Codelia episode 55 & 56

?Codelia ?

(Oops she’s a S-x worker)

Genre:- r0m@nç£

Tags:- Ruthless billionaire, betrayal, jealousy, death and revenge.

Written by Aishat kemisola (Three star)

Don’t copy or repost ❎❎❎❎

Episode 55



Authoress P.o.v ?

” Am waiting for my driver” Mrs Leo replied. ” Alright” codelia replied.

” where’s mum?” Pamela asked. ” She went out, but she will soon come back” codelia replied.

” Alright, I am farmished” Pamela said. “Oh sorry, there’s no food here except you will drink water” codelia said.

“Alright I will go eat at the restaurant down the street make sure you go visit my boss today or tommorow before he kill me with work” Pamela said.

“that’s what you signed for” codelia said. “Am also hungry, wait for me so we can go together” codelia said.

“I can’t wait, let’s go where’s mummy workers?” Pamela asked. “they’re doing something in the sto-re room” codelia said.

“My dear, I will get going take this and buy food for yourself” Mrs Leo said and gave codelia some money.

“thank you very much ma” codelia said and collected the money from her. “why did you collected the money and where did you know her from?” Pamela asked.

“I can never reject money, you remember the woman I told you about” codelia said.

“which woman?” Pamela asked. “the woman that sl@pped me, when I went out with Chad” codelia replied.

” oh, the woman that ruined your d@t£?” Pamela asked. ” yeah you got it” codelia replied.

” what is she doing here?” pamela asked. ” she c@m£ to bought groceries” codelia replied.

” let me guess, that means she bribe-d you with the money she gave you” Pamela said.

” no I don’t accept bribe” codelia said and was about to put the money in her bag.

” if you dare put that money in your bag” madam Cas-sie said entering the mall.

” the money is mine not yours” codelia said. ” where did you get the money from cause I knew you don’t have any money with you before I left this place?” madam Cas-sie said.

” one of your customers gave me” codelia replied. ” wow the money is much, how much are you gonna give me” madam Cas-sie said.

” Am not giving you a dine from this money, I have budget it” codelia said.

” Ah you have budgeted the money they gave you today” madam Cas-sie said.

“mum am greeting you” Pamela said. “Pamela I will reply your greeting later just be patient” madam Cas-sie said and Pamela shake her head.

“you love money Alot” Pamela said. “yeah thank you, codelia give me my share am waiting” madam Cas-sie said and stretched out her hand.

codelia share the money into two and gave madam Cas-sie half of the money.

“thanks, this is for your groceries, you’re going back to school next week” madam Cas-sie said.

“Alright mum” codelia said. “Pamela my darling how is work today?” madam Cas-sie asked.

“so you just have my time” Pamela said. “Am sorry my dear, I don’t just want your sister to put the money in her bag before giving me my share” madam Cas-sie said.

“mum we are going out” codelia said. “where are you guys going to?” madam Cas-sie asked.

” we are going to the restaurant down the town” codelia said. ” Alright, you guys should bring my own food” madam Cas-sie said.

” Alright mum” they replied and both went out. Pamela phone ring out loud and she brou-ght out her phone from her bag.

” who’s that?” codelia asked. ” Jeff” Pamela replied and picked the call. ” Hello” Pamela said.

” how are you doing dear?” Jeff asked. ” Am good and you” Pamela replied. ” Am going, where are you?” Jeff asked.

” I just c@m£ back from work” Pamela replied. ” Am thinking of taking you out for dinner, will you be chance?” Jeff asked.

” Oh am free, but we will take codelia along with us” Pamela said. ” that’s not a big deal, I will see you later” Jeff said and end the call.

” where are you going with him?” codelia asked. ” he said he wanna take me out for dinner” Pamela replied.

” hope it’s not what am thinking” codelia said. ” what are you thinking?” Pamela asked.

” nevermind, you guys will look good together Jeff is a very good guy” codelia said.

” What are you talking about?” Pamela asked. ” you will un-derstand later” codelia said with a smile.

” we are not going to the restaurant anymore” Pamela said. ” but why, am hungry I can’t wait for you to cook” codelia said.

” Jeff is taking us out for dinner” Pamela said. ” wait I don’t get us or you?” codelia asked.

” you’re going with me I can’t go alone” Pamela said. ” why can’t you go alone?” codelia asked.

” I don’t just know” Pamela said. ” fine I will go with you, since there will be free food there” codelia said.

” glutton!” Pamela said. ” thank you, but I wasn’t like this before I ha-rd ly eat before” codelia said. ” let go and dressed up” Pamela said.

” Honey where are you going to?” Mrs Leo asked her husband. ” Am going out with Margret” Mr Leo replied.

” who’s Margret?” Mrs Leo asked. ” how do I explain to you” Mr Leo replied. ” explain anyhow you like” Mrs Leo said.

” Am taking my second wife out for dinner” Mr Leo said. ” you are talking her out, that’s nice but am also going with you” Mrs Leo said.

” you can’t come with me” Mr Leo said. ” I just feel like going with you” Mrs Leo said. ” Alright, if that’s what you want” Mr Leo said.

” Hi” codelia greet Jeff and wave her hand at him. ” How are you doing codelia?” Jeff asked.

” Am doing good and you?” codelia asked. ” Am doing good” Jeff replied. ” you look beautiful” Jeff said to Pamela.

