City mermaid episode 5 & 6

🛥️⛲Sea Tales Pres£nts⛲🛥️:
🧜‍♀️🏤City Mermaid🏤🧜‍♀️
🐬 Episode_5🐬
“Like hell?”. He replied.
“That’s her”. Someone screamed pointing at them.
The students turned swiftly and she scoffed.
“C’mon”. She screamed and they took to their heels.
“There’s a lot of them”. Lovely said as they approached the intersection.
“Did you hear the hvge amount?”. She asked staring at him.
“No! No!”. He screamed as he pu-ll-ed her back.
She coll@psed into his che-st and looked back to see the crowd of students at the intersection.
“$h!t!”. She cursed.
They screamed as they raced for her in their numbers.
Without looking she turned to race back but he held her back and pu-ll-ed her to the left hallway that was free.
She looked back and caught a slight reflection of the students she would have run into if she ran back.
They continued running as the crowd increa-sed like a herd of zombies.
“This looks like a horror movie?”. Lovely said.
“Resident evil? The Walking Dead”. Kapella asked laughing.
“Whatever horror movie involves zombies,Let’s call this Phoenix Dead”. He said as she laughed.
They looked back and their eyes popped as the students were closing them.
“Left… Left.. Left”. He sang as they approached the next intersection.
They made to turn but there was another group of awaiting students.
“Catch her!”. They screamed.
“$h!t!”. They cursed and turned to the left but there was group of girls waiting as well as they stood Akimbo.
“The Elevator “. Lovely said pu-lling her along.
The students merge into one army at the intersection and went after them as they ran forward for the elevator.
Kapella raced in while he tapped a number on the call box before going in.
She held his hand ti-ghtly as the crowd raged closely.
The elevator made a ‘ding’ sound and the doors began to close.
It was an inch left to close went the crowd caught up with it.
About three students f0rç£d their hands in and as usual it automatically opened.
Kapella screamed as she sl@pped one of the bu-tton on the call box forcing the doors to try and close again but it wouldn’t as a result of the hands because of the elevator’s s-en-sor ability, whenever there was an external stimuli between the doors it was programmed not to close up.
She kept sl@pping the bu-tting hurriedly as more hands f0rç£d into the small gap.
“You were right, it’s a horror movie”. She said as tears formed in her eyes.
Lovely kept sl@pping the hands off but more kept creeping in.
Kapella suddenly g@sped as I thought hits her.
“I have an idea come take my place”. She said still sl@pping the bu-tton to prevent the doors from opening but maintain that little gap.
He quic-kly moved up to her and took over in punching the bu-tton.
“You got a lighter”. She asked.
“Yeah. My pocket behind”.
He said wanting to turn.
“No! No! Don’t let go of it”. She said and he resumed the punching.
“Do you smoke?”. She asked as she moved closer.
“Nope. Is that a question to ask now?”. Lovely asked.
She inhaled heavily as she put her hand into her his pocket and took out the lighter.
And then took the jui-ce bottle he was holding with the other hand.
“What are you up to?”. He asked.
She first open the jui-ce bottle before holfung the lighter and ignite the fire out.
She poured the jui-ce on the hands and pushed the burning lighter into the midst aimlessly.
“Acid!!”. She screamed loudly.
“Acid!!”. The Students who felt the heat of the lighter on their skins screamed as well as they pu-ll-ed back.
Everyone pu-ll-ed back in fear and the door closed.
Lovely exhaled heavily as he let go of the bu-tton and slide down to to the ground.
Kapella laughed loudly as she dropped the empty bottle.
“Acid? You’re such a clown”. He said and she threw the lighter for him.
Her laughter slowly diminish to a sad look as the tears in her eyes flowed down.
“And now I successfully got into trouble”. She whispered as she sat on the ground.
“Hey”. He said as he drew close to her.
“Thanks, you’re the least person I was expecting to show up”. She said.
“I told Cindy to stay back that it was dangerous”. He said and she nodded.
“That’s right, thanks once again”.
“Does that makes us friends now?”. He asked.
“We’re friends alre-ady, Lovely”. She replied.
“Um.. Lovely or lovely”. He asked.
“Whatever lovely”. She said and he sm-irk.
“The Elevator is st©pping, come on, we might nee-d to run again”. He said getting up.
“My legs are aching alre-ady”. She said.
The elevator c@m£ to st©p and the door slides open.
They raised their head up and was shocked to see Chubby Joe in front of elevator.
“lovely burnt Lovely and Kapella in an elevator, beauty sight”. He said.
Lovely quic-kly pressed a bu-tton on the call box and the door close slowly but Joe st©pped it with his hands.
