Castle of sophos episode 24 – 26

Author~ Remio Viola
We rode as fast as we could, following their tracks but when we got to a sp©t we couldn’t find any more tracks.
“this was a tra-p it leads to nowhere” Jace sighed in exasperation
“does Ajax or any of them know where the locket is?” Amber asked
“Margaux knows” Helen replied
“this is bad”
“where do we go now?” Jace asked to no one in p@rticular
“this path leads to the countryside” we heard someone say then we turned to see a man that looked more like a god
“Plutus” Helen cried out and flung herself into his arms
And I was right, he was a god
“my beautiful Helen I never thought I would see you again” Plutus said and cu-mpped Helen’s cheeks in his palms
“me too what are you doing here?”
“I was just strolling when I sighted your horses then I decided to follow you to know where you were going cause this path leads to the countryside”
“did you see for persons pas-s with horses?” Helen asked
“I did a while ago but they’re far gone by now?”
“which path did they take?”
“I’ll show you but if I may ask what could be the problem?” Plutus asked with a hidden sm-irk
“they are our friends and they left drun!kso we nee-d to find then before they crash or get into any harm” I interrupted before Helen could reply cause I didn’t want to make the same mistake I made with Gabrielle
“really? Then we’ll nee-d more horses” Plutus said not fully convinced
“you can help us with more”
“come with me”
“do we really have time for that?” Jace put in
“I’ll be quic-k” Plutus replied then tried walking out with Helen but we were smart enough to follow them
I could the hurt and hatred in Ares’ eyes was he watched them. I wanted to hit Plutus really ha-rd but since he was going to help us then I’ll just have to endure.
We c@m£ to a beautiful shack which had a stable nearby then we picked new horses and set out to find Ajax and the rest.
We rode down the way Plutus showed us and sure enough there were horses track, I was the only one who noted this cause the rest were just fixed on the road.
“we’ll go this way” Plutus said turning to another direction while the tracks leads else where.
“but that’s not the way” I protested
“I heard their voices over here” Plutus argued
“look where the tracks leads” I pointed at the tracks and Plutus was shocked to see I was noting the tracks.
“I you surprised? Were you planning to kidnap us or something” Jace yanked, guess he hates Plutus
“Jace be more polite” Helen cautioned
“Ajax’s mistakes and fondness for Gabrielle led us into this am not gonna welcome yours” Jace seethed and headed to the tracks I pointed. Ares glanced at me then I shrugged I followed Jace and so did Ares, Plutus and Helen.
“aren’t you going to tell me why you’re here?” Plutus suddenly asked
“why we’re here?” I asked like I didn’t hear his question
“that’s not your business” I stated with a scowl
“Alessia” Helen hurled
“Jace alre-ady answered that” I spat out then we continued in silence.
We got to a desert and sighted Ajax and the rest from afar resting on the dusty ground
“isn’t that Margaux?” Amber asked pointed at a figure that looked like Margaux
“it’s them let’s hurry” I yanked then we rode fas-ter and when we got to them, they were alerted. Ajax got up with a start and drew his sword.
“get back” Ajax warned us
I glanced at them and they all had the same blue eyes
“do you really wanna fight us Ajax?” Jace asked drawing his sword
“Jace he’s un-der a spell becareful” Amber reminded
“no way am gonna beat him up for letting a woman hypnotize him” Jace replied then advanced towards Ajax
“fight him Ajax” Gabrielle instructed then Ajax attacked Jace furiously
“Jace is gonna get hurt Ajax is a god” Amber cried out and Gabrielle sm-irked at us
“hey Gabrielle” I called out and walked up to her
“whatever it is Alessia” Gabrielle sm-irked and turned to me
“you’re a bit-ch” I cussed and sl@pped her across her face
“how dare you?” Gabrielle seethed and pushed me away with a gust of wind then I flew and hit my head on a small stone
“Alessia are you okay?” Amber asked helping me up
“am fine” I held my heard and got up to see Gabrielle sm-irking at me while the two bestfriends fought fiercely
“where do you think you’re going?” Amber held me back when I tried walking back to Gabrielle
“am not done with her”
“can’t you see she has powers?”
“does that really matter?” I scoffed then yanked her hands off and advance towards Gabrielle.
Gabrielle saw me coming towards her then she fli-cked her wrist and the gust of wind appeared again.
I formed a cross with my hands to block the wind though I knew it was useless but too my surprise the wind changed direction and pushed Gabrielle away.
