City mermaid episode 45 & 46

Sea Tales Pres£nts :
City Mermaid
“You look surprised, are you alright?”. Danny asked.
“Yeah, no, I’m fine, you’re Mr. Arrowood?”. Kapella asked to cover up the shock and he scoffed.
“You’re such a funny girl, Arrowood is a family name and I’m just a distant relative”.
“Oh I see”. Kapella said as her heart pound fast.
She could feel anger running down her spine as she could hear Mrs. Elijah’s voice in her head telling her what her real mother said about Danny.
“He was a ro-mantic Son of the Devil”. Kapella heard the voice and gro-an ed closing her eyes.
“Are you alright?”. He asked wanting to t©uçh her arm.
“I’m fine”. She said st©pping him.
“Just a slight headache, I should go now”. She said wanting to open the door but it was locked.
“We haven’t finished our conversation”. He said.
“I have, I don’t feel comfortable with strangers”.
“Really? You fell in love with a kid in less than a month, does that satisfy that claim?”.
“Seriously can you let me go, Danny or whatever you call yourself”. She said and he chuckled.
“I can see why the Arrowood are much interested in you, the courage and stubborn acts, I’m growing fond of you”.
“I don’t nee-d your compliment Mr. Danny, what else do you want cos I’m done here”.
“Don’t act like I’m asking you out, I’m just trying to advice you like a father would to a daughter”. He said and sweat formed the more on Kapella’s head as her heart beat fas-ter.
“You’re not my father”. She stammered.
“Of course but I’ll advise like one, seems Elijah doesn’t know his daughter is mingling with some rich kid in town, he’s a man of principle and I’ll advise you like he would”. Kapella fumed in anger.
“You know nothing about my father”.
“You keep acting like we’ve met before, I definitely love that”.
“Open the fu-cking door”.
“Stay away from Lovely Arrowood, Kapella Elijah, face your studies, a catfish can never be the suitor of a king whale, that should stink into your head cos I might not be gentle the next time, go!”.
She tried opening the door and it worked now.
She staggered out immediately and closed the door.
The vehicle drove off immediately and she leaned against the wall closing her eyes.
” Hey ma’am are you alright? “. She heard a voice.
” Get off! “. She roared angrily and the woman walked away staring at her.
“Calm Kapella, Breath!”. She repeated trying to calm herself.
She wanted to move when she felt something in her coat.
She di-pped her hand in and brou-ght out a key.
Her mind flashed black to Lovely tou-ching her w@!st before the men gr@bb£d him away.
He must have dropped it in.
” Crazy kid”. She said looking around.
“Over there”. She said as she locate the vehicle.
She got in and starting the ignition drove off speedily.
As she drove she couldn’t concentrate as she could hear different voices in her head.
From Mrs. Elijah telling her Mom’s story to the Mermaids all talking about Danny, the Bastard her mother married.
Kapella roared angrily as she hit the accelerator angrily causing the vehicle to shoot off like a bullet.
She arrived at Cindy’s place in no time and rushed into the building.
“Hey babe what….”. Cindy said standing up from the couch but Kapella didn’t let her finish as she hvgged her in tears.
“I met my father, I met Danny”. She cried.
“What are you talking about?”. Cindy asked as they dis£ngaged.
“I met my biological father and all felt was the fury to tear him ap@rt”.
Arrowood Mansion
Mrs. Arrowood marched into the building as the men dragged Lovely behind.
“Get your filthy hands off him!”. He struggled with them but they were much stronger than him.
They let him go as they got to the living room and Mrs. Arrowood sat.
“Now we have a full house”. She said and he turned to see his siblings.
“Sit”. Dahlia said.
Lovely scoffed and sm-irked hisl-ip.
“I was literally kidnapped for some $h!tty mee…..”.
Mrs. Arrowood sl@pped him across the face and he gro-an ed.
“Sit!”. She roared.
He stared at her and sat gently on the couch.
“We have little time left because I spent more of it tracking your brother like he’s some kid”. Mrs. Arrowood said and inhaled.
“So the purpose of this meeting is to inform you that there’s an Arctic out there, a new Arctic”. Mrs. Arrowood said.
“I thought Anita is said to be the last Arctic”. Ashley said.
“So we thought but seems there’s another but not Anita”. Mrs. Arrowood said and raised a picture up.
“This is what Anita looks like but what Dahlia and I say isn’t this, it’s a masked girl “. She said and and Lovely stared at Anita’s picture with keen interest.