He pushed the doors into opposite directions with his might and at that moment felt like The Incredible Huk only if he knew it was the doors were opening automatically alre-ady.
“2000 US Dollar isn’t a fu-cking joke, I just received a hell lot of mail that I’m owing the school a hvge sum and I nee-d lot money”. He whispered as he stepped in.
“You shouldn’t have come alone”. Lovely said and he turned to him.
He kicked him on the crotch with his knee and Joe g@sped at same time with Kapella who was shocked.
Which girl wouldn’t be shocked at that? Gross!!!
“Yeah that’s right, one of the most painful moments for dudes”. Lovely said and punched his face.
The f0rç£ was so strong that it s£nt him crashing to the ground.
Kapella quic-kly rushed out as he followed from behind.
“Don’t be scared, I won’t do that to you”. He said raising his hand up.
“How did you do that?”. She asked turning back.
“What? The….”.
“No.. The punch thing.. You literally made a guy pas-s out”. She said.
He rolled his sleeves up and she g@sped seeing his bicep.
“You got lot of muscles… Seems you gym alot”. She said as she continued walking.
“Practice make perfect”. He said.
“You’ve been punching people? “. She asked as she turned back to him but he didn’t reply.
“Lovely?”. She called but still no response.
“Don’t pretend like you’ve been electrocuted”. She said and that’s when he rose his f!nger up slowly.
Kapella turned to see what he was pointing at and low was the entire crowd of students few meters from her.
She screamed loudly as her legs sprung forward.
Lovely turned as well running into the elevator.
“Close it”. She screamed as she approached the elevator.
He hits one of the bu-tton and the doors close slowly.
Kapella dashed in gr-abbing him to the wall cos of her speed and the door closed just before the students got to.
The Elevator made a ‘ding’ sound before descending.
Kapella exhaled as she let go of his shoulders.
“You just stood there like a robot”. She said.
“I was shocked”.
“Shocked? Physical, emotional or…… Forget it”. She said leaning on the wall.
“Do you have plans for tomorrow?”. He asked.
“Don’t think of asking me out for dinner”.
“Am not when I know fully well that you have a b©yfri£nd”. He said and she scoffed.
“And who told you that?”. She asked.
“You said it over there, in the clas-s with her friend, Cindy”.
“Then quit eavesdropping on girl’s talk, alright?”.
“And then maybe I wouldn’t have helped you with Italian”..
“I meant even if you survive today’s problem, do you have plans for tomorrow or you think the Arrowood will let go of you like that”. He asked.
“You know them?”.
“Yep. Dangerous”.
“Sorry I misun-derstood you”.
“No it’s alright. Perfectly alright”. He said.
“Am just so pathetic with my thinking, a good reason my friends don’t last “. She said.
” Hey don’t say that, you’re the best choice someone would want as a friend, honest, intelligent and I’ll regret it if I don’t say beautiful “. He said as he la-id his head on the door.
She punched him arm and he turned back slowly.
” You didn’t feel that? “.
” How would I feel that, your bicep is literally at level one, it feels like a little child hitting me for ice cream “. He said and he turned back to door.
She gro-an ed as she punched his arm ha-rder but he didn’t move an inch.
“You’re enjoying this ain’t you”. She roared.
She threw another punch but he turned swiftly and caught her hand.
The elevator made a ‘ding’ sound and the doors opened.
She let go of her hand and moved backward when she screamed pointing behind him.
He quic-kly ran back into the elevator thinking there was a wave of student behind him.
She laughed as she walked out and that was when he realized there was nothing.
“I don’t have biceps but I got a ton-gue. Where the hell is this?”. She asked looking at the cartons around.
“It’s the Basement”. He said stepping out.
“You’re new”. She said.
“Well i can’t remember the floor I asked the elevator to take us to but here we are, it’s safe here “.
“Safe? With two of us alone”. She asked moving back to the elevator.
“It’s dangerous out there”. He said.
“Is she so difficult to find, am increasing the reward to 3000 US dollars if that would catalyze the search”. Diaz voice rang from the speaker in the basement.
“Hmm and right now I feel like capturing you, what the hell? We ba-rely even know each other for 24 hours, 3000 US Dollars, damn!”. He said moving toward her.
“Let’s say I tricked you in here, so I can have the money cos I’m bundle you to Diaz”.
She quic-kly rushed out of the elevator and picked the club on the ground.
“If you come closer I’m gonna splash your br@ins over the wall”.
“Now that sounds like real horror”. He said as he sprung toward her.
She launched the club but he caught it mid air.
