Castle of sophos episode 10 -11

Author~ Remio Viola
“finally” Diana spoke throu-gh Margaux as she held the lamp in her hands and turned to leave
“what are you doing with the lamp?” Ajax asked to Diana’s/Margaux’s astonishment
“I… Just…”
“answer me” Ajax seethed
“nothing” Diana replied then dropped the lamp
“what are you up to Margaux?” Ajax asked stepping closer to her
“I…” Diana immediately left her and she fell but Ajax was quic-k to catch her
“what am I doing here?” Margaux asked to no one in p@rticular as Ajax made her stand to her feet
“you just walked in here and tried ma-king away with the lamp and now you’re asking what you’re doing here like you forgot” Ajax scolded
“get me the lamp” Diana’s words c@m£ rushing in her head and that was when she remembered Diana’s visit and how she possessed her
“Diana” Margaux cussed un-der her breathe
“did you just say Diana?”
“did I say that loud?” Margaux covered her mouth with her palm
“did Diana visit her? Are you working for her?”
“don’t say that” Diana said to Margaux then possessed her
“I don’t know Diana I just saw the inscription there” Diana said throu-gh Margaux then made and inscription of ‘Diana’ appear faintly on the wall
“how did this get here?” Ajax used his f!ngersto trace the inscription then turned back to Margaux
“what brou-ght you here?”
“I just wanted to see the lamp” Diana lied
“but why are you here?” she asked Ajax
“guarding the lamp” Ajax replied then took a seat beside the table
“can I join you?” Diana asked evily with a sm-irk which she managed to hide from Ajax
“you should go to be-d”
“I don’t want to” Diana replied and also took a seat
“this lamp means a lot to my kingdom” Ajax said
“tell me….” Diana sm-irked
“Alessia” a voice called as I sle-pt peacefully on my be-d
I fluttered my eyes open but saw no one then I shut it back
“Alessia!” the voice bellowed and I got up with a start
“who’s there”
“it’s Athena go st©p Ajax from telling Margaux about the lamp”
“but she’s p@rt of us and…”
“Go!” Athena bellowed
“okay” I got down from my be-d and headed sluggishly for the door
“run Alessia run to the jewelry house”
“when we get to the grave we’ll…”
“Ajax!” I called entering the jewelry house and he was really telling Margaux about our plans
“Alessia” he called softly then got up
“what are you doing here?” Margaux with a scowl
Now Margaux might be harsh but that didn’t sound like her
“Ajax we nee-d to talk” I ignored her and said to Ajax
“sure” he tried walking to me but Margaux held him back
“don’t go” she said and tried ma-king eye contact with him as her eyes turned blue
“Ajax” I bellowed and he turned to me
“what’s going on?” he was now confused
“you can’t just leave me here” Margaux said
“he won’t be leaving you have to leave” I said kinda rudely
“I got here before you why not you go back to be-d” Margaux retorted but it was actually Diana who was speaking
“Alessia say what you wanna say” Ajax said to my surprise
“Ajax it’s pri-vate”
“then it has to wait” he added and Margaux smiled
“I had a nightmare” I lied and feigned tears
“really?” Ajax left Margaux and walked up to me
“and I think I’m being haunted” I lied
“come seat” he made me seat on a chair then sat beside me
“how are you feeling?” he asked then placed the back of his palm on my forehead and Margaux glared at me
“I’m so scared” I said then rest my head on his shoulder as her pat my back
“it’s okay”
“I’m still standing here” Margaux skrie-ked
“uhm… Margaux… We’ll talk later” Ajax said then she glared at us and stormed out
“what happened?” Ajax asked then I started thinking of a perfect lie cause I didn’t know why Athena told me st©p them
“well…” just then we heard Margaux scream and we ran out to see her lying on the floor and screaming
“Margaux are you alright?” I held her in my arms while she kept on screaming and trying to run away like she was being tormented
“my lord” two bows greeted and bowed to Ajax
“call Aileen” Ajax instructed
“who’s Aileen?”
“a sorceress”
“light be so bright
and tears change to fears
as fire never tires
and darkness be powerless” Aileen sang as she danced around Margaux who was lying unconsciously on a stoned be-d
“fair as the sun
dark as the night
soft as the wind
bright as Aileen the t©uçh of light” she demonstrated with her hand and light was reflecting on Margaux.
I, Amber, Ajax, Louis and some of the royal family stood watching Aileen as she made some incantations.
“light and darkness
love and hatred
red and black
darkness and wickedness
stricks in our eyes”
“will she be fine?” Amber whispered to me
“let’s just keep hoping” I replied
“she’s been tormented” Aileen said turning to face us
“by who?” Ajax asked
“a spirit but I can’t see who it is” Aileen replied
“will she be fine?” I asked
“she will”
“there’s a new prophecy” Aileen announced
“what does it say?” Ajax asked
“I don’t un-derstand the writing you’ll have to meet the wizard” Aileen replied
Author~ Remio Viola
We left Aileen’s palace and headed home.