” Lovely! “. Mrs. Arrowood called out and he j£rked from his thought.
” Are you with us? “. She asked and he nodded.
” You ain’t dumb “.
” Yes, I’m with you “.
” Good, as you all know, our ancestors have been on the search for Arctics, they’re the main priority, as you all know, we had one before”.
“Who married one of the Arrowoods, we know that alre-ady but are the Arrowood so blind to hook their son up with a Mermaid, I don’t still get the story”. Lovely said.
“This isn’t time for story”. Mrs. Arrowood said.
“We deserve to know what went between this Danny and Anita?”.
“You heard Mother, shut up! It isn’t time for story”. Dahlia said and eveyone turned to her as they were shocked.
Even Lovely was shocked as he g@sped.
She was always by his side against their Mother.
“We’re having a plan for them but let’s push that to tomorrow after our dinner with the Fernando family”.
“Fernando family”. Diaz said and scoffed.
“The last time we met at Spain, you didn’t go well with the Fernando twin”.
“That was Ashley”. Finn said.
“Just keep shut! You’re the one who tried to woe them”.
“Enough”. Mrs. Arrowood said and there was silence.
“I don’t want to hear the blame game, this is a fresh start and if you do well, you’ll be rewarded by me, our deal with the Brook Family was ruined before of what Dahlia did to the Brook Brothers”. She said and all eyes turned to Dahlia who let out a creepy smile.
“We used her Dinning, our mistake but she will be at her best behavior this time, we’re using Candy’s h0tel”.
“Gosh! Another venue plea-se”. Finn said.
“I don’t nee-d to tell you who’s Mr. Fernando, I don’t nee-d to tell you what benefit we’ll derive if the family bonding thing works, you can imagine it”. She said placing her hand together.
A guard suddenly rushed in and they turned.
“How many times have I warned that I’ll serve you head if you ever disrupt my meeting”. Mrs. Arrowood screamed.
“Am sorry ma’am, I’m sorry ma’am, Mr. Fernando and his Family are here”. He said breathing heavily.
“What?”. Mrs. Arrowood exclaimed as her kids were surprised as well.
“They just drove in now ma’am”.
“Go make sure the cooks are doing something”. Mrs. Arrowood said snapping her f!nger at Dahlia.
“What’s my reward?”.
“We’ll fu-cking talk about that later and we’re using your dinner, name your price later”. Mrs. Arrowood said trying to compose herself.
“What are you waiting for, let’s go welcome them”. She snapped at them and they rose up sluggishly.
“I’m going to warn again, any of you ruin this, I’ll kill you”. She said and straightened up her dress as she stepped out.
They followed after her from behind to see the Ferrari 250 GTO that drove into the compound.
“You should st©p being a pompous proud girl and d@t£ the Fernando’s son to get us some goodies”. Finn said and Ashley scoffed.
“And when did we become friends or have the sight of the world most expensive Ferrari messed with your head, I’m no friend of yours, Go d@t£ the twin if you want goodies “. Ashley said.
Mrs. Arrowood turned back and silence ensured as they looked away.
They stood in front of the vehicle as the front doors slide open revea-ling two people who c@m£ down from it.
A man in a red coat and a teen boy who was dressed in almost the same way.
“Mr. Fernando I wasn’t expecting you”. Mrs. Arrowood said full of smiles.
“Yeah, sorry for the surprise, I have an appointment tomorrow so…”.
“No not at all, you’re very much welcome”. She said.
“Kids”. She said turning back.
“Welcome to the Arrowood’s Mansion Mr. Fernando”. They chorused.
“You got Lovely kids”. Mr. Fernando said and she nodded.
“Oh so bad of me to keep you waiting, may we go in?”.
“Sure”. He said.
“Rex, ain’t you saying anything”. He added.
“I’m Rex we might have met before, I prefer Generator Rex”. He said.
“What about your twin daughter?”. Mrs. Arrowood asked.
The loud sound of a music could be heard as the pas-s£nger’s door slide open.
A teen girl stepped out with a stereo box and paused on seeing them.
“Arrowood Mansion, I thought we st©pped by a boutique”. She said looking around.
“That’s Camille, Stereo Girl “. Rex said beckoning at her to reduce the music. Join us on our WhatsApp and telegram page for more stories throu-gh kwaku ome on+233544142683.
“I didn’t beg you to introduce me Generator”. She said stepping forward.
“St©p it”. Mr. Fernando said.
“You heard me”.
She frown and paused the music on her stereo box.
