ched his food for days, he smiles ,
this would be an easy kill, the fool wouldn’t
have the strength to fight him. He was fit,
younger and had energy- this would be an easy
He takes another few steps closer to Kennedy ”
Silencer or a crowbar?”
Kennedy stares at him, maybe this was his
opportunity, and it may never come again”Have
you ever heard of the saying ”Darkness is the
worst place to find redemption ?” Kennedy
sneers taking a few steps back as he rises,
staggering slightly, luring him in.
”No” Frank says ” A crowbar should do”
‘Good, we also do not nee-d the light to see in
the dark, because even the good book says,
light shines in darkness, but darkness
comprehended it not!”
He didn’t have time for a chitchat ”Goodbye
man, no ha-rd feelings, just business!”
Frank reaches for him , but he shouldn’t have.
Kennedy steps further back, Frank trips on his
face as he sinks down into a knee hole
Kennedy had been digging for days for lack of
what to do with his ranging anger, the touch
falls off, Kennedy grabs it turning it off. It is
pitch black.
”The fxxk!” Frank pulls himself out quickly and
then is blindsided by the thick darkness, he
still held his gun, but he had no idea where the
crowbar fell, it didn’t matter, random shots in
the dark would drop the old fool. ”Smart, but
you are dying today..” He points the gun at a
direction, he had no idea Kennedy is standing
behind him
Kennedy picks up the crowbar. ”Not today
Satan!, Not today!” Kennedy makes for him in
the dark in a second, Frank didn’t have a
chance to scream let alone pull the trigger, he
goes straight for his head, as soon as Frank
drops the gun, trying to struggle, he pulls it
away, and then he goes for his head again,
Frank drops, choking now as he held his ne-ck,
sprouting out blood. Kennedy doesn’t stop, he
pulls it out again and continues to hit him with
it till he could feel his blood splashing to his
face and then the je-rking and struggling stop.
Kennedy stares at him, in the dark. He smiles
at him ”What a waste, never talk to a man you
were sent to kill. Kill first and then ask
questions later, if you watched enough movies
that is the first lesson” he spat at him.
He reaches for the dead man, collects the
keys, he locks him inside and then walks
quietly, and slowly, trying not to make a sound
as he makes his way to the gate. Most
inmates paid no attention to him, some were
half asleep in their cells or preoccu-pied with
themselves. Ofcourse, no one would think that
a prisoner had just escaped from his own cell.
He counted about ten security guards outside
the gate, some were sharing a cigarette, others
just talked and laughed,
He definitely can’t walk out of here throu-ghthis
gate, He makes his way back, then he comes
back, looking around. There had got to be a
way out.
He frowns making a right, pausing at every
cell gate to make sure no one is looking
before he pas-ses.
”Hey Officer, it is time for my call? You
promised” someone says standing up and
peering at him as he walks past briskly ”Hey
officer? Fxxk you man you promised!” he yells
Other inmates chuckle ”Don’t trust an officer,
they would fxxk you up from the back, ” they
teased him
‘Shut up!”
Kennedy ignores them, he nee-ds to find away
out of her now, he turns around reaching the
end of the wall, then he thought about
releasing all the inmates and then tell them
they should fight they way out, ofcourse he
would let them go ahead while he finds an
escape but..that won’t work. He was about
making his way back when he sees it, a door
on his right. He goes to it and then kicks it
A toilet. It had a window with iron bars- and
the back-end looked as though it was an
empty span of land behind it, he stares at the
crowbar in his hand and then smiles.
”I am not dying today!” He shuts the door and
then went to work.
An hour later, he pushes himself throu-ghthe
window and makes a run for it.
No one realized he was gone, after-all frank
had done him a favour, the alarm systems
were off, so was the security camera.
Five minutes later, it all goes back to reset.

To be continued….