“See, you’re scared of using your strength”. He said looking into her eyes.
She smiled and he scoffed.
“What’s funny?”.
“This”. She said and knee kicked him on the crotch.
He screamed loudly as he fell to the ground writhing in pain.
“I was only joking”. He roared as he clenched to his crotch.
“Am sorry… Totally..”. She said wanting to t©uçh his arm.
“Don’t t©uçh me”.
“You looked scary she real”. She said.
“Did you have to that?”. He cried.
“You taught me that for self defense”.
“Did I? And you decide to use it on me”. He said angrily.
“I meant Lovely I’m sorry”. she said holding his shoulders.
“You’re gonna be fine”.
“And how can you be so sure?”.
“I thought you were a superman?”. She asked.
He pu-ll-ed himself up but c@m£ crashing to the ground again.
He staggered up to his feet and sat on one of the box with his head down.
He held his head, raised it up and could see the the forming tears.
“You’re crying”. She said as she pu-ll-ed another box and sat beside him.
‘I didn’t have an idea it was painful, am totally sorry, say something, accept my apologies “. She said pu-lling his shoulders.
” On one condition “.
” Which is? “.
” You don’t get to hit me like that, ever again “. He snapped.
” What if you become evil? “. She asked.
” Seriously you’re ma-king you look like a movie “. He said.
” Fine, I don’t kick your whatever as long as you don’t act like a j£rk “. She fired.
” j£rk.. I was only testing my acting skills “. He said.
“Fine. You’re a good actor and you pla-yed the role pretty well”. She said and his phone buzzed.
He slides it out from his pocket and stared at the message from a contact ‘Trouble 003’.
‘Where are you darling?’. The Message re-ad.
He swipped it off the screen and….
“You look nervous”. Kapella said.
“No. I..”.
“Was that your Girlfriend?”. She asked as she took the phone from him.
“This is literally a hell of money.. I haven’t seen something like this before, name? “.
“Falcon Supernova iPhone 6 Pink Diamond”. He replied.
“I don’t know what that is but the names it’s a hell of….”.
“It’s a birthday gift”.
The phone buzzed as a call appeared on the screen.
“Who’s Crises 001?”. She asked.
” My step dad, can you kindly activate flight mode? “. He asked.
She hesitate for a while before doing it.
” Am just gonna take a nap for however long we’re gonna be here until school closes “. Lovely said as he rest his head over the wall.
She examined the phone and g@sped.
” It’s beautiful “. She whispered and her phone buzzed.
She took it out to see the message from ‘Cindy’.
‘Remain wherever you are, School have gone crazy because of you ‘
“I thought that was Cindy’s”. He said and she j£rked.
“Yeah… Yeah.. I was charging it for her with my bank, we swapped you know”. Kapella said forcing a smile.
He closed his eyes and she exhaled.
That was when she saw the blue colour of his eyes and hisl-ips which weren’t burnt, Cindy was right.
She tried going throu-gh his phone but every single thing was locked except ‘Candy Crush’.
Minutes pas-sed by and he had fallen asleep while she pla-yed ‘Candy Crush’ on his phone.
He wasn’t comfortable as his head kept sliding on the wall till it dropped on her shoulder.
She g@sped as she turned to see his face on her shoulder.
She took his hand to see the ring he had on.
It was a golden one with an ‘L’ symbol on it.
She slowly dropped the hand and resumed pla-ying.
Hours and hours pas-sed until she fell asleep as well but she was off for up to thirty minutes when the electric bell rung loudly.
She jo-lted up quic-kly causing him to wake as well.
“How long?”. He asked as he yawned loudly.
“Hours and my shoulder is literally aching right now “. She said.
” Um.. Your shoulder? “.
” You literally sle-pt on it “.
” Oh.. That proves how I sle-pt well “. He said and she hit his shoulder.
” Should i say sorry or thank you? “. He said.
” 3000 US Dollars contract have been terminated, You can run Kapella but you can’t hide from me “. Diaz voice rang from the speaker.
” You locked every damn thing in your phone “. She said.
” To restrict intruders “.
” Like me? “.
” Probably am sure you enjoyed the Candy Crush “.
” Why would you leave only that?”.
“Cos ladies are the only ones who get to access your phone for hours, can I have it back?”. He said and she hid it behind.
“You don’t pl@yit, do you?, I saw the highest score in the leaderboard who’s Beauty?”.
“You ask lot of question, C’mon let’s go”. He said pu-lling her along.
“She’s good at the game and I would love to meet her someday”. Kapella said and her phone buzzed.
“You can come out, eveyone is out”. She re-ad the message as the door of the elevator closed.