“Nice to meet you Camille”. Lovely broke the silence.
She stared blankly at him as she turned to her father.
“Can I pl@yit now?”.
“No… Let’s go”. He said putting his hand around her shoulder.
“What about your other girl?”. Mrs. Arrowood asked as they moved toward the building.
“She’s a latecomer”. Rex said.
“Do you all hate me that much?”. They heard a voice and turned back to see a girl that looked like Camille coming down from the vehicle.
“Just a minute to finish with my make up”. She said holding a brush.
“Just fall in when you’re done”. Camille said.
“That’s right, let’s go”. Mr. Fernando said and they moved into the building while Finn waited behind.
They all moved into Dahlia’s Dinning and had their seat.
The maids pushed in a roller filled with different meal and offload them to the table.
“Sorry this should have been done before your arrival, Mr. Fernando”.
“No, not at all”.
Lovely couldn’t help but let out a creepy smile.
Kind words didn’t fit his mom is any direction.
He turned and there was Camille staring at him with Rex.
“What?”. He asked.
“You finally found a potential crush Rex”. Camille said and picked the fork.
“I’ve a girlfriend bit-ch”. Rex cursed at her.
“He looks way cute than her”.
Lovely scoffed as he hit the table angrily.
Mrs. Arrowood stared dagger at him but he was way too angry.
“And successful upd@t£d your list of enemies, congratulations sister”. Rex whispered.
“C’mon have your meal Mr. Lovely, she’s only trying to get on your toes”. Rex said forcing a laugh.
“Camille!”. Mr. Fernando called out.
“I’m trying to be friendly Dad but Mr. Pineapple face isn’t”.
“They’re kids Mr. Fernando, it’s nothing”. Mrs. Arrowood said.
“That’s right”. Camille said as gulped in the content of the cu-p in front of her.
The other girl got down from the vehicle as she struggled to put her heels on.
“Let me help you with that”. Finn said moving toward her.
“hish! Almost there”. She said and successfully put it in.
“Who are you?”. She asked as she rose up.
“I’m Finn, Finn Arrowood”. He said and her eyes popped.
“Scary name for bad guys”. She said walking away.
“You got the paint of al-ipstick on your teeth”. He called out.
“Not your fu-cking business”. She fired back.
She arrived at the table and had her seat.
“And that’s Crystal”. Mr. Fernando said.
“Oh Crystal, she’s beautiful”. Mrs. Arrowood said and Camille frowned.
“Did you hear that sister, I’m way cuter than you”. Crystal said as she took off her diamond spec.
“Tell her brother who’s cuter?”. Camille said.
Rex shrugged as he gulped in the wine jui-ce he held.
“See for yourself Cami”.
“You got paint on your tooth”.
“I told her”. Finn said as he walked in.
“I didn’t invite you Mr…. What’s his name again?, Mr. Guava mouth”. Camille said and turned to her sister.
“Make up change no $h!t I’m prettier”.
“Ain’t they identical twin”. Ashley whispered at Lovely.
“Ask the bit-ch”. Lovely said.
“Can we eat in peace now?”. Diaz asked as he was feed up alre-ady.
“Who are you?”. Crystal asked.
“Kids let’s have it quiet”.
Lovely phone buzzed and he brou-ght out his phone to see the message from Kapella. “Come get your vehicle in ten minutes or I’ll dump it”. He smiled as he raised his head up.
Diaz stared at him knowing fully well that it must have been a message from Kapella.
“Um does anyone knows Kapella Elijah the upcoming pop singer? “. Camille asked and everyone turned to 8
Kapella alighted from the vehicle as the door pu-ll-ed open like it was awaiting her arrival.
“You got a car”. Steve exclaimed as she threw the key at him.
He caught it and jingle it.
“I nee-d to test ride”. He said as she walked past him.
She gr@bb£d his shi-t from behind and raised him in with one hand.
She slammed close the door and collect the key.
“Do you want to die?”. She asked and he nodded.
“You pun…..”. She paused as she perceived a pres£nce in the building.
“Is mom home?”. She asked.
“No, I should call her to tell you brou-ght a vehicle home”. Steve said.
“Shhh..”. She said and climbe-d up the stairs.
She moved to the door of her room and kicked the door open.
“Terrible entry, Kapella”. A voice said and she stepped in to see Tomar seated on her be-d.
“Steve stay down there”. She said but there was no response.
“Steve!”. She called out and ran out but he was nowhere to be found.
“We don’t rest Arctic Girl, we’re always busy”. Tomar’s voice c@m£ out from the cu-p of water on the table.
