Castle of love episode 47 & 48

Castle of love episode 47


(Paul goes to Paris house)

Mr Smith: My prince, Good evening

Paul: How’s your evening going Mr Smith?

Mr Smith: Very well

Paul: Where’s Paris, she should be re-ady for our d@t£ by now

Paris: (from the hallway) I’m coming.

(Paris enters the living room dazzling in a bright red short go-wn with silver earrings and n£¢klace and her hair up in a bun)

Paul: Wow, could you be any prettier?

Paris: (blus-hes) Don’t start drooling!

Paul: I won’t, We should be leaving now

Mr Smith: Okay, You two should have fun (Quietly to Paris) Make sure you do not have S-x with him in his car

Paris: (shrugs her shoulder) Dad!

Paul: (smiles) Let’s go Paris.

(At a fast food restaurant)

Paul: What’ll you be having?

Paris: Just some salad, Can’t eat heavy fatty and calorie foods, I’m watching my weight

Paul: Nice, Well no pain no gain

Paris: (smiles) Yeah

Paul: Just order anything you like, I’m celebr@ting you for being a survivor

Paris: It’s God’s doing, not mine.

Paul: Praise the Lord (smiles) You like cake right?

Paris: Yeah

Paul: Good, Cause I ordered cake few hours before we c@m£.

(The waiter arrives with the cake and drops it on their table)

Waiter: So What’ll you both be having?

Paul: A veggie burger and French fries.

Paris: I’ll have just salad.

Waiter: Okay

(The waiter writes down their order and leaves)

Paul: We should start eating the cake now (he slices the cake and gives Paris) Here…

Paris: Thank you

(Paris cuts the cake then her fork t©uçhes a ha-rd substance, she cuts open the cake and sees a silver ring and takes it out)

Paris: (puzzled) A ring? (Shows Paul the ring) What’s a ring doing in the cake?

Paul: (gets down on his knees) Paris, From the first day I met you, I knew I’d met my soulmate, You’re beautiful,polite, intelligent,tenderhearted,ha-rd working and everything I ever want in a wife, My life would never be complete without you beside me which is why I’d like to spend the rest of my life with you…. Paris, Will you marry me?

Paris: (covers her mouth with her hand) YES!!! I’ll marry you!

(Paul collects the ring and wears it on her f!nger and gets up and they k!ssaffectionately)

(Back at the castle)

Cecilia: Where are you going this evening?

Blair: I nee-d to go get something from the grocery sto-re

Cecilia: It’s 6:02pm, Most sto-res are closed

Blair: Not all of them

Cecilia: Why don’t you s£nd a maid to go get it for you, you’re pregnant and you nee-d all the rest you can get, Don’t stress yourself by walking too much

Blair: It’s the opposite Cecilia, Taking a walk is very beneficial to me, its an exercise.

Cecilia: Ok, if you say so, you’re a nurse and I can’t argue with you.

Blair: (smiles) I’ll return soon

(As Blair leaves the castle, Queen Victoria calls George)

George: (over the phone) My queen?

Queen Victoria: Blair just left the castle to the grocery sto-re, Are you and your boys re-ady?

George: Yes.

(As Blair returns from the grocery sto-re, George and his boys ambush her and f0rç£ her into the van and they drive off)

(In the van)

Blair: (struggling to escape) Let go of me! Who are you

George: You don’t nee-d to know that because you’ll never see the light of another day!

Blair: (she screams) Ahhhhh!

(Blair attempts to put her head out of the van window but the thvgs f0rç£ her to sit down and they tie her hands and legs)

(Back at the castle)

Cecilia: (she looks out the her window) It’s as if nothing bad ever happened, People are just going about, living their normal lives… I just wish all these were a dream

(Just as she’s about to close her eyes, George’s van pas-ses by her window and she sees Blair in the van struggling to escape)

Cecilia: Isn’t that Blair?… Oh no BLAIR!!!

(Cecilia rushes downstairs and goes to call Axel)

Cecilia: Axel! Blair’s been kidnapped, she’s in a blue van that just pas-sed the castle! GO!!!

Axel: (shouts) GUARDS!!!

(Axel along with some guards enter two cars and drives out of the castle, chasing George)

(On the highway)

Thvg 1: Boss, this car has been following us for some minutes now

George: Just keep driving

Thvg 1: Hold on, that’s a royal car, it has the royal griffin symbol on it.

George: Oh no, You’re right, It is the castle’s car

Blair: You’re not going to escape,karma has caught up with you.

(George backhands Blair)

George: Shut the fv¢k up

(George puts his hand out of the window and shoots at Axel’s car but they dodge the bullet)

Guard 1: Axel,I think Blair is inside the car, What do we do now?

Axel: Keep driving

(He gr-abs his spear)

Guard 2: Don’t do that

Axel: Why

Guard 2: Blair is inside, You could kill her!

(In George’s van)

Thvg 1: Now they’re definitely onto us, Its best if we should just surrender

George: Shut up and drive!

