Castle of love episode 19 & 20

Castle of love episode 19
(Later that night)
Tiana: What are you searching for?
Austin: I can’t find my drugs, I could remember leaving it in my drawer.
Tiana: Maybe you should ask the nurse.
Austin: Okay, Good idea.
(Austin goes to Blair’s room)
Blair: Prince Austin…. What’s the matter?
Austin: I can’t find my drugs, Do you know where they are?
Blair: It should be in your drawer
Austin: It’s not there
Blair: Strange, I’ll go help you check.
(Back in Austin’s room)
Blair: (searches for the drugs but doesn’t find them) Its not here
Austin: I told you, Where could it be?
Blair: No worries, Doctor Lewiski gave me two more sachets, I kept them un-der your desk.
Tiana: (shocked) Huh?
Blair: (brings out the other drugs) Here it is
(She hands it to Austin and he gulps a tablet down with water)
Blair: Maybe I should hold on to the drugs (looks at Tiana) So it wouldn’t go missing again
Tiana: (scoffs) Ugh!
Austin: Sure (hands the drugs to her)
Tiana: (angrily to Blair) Leave us!
(Blair leaves the room)
Tiana: You should tell your dad to kick that nurse out of this castle, She’s irresponsible and reckless.
Austin: It was just a slight mistake and it was even my fault, it wouldn’t happen next time.
Tiana: Why does she even stay here in the castle, She’s supposed to even come here once a while to do her work.
Austin: Well my dad doesn’t mind and I don’t see any problem with her staying here…. You worry a lot (he lies on the be-d) I wanna sleep now
Tiana: (sighs) Okay, Goodnight!
Austin: Aren’t you going to sing me a lullaby?
Tiana: Why would I do that? You know I can’t sing, besides your a grown man who’ll be king one day, yet you find it ha-rd to sleep without a lullaby?
Austin: Weird isn’t it?
Tiana: Very.
Austin: Everyone has their imperfections, So do I.
Tiana: Whatever, I nee-d to sleep too (she lies on the be-d and covers herself with the duvet) Goodnight!
Austin: Wait, won’t you sing me a….. (He pats Tiana)
Tiana: (snores)
Austin: Ohhh, Okay (he covers her well before he sleeps too)
(Next Morning)
(Austin goes to the kitchen and meets Blair there)
Austin: Hey, Good morning Blair.
Blair: Morning Prince Austin, I made breakfast for you, one of your favorites
Austin: Wow, Pancakes, how’d you know I love eating pancakes in the mornings?
Blair: Because I’m your…..Sorry i meant it’s because your dad told me
Austin: (tastes it) Mmmm, Tastes yummy (quietly) Even better than Tiana’s own (smiles)
Blair: (blus-hes) Thank you, enjoy it
Austin: Trust me, I will.
(King Roland joins him for breakfast)
Austin: Morning Dad
King Roland: Morning my son, Did you sleep well
Austin: I managed to
King Roland: You nee-d to learn to sleep without lullabies, You’re gonna be king one day and you wouldn’t want your subjects to think you are childish.
Austin: Well its what helps me sleep better…..Sometimes I miss mom
King Roland: (holds himself from crying) Don’t talk about it! You know the law!
Austin: I’m sorry Dad, Speaking of which, I nee-d to talk to you about Paul
King Roland: What about him?
Austin: He’s sinking into depression, he should decide what he wants for himself, not you.
King Roland: He wants to marry a baker’s daughter
Austin: So what if he wants to marry a baker’s daughter? She’s pretty and ha-rd working, It’s his choice and it should be respected, Besides Tiana isn’t royalty and we’re d@t!ng
King Roland: Well I don’t approve of it
Austin: You will once you get used to being around her,my point is, You shouldn’t treat Paul like a child, Let him be with Paris, it’s who he truly loves
King Roland: (sighs) I un-derstand….
(Meanwhile, Queen Victoria listens from the hallway)
Queen Victoria: (thinks) So Austin’s the one to decide what’s right for Paul? And King Roland is supporting him?