She emerged out and was now seating on the table.
“What do you want?”. Kapella asked.
“That’s the question but maybe we don’t want you anymore Kapella Elijah, everythin you used as an upper hand against us reside somewhere, someone taught you and there’s only one person who’s gone face to face with the Arctic and walk out free woman, Anita”.
“My mother is dead”.
“But she left something for you, The book”. She said and Kapella turned to her.
“Don’t be surprised, we entered into Jane’s head the last time”.
“I’m not giving you that book”. Kapella said.
“Very well Kapella Elijah, prepare four coffins but not withstanding when we’re done, we’re still coming back for you”. Tomar said and paused.
“And one ti-p, Jane must have lied you, don’t worry we’ll punish her”. Tomar said and vanished into the cu-p of water.
Kapella looked around and paused seeing the writing on the wall.
It was the list of names.
All crossed with a red marker.
Sea Tales Pres£nts :
City Mermaid
“Kapella! Ella! K!”. She could hear the soft voice echoing in her head.
She felt something ha-rd hit her and she become conscious.
“j£rk!”. Cindy cursed as Kapella woke up sweating profusely.
“Where’s Steve?”. She asked looking around.
“What are you talking about?”. Cindy asked as Kapella got down from the couch.
“They took Steve, they had your name on the wall and my parents”. Kapella said as her heart pound fast.
“Bad dream girl, you’re such a sleepy head”. Cindy said scattering her hair with her hand.
“It’s a dream”. Kapella said holding Cindy’s hand.
“What are you talking about?”. Cindy asked.
Kapella hurriedly took her phone and called her mother.
“Hey mom, where’s Steve?”. Kapella asked.
“He’s here, just picked him from school”.
“Don’t take him home mom, take him with you to work and if anything happens, call me immediately mom, call”. She said and disconnect the call.
“Kapella what’s going on?”.
“A minute”. Kapella said as she called Mr. Elijah as well.
“Hey Dad”.
“Hey girl, is alright?”. He asked.
“I’m surprised you call”.
“Just checking on you, if anything strange goes on plea-se don’t hesitate to call me”. She said and disconnect the call.
“Can you speak now?”. Cindy asked.
“The dream was so real”. Kapella said picking the keys on the couch.
“Where are you going, I nee-d to see the Mermaids, I don’t know but it looked so real”. Kapella said.
“You just finished meeting your father who you almost killed, can you calm down?”. Cindy asked.
“You don’t un-derstand Cindy, looking at him face, all I see is the man who caused the death of my mother, I felt like ripping off his face “. Kapella screamed.
“Alright, just calm and don’t let the Mermaid rage in alright”. Cindy asked.
“Yeah, I’ll take my leave now”.
“I’ll go with you”.
“No Cindy just…..”.
“Don’t push me away again Kapella, we’ve been together for long alre-ady, don’t let the Mermaid thing break our bond”.
“Fine, let’s go”. She said.
“First, your gadgets”. Cindy said walking away.
She opened a cu-pboard and pu-ll-ed out a bag.
“You felt your bag here after our last operation at school”.
“Faceless, I miss those days of risky acts”. Kapella said and she smiled as she unZi-pped it.
“Bug detector, c@m£ra detector, laser detector, signal disrupter and Bla Bla Bla, all intact”. She said Zi-pping it back.
“Thanks”. Kapella said and collect the bag.
“Can we move now?”.
They moved out of the building and got into the vehicle.
“plea-se don’t get us killed”. Cindy said.
“Really that you’ve said it I’ll make sure……”.
They were interrupted by the loud beeping in the bag.
“What’s that?”. Kapella asked.
“It’s from the bag”.
Kapella opened the bag hurriedly and brou-ght out a device blinking red alert.
“What the hell!”. She whispered and pressed a bu-tton.
A narrow laser shine out straight to her che-st.
“You got a bug in your heart”. Cindy stammered.
“That’s crazy”. Kapella said as she opened the door and got down.
The laser changed direction to the seat she left pointing straight to it.
Cindy stared at Kapella’s face and took a pen knife from the bag.
She cut round that point and stick her hand in to bring out a little device.
Kapella collects it and returned to the driver sit.
She took a pin from her bag and pushed it into a hole in the bag thereby disconnecting it.
“We should destroy it”. Cindy said.
“I’ve disconnected it alre-ady, I’ll have to crack in and find out the programmer”.
“You don’t think it’s Lovely”. Cindy asked.
