Castle of sophos episode 4 – 6

“Alessia has one so I want one”
“Alessia is well mannered but you aren’t, her parents can afford that” Gilbert stated
“My daughter us well mannered” Maureen defended
“Then get her a new car”
“Dad I’m damn serious I nee-d a car”
“And I’m also serious you ain’t getting one”
“fv¢k you dad” Margaux cussed and stormed out
“You have to talk to your daughter ” Gilbert faced his wife
“You were the one who spoilt her giving her everything she nee-ded” Maureen said in self defence
“You better talk s-en-se into her cuz you also spoilt her” Gilbert concluded then he walked out on his wife.
Maureen sighed in exasperation and headed for Margaux’s room.
“Are you leaving?” Maureen asked in shock when she saw Margaux packing up her stuffs in her suit case.
“I’m going on a trip”
“fv¢k off mum!”
And now I got home but as usual mum and dad weren’t home, just Adrian
“Hello Alessia”
“It’s Good evening Alessia” I cautioned and headed to my room but the annoying brother of mine trailed behind me
“Go away Adrian I nee-d to rest”
“No you have to bribe me first”
I st©pped on my track and turned to face him
“Bribe you?” I arched my eyebrows
“Yep” Adrian narrowed his brows then crossed his hands across his che-st
“Fine I’ll get you chocolate bars”
“A video game”
“Building blocks”
“You know I think straight so I can’t solve a puzzle” Adrian threw his hands up in the air
“A teddy bear”
“I’ve got dozens”
“Yes” he squealed
“With jam and clothed cream” Adrian added
“I will so you can go”
“Not yet I nee-d it in cash and kind
” cash and kind? ” I was confused
“Yes you’ll buy it and still give me the exact amount”
“Fine” I surrendered
Author Remio Viola
I managed to dismiss Adrian then I started packing some of my stuffs in my backpack
“you’re eloping” Adrian g@sped when he entered my room
“shhh come here” I hushed him then pu-ll-ed him by the ear and sat him on my be-d
“who thought you that word?”
“you” he accused
“me?” I asked wi-de-eyed and he nodded
“that’s a lie”
“then you’ll have to st©p watching movies and watch only cartoons”
“that’s not fair, movies are innocent it was cartoons”
“Adrian!” I called in a warning tone
“Alessia cut it out, my name is too precious to me so mind how you call it”
“Adrian for crying out loud you’re just five”
“I know but isn’t it surprising that I’m smarter than you?” he sticked out his ton-gue at me then ran away.
I and Adrian finished having dinner but mum and dad weren’t back yet so we sat in the sitting room watching a movie and fighting over a bow of popcorn
“mum is back” Adrian said then I got up
“got you” he cackled and ran away with the bowl of popcorn and I chased after him. He ran outside and we c@m£ face to face with our parents
“hello grown ups” I and Adrian chorused
“hello sweet hearts”
Dad carried Adrian in his arms while mum pe-cked him
“you’re late” Adrian accused
“sorry for that” mum apologised
“have you guys had dinner?” that was dad
“yes” I replied
“mum, dad Alessia is eloping” Adrian suddenly said
“what!” mum and dad chorused
“that’s a lie” I defended
“she bribe-d me not to tell you with this” he showed them the scones and cash I gave him
“Alessia how could you?” mum was disappointed
“you didn’t even tell us you had a d@t£” that was dad.
I gave Adrian a death glare and faced my parents. I didn’t know what to tell them cuz this was so stupid
“you shouldn’t be listening to Adrian…”
“I’ve got evidence” Adrian cut in then dragged our parents to my room
“this….” he pointed at my packed stuffs
“she’ve packed up everything and plan on leaving 12 noon when you are all asleep”
“twelve noon?” I asked with a sm-irk
“yeah twelve noon in the midnight” Adrian replied childishly and I laughed
“this is not funny Alessia” dad gave me a scowl
“how on earth could twelve noon be midnight?” I laughed
“explain these” mum said unpacking my stuffs
“we’re having a group project and we’re going on a trip, I planned on telling you guys when you return”
“that’s a lie” Adrian spat out
“fine you can call Louis”
“Louis is a guy she might be planning on elopi with him” Adrian retorted
“Adrian!” mum scolded him
“who’s teaching you all these stuffs” mum asked Adrian sternly
“her” he pointed at me and all eyes turned to me
“not again” I sighed
“dad you shouldn’t be listening to everything Adrian says hear me out”
“Adrian I hope you ain’t lying” mum turned to him
“it wasn’t Alessia it was the movies”
“don’t ground me plea-se it was actually cartoons”
“I don’t know who to trust” mum was confused
“then call Amber or Margaux”
“honey I trust Alessia” mum said to dad
“you can’t trust her what about me?” Adrian spre-ad his hands in the air
“fine I’ll call Amber’s mum” mum said and called Clara
“hello…. Is Amber going on a trip?…. On History…. Okay thank you” mum hung up
“Adrian!” she scolded
“was just thinking” Adrian scolded
“Adrian is a pain in the n£¢k” Amber chuckled when I told them about what transpired at home the previous day.
