Castle of love episode 25 & 26

Castle of love episode 25


(At the dinner table)

Queen Victoria: How dare you accuse me of such demonic act?

Cook 1: You know what I’m talking about (To King Roland) I saw her putting something from a vial with a warning label in Prince Austin’s food and she hid it on seeing me and I suspect it was poison

Queen Victoria: (crying) I knew you hated me but has it really degenerate to this?

King Roland: (To the cook) Do you know the consequences of laying false accusations on a member of the royal family?

Cook 1: It’s not a false accusation my king

King Roland: And how do I valid@t£ what your saying?

Cook 1: There’s only one way, Order her to eat it

Queen Victoria: There’s no way I’ll eat it, I don’t like carbs.

King Roland: Victoria, that’s the only way to prove your innocence, Now do it!

Queen Victoria: I can’t believe a pure soul like me is being accused of such thing (sighs) But I’ll eat it and prove to you that this cook is a bloody liar

(Queen Victoria walks over to Austin and takes a scoop of the food)

King Roland: Go on and eat it

(She eats it and swallows it but nothing happens to her)

King Roland: (looks at the cook angrily) Do you know the penalty of what you just did?

Queen Victoria: (crying) I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve all this hate?

Cook 1: Believe me, I swear, She’s evil

King Roland: GUARDS!!!

(Three guards come running into the dinning room)

Guard: My king?

King Roland: Take her to the dungeon

Cook 1: (screams) No! I’m not lying, plea-se believe me….

(The guards drag her away to the dungeon while she screams at the t©p of her voice)

King Roland: I’m sorry about that, Victoria.

Queen Victoria: (cries) I don’t know why everyone hates me as-sumes I’m out to get them, I could never hurt a fly not to talk of Austin.

Paul: (pats her) It’s ok mom, sit down.

Queen Victoria: Thank you my son.

King Roland: Let’s just ignore whatever happened just now and eat our dinner.

(Later that night, At Mr Smith’s house)

Paris: Thanks for dropping me off

Paul: It’s nothing, I’ll miss you

Paris: Huh? You’re probably gonna see me tomorrow

Paul: I’ll still miss you (smiles)

Paris: (smiles) St©p trying to be flir-tatious, it doesn’t suit you.

Paul: No, I’ll keep trying till I become better at it.

Paris: I hope you do get better at it. (laughs)

Paul: Goodnight

Paris: Goodnight (he k!sses her)


Austin: I still find it ha-rd to believe that happened earlier

Cecilia: Well there’s definitely something suspicious

Austin: With the cook or step mom?

Cecilia: Both of them, The cooks would never accuse any one of the royal family and i had never seen step mom cry, it felt like she was guilty, its just all confusing.

Austin: But why would she even try to poison me?

Cecilia: I don’t know but you nee-d to be careful, you don’t know who is who

Austin: True.

(Later that night)
(In King Roland’s room)

Austin: Dad, you s£nt for me?

King Roland: I want to talk to you about something.

Austin: Okay, Go on

King Roland: I’ll be leaving for Winterhaven to meet with King Caesar tomorrow evening and I’ll be staying there for about a week, And you’ll be king for the time I’ll be gone

Austin: Wow, that’s awesome

King Roland: Hold up, Do not be too excited yet, There are so many responsibilities that come with it.

Austin: No worries Dad, I’ll make sure everything will be in order while your away

King Roland: That’s my son (hvgs him) You’ll nee-d to do something else for me

Austin: What’s that?

King Roland: Watch Cecilia closely, She’s been going out to see some boy, I haven’t asked her about it yet because I want to be sure about it.

Austin: Ohhh, Okay I’ll do that.

(Blair goes to the dungeon to see the cook)

Cook 1: Blair?

Blair: I’m sorry about what happened Carol, you shouldn’t have done that

Cook 1: I wasn’t lying, Queen Victoria put poison in Prince Austin’s food

Blair: Was she putting it when you saw her or she was about to put it?