“Ajax you’ve got to st©p” I bellowed
“Ajax change to a beast” Gabrielle ordered with a loud voice then Ajax quic-kly changed to a bear a flung Jace away
“Jace” Amber cried out and ran to help Jace up
“kill all of them all” Gabrielle yelled then the bear turned to me
“Ajax don’t” I pleaded
Author~ Remio Viola
“Ajax don’t” I said as I stepped backward
“Kill her Ajax” Gabrielle yelled
Ajax raised his hand to pick me cuz I was little compared to his bear form
“Ajax….” I shut my eyes and waited my fate but then I head gro-an s and I opened my eyes to see Ares standing before me
“are you okay?”
“yeah” I nodded that was when I saw Ajax getting up from the ground then I un-derstood that Ares had intervened on time.
Ares advanced towards Ajax or should I say the bear.
“don’t hurt him Ares” I cried out as Ares flung Ajax away. Ajax is a bear and a god but Ares is the god of war.
“we nee-d to get Margaux” Amber yelled
I turned to where Margaux stood with Gabrielle and Louis then back to Ares and Ajax. Ajax brou-ght out his claws and pounced on Ares but Ares was quic-k to dodge. Ares got furious and brou-ght out his spear and pierced Ajax on his arm, I got really scared cuz Ares might hurt Ajax. I ran into there midst and in an attempt to hit Ares, Ajax punched me and I flew to a far distance and pas-sed out.
“let’s go” Plutus said to Helen
“we can’t leave them here” Helen protested
“Ares might come for you again”
“what about Sophos?”
“Sophos will be fine” Plutus persuaded then Helen reluctantly agreed. Plutus and Helen mounted on their horses and rode off.
“they’re leaving” Amber alerted Ares then Ares mounted on his horse and went after them.
Ajax fell to the ground and turned back to his human form.
“Ajax you gotta get back to you” Jace hurled
“look what you did to Alessia” he added and pointed and my unconscious b©dy
“Alessia!” Ajax called then ran to me holding his bleeding arm
“are you okay now Ajax?” Amber asked as they knelt beside me and Ajax took me in his arm
“what did I do” Ajax cried in regret then used his palm that was alre-ady stained with his blood to t©uçhed my bleeding nose.
Just as our bloods c@m£ to contact, I felt a rush in my head and suddenly bec@m£ conscious.
“what happened?” I asked getting up
“Ajax” I noticed his pres£nce and suddenly his eyes turned to red and blue again then back to it’s normal green
“where are we?” Ajax asked looking around
“you don’t recall anything?” Jace asked him
“what… What are we doing in a desert?”
“it’s a long story but thank goodness you’re back” I smiled then hvgged him
“awwn….” Amber drawled
“you nose is bleeding” Ajax said pu-lling from the hvg then I t©uçhed my nose and saw blood on my palm
“am okay”
I nodded still beaming with smiles
“Gabrielle is getting away with Louis and Margaux” Amber alerted us just as they mounted on their horses and tried ri-ding off
“let’s st©p them” Ajax hoisted me off the ground then we ran and mounted on our horses and chased them.
Ares caught up with Plutus and Helen then he jumped on Helen’s horse and took control of her horse.
“let me go Ares” Helen struggled to push Ares off
“let her go Ares she doesn’t love you” Plutus said and tried kicking Ares off the horse
“you’re a loser Plutus”
“let her choose”
“she’s not choosing” Ares hurled then turned the horse around
“let me go Ares I can’t love you” Helen yanked
“and you can’t love Plutus either”
“what are you going to do? Lock me up again?”
“st©p… struggling else… we crash” Ares warned
“then let me be”
“Ares you’re a coward” Plutus cursed then attacked Ares with his spear
“you’re no match for me” Ares scoffed and kicked Plutus far away and he fell from his horse
“Plutus” Helen cried out
“you’re a beast” she cursed then yanked the Ares hands off her and they accidentally crashed on a tree and fell of.
Helen pas-sed out immediately she fell but Ares was still standing. He carried her in his arms and mounted on the horse again.
He rode straight to then sea and waited for us.
we finally caught up with Louis but Margaux and Gabrielle were gone.
“Louis are you okay?” we asked Louis who was lying helplessly on the ground
“am…fine?” he stuttered holding his temple
“where did Gabrielle take Margaux?” I asked
“to the sea she wants Margaux to get the locket”
“what? Margaux swims better than me” I yanked
“we nee-d to get to sea first” Ajax stated then we got back on our horses and headed for the sea.
We arrived at the sea and saw Ares alre-ady with Helen and they were talking like friends.
“wait! Tell me am seeing things” I said excitedly
“I guess we’re all seeing things” Amber chuckled
We looked at the other end of the sea and saw Gabrielle and Margaux standing with Diana.