“At least you got their permission” Louis shrugged
“yeah that’s the most important thing”
“but Louis you didn’t have to cry you’re too old for that” I said and Amber laughed.
We all talked about our experiences till we were done arranging our stuffs in the truck
“so what’s first?” I asked getting into the pas-s£ngers seat while Louis got into the drivers seat and Amber and Margaux got into the back seat
“you’ll hold the map” Louis gave me the map then turned on the ignition
“you’ll tell me where to go”
“this is gonna be adventurous” that was me as I sm-irked at Margaux
“it’s gonna be ro-mantic” Amber and her crush
“ro-mantic?” all eyes turned to her
“yeah we might fall in love there” Amber said a shrug then we laughed ap@rt from Margaux who had a frown plastered on her face
“it’s gonna be The Castle Of Sophos”
Author Remio Viola
The car rode steadily on the smooth gravel road and I scanned the map
“you’ll head North now” I said
Thank God I’m a good Geogra-phy student, I’m good at map re-ading. We bu-mped throu-gh muddy pot holes and over steep ridges on an infrequently used dirt track. We rode on hills down to valleys till the car steadied on the gravel road
“what way next?” Louis asked when we c@m£ to a dead end.
We’ve been driving for three hours, Amber and Margaux had dozed off
“the map points South but there’s no road” I said, Amber and Margaux were alre-ady awake
“I knew this was a waste of time” Margaux said
“look!” Amber called our attention and we turned to her direction
“there’s a road here”
we walked to her and she was correct, there really was a way
“let’s go”
we got into the car and sped off. Trees flashed past us as we sped over the gravel road, and then the road di-pped towards the wooden bridge over a waterfall.
“This is scary” Louis st©pped the car
“check the map”
“It says use the bridge” I replied in fear
“but we can’t we’re going to die” Margaux said
“don’t speak for us speak for yourself you are gonna die not we” I stated
“Are you blind? Can’t you see the waterfall and the bridge looks old and abandoned, it can break any minute”
“can’t you be optimistic?” I sh0t Margaux a scowl
“Louis drive” I said with courage
“I can’t Alessia, this was ll my idea I’m sorry for putting you throu-gh all these but we have to go back” Louis said, bowing his head
“you can’t be serious, we’ve come this far you have to keep going” I said courageously
“aren’t you scared?” Amber asked me
“I am but at the same time I’m not” I replied
“according to the map, the bridge is the last road” I added
“lemme see” Louis took the map and started scanning
“look!” we all turned to the map and to our surprise the tracks were magically disappearing before our eyes, from the way from the school to the point we were in
“we’re tra-pped” Louis exclaimed
“there’s no way back, the map only points forward” I said and glanced at the trio
“we have to keep going”
“I’m in” that was Amber
“I’m in but I can’t drive” Louis said
“then I’ll drive” I offered then switched seats with Louis
“I can’t trust my life in your hands” Margaux screamed but no one said anything
“we’re in this together” I heaved a de-ep sigh and turned on the ignition.
Slowly but steadily, I made for the bridge. At first I was fidgeting but when I got to the bridge, a new courage clouded me and I increa-sed the speed. Amber shut her eyes as I drove on the bridge. The bridge was strong until we got to the center and began hearing ropes loosing and planks breaking. Louis looked over his shoulder and yelled
“the bridge is falling!”
I got scared as I glanced throu-gh the window and saw the bridge falling. I looked forward, we still had a long way to go and the bridge was falling fas-ter. I increa-sed the speed as the bridge kept on falling un-der the wheels of the car
“fas-ter” Louis hurled
“I’m trying” I said in fear and increa-sed the speed
“we’re almost there” Louis said in a whisper as I got to the other end
“this is the last rope holding the bridge” Margaux pointed at the last rope we could see
“it’s about cutting” Amber said and shut her eyes and “boom!” the rope cut.
All we could hear were screams from Amber and Margaux
“chill girls we’re at the other end” Louis said with a smile then they opened their eyes
“we made it” Amber squealed
“but there’s no way back” She added sadly, staring at the fallen bridge
“we’re tra-pped” Margaux sighed
“check the map” I told Louis then he opened the map and the bridge started disappearing
“now there is no way back” Louis sighed
“what next?” I asked
“we have to climb that mountain” Louis pointed at a high mountain
“the castle is at the t©p” he added
“that’s more scary than the waterfall, someone might just fall and die”
“not again Margaux, try to be optimistic” I said
“put on your helmets, it’s time for mountain climbing” Louis sm-irked and got down
“I’m not a mountaineer” Margaux protested
“then you can wait for us in the car or go back” I chuckled and also got down. Louis opened the booth and we took out our backpacks
“how do I go up there with my suitcase?” that was Margaux
“sort yourself out” Amber replied her then we put on our helmets and started climbing up the mountain.
“I’m scared” that was Amber
“plea-se don’t fidget Amber” I encouraged then we continued our mountain climb
“aren’t we there yet?” Margaux asked
“we’re almost there, it’s at the mountain t©p” Louis replied
“when we get back, I’ll take mountaineering serious” Amber said and I fought the urge to chuckle. We finally reached the t©p.