Cook 1: I’m not sure, But when I entered the kitchen, she hid the poison in her go-wn and…

Blair: That’s where your fault c@m£ from, that’s how she was able to vindicate herself.Too bad this happened to you.

Cook 1: I really regret what I did

Blair: I’ll find a way to get you out of here, I promise.

Cook 1: Thank you Blair, You nee-d to watch out for Prince Austin

Blair: I will.

(Next Day)

Paul: Bye Dad

Cecilia: (hvgs him) Have a good time Daddy

Queen Victoria: Take care of yourself.

King Roland: (smiles) I will

Austin: Goodbye Dad

King Roland: Take care of Azrael, Don’t forget all I told you Austin

Austin: I won’t.

King Roland: That’s my boy

(King Roland hvgs Austin before leaving)

Austin: Let’s all go inside

Cecilia: Yes… My king (smiles)

(Later that evening)

Austin: (takes his drugs) That’s all for today

Blair: Yes my king (chuckles)

Austin: (smiles) You know you can refer to me as “Austin”

Blair: Okay, Austin

Austin: Thats more like it…. I feel like I connect with you more than I do with Tiana

Blair: Wow, really?

Austin: Yes, I really enjoy your company, when I’m with you I feel more relaxed, Tiana and I ha-rd ly converse and it’s bringing down our relationsh!pand strengthening ours

Blair: Weird isn’t it?

Austin: Yeah….. (he pauses and stares at her) Was what Anita said true? That I’m married to you?

Blair: (sighs) Look…

Austin: Because It feels like I am, Tiana might be a beauty queen but you are prettier, You have a beautiful smile and a pure heart to match….

(Austin slowly leans in and k!sses Blair, Blair returns the k!ssand they k!sspas-sionately)


Queen Victoria: (she peeps throu-gh the keyhole and sees them) NO!!!

.Castle of love episode 26

(Next Day, Queen Victoria goes to see George)

George: Good morning my queen

Queen Victoria: (frustrated) My plan didn’t work, I couldn’t poison Austin because a silly cook saw me

George: What? Did she report to the king?

Queen Victoria: Yes, luckily I wasn’t able to put the poison when she entered the kitchen which was the only reason I was exonerated.

George: What’d you plan to do now?

Queen Victoria: I plan to kill Austin, what else? But now I’ll nee-d to be extra careful in any approach.

(At Lucas hospital)

Lola: I’m really happy for you, Things are now going the way it should be

Blair: Me too, It felt like I was in heaven

Lola: But wait, was Tiana at the castle at that time?

Blair: No she wasn’t, she was at her ph0toshoot

Lola: She’s really dumb, if I were her I’d always stay with Austin 24/7 to make sure I don’t lose him

Blair: Uhhhh, what’s that supposed to mean?

Lola: Nothing (smiles) I was just joking

Blair: Hmm, well I didn’t find your “joke” funny.

Lola: I’m sorry

Blair: It’s alright, I nee-d to go check on a patient in ward 13, Talk to you later…

(Back at the castle)

Queen Victoria: Tiana? You’re home early

Tiana: Yeah, I had a quic-k session today

Queen Victoria: If I were you, I’d use this rare opportunity to get revenge on Blair

Tiana: How?

Queen Victoria: Look, If you want to get rid of her, you’d have to get her out of this castle and I have a good plan

Tiana: Tell me…

Queen Victoria: We frame her, by putting some money, jewelries and other priceless items in her room and putting it in her bags

Tiana: That’s a smart idea… But how’re we gonna get into her room, its always locked and besides no one else has a key like hers

Queen Victoria: Leave it to me, I know how to pick a lock

Tiana: Wow this is great, I’m so happy, You hate Blair too isn’t it?

Queen Victoria: More than you can imagine, I want only YOU for Austin.

Tiana: Thank you very much, I’m so glad we’re friends

Queen Victoria: Yeah “friends”…. (quietly) Yuck!

Tiana: What was that?

Queen Victoria: Nothing, let’s go and do it before she gets back

(Later, In Blair’s room)

Queen Victoria: Watch out for anyone coming

Tiana: Okay…. Oh $h!t

Queen Victoria: What’s the matter?

