Castle of love episode 23 & 24

Castle of love episode 23
(People in that vicinity stare at them)
Anita: (holds her cheeks) Paul you sl@pped me? Because of this wretched scoundrel
Paul: You’re the wretched one, I won’t hesitate to sl@p you the second time if you try to hurt Paris (To Paris) Are you okay?
Paris: Yea, plea-se let’s just leave here
(Paul and Paris leaves)
Anita: (crying) Ahhhhh, Paul, You’ll regret ever leaving me I swear to God!
Cab driver: plea-se ma’am, we nee-d to continue our journey to Cas-sagrande, its almost dusk….
(At Mr Smith’s bakery)
Paris: I’m back Dad
Mr Smith: Welcome….. (Sees Paul) Prince Paul? What’re you doing with my daughter, Have you forgotten what the king said
Paul: Its alright Mr Smith, He’s uplifted her ban and he also approved of our relationsh!p.
Mr Smith: (To Paris) Is that true?
Paris: Yes father.
Mr Smith: This is wonderful, Glory be to God.
Paul: He’s a miraculous God indeed.
Tiana: My queen, what do I do now, I threw Austin’s medications away but Blair gave him another, He’s just few steps closed to regaining his memory
Queen Victoria: Have you tried searching Blair’s room to get the drugs?
Tiana: You know she’ll never let me in her room.
Queen Victoria: That’s if she’s IN her room
Tiana: So what’re you saying?
Queen Victoria: Ugh! Do I nee-d to explain everything to you? We nee-d to get her out of her room so we can search for the drugs and throw it away.
Tiana: And how’re we going to do that?
Queen Victoria: Just leave that to me
(Queen Victoria goes to meet a guard)
Queen Victoria: Go and get me, Blair.
Guard: Yes my queen.
(Few minutes later, Blair walks in with the guard)
Blair: You s£nt for me?
Queen Victoria: I heard cooking is one of your areas of expertise so i want you to umm… Make me lasagna, that’s what I feel like eating
Blair: Uhh ok
(Blair goes into the kitchen, Tiana goes into her room)
Tiana: Can’t wait to get my hands on those drugs.
(Tiana searches her be-d, un-der the be-d, her pillow, her desk, her wardrobe, luggages,the bathroom and toilet but doesn’t find it, she keeps searching till she p@n-ts and sweats profusely till she gives up)
Tiana: This girl is really good at hiding things! Where are those damn drugs?
Blair: I’m almost done with it
Queen Victoria: Just take your time, And if you’re done, make me some pasta
Blair: Okay
(Tiana signals Queen Victoria to leave the kitchen and come to the hallway)
Queen Victoria: So? Did you find it?
Tiana: No, I searched every p@rt of her room but I didn’t see it
Queen Victoria: (sighs) Where could it be?
Blair: (she goes to meet her in the hallway) Queen Victoria, I’m done with your food.
Queen Victoria: I’m not hungry anymore, Just feed it to the dogs (To Tiana) let’s go
(Queen Victoria and Tiana leaves
Blair puzzled)
(In Paul’s room)
Paul: I’m so happy mom, It was like this day would never come, I was terribly sad yesterday and now I’m overly excited
Queen Victoria: Well I’m not happy
Paul: Why?
Queen Victoria: I know Austin is blackmailing you to think he cares about you but he doesn’t.
Paul: How? Besides, you told me not to st©p till I get what I want, now I’ve gotten it, what else?
Queen Victoria: Look,He only told your dad all those things to make your dad see him as the perfect and most caring brother but only I can see un-der that deception.
Paul: (holds his chin) It didn’t seem like it
Queen Victoria: It never does, you should watch him closely, he’s a venomous snake in disguise and he’s out to get you, he’s waiting for the right moment to strike which is why you have to strike first before he does.
(Later on)
(Queen Victoria goes to see George)
George: Good evening my queen
Queen Victoria: It’s the first time I’ve seen you since you got back from Russia.
George: Yes my queen
Queen Victoria: There was an unexpected twist with Austin’s br@in.
George: What was it?
Queen Victoria: His br@in was supposed to be totally damaged in a way that it can never be treated but somehow, He only forgot some memories, Why is that?
George: I don’t know why, I know I did exactly as you instructed
Queen Victoria: Are you lying to me?