It soon st©pped and opened up revea-ling Cindy who was standing akimbo.
She raced at Kapella and hvgged her ti-ghtly.
“I was so worried, I couldn’t concentrate”. Cindy said as she let go.
“I’m fine, at least I survived today”. She said.
“What’s he doing with you?”. She said pointing to Lovely.
“He helped me, thanks to me”.
“Now tell me where have you been for the past hours?”.
“Basement”. Lovely said and she g@sped.
Cindy nodded as she tried to conceal her smile.
“What’s funny?”.
“Can I have my phone now? “. He asked.
She handed it over to him and he collects it.
” Off I go, bye! “. He said walking away.
” Thanks for today Lovely “. Kapella said.
” Just don’t forget to do your as-signment night time while pla-ying with your b©yfri£nd”. He said and was out of sight.
“He thinks I have a b©yfri£nd”. Kapella said as they moved for the exit door as well.
“You didn’t tell him it was joke, I thought you had a crush on him”. Cindy asked.
“Um.. Actually.. Cindy?”.
“You know what, just forget it, let’s go”. Kapella said as she collects her bag from Cindy and wore it.
They walked out of the school compound and could see Lovely waving at them from a cab that just left.
They waved back at him and Cindy scoffed.
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“So how are you gonna prove that nothing happened in there with you two alone for hours?”. She asked.
“He was asleep the entire time”.
“I’m your l@ps”.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”. Kapella sang beating her shoulder as she laughed.
“Nothing happened so st©p the scary questions, there’s something weird about him”. Kapella said.
“He k!$$£d you”.
“You know what? Don’t speak anymore, just listen”. She said and paused.
“Did you take a look at his smartphone?”. She asked.
“It’s out of this world”. Cindy said.
“I think he’s rich, kind of, what the hell are my thinking of? You know what forget it”. Kapella said.
“What do you then want me to remember maybe you’re right or that answers the question to how he got the burnt face”. Cindy said.
“What do you mean?”.
“Um.. He’s crazily rich with a bad bad flashy vehicle, he hits the highway like it belongs to him and he c@m£ stum……bling after”. Cindy sang.
“You know what?”. Kapella asked and her eyes popped out.
“Good day”.
“I’m home”. Steve opened the door as Kapella’s voice rang from the outside.
He frowned as she walked in and poked his nose.
“I got you ice cream”. She said and his face brightened.
“I missed you sister, plea-se don’t stay late again, a night without you is…”.
“Will you keep quiet?, hold on, do you watch telenova now?”. She said and he shook his head negatively.
She g@sped as she relaxed on the couch.
“Where’s my ice-cream?”. He asked.
“Dooor.. I only wanted to see the hypocrite I you”. She said and he frowned.
“Where’s Mom?”. Kapella asked as she moved to the kitchen.
“Second floor”. Steve said following after her.
Kapella paused seeing the little aquarium on the counter in the kitchen.
“Wow! lovely”. She said as she stared at the beautiful fishes swimming around.
“Why does it look like I can hear them?”. She added dropping her phone on the counter as she leaned closer.
She could hear the little heartbeat of the fishes as she st©pped swimming as focused on her as well
Kapella phone buzzed but she didn’t notice as she was engrossed.
Steve stretched his hand to take it but he wasn’t tall enough.
He climbe-d a stool and stared at the message from a contact ‘Cindy’.
Kapella was still staring at the fishes like they were communicating when Steve j£rked her away.
“Who’s Lovely?”.
“What did you say?”. Kapella asked as she turned.
“Who’s Lovely ?”.
“Are you alright? Anyone can lovely, Mom, me but not you, you ain’t lovely”. She said and saw her phone with him.
“C’mon”. She said as she snatched it from him.
“Did you say Lovely’s smartphone is Falcon Supernova iPhone 6 Pink Diamond? I searched for the price in goggle, take a look”. Kapella re-ad and there was a link below but that wasn’t the only message from her but another as well.
“What else happened in that basement with you and Lovely alone for hours?”.
Kapella scrolled up and tap the link which redirect her the result page of a goggle search.
“The world’s most expensive diamond-studded phone comes in the form of the Falcon Supernova iPhone 6 Pink Diamond Edition, with a price tag of $48.5 Million”. She re-ad and her phone dropped from her hands in shock.
“You were really with him in a basement?”.
“C’mon Steve, Cindy is only pla-ying pranks on me”.
“Hmm Mum!”. He said.
She quic-kly covered his mouth and closed the door.
“C’mon do you have to tell mom everything?”. She said forcing him to seat.