“Why would he, I’ll call him, come take the steers”. Kapella said getting down from the vehicle.
“So it’s now my responsibility to get us both killed”. Cindy asked.
“That’s right Girl just make sure our bodies are found”.
Gonna rise like a Phoenix
Love is not bought
Love is earned
I’m never gonna be untamed
Never Gonna be untamed
You’re never gonna pu-ll me down
All because I’m gonna rise…
Rise like Phoenix
Camille sang loud as she increa-sed the volume of her stereo box.
“That’s alright Cami, we’ve heard the voice, it’s perfect, I’ll get someone to sign her into the music industry”. Mrs. Fernando said as he continued eating.
“You’ll do that sir “. Mr. Lovely asked.
“I can if she’s re-ady, My daughters loves so that’s a free ticket”.
“And when will you be signed into the music industry”. Rex asked.
“Dooor, I don’t sing for people “. Camille said.
” Let’s go see what she looks like, I heard she’s a beauty goddess “. Crystal said.
” That’s right “. Camille agreed.
” Kapella Elijah isn’t someone that can be found easily, you don’t have to waste your time “. Mrs. Arrowood said.
” I can arrange a meeting “. Lovely said and eveyone turned to him.
” He’s blabbing, I can arrange a meeting with her “. Diaz said.
“You guys are driving me crazy”. Camille said.
Lovely’s phone buzzed and he checked the caller.
“Hey I was about calling”. He said and paused.
“Why did you bug the vehicle?”.
“What?”. He said aloud and eveyone turned to him.
“Sorry, excuse me”. He said leaving the place.
“What are you talking about?”. He asked in a low tone as he walked down the corridor.
“You found an active bug in my vehicle? What the hell? I wouldn’t do such, why would I? It’s fu-cking not me, I’ll get the dude who delivered the vehicle, okay just calm, I’m gonna find out about this, to the depth”. He said and paused again leaning against the wall.
“We said a lot in that vehicle Kapella but I don’t think it’s my Mother, I’ll track this down, trust me alright, Love you”. He said and disconnected the call.
“What the fu-ck!”. He cursed.
“Who was that?”. He heard a voice and turned to see Roxy leaning weakly against the wall.
“Roxy, you’re up”. He said moving toward her.
“Who was that?”.
“No one just”.
“Kapella Elijah, I heard the love you p@rt loud and clear but don’t un-derstand the conversation”.
“You nee-d to rest Roxy “. He said as she leaned against him.
” How do you feel? “. He asked putting his hand behind her.
” Bad headache and catarrh”.She said sniffing.
“Don’t tell me my mom hung you upside down”. He said and she nodded slowly.
Lovely fist his hand angrily and she held it.
“It’s past alre-ady”. She whispered.
“Who fu-cking does that? She doesn’t have the right to do that to you, C’mon I’m taking you to a hospital”. He said.
“Hey”. She said pu-lling him back.
“I’m gonna be fine, I’ll take my medication, plea-se don’t get into trouble because of me, alright”.
“Mr. Candy is good at getting into trouble”. They heard a voice and looked narrowly to the corridor to see Danny.
Roxy heart pound as her headache increa-sed due to the sudden shock.
“Do you miss me?”. Danny asked raising his hand up.
“Lovely go, I can’t see this Bastard”. She said in a low tone.
Roxy entered her room and slammed close the door.
“Daughter hates me, that’s awful”. He said.
“What did you do with Kapella Elijah?”. Lovely asked moving toward him.
“Just a little chat, piece of advice”. He said and Lovely gr@bb£d his shi-t.
“I’ve heard of you always cruel to woman, Anita, isn’t that the name, evil you are and I promise you if you go close to my girlfriend one more time, you’ll regret coming to Phoenix City”. He said and let go of his shi-t walking away.
“Nice threat Mr. Candy”. He called out.
Lovely picked his keys from the Dinning table and slide it into his pocket.
“Where are you going?”. Mrs. Arrowood asked.
“It’s urgent”.
“Will you sit down?”.
“The young man says it’s urgent, you should let him you know”. Mr. Fernando said.
“Definitely, he’s fond of moving around with girls, that all”. She said and he scoffed.
“I said it he’s a pla-yboy”. Crystal said.
“Off I go”. Lovely said and walked out angrily.
“So who’s gonna hook me with Kapella Elijah now?”. Camille asked with a baby face.
“I will”. Mrs. Arrowood said and they turned to her.
Kapella got down from the vehicle with Cindy to see Madison who was standing with hands in her pocket.