George: I’m not.
Queen Victoria: Or maybe you switched the neurotoxin I gave you with some other one
George: I didn’t
Queen Victoria: I’ll try to believe you, Anyways, I nee-d your help, I nee-d you to get me a vial of poison.
George: No problem my queen, I’ll go buy it.
Queen Victoria: I’ll be back at midnight to collect it (she gives him $1000) That’s for the stress.
(She leaves his house)
(Blair goes into her room and finds it scattered)
Blair: What the hell happened here…. Who would have done this? (she sniffs the air) Here smells like Tiana
(She goes to Tiana’s room to confront her)
Blair: Why’d you go to my room and scatter it?
Tiana: I was looking for my lost wristwatch
Blair: In my room?
Tiana: Everyone’s a suspect when something of yours goes missing
Blair: You’re a pathetic liar, you we’re looking for this (She brings out Austin’s drugs from her pocket and shows it to Tiana) Isn’t it?
Tiana: (opens her eyes wi-de on seeing it) Uhhh I was not
Blair: The expression on your face tells how guilty you are, No matter how ha-rd you try you’ll never get your hands on it, It’s a promise!
(That night)
(Queen Victoria goes to visit George)
George: Here is the poison (he hands it to her)
Queen Victoria: Is it potent?
George: Yes, I tried it on rats and it killed them in less than five seconds.
Queen Victoria: It’ll take longer to kill a human (hold the poison ti-ghtly) But it’ll be worth it when Austin dies slowly and painfully!
Castle of love episode 24
(Austin talks to Cecilia and Paul)
Cecilia: I’m really happy things are returning to normal in our house.
Austin: Who would ever think that we usually have problems in this castle, Outsiders think we’re living in paradise and nothing ever goes wrong.
Cecilia: True, rich people usually have broken families just like we once did
Paul: I hope nothing will ever break any of us ap@rt (he holds Austin and Cecilia’s hands) No matter what.
Austin: There is something bothering me, and I’d really like to talk to the two of you about it
Paul: Go on
Austin: Its about Blair, I have a really strong connection with her more than I do with Tiana, When I’m with her, I feel more alive and full of energy.
(Paul and Cecilia look each other in the eye before looking back at Austin)
Austin: What’s wrong?
Cecilia: Huh?
Austin: Why did you both look at each other?
Paul: It’s nothing really
Austin: Is there something I should know about
Paul: (looks at Cecilia and she gives a signal not to talk) Not at all
Austin: Come on you two….
Cecilia: It’s nothing really
Paul: (To Austin) I nee-d to do check on something in my room, I’ll be back soon
(Paul leaves his room)
Cecilia: I’m gonna go have breakfast, Talk to you later
(She leaves the room after Paul)
Austin: Those two are acting all weird and suspicious, They’re hiding something, I’ll find out what it is.
(Outside Austin’s room)
Paul: why’d you keep me from telling him the truth?
Cecilia : Something bad could have happened
Paul: Like what?
Cecilia: You know his br@in is un-der stress, memory loss could be triggered and….
Paul: That’s nons-en-se, Why would he have memory loss if we tell him about his past with Blair, I’ll tell him about everything real soon!
King Roland: (To Paul) I want us to have a family dinner this evening, You, me, your mom, Austin and Cecilia, Just like we use to, What’d you say?
Paul: Okay Dad. But can Paris join us?
King Roland: But she’s not p@rt of our family
Paul: She will be, soon.
King Roland: Fine.
Paul: thanks dad.
(Paul goes to Mr Smith’s house)
Mr Smith: Good afternoon my prince
Paul: Afternoon Mr Smith, How’s your day going
Mr Smith: Smoothly, Why’re you here?
Paul: I c@m£ to see Paris, is she home?
Mr Smith: Yeah, today’s Sunday, she should be home, she’s in her room. I’ll go call her
Paul: Okay, thanks
(Seconds later)
Paris: (hvgs him) Hi, what brings you by?
Paul: We’re having a family dinner at the castle today, And I’d like you to come.
Paris: But I’m not a family member
Paul: You will be… soon
Paris: Does your father approve of me coming?
Paul: If he didn’t, I wouldn’t be here
Paris: Okay, I’ll be there
Paul: That’s more like it….