(George’s van begins to slow down)

George: What is it this time?

Thvg 1: We’re running out of g@s

(George’s van comes to a halt, He and his boys gets down immediately and tries to carry Blair away but Axel swiftly catches up with them, A small battle takes place, The guards utilize their spears to inflict serious injuries on George and his thvgs and capture them)

Guard 1: (cuts the ropes used to tie Blair) Are you okay?

Blair: I am now, Thank God you c@m£ to my rescue.

(The guards take George and his boys back to the castle)

Axel: My queen!!!

Queen Victoria: (sees them coming in with George) Huh?

Axel: These men captured Princess Blair and tried to kill her but luckily we saw them and gave chase and eventually caught them

Queen Victoria: Ohhh (gives George a sign to stay quiet)

Axel: What do we do with them?

Queen Victoria: Throw them in the dungeon

George: What? No!!!

(The guards take George and His boys to the dungeon)

Queen Victoria: This world is so full of evil, why would someone want to target an innocent pregnant woman.

Cecilia: (scoffs) Ugh!

Blair: (hvgs Axel) Thank you for saving me

Axel: Its ok, Besides you should thank Cecilia, She’s the one who saw you while looking out the window.

Blair: Thank you so much Cecilia

Cecilia: You’re welcome, I’m just glad you’re alright.

(In the dungeon)

Thvg 1: This is all your fault boss, If we had surrendered, we would have been pardoned now look at what’s happened

George: You better shut your mouth, Besides I got more beatings than you did

Thvg 1: I can’t believe this

George: just be patient, the queen will let us out soon.

(Queen Victoria goes to see George)

Queen Victoria: (mockingly) I knew it would come to this, You failed….again!

George: What were you expecting? I told you it would be better if we planned everything out but you insisted we attack unprepared.

Queen Victoria: Now you’re taking the fall for everything…

George: When are you going to let me out?

Queen Victoria: I’ll have to think of a way but it’ll definitely take time, Just be patient in here. (sm-irks)

(She leaves)

Thvg 1: Something tells me she’s lying, she’s never letting us out of here.

George: You better shut up, you never know anything, The Queen isn’t a traitor. She’ll definitely let us out of here sooner or later.


Castle of love episode 48

(At Mr Smith’s house)

Mr Smith: Welcome back home my darling

Paris: Daddy! It happened!!!

Mr Smith: What is it?

Paris: (shows him her f!nger) Paul proposed to me

Mr Smith: Wow, I’m so happy for you, Congratulations….

Paris: I’m going to be a princess soon, I’ll live in a big castle, drive luxurious cars, eat delicious foods and have servants at my disposal and….

Mr Smith: Hold on there dreamer, don’t get lost in your thoughts yet, Remember what i taught you, Always be of good behavior no matter what your position is.

Paris: Yes Dad.

(Back at the castle)

Blair: How as your d@t£?

Paul: It went well

Blair: I can see that, you’re all happy and excited… You popped the question didn’t you?

Paul: Yeah I did and soon, Paris will be my wife and queen of Azrael.

Blair: (her mood changes) I’m happy for you

Paul: Well you don’t look happy, what’s the matter?

Blair: It’s nothing,just that I really miss Austin and I wish he were here with me

Paul: Ohhh, I miss him too

Blair: I’ll be in my room now

Paul: Uhhh okay, Goodnight.

(Paul goes to his mom’s room)

Paul: Mom! Mom! The most amazing thing happened to me today (notices her sad mood) What’s wrong?

Queen Victoria: (sobs) It’s nothing really

Paul: Its definitely not “nothing”, Why’re you crying?

Queen Victoria: It’s your step sister, Cecilia, she fought me today just because i warned her to st©p sneaking out of the castle to see boys, she insulted me, to-re my go-wn, sl@pped and hit me and now I’m experiencing b©dy pains and she even bit me, Look at it… (shows him the bite marks)

Paul: What the…. How dare her to this to you?!

Queen Victoria: I don’t even where I went wrong, I was just trying to be a caring stepmother to her at that point

(Paul angrily leaves the room and goes to Cecilia’s room, Queen Victoria follows him)

Paul: (shouts angrily) CECILIA! OPEN THIS DOOR!!! (He ban-gs ha-rder on the door)

(Cecilia opens the door)

Cecilia: Paul? Welcome back.

(Paul pushes her inside the room and shuts the door behind her)

Cecilia: Paul, what’s the problem?

Paul: The problem is that you viciously attacked my mom and inflicted injuries on her skin (gr-abs Queen Victoria’s arm and shows it to Cecilia) LOOK AT IT!!!

Cecilia: I’m really sorry but she’s the one who c@m£ at me with a wh!p, I just defended myself

(Paul sl@ps Cecilia)

Paul: (angrily) If you ever come near my mother again, I swear to God, I’ll forget that you’re my sister and I’m going to kill you!!!

Cecilia: (holds her cheeks) But Paul….

Paul: Let’s go mom

Queen Victoria: Go I’ll be right behind you.