“I can’t compete with Margaux” I said
“you gotta this is our only chance” Amber persuaded
“Diana can’t win” Athena appeared
“Athena” we all turned to her
“you can do this Alessia” she said peering into my eyes
“where’s the locket?” I asked
“I threw it in the middle of the sea near that ice burg but I don’t know where it landed”
“why is Margaux not moving?” I asked
“cuz they have no idea where the locket is they’re waiting for you to make the first move”
I dived into the water and so did Margaux.
Author~ Remio Viola
I swam as fast as I could but Margaux was more fas-ter, I only had one hope in it which was she had no idea were the locket was. I let her swim ahead of me then I swam to the ice burg, when she saw I had changed direction she c@m£ after me and in no distant time she caught up with me.
I used my eyes to search for the locket and the annoying thing was that I had no idea what the locket looked like.
“it’s a fine silver locket of a bird” Athena’s voice rang in my head
How did she re-ad my thoughts?
I got to the bo-ttomof the sea and searched thor0ûghly for the locket and so did Margaux. I sighted a silver thing p@rtly covered with sand then I picked it up and lo! It was the locket.
I smiled to myself and made to swim back to surface when Margaux yanked the locket off my hand. I dived to pick it up but she was fas-ter and got it before me. I swam after her but she swam like a fish.
I tried all I could but she was so fast and soon she we got to surface.
“she has…the…locket” I coughed out water
“am sorry I failed you”
I could see the rage and hurt in Ajax’s eyes
“am so sorry”
“it’s okay you tried you best” Ajax patted my shoulder then ran off with Jace. I glanced at Diana who had a sm-irk on her face as she held the locket.
“no” I shook my head
“Sophos is gonna be doomed and we will never get back” I said sadly.
Diana sm-irked at Ajax as he approached her then she vanished and so did Ajax
“I think he went after her” that was Amber
“where are they headed?” I asked Helen
“to The Seat of Light” Helen replied
“can we get there on time?” I asked
“yes” she nodded
“I’ll join them” Ares said and also vanished
“let’s go” I took a last glance at where Diana stood but Gabrielle was no longer there except Margaux who la-id helplessly on the ground.
“I think we should go help her” I suggested
“no not after she betrayed us” Amber disagreed
“she wasn’t herself” Helen said
“Diana used her just like she used Louis and Ajax” Helen cut in
We walked to where Margaux la-id then helped her get on a horse and headed for ‘The Seat of Light’
We arrived at a tower and quic-kly ran inside. We met Ajax fighting with Gabrielle while Ares was fighting fiercely with Plutus and Diana was climbing a very high stair that led to a throne at the t©p.
“where’s she going?” I asked Helen
“to the seat anyone who sit’s on it with locket in his hands get’s all power and becomes and immortal no one will be able to defeat her if she get’s there”
I swallowed an invisible lump in my throat then ran to the stair without thinking.
I was very good at climbing so it didn’t take me much time to get to Diana. I ti-p-toed behind her and gr@bb£d her from behind. She tried yanking me off but I held her ti-ght.
“get…off” she said throu-gh gritted teeth. I pushed her and she fell off the stair down to the floor but she still held on to the locket.
“fool” she cursed then fli-cked her f!nger and a gust of wind blew me off the stair and I landed on the floor gr-unting in pain.
I looked up and saw Diana hurrying up the stairs then I quic-kly got up and ran after her. I picked a club and headed up the stairs, when I got to her again I used the club to hit her on her head from behind.
To my surprise she wasn’t affected instead she turned and used the club to hit me on my forehead. I felt pain and I felt blood trick-ling down my face from my forehead then into my mouth. My head was now spinning and I felt I was going to pas-s out. I held the stair rails to support myself from falling as I watched Diana approached the seat.
“you can’t give up this is your battle Alessia” I heard Athena’s voice echo in my head. I felt a strange strength in me again then I ran after Diana. She was alre-ady standing before the seat and was about sitting down when I arrived.
I dived at her and pushed her out before she could sit.
“you intruder” she hurled and flung her hand to hit me but to my astonishment I caught her hand. I targeted the locket on her hand and went for it and before she knew my next move I snatched the locket from her.
“Ajax!” I called and threw the locket to him
“fool” Diana cursed as her eyes turned red then she pushed me off the high stair. I felt life going out of me but then two strong hands caught me in mid air. I opened my eyes to see Ajax flying with me in his arms.
“thank you” I mouthed then pas-sed out.
Ares had stabbe-d Plutus in his heart and he died with blood gushing out of every p@rt of his b©dy while Gabrielle unconsciously stabbe-d herself on her stomach.
Diana flew down the stairs in rage and went after Ajax. Ajax stood re-ady for her attack but to his surprise she knelt before him…
“I wronged you
I was a useless mother but I want you to forgive me” Diana pleaded
“get up mother” Ajax said then hvgged Diana
“I want you to be happy” she sobbe-d
“I will always be happy cause this is over” Ajax replied