(She goes to Paul’s room)
Paul: Good morning mom
Queen Victoria: Morning, where’s Anita
Paul: I don’t know and I don’t care
Queen Victoria: Very good, listen to me, I overheard Austin telling your father that you shouldn’t go astray with our traditions, He’s saying its a must you should marry Anita and if you marry Paris then you’ll ruin your status and our family’s name
Paul: What? He said that?
Queen Victoria: Yes! I always told you he was jealous of you and wants to make your life miserable in this castle but you mustn’t let that happen
Paul: I won’t! Infact I’m gonna go talk to him right now
Queen Victoria: Huh? Wait…. Not now!!!
(Paul storms out of his room and goes to confront Austin)
King Roland: (To Blair) Your food tastes wonderful
Blair: Thank you my king
King: Why didn’t you ask for as-sistance from the cooks, its ha-rd to believe you made all these by yourself
Blair: (smiles) Well I didn’t nee-d help
King Roland: That’s good (To Austin) Where we’re we?
Austin: As I was saying, Paul nee-ds to chose who he wants to be with, I feel bad for him
King Roland: Maybe I’ve been too harsh on him
Austin: But what if he marries Anita?
(Paul enters the living room just then)
Paul: (angrily) So its true?
Austin: What are you talking about bro?
Paul: Do not call me your bro, I’m not your bro… You were talking to me yesterday like you wanted the best for me but here you are, Telling Dad I should marry Anita….
Austin: No, you misun-derstood what I was saying.
Paul: You’re deceitful! I hate you, I wish you never got treated, I wish you had died in Russia!
Queen Victoria: (hits him) PAUL!!!!
Paul: Future king? A man that can’t even sleep without a lullaby, If you’d ask me, I’d say he’s not fit to be a king
(King Roland angrily and f0rç£fully hits Paul in the face)
Queen Victoria: (holds him) My king! St©p!
(Cecilia, Tiana, Axel and some other palace guards and maids arrive at the scene of the commotion)
King Roland: (To Paul) Get out of my sight! NOW!!!!
(Paul angrily retires into his room)
Princess Cecilia: Calm down Dad.
Queen Victoria: I don’t know why he’s behaving like this, I’ll go talk to him.
(Queen Victoria goes to Paul’s room)
King Roland: What am I gonna do with that boy?!
Austin: Just let him be, For now.
(In Paul’s room)
Paul: I’m really confused mom, what do I do?
Queen Victoria: I’d tell you what not to do, Do not back down from this fight, You were right to shout at him and Austin, they’re both weak, stupid and spineless fools.
Paul: He’s a hypocrite, He supports Austin’s decisions but doesn’t support mine, what kind of a father is he?
Queen Victoria: A useless one. Listen to me, Since you alre-ady know what you want, do not back out till you get it! Do you un-derstand?
Paul: Yes mother.
(At Mr Smith bakery)
Paris: I’m sorry Dad, I know all this is my fault and I regret it
Mr Smith: I warned you to stay away from that boy but refused even when you knew he had a girlfriend, Now see the consequences.
Paris: It won’t happen again, I promise.
Mr Smith: Just keep to your promise, the last time, you said you were going to distance yourself from him but you didn’t, you even went into a relationsh!pwith him, now your saying you regret it.
Paris: Forgive me father.
Mr Smith: Just keep your emotions in check next time, And stay away from Prince Paul, I don’t want anymore casualties.
Anita: What’s your problem Paul, Why are you hurting me like this. I love you and….
Paul: Anita why don’t you un-derstand that I don’t feel the same way, Love can’t be f0rç£d.
Anita: Yes it can! Anyway, you can’t tell me you never loved me, Before you met Paris, you and I had a very ti-ght bond.
Paul: It was an entanglement, which I no longer wanna be p@rt of.
Anita: There’s no way i’m abandoning you just so you know, It’ll be a hvge disgrace to Cas-sagrande.
Paul: Good luck with that.