“who’s the wizard?” I asked Ajax
“his name is Gwydion and he lives in a cave”
“let’s go see him” I suggested
“we’ll do that when Margaux is awake” Ajax replied
“let’s go now so we can start the journey when Margaux wakes up”
“yeah that would be more convenient” Amber agreed
We arrived at a dark cave that looked so abandoned with cobwebs on the entrance.
“no one ever visit’s here spiders alre-ady weaved webs on the entrance” I said
“we visit here on every full moon the webs were caused by the wizard he uses it as his door and it’s really poisonous no one ever enters without his cons£nt” Ajax explained
“then how do we call him out? We can’t possibly knock on th web” I asked jocularly
“he’ll see us” Ajax replied
“he has a globe he uses to watch around the castle and outside the cave he’ll see us throu-gh it” Ajax replied
“seriously? Is his globe broken?” Louis asked in frustration after we had waited for twenty minutes
“that’s ridiculous” Ajax chuckled
“I also think so why hasn’t he seen us?” that was Amber
“or maybe he’s asleep” I said and we all laughed
“who’s disturbing my meditation?” A voice hurled and we looked up to see and old man with long white beards, wearing a long white robe and holding a staff and my instincts told me he was the wizard.
“we seek thee great one” Ajax gave a head bow
“come in but I don’t nee-d nosy people” Gwydion said and the webs vanished.
We got up from where we were sitted and walked to the entrance.
“the prophecy is a secret” Gwydion prompted as we were about to step in but how did he know we were here for the prophecy?
“I nee-d just two persons” he added.
We all exchanged glances then their gaze fell on me.
“let’s go” Ajax beckoned and I followed him inside the cave
“have a seat” Gwydion offered when we were inside the cave.
I was confused cuz the cave was full of status and candles and smoke but no chair.
“where do we sit?” I asked Ajax in a whisper
“on the ground” Ajax replied
“what?” I exclaimed but I guess I did that loud cuz the wizard said
“you may stand if you wish”
I looked at Ajax who was alre-ady sitted on a chair
“just sit” he told me and I sluggishly tried sitting on the floor the a chair appeared and I sat on it
“the cave is full of magic” Ajax told me
“you seek the prophecy” Gwydion stated rather than a question
“but the prophecy will either lead to your success or your doom” he went on.
I glanced at Ajax whose attention was fixed on the wizard
“what does the prophecy say?” Ajax asked
The wizard gave us a sm-irk and turned to the wall that had many write ups on it and I guess they were past prophecies but not written in a language I can un-derstand. He said some incantation then used the ti-ps of his f!ngersto clean a plain p@rt of the wall where there was no write up and suddenly a write up appeared.
“the new prophecy” Ajax g@sped
“it says…” Gwydion re-ad out
“out of the beautiful flowers shall arise a thong hidden in the form of a flower that will tear the flowers ap@rt, the garden will be divided and only two hearts as one will resto-re the garden”
“that’s a riddle” I said
“all the prophecies are riddles” Ajax told me
“then he should explain the riddle” I said
“that’s not how it’s done
this is Sophos and everyone is expected to be wise”
“do you un-derstand the prophecy?” Gwydion asked
“no” we chorused
you’re not supposed to so run along I gat stuffs to do” Gwydion waved his hands in the air as a sign that we’re dismissed. We got up and the chairs vanished
“thank you” Ajax bowed then we turned to leave
“this prophecy should lie between the both of you” Gwydion prompted
“so those who go to the un-derworld and lie then come to earth to speak will not hear of it” he added then we nodded and left
“what does the prophecy say?” Amber asked when we were out of the cave
“it says you should keep you mouth shut till we get the locket” Ajax replied and we all bur-st into laughter
“our journey begins tonight” Ajax said
“do you think Margaux will be fine by then?” Louis asked
“she will” Ajax replied then we were silent til we got back to the place.
Ajax, King Alesandro his father, Calix, Egan, Homer, Icarus and Orin who made up the council of seven were sitted as they discussed about our journey.