“Did you hear what I said over the phone?”.
“It’s a threat, kind of a message”. She said.
“What are you talking about?”.
“The Stealers can communicate true dreams, your powers are almost like theirs so they can connect to you”. Madison said.
“What are they trying to tell me?”.
“You had the dream not me, whatever they might have said in the dream is what they want”.
“The names of my loved ones are crossed with a red pen, does it mean anything to you?”.
“Mermaids stro-ke”.
“What the hell is that?”. Kapella asked.
“Those names are their target if they don’t get what they want, they should come take your powers by themselves not requesting, are they scared now?”.
“It’s not my powers they want”. Kapella said.
“And what could they want?”.
“Something they can use to defeat me and steal my powers”. Kapella whispered.
Lovely got down from the vehicle and he jumped over the cops barricade around the crime scene.
He moved to the b©dy and pu-ll-ed the covering open.
He g@sped seeing the face and rose up.
“It’s so good to have you here Mr. Lovely, it’s a sniper bullet straight in the skull we…..”.
“Sir a message just c@m£ in on his phone”. A cop said.
“Let me have it”. Lovely said and took the phone from the cops.
“Harry where are you? You’re the next in the shift schedule”. Lovely re-ad.
‘Shift schedule of what? “. Lovely typed back.
‘ Are you crazy?, The warehouse boss asked us to guard, the rest are here for their shift, you’re suppose to take mine ‘. A message popped in.
‘ Where’s the place again cos I’m drun!kright now’. He typed back and waited but a call c@m£ in instead.
“I’ll keep the phone”. Lovely said walking back to his vehicle.
‘I told you I’m drun!k”. He text the number and rest against the seat.
‘ You’re such a bit-ch who seriously Want to lose his job, 132 Seventh Avenue, Brick Street, you should see the warehouse drun!k’. Another message popped in.
Lovely let out a soft smile and drove off speedily.
“This people are dangerous for you Kapella”. Cindy said.
“They’ve been bringing the war to me, maybe it’s time I take it to them”.
Kapella gro-an ed as she felt a slight pain in her head.
“Help me!”. She heard that faint voice.
“Lady Benita”. Kapella whispered opening her eyes.
“She’s trying to contact us but it’s possible for me because I’ve a connection with the earth”. She added.
“Don’t break the connection”. Madison said.
“It’s weak”. Kapella replied.
“” Use our true source of energy, water, strengthen it, find her “. Madison said.
Kapella looked down from the t©p of the bridge and before Cindy could say Jack she flew off it.
” And what happens if she finds her? “.
” We’ll do the necessary “. She said and a narrow water sh0t up and Kapella dived out of it landing on the edge of the bridge dripping we-t.
“I found her”.
Lovely was driving speedily on the road when his phone buzzed.
“Hey K”. He said as he took the call.
“Where are you up?”.
“Finding out about the bug”.
“What about your Mother, is she around?”.
“Um why asking? Actually we’re all having a family dinner with The Fernando when I left”.
“Fernando, which Fernando?”.
“Which Fernando do you know K, I’ve to go now, I’ve something urgent to do”.
“Alright”. He disconnect the call and throw it on the seat.
He increa-sed the speed of his vehicle as he made a sharp bend into the warehouse.
He brou-ght out a G18 pistol as a man approached the vehicle.
“Mr. Candy”. He said opening the door for him.
“Mother request that I join you all”.
“Boss I have to….”.
“Confirm I un-derstand, go ahead but if I may ask how many agents are in?”.
“Oh just this five outside Boss, the rest just left their shift is over, next shift should be here soon”.
“Alright you can go”.
He turned to leave but Lovely hits him on the spine with the pistol.
He dropped and the five men at the entrance point their gun to him.
He gr@bb£d the man’s shi-t from behind and put the gun on his head.
“You know you can’t shoot me but I’ll b!ow out his br@in if any of you try something silly”.
“Drop your guns and telecom devices, now!”. He roared.
The man quic-kly dropped their weapons and dropped every device on them.
“Move back, back!, take me to where mother kept the Mermaid”. He said.
“Sir Candy…..”.
“Just do it before I lose my temper”. He said and they turned to leave.
“Hold on, you turn off the power supply”. He beckoned at one.
One of the men moved the main switch of the wall and pushed it down.
The entire light in the warehouse went off putting the place in darkness.
“You want me to walk right straight into security c@m£ras, I’ve been working for my mother since I was born, now move”. He commanded as he handed over his phone to one after switching on flight mode.