(Paul attempts to leave the room but Anita pu-lls him back by his robe)
Paul: What the hell is wrong with you, leave me alone!
Anita: You’re gonna leaving this room till you satisfy me tonight! (She takes off her clothes while holding Paul)
Paul: Anita I’m not in a good mood, plea-se let go of me
Anita: No! Since you’re proving to be stubborn, I’ll show you you’re not big for me to handle! (She struggles to take off his trou-sers)
Paul: I SAID LET GO!!!
(Paul angrily pushes her away from him and she hits her forehead on the be-d edge)
Anita: (holds her forehead while screaming in pain) Aaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!
Castle of love episode 20
(Anita reports to King Roland)
King Roland: He did what?
Anita: He hit my head on the be-d edge and as if it wasn’t enough, he started beating me (sobs pretentiously)
King Roland: (To a guard) Bring him to me!
Guard: Yes my king
(In Paul’s room, The guard knocks on the door)
Paul: I don’t wanna see anyone, Leave!!!
Guard: King Roland orders you to come to the living room at once
Paul: I’m not going anywhere.
Guard: I’ll have to break the door if you do not comply Prince Paul.
Paul: Good luck with that, I enf0rç£d titanium in my door, it’ll break you instead!
(Back at the living room)
King Roland: Where is he?
Guard: He refused to accompany me my king, And I couldn’t break down the door because it was enf0rç£d with titanium.
King Roland: I’ll go get him myself!!!!
Austin: (restrains him) Dad, plea-se just leave him alone for now, whatever he’s doing is out of anger, I’m sure he doesn’t really mean it, just let him be.
(Later that morning, Blair gives Austin his drugs)
Austin: (gulps it down with water) Ahhhh thank you.
Blair: You’re welcome, I know you must feel like everything Paul did was your fault
Austin: In a way, it’s funny how he misun-derstood what I was saying and turned it into a fight, He could have handled the situation like an adult.
Blair: I just hope he’ll be fine
Austin: I don’t blame my dad, The pressures of ruling a kingdom is just too much, and everyone is looking up to him.
Blair: Can I ask you something? What happened to your mom?
Austin: (looks at her and smiles) You’re a disobe-dient woman,you know the law says we shouldn’t talk about her
Blair: I know but, I’m just curious as to know how she died.
Austin: Aren’t you an Azraelean?
Blair: I’m not, I c@m£ to Azrael six years ago where I got a job as a nurse at Lucas hospital
Austin: Okay, No wonder you don’t know about her.
Blair: Yeah,So tell me, what happened to her?
Austin: You see, things are changing in this kingdom, We weren’t always like this, We used to go to war with other kingdoms and we mostly bec@m£ victorious in the battles, My mom, Queen Natasha was a knight along with my dad but no one knew, In a war with another kingdom named Dakoda, She was brutally killed, Although we won the war but it felt like we didn’t, my father was devastated, The whole kingdom was and…. (He takes in a de-ep breath)
Blair: It’s okay (pats him)
Austin: No one in the kingdom knew she was a knight because it was an abomination, and when people found out she was dead, my dad told everyone that she died while giving birth to Cecilia which only I and him know its was a lie, No one knew when she gave birth to Cecilia and Cecilia was four months old when she went into battle, she was a really strong woman, Her death was really painful and when people started talking about it the more, my dad pas-sed out a law that prohibits anyone from talking about it because it hurts him whenever he thought about her (tears runs down his cheeks)
Blair: She was a really strong woman indeed, I’m so sorry (she hvgs him ti-ghtly)
Austin: (cleans his tears) I shouldn’t cry, I’m a man.
Blair: That’s nons-en-se, its just a stereotype, Crying doesn’t make you less of a man, its a free world, in my opinion,its best if you express your feelings rather than bottling it up.
Austin: Yeah (he breaks the hvg) It’s fine, Crying and over thinking wouldn’t bring her back, let’s just think about moving forward
Blair: True, What would you like to eat for lunch?