Tiana: She’s back

Queen Victoria: Go distract her from coming up

Tiana: Okay

(Tiana goes to meet Blair before she gets upstairs)

Tiana: Welcome back Blair, Should I go make broth for you?

Blair: Why’re you being “nice” to me? You hate me.

Tiana: Come on, That’s a strong word to use.

Blair: plea-se excuse me…

(Queen Victoria gives Tiana a signal)

Tiana: Never mind about the broth (she leaves)

Blair: (suspicious) Hmm…


Austin: I know what I’m saying, I’ve never told anyone where I kept my money

Princess Cecilia: Me too, I can’t find some of my jewelries, they’re gone.

Paul: Strange.

Cecilia: What do we do now?

Tiana: Maybe you should search all our bags and belongings, Maybe one of us accidentally took it.

Paul: That’s a good idea

Cecilia: But that’ll be invading someone’s privacy and it’s wrong

Austin: Well it’s the only option we have now Cecilia.

Cecilia: (sighs) Fine, let’s do it

(Paul’s phone vibr@tes)

Austin: What’s that?

Paul: I’m having a d@t£ with Paris this evening, I nee-d to go pick her up, I just pray we find the missing items… See you all later

Cecilia: Bye….

(Paul leaves the castle)

(Minutes later)

Austin: So far we’ve searched our bags, the guard’s belongings,the maid’s own and everyone else bags too we haven’t found the missing items

Tiana: Everyone except for Blair, nurse.

Austin: She didn’t take it

Tiana: (looks at him angrily) How would you know that if you haven’t searched her bag?

Austin: Fine, but I’ll prove to you that she’s innocent.


Tiana: Hold up! Where do you think you’re going to?

Blair: Why the question?

Tiana: Money, jewelries, wristwatches and someother things in this castle have gone missing… And as you should know, everyone’s a suspect.

Blair: Well I’m going back to the hospital to check on a patient

Tiana: You’re not leaving till you get thor0ûghly searched.

Blair: (confidently) Feel free to did so.

(Austin searches two of Blair’s bags and doesn’t find the lost items)

Blair: Are you done?

Austin: Yeah (To Tiana) I told you she didn’t take it

Tiana: Hmm I guess I was wrong (she sees another bag) Hold up, Austin you haven’t searched the third bag.

Austin: What’s your problem, It’s not in there

Tiana: We still have to search it, It’s the only way to be sure.

Blair: Just leave her, let her search it

(Austin and Tiana search the third bag and they all find $10,000,golden earrings and n£¢klaces, diamond rings, silver br@celets and golden wristwatches and so on)

Tiana: (g@sps) Blair! You stole it!

Blair: (shocked) What….. No…. I… didn’t…..

Cecilia: I don’t believe this…

Queen Victoria: No wonder she was in such a hurry to leave the castle.

Austin: Blair, How could you do this…. I trusted you

Blair: No I didn’t take it I swear

Tiana: So much lies, You’re a thief, a klepto. She wanted to sell the jewelries and add it to the money she stole, She deserves to rot in prison!

Blair: (To Austin) I didn’t take it i swear, I’ve never stolen someone’s money before, I’m sure Tiana is behind this

Tiana: How dare you accuse me of such hideous act…..

(Tiana walks over to Blair and sl@ps her ha-rd , Blair’s medicated eyeglas-ses falls off and shatters)

Blair: Oh no (she cries while holding her broken glas-ses)

Austin: (angrily) TIANA!!!

Tiana: Didn’t you hear the nons-en-se she just said?

Austin: That’s not a reason to hit her.

Queen Victoria: Blair has been found guilty of theft, You’ll have to pas-s out her judgment, “King” Austin.

Austin: I can’t believe this….

Queen Victoria: Austin, a true king puts his feelings aside when giving judgments, By the King’s decree, she has to be s£ntenced to limb removal…. Her arms are going to be cut off!

Blair: NO!!!!