(He k!sses Paris before leaving)
Mr Smith: I’m happy your relationsh!pwith him is growing
Paris: Me too, Although I do feel guilty sometimes
Mr Smith: Because of Anita?
Paris: Yes
Mr Smith: Balderdash! She and Paul weren’t meant to be, that’s why he left her, you can’t change fate, Paul was always yours, he just nee-ded to come to you at the right time.
(Back at the castle, In the kitchen)
Cook 1: We nee-d to hurry, it’s almost dinner time
Cook 2: I’m almost done with the turkey.
Cook 1: (dishes out the food) The spaghetti and sauce are for King Roland, Queen Victoria, Princess Cecilia, Prince Paul and Paris while the rice and turkey is for Prince Austin, you know that’s what he likes
Cook 2: Okay.
Cook 1: I’m happy for the king, His family has returned to normal.
Cook 2: Me too, I just wish he never married Queen Victoria, she’s so wicked and ill mannered.
Cook 1: Exactly, I wonder what King Roland saw in her that made him marry her.
Cook 2: Maybe she wasn’t always like this
Cook 1: Either way she’s still a bad person
Cook 2: I agree, Anyways I nee-d to go get something from the sto-re room
Cook 1: Hold on, I’ll come with you
(When the cooks leave the kitchen, Queen Victoria enters)
Queen Victoria: So the rice and turkey is for Austin eh? Nice. If he dies, these stupid cooks will take the fall for it. (she brings out the poison)
(In the sto-re room)
Cook 2: (takes the sausages) Prince Austin will like sausages in his food
Cook 1: Did you cover the food?
Cook 2: No I didn’t, I thought you covered it
Cook 1: I didn’t (sighs) I’ll be back, Let me go cover it.
(The cook return to the kitchen and sees Queen Victoria about to put poison in Austin’s food)
Cook 1: My queen?
Queen Victoria: (quietly) Oh $h!t (hides the poison in her go-wn and turns around) Any problem?
Cook 1: Why’re you here? Dinner isn’t re-ady yet.
Queen Victoria: What do you mean, Don’t I have a right to this kitchen any longer?
Cook 1: I’m sorry my queen
Queen Victoria: Better! (thinks) I just hope she didn’t see anything.
(She leaves the kitchen)
Cook 1: (looks at Austin’s food) I hope this woman didn’t put anything in his food.
Cook 2: (enters the kitchen) Why’re you looking at the food, what’s wrong?
Cook 1: Uhh nothing.
(Later that evening)
(Paris arrives at the castle dazzling in a bright red go-wn that reveals her shape with her bright red hair let down)
Paul: Whoa, you look…. GORGEOUS!!!
Paris: Thank you, I had to look my best.
Paul: Looks like it (holds her w@!st) Come this way…
(Paul takes her to the dinner table)
Paris: (bows) Good evening king Roland
King Roland: Evening my dear, welcome to our castle.
Paris: Thank you my king.
(Paul helps her sit on the chair)
Cook 1: Have you served their food?
Cook 2: Yes just now, any problem?
Cook 1: I didn’t tell you this but I think there’s poison in Prince Austin’s food
Cook 2: Why would it be poisoned?
Cook 1: I saw Queen Victoria put something from a vial with a warning label in his food and when she saw me, she quic-kly hid it in her go-wn and she was really nervous
Cook 2: If you knew this, why didn’t you tell me before I served it?
Cook 1: Because I still had doubts but now I’m sure.
Cook 2: Are you really sure about this?
Cook 1: Yes! 100%
Cook 2: We can’t let Prince Austin eat the food and die, what do we do now
Cook 1: We expo-se Queen Victoria!
(At the dinner table)
King Roland: (uncovers his food) Mmmm looks yummy
Paul: I can’t wait to dig in
King Roland: Wait! Before eating, A toast to our happy family reunion!!!
(King Roland, Austin, Queen Victoria, Paris, Paul and Cecilia all share a toast)
Austin: (uncovers his food) Cecilia, Pas-s me a spoon plea-se
Cecilia: Here… (Gives him the spoon)
(Before Austin starts eating, the cook enters the dinning room)
Cook 1: EVERYONE St©p!!! Prince Austin don’t eat that food
Austin: Why?
Cook 1: Because it was poisoned
King Roland: Poisoned? By who?
Cook 1: (points at her) By Queen Victoria!