“What do you want? Ice cream, my meal.. Whatever.. It’s not what you think,telling mom is gonna put me into trouble”. She whispered.
“Alright I won’t tell her but you’ll give me whatever I want”.
“Um.. Alright.. Deal you punk”. She said shaking his head.
“I admire your br@celet”.
“No.. You can’t have that Steve”.
“It’s beautiful”.
“I know, very charming but you you can’t have it “. She said.
” Mom, Kapella had a boy… “.
” Shh.. Seriously Steve this is some sort of protec-tion mom gave me, alright, I’ll give you, don’t let mom see it and early tomorrow you return it, deal? “. She asked and he nodded.
She re-moved the br@celet and put it into his hand.
” It’s beautiful “. He said.
” Yeah “.
” Sorry I had to blackmail you, I just want to feel… “. Steve said and screamed as the br@celet burnt his hand.
He quic-kly threw it off as tears formed in his eyes.
“Hey are you alright?”. She said holding his face.
He raised his hand up and she saw the circular burn around it.
Kapella gro-an ed as she felt a terrible hunger in her belly, it was so excruciating.r
“Why does the water ripple sounds close to my ears, why are the fishes speaking to me?”. Kapella said as she moved closer to the transparent tank.
“Why do they look charming?”. She whispered.
With one swift move she f0rç£ her hand throu-gh the aquarium breaking the glas-s that f0rç£s water to gush out.
“Mom!”. Steve screamed.
Kapella gr@bb£d one of the fish and held it ti-ghtly as it wriggle to break free.
The urge to eat it was so strong that she couldn’t resist anymore.
She f0rç£d the fish into her mouth and bite off the head causing Steve to scream louder as Mrs. Elijah c@m£ running in.
Steve quic-kly hid behind her as she g@sped.
“Kapella?”. She whispered.
Kapella turned back slowly with herl-ips which had the blood of the creature and still the fish was still in her mouth with the tail wriggling outside herl-ips.
“Oh my God!”. Mrs. Elijah exclaimed.
🛥️⛲Sea Tales Pres£nts⛲🛥️:
🧜‍♀️🏤City Mermaid
🐬 Episode_6🐬
“It taste so delicious, the feeling is…”. Kapella said as she drew the fish tail out of her mouth and li-cked herl-ip.
“Is she a vampire?”. Steve asked from behind.
“Kapella where’s your br@celet?”. Mrs. Elijah asked as she moved closer.
“I don’t nee-d, I feel so powerful”. She said.
“Listen Kapella whatever you’re feeling right now….”. Mrs. Elijah said as she sight the br@celet on the ground.
“Can feel like the best feeling in the world but no matter how scary you look you’re still my daughter, I love you”. She said and hvgged her but her hand beckoned at Steve who un-derstand and moved closer.
Her f!ngersto the br@celet and he gave it to her.
“I always love you Kapella but you can’t live as a monster”. Mrs. Elijah said and with one swift move slide the br@celet into her hand.
Kapella g@sped loudly as she raced to the sink.
“Did I just eat a live fish, it tasted to so, it still taste good, it was delicious than the one you make, I nee-d to puke it out”. She cried trying to vomit by all means but it was fruitless.
“I don’t I feel stomach ache, why is it like I just eat a normal meal, no I nee-d to puke out”. She cried still trying to puke but couldn’t.
“Damn!”. She screamed as Mrs. Elijah and Steve stared blankly at her.
“She’s a vampire, right?”. Steve asked.
“He’s right, Vampire”. Kapella said turning back.
“I’m a damn vampire, I eat people”.
“You didn’t eat me”. Steve said.
“You’re not a vampire, Daughter”.
“Don’t tell me that Mom, isn’t it time you tell me what I’m, what sort of weird human I am?”. Kapella roared.
“You’re not a weird human, you’re special”.
“That’s what you keep saying, special, I almost lost my best friend today, why?, just because my hair would have been expo-sed and now you’ll get to say if I had cut it, it wouldn’t have happened but how long will I leave a disguise life”. Kapella said.
“Steve excuse us and tell no one about this, not your friends or anyone”. Mrs. Elijah said.
“I never told anyone my sister was ra-punzel and I won’t still tell anyone that she’s a Vampire”. He said.
“I’m not a fu-cking… Sorry.. I’m not a damn Vampire”. She roared.
“Alright, Fish Devourer”. He said walking out.
She grinned to go after him but Mrs. Elijah held her back.
“He’s a kid”.
“Maybe we should start with how that br@celet got out of your hand?”. She added.
“Or maybe we should start why I love Aqua life like I belong to…”.