Austin: Anything available
Blair: Okay, I’ll go make mac and cheese for you
Austin: Okay, thanks.
(Blair leaves his room)
(Tiana returns to the castle)
Austin: Tiana, you’re back from the ph0toshoot?
Tiana: Actually I c@m£ to get something which I forgot, I’ll still be going back
Austin: Ohhh, what did you forget?
Tiana: My purse and makeup kit.
(Just then, Blair enters the room with a plate of mac and cheese)
Blair: Prince Austin, here’s your…. (sees Tiana) meal….
Tiana: What the hell are you about to do, You want to give him poison? (To Austin) And what have I told you about eating someone’s else food in this castle?
Austin: Tiana, what is your problem? you’re not my mother and you were not even around to make any food for me
Tiana: Well I’m around now, I’ll make food for you to eat
(She collects the food from Blair and hurriedly goes to flush it down the toilet)
Blair: No!
Austin: Tiana! What’s wrong with you?
Tiana: My problem is you keep doing things that annoys me by being with this stupid nurse, talking with her and even eating her food, Don’t you know she has feelings for you and wants to do anything possible to take you from me
(Tiana pushes Blair out of the room)
Austin: Tiana, you don’t have to be insecure about this
Tiana: I’m not insecure,I’m just protecting the man I love from the likes of that nurse and I get terribly annoyed seeing you both together because I know its her strategy to steal you away from me but I won’t let that happen as long as I’m alive and in this castle
(She gr-abs her purse and makeup kit and exits the room)
(Cecilia sneaks out to go see Dylan)
Dylan: (hvgs her ti-ghtly) I’ve missed you so much
Princess Cecilia: Me too, I really wish my dad would let us be together
Dylan: So do I (he k!sses her pas-sionately)
Princess Cecilia: (breaks the k!ss) I’m just worried about my family, everything is just heading south,From my brother’s mental illness to my movement restrictions to Austin and Paul not being on good terms
Dylan: I as-sure you, everything will be alright
Princess Cecilia: When will it be alright? I’m just tired
Dylan: Remember that no good thing come easy, just be patient.
(Cecilia k!sses Dylan and Dylan k!sses her pas-sionately too, Soon he re-moves her go-wn hastily and k!sses her n£¢k and b©dy while she m0@n s softly and in no time, they’re engaging in a heated r0m@nç£)
(Later that day, Cecilia sneaks back into the castle)
Queen Victoria: Where the hell have you been?
Princess Cecilia: I went to see a friend
Queen Victoria: Without an esc-rt?
Princess Cecilia: I don’t nee-d an esc-rt!
Queen Victoria: Tell that to your father when I tell him what you’ve been up to
Princess Cecilia: Go ahead!
Queen Victoria: Oh really, I should tell him you’ve been going to see Dylan, the hoodlum who’s also a wanted criminal.
Princess Cecilia: (shocked) I don’t know what you’re talking about
Queen Victoria: The expression on your face is enough for me to know your lying, you know exactly what I’m talking about, Cecilia.
Princess Cecilia: how’d you find out?
Queen Victoria: A magician never reveals his secrets!
Princess Cecilia: plea-se just don’t let anyone know about this, I beg you.
Queen Victoria: I’ll keep my mouth sealed.
(She goes into her room)
Queen Victoria: (smiles evilly) Ohhh “people” will definitely know!
(At 11:49pm that night)
(In Paul’s room, he packs his clothings, shoes, items while Anita sleeps)
Paul: I’ve had enough of this hypocrisy, I should just leave the castle for him, And go to Woodland hills and start a new life.
(He opens the door gently and sees many guards outside his room)
Paul: Oh $h!t! There’s no way I can leave with all these guards around, I have an idea
(He goes back into his room and checks out his windows to see if anyone was outside but he doesn’t see anyone at the castle gate)
Paul: Perfect!!!
(He carries his luggages and car keys and uses a rope to hoist himself and jumps out the window, He enters his car and drives out of the castle.)