The agent activated the torchlight and they moved into the Dark warehouse.
“There are two places, where your mother kept them, one at a p@rticular prison and the others she kept in another”. The man who Lovely pu-ll-ed along said.
“Take me to the one Mermaid held captive”.
They changed direction to an iron door that was locked.
“Step aside”. Lovely said as he let go of the man and hit the lock with his gun but the agents gr@bb£d him from behind.
“Call boss!”. One of them screamed.
Kapella, Cindy and Madison could be seen hiding behind a truck in front of the warehouse.
“There’s no one just guns on the ground”. Kapella said.
“Don’t you think it’s a tra-p!”. Madison asked.
“Cindy you don’t have to come with us”.
“I can take care of myself K, trust me”.
“See”. Madison said as a truck drove into the place.
Men with MP40 SMG alighted from it looking around.
“We nee-d to take them out before they make contact, those guns on the ground, seems someone is here before us alre-ady, oh my God, Lovely”.
Lovely fired one of the men on the foot as he struggled to break from their grip and he screamed out causing the rest to let go of him.
“You idiots!”. He roared pointing the gun at them.
“Move in! Move in!”. He roared and they opened the door and moved in.
The gun men who just arrived were wondering why the power was out when they heard the gunsh0t from inside.
They gr@bb£d their telecom to communicate but there was a more pressing issue as a hvge shadow covered the entire warehouse.
They raised their head and turning back slowly to see the big wave of water that was ris£n up to the sky at the entrance of the warehouse.
They tried to see the girl at the apex of it but couldn’t as she was at direct angle with the sun whoose ray pierced into their eyes.
“Run!”. One of them screamed but the water unleashed down flushing them and their vehicles away.
Madison bur-st out of the water holding Cindy and they moved.
A man swam out of the water to sh0t them but Cindy turned back alre-ady and sh0t his leg.
He dropped down writhing in pain when a hand pu-ll-ed him into the pas-sing water.
Kapella emerged out dripping we-t.
“I can feel their pres£nce, let’s go”.
The man raised the torch up to see Lady Benita who who was chained up with shackles to the wall and gagged.
“Take off the shackles”.
“You heard me right”.
Meanwhile the other room where the captive Mermaids has chains around their hands which was suspended down to the ceiling and their mouth gagged.
“Do you feel that?”. One of them thought.
“We do, it’s a Mermaid”.
“When I felt the pres£nce of a Mermaid in a territory close by, I thought it was their habitat and moving in to see my dear Mermaids in captivity is so disheartening”. They heard a voice in the darkness and turned to that direction.
Ice in form of a long Parang sh0t out cutting off the chains above which made the Mermaids to fall down.
“Now re-lease your saliva on your gag”. The voice rang out.
The Mermaids stared at themselves and obeyed.
The saliva iced up and broke off the gag from their mouth.
“Now sing your way out of freedom”. The voice sang.
“Who are you?”. They chorused.
“It’s a what?”. A voice sang and a Lady emerged out of the darkness causing them to g@sp in fear.
Mrs. Arrowood walked with Diaz to the balcony and paused.
“And what could be so important that you call me out of an important dinner”. She asked.
“It’s important Mother and if not now I might not have the courage some other time”. He said.
“You always have nothing tangible to say son”. Mrs. Arrowood said as she turned to leave.
“I know the Arctic”. He said and she paused.
” What did you say? “. She asked turning back.
” I said I know the Arctic “.
” Don’t pl@ygames with me “. She said gr-abbing his n£¢k.
” I’m serious Mother”.
“Then spill it, just the name”.
“I will mother and you’ll be shocked to know it’s someone right un-der our nose but I nee-d something in return, something big”.
Phoenix Consolid@t£d
Mrs. Elijah rushed past the secretary with Steve who she dragged along.
“Excuse me ma’am”. The secretary said but she was gone into the office alre-ady.
“Jane, I wasn’t..”. Mr. Elijah said rising from his chair.
“We nee-d to talk, Elijah”.
“Okay but can we suspend it for later, I’m busy right now”.
“I don’t actually care, we nee-d to talk Elijah it’s urgent”.
“What’s it?”. He asked.
“Someone gave this to Steve to Steve at school and also found one in my bag”. Mrs. Elijah said raising two cards up that had the image of a Mermaid.
“Sir someone dropped a package for you”. The secretary said as she c@m£ in with an file.
He collects it and r!pp£dit open as she left.