“Kapella!”. Mrs. Elijah cuts her off.
“I’m special, I know that line alre-ady”.
“Then trust me”.
“Trust you, you can’t even tell me the truth, I’m eighteen Mom no longer a kid, if the urge to eat a live fish can be so irresistible… It’s because I didn’t have my br@celet on… What’s special about it, it isn’t protec-tion”.
“Yes it is”.
“No it isn’t”.
“It protects you from your true self”. Mrs. Elijah spilled out hurriedly.
“Oh my God! What did i say, I didn’t mean that, it protect you just know that “. She said
” Protect me against myself that p@rtially answer the question of what am I “. She said and Mrs. Elijah bur-st into tears.
” Mom you’re crying “. Kapella said as she moved to her.
” Mom st©p it, you make me sad, st©p crying “.
” You make me feel like I can’t be trusted, I’m your mother, I won’t do anything to hurt you “. She cried.
“Hey Mom, I’m sorry.. I’m sorry I hurt you… I didn’t mean to but I feel like my life is a lie”. Kapella said as she leaned on her che-st.
“There are secrets, you’re right and you’re intelligent enough to know that there are strange things about you but it’s best if you don’t know about it, not forever but just for now, when the appropriate time comes, you’ll know”. Mrs. Elijah said and Kapella hvgged her ti-ghtly.
“I’m scared Mom”.
“You don’t have to be as long as you have that br@celet on you don’t have to be, alright? “. She said c@r£ss!ngher face.
Kapella sniffed and nodded slowly.
“C’mon you must be hungry”.
“Mom the fish tank”.
“I’ll take care of it”.
It was night at the Atlantic Ocean as a red Sh!pswerve past a rock.
The Sh!pwas filled with men and women who were dressing up as divers while others moved harpoons to the deck.
At the edge of the deck was a young woman scanning throu-gh the ocean with a Binocular..
She was not fully dressed as a diver as she only had a we-t suit on.
“Mrs. Arrowood”. An Old Man said as he moved toward her.
“br@dley”. She said as she retreat the Binocular and turned to him.
‘We’re closing on them “.
” Good and where’s my husband? “. She asked.
” Right behind you”. A Young man said from behind.
She moved to him and k!$$£d him on thel-ips.
“You’re going in?”.
“Of course I am, Artic Mermaids are dangerous and the most powerful”. Mrs. Arrowood said.
“Mermaids who cry and then it solidify to diamond, they’re indeed powerful”. Mr. Arrowood said as he collects the binocular from her.
“You ain’t scared am getting in”.
“We’ve been doing this for long alre-ady, I’m not”. He said as he looked throu-gh it.
“I suppose that’s the sh!p”. He said staring at the magnified image in the binocular.
“Yes it is”. She replied.
“Why is the sh!pchanging direction?”. The Old man said as he looked narrowly with his dim eyes.
“I paid the sh!pstation to inform the captain there’s a storm at the path their headed and that North East of the Ocean is the safest path”. Mr. Arrowood said.
“Why is that?”. He asked.
“Old br@dley, you’re retired alre-ady, our methods are quite different”. Mr. Arrowood said.
“Don’t tell me that, why are we following that sh!p, you tortured a Mermaid to give you the habitat of the Artic, she did and we’re suppose to be here hunting not stalking, tell me what are up to Daughter? “. Old br@dley said.
Mrs. Arrowood lit a cigar and slide it into herl-ips.
” I’m your only Child, the first female to take the Legacy of the Arrowood “.
” If I had a male child, he would have taken the Legacy “. He roared.
” But you had non and here’s my new husband who abandoned his family name to take up Arrowood, show some appreciation father, our family name doesn’t get to die and then I have kids and the legacy continues “. Mrs. Arrowood said as she puffed out the smoke in her mouth.
” That doesn’t answer my question of what are you up to? “. He asked angrily.
” That sh!pis our bait “.
” What do you mean bait? “.
” We don’t know if that Mermaid is saying the truth, we have to be sure, they get drawn to a pas-sing sh!p, sing out to the sailors, cause a wreck and that expo-ses them to us, we give a surprise attack and we capture the Artic”. Mrs. Arrowood said.
“Did you listen to what you just said?, bait?, have you forgotten our code? Humans don’t get hurt during our exploration”. Old br@dley said.
“Tell me Grandpa are you interested in the Artic or the code, we’ll get there in time and st©p the sh!pfrom wrecking”. Mrs. Arrowood said.
“Ma’am we’re losing sight of the sh!pto the fog”. The Captain screamed from where he watched with his telescope.