“we made it!” Louis exclaimed joyously
“someone help me”
“what was that?” I asked as everyone went silent
“look over here it’s me”
we turned and it was Margaux, she was struggling to climb to the t©p. We joined hands together and pu-ll-ed her up but unfortunately her suit case fell out.
Author ~ Remio Viola
(Lemme close my ear for the way Margaux is gonna shout)
“ahhhh my suitcase” Margaux skrie-ked
“it’s down there you can go get it” Amber said
“how could you be so careless?”
“yeah, we were careless to help you we could had just let you fall” Louis said then turned to me
“what’s next?”
“the castle” I replied
We looked around for the castle but there was no sign of it.
“where is it?” I asked
Louis put down his backpack and brou-ght out Mr Menteth’s book. He fli-pped throu-gh the pages and opened the page about the castle.
“it says here…” he re-ad out
“that the castle is invisible and full of wisdom and can only be seen by the eyes that loves and is wise”
“that’s absurd” I said
“we’ve got to find the castle there’s no way back” Amber said
“the book says only those who love and are wise can see it, you’re all foolish how do you expect to see it?” Margaux hurled
“look!” I pointed at the castle as it appeared faintly and soon it bec@m£ visible.
“we found it” Amber squealed
“found what?” Margaux asked
“the castle, can’t you see it?” Amber was so excited
“I can’t see anything” Margaux cried out
“that’s because you’re foolish” I sm-irked at her then we headed for the castle
“where are you going to? You’re gonna fall off the cliff” Margaux warned
“there’s no cliff, it’s the castle” Amber laughed
We got to the castle and I knocked on the hvge metal gate
“ouch!” I whinced in pain
“the gate is too strong” I said
“we nee-d to find something ha-rd like… This” Louis picked up a stone and threw it at the gate
“have you lost you mind Louis? Why are you throwing stones off the cliff? It won’t make the castle appear from no where it was all a fiction” Margaux yelled
“are you really not seeing anything?” I was now concerned while Louis kept on throwing stones. Suddenly the gate opened and two hvge men c@m£ out
“hey!” they gr-unted
“hello sir” we greeted then they glanced at each other then back at us
“Who are you?” one of them asked
“we… are from… a faraway land… and…” I was short of words
“come away! (come here)” the other man said
“what a wrong English” Amber scoffed
“why are you talking to yourselves?” Margaux asked but we ignored her
“it’s not wrong English Amber, they’re behind the time” Louis explained
“no wonder they still wear doublets instead of sweatshi-ts” I said
“we seek pas-sage” Louis told the men
“you mar our labour (you’re preventing us from doing our work)” one of the men said and made to shut the gate
“a word” Louis prompted
“what was that?” I asked
“it means I wanna speak to you” Louis explained in a whisper
“say on” the men gestured
“we want to go in”
“what stuff is that? (what are you talking about?)” the men asked Louis not un-derstanding what he said
“how do we tell them?” Louis thought aloud
“just pl@ya trick” Margaux said though she still wasn’t seeing anything
“that’s wise” I exclaimed and the castle bec@m£ visible to Margaux
“I can see it” she squealed
“really?” Amber asked
“that’s cuz she made a wise suggestion” Louis said
“Lo! (look!)” Louis sought the attention of the men and they turned to him
“the witch!” Louis screamed then the two men ran out, leaving the gate open
“where?” the scurried about
“yond! (over there)” Louis pointed and the men got distracted
We ran into the castle and ran very fast. Lucky for us, the men were too hvge to run fast. We ran about not knowing where to head. The castle was very beautiful and ancient, everyone dressed in ancient wears.
“over there!” Louis pointed to a crowed of people then we ran and hid ourselves in their midst though our dressings gave us out.
“what’s happening?” I asked in a whisper
“it’s a religious gathering where the heir to the throne is paraded amongst the people and rituals are made” Louis explained
“is he the prince?” Amber asked pointing at the figure that was sitting on a high throne
“he carries a br@ve form (he has a splendid appearance)” a heard a girl saying then we turned to their direction
“what a gallant (what a fine gentleman)” the other exclaimed
“they’re drooling over him” I said
“he’s a thing divine” Amber drooled
“did you just say that?”
“it’s a line from Shakespeare” Amber replied
“legend says he’s the most beautiful creature ever” Louis said
“look!” Margaux screamed
“the men”
We turned to see the hvge men running after us
We continued our race, we ran till we saw what looked like a chamber
“this way” Louis beckoned
“hope we don’t get lost” I p@n-ted
“or get eaten by a dragon” Amber shuddered then we laughed and continued running.
“over there” Louis pointed at a tunnel
“it’s a tunnel, we might get lost” I protested
“how about we get caught and executed” Louis said
“why will we get executed?”
“cause they’ll think we’re aliens and will kill us”
“I’m not…”
“halt!” we heard someone bellow and we turned to see the handsome prince and his guards.
Amber was alre-ady drooling.
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