He di-pped his hand in and brou-ght out the same card.
The men succesfully loosed the chain and took off the gag as Lady Benita gro-an ed.
“You’re safe alright”. Lovely said.
“Your mother will always be smarter Mr. Lovely”. The man he gr@bb£d said and the ceilings broke down letting down heavily armed gun men who suspended down with a rope with the laser of their guns pointed at Lovely and Lady Benita.
“It’s over Mr. Lovely, drop your gun “. He said.
” You know I can give you anything son, now spill it “.
” What I want to ask is something precious, you hold it too dear to give it, Dahlia who raise a war against you for it “.
” Say it alright before I stick a gun into your mouth”.
“Make me the next heir of the Arrowood”.
“Lovely is the next heir isn’t he but he doesn’t truely want it mother, I’m capable, I’m the devil you raised and I’m proud of it, make me the heir”. He said.
“You really surprised me son, I’ve always seen you as the weak one”. Mrs. Arrowood said and her phone buzzed.
She took it out to stare at the message.
“No! No! No!”. She said as she dialed a number.
“Dahlia get to the warehouse immediately, we’re un-der attack”. Mrs. Arrowood said and pu-ll-ed Diaz along.
“We’re going to kill and you’re going to prove yourself”.
“Is that a yes to my request?”. He asked as they got to the Dinning.
“Am sorry but I have to leave with my son right now Mr. Fernando, it’s really urgent, an issue of life and death”. Mrs. Arrowood said.
“Do go Mrs. Arrowood, we ain’t leaving anytime soon”.
“Alright kids, feel at home”. She said and left with Diaz.
“Ashley and Finn”.
“We can’t leave the Fernando’s alone in the house I’ll call Lovely”.
“Don’t”. He said and she paused.
“Lovely is for the Mermaids not us, exclude him from this for once mother”. Diaz said.
“You have your brother’s birthright Diaz, now tell me who’s the Arctic?”. Mrs. Arrowood asked.
There was silence in the room except the water dropping from the ceiling that made a sound.
“Drop your gun Mr. Candy”. One of them said and all at once sharp ice thrû-st out from the che-st of the men and they dropped dead.
Lovely’s heart beat as the last man turned the torch to the left to see a faceless woman with scales all over her b©dy.
“Stand down!”. Lovely screamed as point the gun to her.
“Little humans”. He could hear a voice from the dripping water.
He fired at her but the bullets sticked to her scales and melted into liquid.
The man behind him screamed as something gr@bb£d him and the phone dropped.
Lovely quic-kly picked it and raised it up with the woman had vanished mysteriously.
He turned back hearing singing voices and a wave of water pushed him against the wall.
He gro-an ed seeing the crowd of Mermaids in front of him.
They sang loudly raising up the entire water and pushed it at him but it scattered into droplet and Kapella dashed in front of him with a stern look.
A sharp ice sh0t out from the midst of the Mermaids straight at Lovely but she paused it right in front of her with all of her straight.
She t©uçhed the ti-p of the ice and it melted into water.
“She’s a Mermaid”. The crowd murmured.
“She did it without singing, it’s the Arctic”. Another said.
“She really grew powerful than I expected”. A voice rang and the Mermaids knelt with one knee down.
“What’s happening?”. Madison asked as she c@m£ in with Cindy.
“The true queen is back, bow before the queen”. Lady Benita said.
Kapella, Madison and Cindy turned to the direction they were bowing to as a creature emerged out.
It was a faceless Mermaid floating in the air in her Mermaid form.
“Impossible!”. Kapella whispered.
Mr. Elijah slowly dropped the card as he sat.
“I lied that she was dead as I was instructed, now she’s back for her, she’s back for Kapella”. Mrs. Elijah said.
“No it can’t be her, she would have come for us first”. Mr. Elijah said.
“She loves ma-king an entry first”.
“She’s not here for her daughter, she’s here for revenge like she promised”. Mr. Elijah said.
“Eighteen years of waiting to feel the world again”. The Lady said as her tail transformed to legs just as her scales formed a trou-ser for her.
“It’s a stealer”. Kapella said.
“No it’s the Queen”. Madison said as she went down on one foot.
Eyes appeared on the woman’s face followed by her nose and the mouth as she wriggle her long red hair.
Kapella tried to remember where she had seen that face before but Lovely alre-ady spill it.
“Anita”. He whispered.
Kapella g@sped as she stared at the lady with tears in her eyes.
“Beautiful you are, Daughter”. She whispered as the scales disappeared from her face.