“It’s time, suit up everyone, I want every diver on deck”. Mrs. Arrowood roared loudly.
Divers hurried out from the accommodation of the sh!pto the deck where Mrs. Arrowood was putting one her di-ving mask.
Her husband helped her to put on the snorkel and she exhaled heavily.
The divers had now filled the deck of the sh!pall with bow and a sheath filled with special arrows.
“Our mission is to capture at many as we can but if the nee-d to kill arises, do it”. Mrs. Arrowood said and paused.
“Your arrows suffer less resistance from water, don’t hesitate to shoot, we don’t use guns because water reduces it velocity ma-king it harmless, we use special arrows that disregard the resistance of water and hit the target lethally”.
“We use harpoons”. She roared.
“You’re going un-derwater, your arrows stuck into the sheath to avoid floating away, you nee-d strength, strength to pu-ll that arrow out, strength to fight the re-sisting water and place it in your bow, strength to fire, you all are professional hunters and the time have come “. Mrs. Arrowood said as she carried a harpoon Gun on a crate.
She climbe-d to the edge of the dock and placed the harpoon gun on her shoulder.
” You didn’t put on your fins “. Mr. Arrowood said.
” I prefer ba-refoot”. She said and dived into the water.
The divers hurriedly wore their di-ving fins and dived in as well.
Screams could be heard from ahead as the sh!pentered into a midst.
The other sh!pcould be seen spinning dangerously as the storm engulfed it.
The Captain looked throu-gh the telescope and could see singing women on sea rocks around the spinning sh!pahead.
“Sir, Mermaids”. The Captain said.
Mr. Arrowood sm-irk as he put on his UV spec and turned to the crowd of men and women that were left on the docks.
“UV specs on”.He commanded and they hurriedly put in on.
He turned to the ocean and looked far away.
The ocean was blue and the pene-trating power of UV could help him see creatures un-derwater in ultraviolet colour.
The structure showed clearly that the creatures had fins.
“Heave the Sh!p”. Mr. Arrowood commanded.
The speed of the sh!pincrea-sed as it swerved into the midst.
“Fire!!!”. Mr. Arrowood roared as it approached the wretching sh!p.
Everyone moved to the edge of the sh!pand began throwing harpoon into the ocean.
Their UV spec helped them to see the creatures un-derwater who were caught by surprise. Their sh!pswerved dangerously dodging the wreck of the other sh!p.
“This was what I feared!”. Old br@dley said angrily.
“Not now old man”. Mr. Arrowood said and he took another another Harpoon.
🎶Charming Sailors🎶
🎵Come Down To Us🎵
Soft femanine voices rang from below.
“Boss the Mermaid be upon us”. The Captain said.
“Don’t let them sing lest a storm befall us, Kill them”.
“Roll out the cannons”. He commanded.
“Roll out the Cannon”. The Captain announced as he rang the bell above him.
That was when Mr. Arrowood caught the reflection of a woman leaning against a sea rock in the midst.
“bit-ch!”. He cursed as he threw the harpoon which trust into her arm causing her to fall into the water.
Blood could now be seen on the surface of the water about the arena.
The cannons rolled out and fired endlessly forcing the mermaids on the sea rocks forcing them to dive un-derwater.
Mrs. Arrowood and her team could be seen swimming toward the gathering of the of the mermaids un-derwater who were engrossed with the sh!pabove them.
She aimed her Harpoon Gun as the rest of the divers placed arrows in their bow fighting the water resistance.
She fired first and they fired as well.
The Mermaids dispatched into different directions as the lethal weapon hits some of them.
Mrs. Arrowood drew the rope that was connected to her Harpoon and pu-ll-ed it from the Mermaid’s back.
She rolled it back into the gun as the rest of the divers went after the mermaids firing at them accurately even though it was un-derwater.
A Mermaid with a tail that changed colour constantly swam her way into a Cave de-ep down the ocean.
About Five other mermaid could be seen hovering around a little child on a slab.
The baby was breathing un-derwater as bubbles could be seen from her mouth and nose.
The Mermaids gathered together as they seem to be communicating to each other by thought until a harpoon struck down and missed the child narrowly.
The special Mermaid quic-kly took the child and nodded before swimming off as harpoons strike down in there numbers.
She put the child in a box and closed it as she swerved around dodging the arrows fired at her.
She pushed her hands forward and the waters ripple hitting the divers into different direction.
She turned as she took the box when a Harpoon thrû-st into her shoulder.
It was Mrs. Arrowood.
She pu-ll-ed the rope connected to the harpoon thereby pu-lling the Mermaid to herself as she pu-ll-ed a dagger from behind her.