” Thank you” Pamela replied with a smile. ” have your seat” Jeff said and Pamela sat down with codelia.

” I will be right back let me go and get our order” Jeff said. ” Alright” Pamela replied with a smile.

” Pamela why is that woman crying?” Pamela asked pointing to Mrs Leo. ” Wait that’s the woman that gave me money earlier today” codelia said.

” yeah she’s the one” Pamela replied. ” what’s she doing here?” codelia asked.

” I will advise you to go asked her” Pamela said with a smile. ” I will be right back!” codelia said and stood up.


Episode 56

Authoress P.o.v ?

money earlier today” codelia said.

” yeah she’s the one” Pamela replied. ” what’s she doing here?” codelia asked.

” I will advise you to go asked her” Pamela said with a smile.

” I will be right back!” codelia said and stood up and walked to Mrs Leo table.

“good evening ma” codelia greet Mrs Leo. Mrs Leo raised her head up and saw codelia she cleaned her face immediately with her palm.

“How are you doing my dear?” Mrs Leo asked. “Am doing good ma, why are you crying?” Codelia asked.

“Crying no am not crying” Mrs Leo replied ” I knew You are crying so you can talk to me am your friend” codelia said.

” Hmmm!” Mrs Leo said. “Promise you won’t judge me” Mrs Leo said. “No I won’t” codelia replied.

” good my husband got married to another woman because I didn’t give birth to a child” Mrs Leo said.

“Oh so sorry ma that’s very bad of him” codelia replied. “You don’t nee-d to pity me am a bad person” Mrs Leo said.

” No you aren’t a bad person” codelia replied. “You don’t know me!” Mrs Leo said.

“Yeah I don’t know you, but I don’t think you are a bad person” codelia said. “I am not barren I have a child with my sister, but you know what I don’t even know the gender of my child, I ran away when I gave birth to the child and I guess God is punishing me for my past” Mrs Leo said.

“Oh that’s very bad of you” codelia said. “Yeah, I know it was peer pressure that made me do it, and am really regretting it now” Mrs Leo said.

“What you did was very bad, how could you abandoned your child, you aren’t a good mother at all” codelia said.

“Yeah I know and that’s why I told you not to judge me earlier” Mrs Leo said. “Make sure you find your child, but I don’t think I can forgive you if I happened to be in your child shoe” codelia said.

codelia phone rang out loud and she brou-ght it out from her bag. “Excuse me!” Codelia said and picked the call.

“Hello mum” codelia said. “Codelia where the hell are you” madam Cas-sie shouted and codelia shift the phone away from her ear.

“Where’s your sister, where did she put her phone I have been calling her number since” madam Cas-sie and.

“Mum which of your questions did you want me to answer first?” Codelia asked.

“You aren’t serious answer my dawn question now” madam Cas-sie said.

“Mum we went out with Jeff” codelia said. “Which Jeff?” Madam Cas-sie asked. “The same Jeff you knew” codelia replied.

“Chad is here waiting for you” madam Cas-sie said. “Tell him I will see him later” codelia said.

“Alright he can hear you” madam Cas-sie said. “Bye mum I love you” codelia said.

“I love you more my baby make sure you come back early with your sister” madam Cas-sie said.

“Wow am jealous of you and your mother” Mrs Leo said. “Yeah we really love each other!” Codelia replied.

“So is that the reason why you are crying earlier?” Codelia asked.

“My husband left me here and went to dance with his new wife” Mrs Leo said.

“Oh so sorry why did he brou-ght you here when he knew he is gonna go dance with his new wife” codelia said.

“It wasn’t his fault, I c@m£ here because I wanna know his wife, did you know that his new wedded wife is one of my friends, I didn’t see her face well in the picture I saw” Mrs Leo said.

“Oh so sorry, you don’t have to bother yourself with them, all you nee-d to do is find your daughter” codelia said.

“yeah thank you very much dear am trying all my possible best to find her and I hope to see her soon and I also pray she and my sister can forgive me” Mrs Leo said.

“You are welcome, she might forgive you just make sure you find her and asked of her forgiveness” codelia replied. ” your story is somehow relate to mine, but it’s not the same” codelia said.

“Codelia!” Pamela called. “I will get going ma, make sure you take care of yourself” codelia said and stood up.

” Ma’am codelia said she went out with Jeff right?” Chad asked. “Yes any problem” madam Cas-sie asked.

“there’s no problem” chad replied and left out a fake smile. “I will get going!” Chad said.

“I can see throu-gh your smile, you aren’t happy what happen?” Madam Cas-sie asked.

“There’s nothing ma!” Chad replied. “If you say so” madam Cas-sie replied.

“Goodnight ma’am” chad replied and went out. “What’s wrong with him?” Madam Cas-sie asked herself.

” Welcome brother” rose greet with a smile. Chad ignored her greeting and walked to his room angrily.

“What’s wrong with him?” rose asked herself and ran after him. Chad walked into his room and slam the door ha-rd , he locked the door and throw the key across the room.

He opened his drawer and brou-ght out a packet of cigarette. He light it and put it in his mouth.

“Why will she go out with Jeff, does that means she love him?” Chad asked hiself.

He stood up from the ground and started destroying things in his room. “Brother open the door” rose shouted and knocked his door.