“what does the prophecy say?” King Alesandro asked Ajax
“the wizard doesn’t un-derstand” Ajax lied
“Gwydion un-derstands everything” Calix argued
“maybe you should go visit him yourself cuz he told us nothing” Ajax replied
“Diana is back and we nee-d to st©p her” Orrin said
“and we nee-d to know the prophecy so we can set out a line of action” Calix said
“you seem so desperate about the prophecy” Icarus spoke up
Author~ Remio Viola
“I’m not desperate, I just want the progress of the Castle” Calix said in self defense
“well the prophecy isn’t for us so we should be thinking of a strategy to get the locket” Ajax said
“Ajax and his friends will set out on the journey tonight” King Alesandro informed
“isn’t it too late to begin a journey?” Egan asked
“we nee-d to protect Sophos and I’ll do that day or night” Ajax said
“this is gonna be so adventurous” Jace, Ajax’s friend said as he mounted on his horse
“I love adventures” Amber giggled
“I just wanna go home” Margaux said as she tried to stable her horse
“I can’t ride a horse” I said as I tried mounting on my horse to no avail
“me too” that was Amber
“how about you Margaux?” Ajax asked Margaux
“I can ride”
“it’s too dark to start practicing horses and besides horses from the royal stable are so crazy like the royal family” Jace said and we all bur-st into laughter ap@rt from Ajax who was pissed off
“really? Not as crazy as the Evan’s” Ajax sm-irked
“that’s not true everyone knows my family is a noble one”
“I don’t know that” Ajax said as he tried helping mount on my horse but I couldn’t
“I don’t want some pretty damsel ruining her face” Jace said referring to me
“I can’t do this I’ll trek” I gave up
“it’s late for that and it’ll cause us delay” Ajax disagreed
“I’m not ri-ding on this horse” Amber exclaimed
“come on girls we don’t have time” Louis said
“let’s do it this way
I’ll ride with Alessia and you’ll ride with Amber” Jace suggested to Ajax
“no let’s do it the other way round” Ajax protested and that was it.
I rode with Ajax as we pu-ll-ed my horse along and so did Amber and Jace.
“we’re heading for the grave” Ajax said when we had gone a long distance
“what do you mean Aileen doesn’t un-derstand the prophecy?” Diana hurled as she glared at the figure standing before her
“the prophecy is only known to Gwydion” the figure said
“how do I get into the cave? How do I know their plans?” Diana asked frustrated as she paced about
“Gwydion’s cave is secured with spells” the figure said
“I’ll visit Margaux” Diana said to herself
“she’s too weak to withstand my torment” Diana sm-irked
“what about the girl?” the unknown figure asked
“Alessia? Athena is with her it will be difficult to get her but get her will be my greatest achievement”
“the grave” I g@sped at the sight of the tomb before us and the cave beside it
“that’s the grave Helen was kept” Ajax told us
“is she in there?” Louis asked
“let’s go into the tomb” Jace said and dismounted from his horse while he helped Amber down and we did same.
“Diana is around” Ajax said looking around
“the place is quite there’s…”
“the bond” Ajax interrupted Louis
“let’s get going we don’t have time” I said running to the tomb with Ajax who held the lamp like his life depended on it
“we Can’t all go in” Jace suddenly said
“why?” Amber asked
“incase Diana attacks” Jace replied
“we can’t possibly fight a witch” Margaux said
“we’ll nee-d to map out a plan…”
“cobwebs” I gr-unted as I, Ajax and Louis walked inside the tomb with the lamp and a t©uçh
“the tomb is like a house” Louis said
“ahhh” I screamed when I hit my leg on a rock
“what’s wrong?” Ajax asked
“it hurts” I winced in pain
“it’s…” Louis checked what I hit then said
“a grave”
“lemme see” Ajax squ-atted beside the stone grave and smiled
“we found it”
“so what do we do now?” I asked
“I don’t know” Ajax replied
“what? Don’t tell me I c@m£ out here for nothing” Louis blurted out
“where’s Athena?” I asked to no one in p@rticular as I stared around
“let’s open the grave” Louis suggested and tried pushing the stone covering the grave
“no” Ajax held him back
“but why?” Louis asked
“the light in there will kill us”
“then what do we do?” I ran my hand throu-gh my hair in frustration
“Diana will be here soon” Ajax said worriedly
“keep the lamp beside the grave” I instructed and Ajax put it down
“what next?”
“I dunno” I hissed
“open the grave”
“what?” Ajax exclaimed
“were not gonna die, they died because they didn’t have a strong lamp to contain the light but we have the lamp” I tried convincing them
“no way I’m I gonna die like this” Louis said stepping back
“there’s no way back if Diana get’s the lamp we’ll still die” I cut in
“Are you sure of this Alessia?” Ajax asked standing to his feet
“you won’t open it completely just make a little gap” I said then he nodded and squ-atted again
“come help” Ajax beckoned and I joined him but Louis was still standing
“come on Louis” I beckoned and he reluctantly joined us
“one the count of three
And light filled the room like we were going to go blind
“Ajax quic-k the lamp” I called out and Ajax quic-kly opened the lamp then the light entered the lamp and he shut it
“that was easy” Ajax g@sped
“where are their bones?” I asked as we opened the grave fully
“Sophos’ turn to light no bones” Ajax replied
“let’s go”
We turned around and were shocked