(Paul leaves her room)

Queen Victoria: Did you really think you we’re just going to get away with what you did? I told you I’ll have vengeance and I’ve gotten it

Cecilia: (crying) I hate you!

Queen Victoria: Well your likeness doesn’t benefit me in any way… (waves her hand at her) Ciaó

(Queen Victoria leaves her room)

(Back in Queen Victoria’s room)

Paul: I’m really sorry mom

Queen Victoria: Its ok, i’m much better now… So how’d your d@t£ go?

Paul: It went well actually, I proposed to her.

Queen Victoria: Wow perfect timing… I’m proud of you my son.

Paul: Thanks mom

Queen Victoria: You’ll have a wife by your side as king

Paul: Yeah…

Queen Victoria: Get re-ady, your coronation is in three days time.. Azrael is going to have a new king.

(Blair speaks with Austin)

Blair: I really miss you Austin

Austin: I miss you more, how’s your day been?

Blair: My day keeps getting worse, from one bad encounter to another

Austin: What happened?

Blair: I got kidnapped by some man today and I know someone paid him to do it, but fortunately, Axel rescued me

Austin: What? I hope he didn’t harm you or our baby

Blair: Not at all

Austin: I wish I was there, I’d have killed him with my ba-re hands… But did he disclosed who paid him to kidnap you

Blair: No he hasn’t, but my suspect is your step mom… I don’t trust that woman.

Austin: Don’t jump into conclusions yet, we have to be sure before laying accusations

Blair: You’re right.

Austin: I’ll call you back later babe

Blair: Okay bye, I love you

Austin: I love you too Blair

(Blair drops the call)

Blair: My instincts never deceive me, Queen Victoria has something to do with all of these bad things happening I’m 100% percent sure, I have to dig up dirt on her.

(Blair goes to the hallway and sees Queen Victoria talking to a maid, she hides behind a pillar)

Maid: Your food’s re-ady my queen

Queen Victoria: What is it?

Maid: Stir fry chicken

Queen Victoria: Edible. Okay, I’ll be downstairs in a minute

Maid: Okay my queen

(Queen Victoria gr-abs her phone and leaves her room unlocked, Blair uses this opportunity and enters the room)

Blair: (to herself) Wow, I’ve never entered her room before, its really big, thrice the space of mine…. Well that isn’t why I’m here, I nee-d to find some convincing evidence against her

(Blair searches her room thor0ûghly but doesn’t find anything, she notices a wooden board on the floor with a key lock)

Blair: Weird, I’ve never seen this here in this castle, where could the key be? (thinks) Hold on, I saw a small black key in one of her bags, maybe that’s the key to it

(Blair goes to check for the key and she finds it and opens the wooden lock and finds an un-derground pas-sageway)

Blair: (shocked) Where could this place lead to? (She puts on her phone torch and goes un-derground using the stairs)

(She eventually comes to a lightened place and she sees computers everywhere)

Blair: (thinks) Where is this place? And why’s it surrounded by computers? (She puts on a computer and it pla-ys a CCTV footage) Maybe its how Queen Victoria knows and monitors all the activities going on in the castle.

(She looks around for anyone else there and sees a man slee-ping)

Blair: He’s probably the one in charge of these computers and all (looks around) There is nothing here to prove Queen Victoria is behind all these, well maybe she is innocent after all….Guess I judged her too quic-kly.

(Just as Blair is about to leave, an idea flashes into her head)

Blair: Wait a minute….

(She goes to one of the computers and checks the CCTV footage, She finds one from the day King Roland got killed and pla-ys it)

Blair: (watches it closely) Let’s see what really happened that faithful day….

(She watches when Austin, King Roland and Queen Victoria rushes to Tiana and Felix to st©p them from escaping, She sees Tiana approaching Queen Victoria with a knife but Austin get in her way and struggles to takes the knife from her, He swings it at King Roland’s direction but she notices his hand swings pas-s his n£¢k not his stomach but the knife doesn’t t©uçh King Roland)

Blair: Strange. Austin’s hand was far from King Roland’s stomach and it didn’t even come close to him so how did get killed?

(She pla-ys the footage again, This time she zooms in and pla-ys it in slow motion and watches it closely)

Blair: I just hope I’m not seeing things….

(She notices that just as Austin swings the knife past King Roland, Queen Victoria, who was clinging onto him, swiftly takes out a dagger from her go-wn and stabs King Roland in the stomach then puts it back in a millisecond)

Blair: (she attempts to scream but holds herself by covering her mouth) Oh my God! I cannot believe this, Queen Victoria killed the king, this means Austin’s innocent….This woman is really evil and dangerous, But how do I tell everyone about this? (looks around for a while) I have an idea.

(She hurriedly takes out her phone and copies the CCTV footage into it)

Blair: Thank God, now I can prove Austin innocent and get that evil woman punished or killed rather.

(After it finishes copying, she takes her phone and is about to leave, she turns and sees Queen Victoria smiling devilishly at her)

Blair: (shocked on seeing her) Queen Victoria?