The Mermaid was quic-kly to cut off the rope and block the stab.
She kicked Mrs. Arrowood away and swam after the box she let go.
She caught it and gro-an ed as an arrow pierced into her arm.
The divers swam toward her as she hid behind an un-derwater rock.
Unannounced she dived out spinning in a horizontal position that causes a big ripple hitting them away but a few were unlucky as her sharp fin cut them beyond recognition.
She flew after the box again and took it but Mrs. Arrowood took that as an opportunity to fire the harpoon into the side of her n£¢k this time around.
She blocked the harpoon with her hand and gro-an ed as it thrû-st in.
Mrs. Lockwood stab a dagger into her side but she gr@bb£d her to the sea rock.
She snatched the knife from her and stabbe-d it into her eyes causing her to scream which then let water rushing in.
The Mermaid carried the box and swam away with arrows and harpoon stuck in her bleeding flesh.
The Divers quic-kly took Mrs. Lockwood who was drowning and swam to the surface of the ocean.
Several vehicles esc-rted a red limousine to the big factory at the outSk-irt of the city.
It c@m£ to halt and the chauffeur raced out to open the door.
The others vehicle parked speedily and men in black suit got down as well
Legs in heels first stepped out of the Limousine and then the full b©dy of a woman in a red coat.
She had a dark shades on and held a diamond made purse.
She slowly took off her dark shades as the wind blew her blonde hair.
Her left eye which was sewed due to whatever damage could be seen clearly and even though she was looking older you could still recognize her as Mrs. Arrowood.
She took an eye patch from her purse and wore it before proceeding into the factory.
“Welcome Back Mrs. Arrowood”. The Man at the door said and she ignored him.
She moved into a big room where Men and Women in apron stained with blood waited for her.
“Welcome Back Mrs Arrowood”.
“Eighteen years… New faces… Old faces but eveyone here knows me both the ones who get paid for this and the Arrowood relation, I’ve gone around the world for eighteen years for a solution to my damaged eye but all ends in an artificial eye or patch “. She said and paused.
” Returning, I hoped that I had answers but I was devasted to hear that you have non, meaning you ain’t working “. She roared.
” Ma’am the Mermaids are resistant to torture “. A Man said.
” Save me that $h!t! Eighteen good years with no result”. She said and bite her lowerl-ips.
“pu-ll down the curtain”. She said.
The men moved to the curtain behind and pu-ll-ed it down revea-ling gagged women who were tied to wooden pillars.
Their long hairs alre-ady answered the questions that they were in Mermaid.
“They seem to be in good shape”. She said moving forward.
“They heal Ma’am”.
“How many have died?”.
The men stared at themselves and back to her.
“What? Eighteen years, have their beauties so captured your heart, how do you expect them to speak when you don’t instill fear, this isn’t a charity home for Mermaid, I nee-d answers “. Mrs. Arrowood said as she approached one of the Mermaid.
” She took my eyes and I suggest you all know her, The Artic, She’s all I nee-d and ever wanted and you’re gonna tell me where she escaped to and what was in that previous box she was re-ady to protect with her life, Wil you tell me?”. She asked as she re-moved the Mermaid’s gag but she began to sing.
” Someone get me Sodium Chloride? “. She said.
A woman hurried off and returned with a jar filled with salt.
” We’ve tried that alre-ady “.
” You’ve been in this for long Captain”. Mrs. Arrowood said as she took off her coat.
“Powdered Salt causes excruciating pain to them by burning and dessicating them like fishes because that’s what they are”. She said and collects the Jar.
She di-pped her f!ngersin and placed it on the mermaids forehead.
She screamed aloud as it burn and cause that p@rt to dessicate.
She inhaled heavily and the burn healed up.
“You see that, easy as hell”. She said and nodded.
“Am gonna ask you for the last time, Where’s the Artic and what precious box did she protect that night?”. She asked.
“Go to hell, bit-ch!”. She cursed.
“Mermaid now use swear words, interesting”. She said and gr@bb£d her chin forcing her mouth open.
Everyone g@sped as she poured the salt into the Mermaids mouth..
She screamed as it burned down her throat to her belly.
Her face started dessicating and it spre-ad to the rest of the b©dy.
“You don’t dry the outside, you dry them from inside out, kill “.
She dropped the empty Jar and collects her coat from the Woman.
” This is not a charity home for Mermaids, it’s gonna turn into a slaughter house if I get no answers soon “. She said wearing her Jacket.
” Each day I’ll drop one of you, dry you up like a pathetic fish, dispose the b©dy”. She commanded and marched out angrily.

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