Castle of love episode 15 & 16

Castle of love episode 15
Tiana: She’s your….. Never mind
Austin: Okay (hvgs her again) I can’t wait for us to get back to Azrael.
Tiana: Me too, Don’t worry, I’ll stay with you till you get discharged
(Austin goes back to his ward)
Tiana: Wait a second, Austin only remembers what happened before the accident and he has forgotten about everything that happened after the accident, This is amazing.
(Blair and George call a vulcanizer)
Blair: Sir, how long will it take?
Vulcanizer: I’m almost done
Blair: I nee-d to get to the hospital, this is 8:41am.
George: I’m really sorry about this ma’am
Blair: Its fine
George: We’re on a deserted road with no taxi available, if not, I would have helped you to board another taxi.
(After Austin is discharged, Tiana takes him back to Azrael)
(At Swolviski hospital, Blair eventually arrives at the hospital at 1:20pm)
Blair: Good afternoon nurse
Nurse: Good afternoon ma’am
Blair: I’m sorry for being late, I c@m£ to pick up Austin Roland, my husband
Nurse: But ma’am, A lady c@m£ here saying she was his sister and she told us you gave her the go ahead to pick him up
Blair: What? Where’s Doctor Lewiski?
Nurse: He’s in the labor room, helping with a baby delivery he can’t attend to you, I’m sorry.
(Back in Azrael)
(Austin returns)
King Roland: (hvgs Austin) Welcome home my son
Austin: Thanks Dad.
Princess Cecilia: (clings onto him) I’ve missed you sooo much
Paul: How’re you doing bro?
Austin: I’m better now
Queen Victoria: Its great to see you hale and hearty
Austin: Thanks
(Tiana enters the living room)
Tiana: Good evening my king
King Roland: What is this woman doing with you?
Austin: Dad, she had me treated at least she deserves some accolades, plea-se dad, if you want me to be better and happy, you’ll tolerate Tiana
(Austin goes into his room to shower)
King Roland: (To Tiana) What have you done? Where’s Blair? Why didn’t she follow you and Austin back to Azrael?
Tiana: But my king, Is that what you’re gonna ask me now, you haven’t even thanked me for bringing Austin back to you.
King Roland: You must have plotted ways to get Austin away from Blair just so you could get him back
Tiana: I have every right to do so, He was my b©yfri£ndbefore you married him off to that mongoose.
King Roland: How dare you speak to your king that way….
(King Roland walks towards Tiana but Paul and Queen Victoria holds him back)
Tiana: I’m sorry King Roland…
Queen Victoria: My King, plea-se do not stress yourself, Go to your chambers, I’ll handle this.
(King Roland gives Tiana a steer warning before retiring to his chambers along with Paul and Cecilia)
Queen Victoria: How did it go?
Tiana: Great, Austin has forgotten about Blair, he only remembers what happened before the accident
Queen Victoria: Hmmm, Amazing. And where is she?
Tiana: Still in Russia probably.
Queen Victoria: You have to do one simple thing
Tiana: What?
Queen Victoria: re-move every picture of Blair in Austin’s room, portrait, wedding ph0tos and all of that.
Tiana: Okay
(King Roland calls Blair)
King Roland: Blair, where are you?
Blair: Good evening King Roland, I’m still in the motel, there’s something wrong
King Roland: What is it?
Blair: When I went to pick Austin from the hospital, I was told he had been discharged alre-ady and….
King Roland: Austin got back few minutes ago with Tiana and I thought you’d be back in Azrael too
Blair: Tiana?…..Ok, don’t worry, I’ll be on my way
(In Cas-sgrande Kingdom)
King Jerod: I’m back
Queen Anna: Welcome home my king, How was your journey to Winterhaven?
King Jerod: Amazing, I hope you took care of my kingdom while I was away
Queen Anna: I did
(Anita comes to welcome him)
Anita: (hvgs him) Welcome back Daddy.
King Jerod: Thank you sweetie, What are you doing back here? Aren’t you meant to be in Azrael.
Anita: (bur-sts into tears) Prince Paul broke up with me, He said he doesn’t love me anymore, he abused me physically and emotionally by calling me all sorts of unprintable names like harlot, nymphomaniac and a gold digger!
King Jerod: (angry) What?! How dare that son of a….
Queen Anna: Don’t say it!
King Jerod: Fine, How dare that man do this to my daughter? He’ll pay for this!
Queen Anna: What do we do now?
King Jerod: We’re going to Azrael! Prince Paul cannot dump my daughter and get away with it! (To the guards) as-sEMBLE THE CHARIOT!!!
(In Azrael)
(Blair returns to the castle)
Blair: Good evening King Roland
King Roland: Evening Blair, welcome home
Blair: Where’s Austin?
King Roland: In his room, What’s wrong, why didn’t you follow him back to Azrael?
Blair: Its a long story my king, I’ll be back, I nee-d to go check up on Austin.
(In Austin’s room)
(Tiana and Austin are on the be-d)
Tiana: You know your dad doesn’t like me, how then are we going to get his marriage approval and blessings
Austin: He’ll accept you one day, don’t stress yourself about this.
Tiana: I can’t wait for that day to draw closer, It’s like I’m an enemy to everyone in this castle, No one likes me, Except you though.
(Blair knocks on the door)
Tiana: I wonder who that is
Austin: Come in!!!!
(Blair enters the room and is excited on seeing Austin)
Blair: AUSTIN!!! You’re well, I’m so happy
(She attempts to hvg him but he rejects her advances)
Austin: Excuse me? Who are you?
Castle of love episode 16
Blair: You don’t remember me?
Austin: No, I don’t, Who’re you?
Blair: I’m Blair, your….
Tiana: (interrupts her) Nurse! She’s the castle’s nurse, she comes here occasionally to check up on all of us.
Austin: Okay, that’s good, nice meeting you Blair.
Blair: (shocked but manages to talk) But I….
Austin: Could you plea-se excuse us?
Tiana: Are you deaf? He said you leave us!
(Blair leaves the room in shock, She calls Doctor Lewiski)
Doctor Lewiski: Good evening Miss Blair
Blair: Why’d you lie to me?
Doctor Lewiski: How do you mean?
Blair: You told me there won’t be any complications but you we’re wrong, He has forgotten everything that happened after the accident including me.
Doctor Lewiski: But I ran the diagnosis and….. Oh no
Blair: What’s wrong?
Doctor Lewiski: I’ll call you back plea-se
(He disconnects the call)
(At Swolviski Hospital)
Nurse: What’s wrong Doctor?
Doctor Lewiski: I discovered neurotoxins in Austin’s bloodstream that linked to his br@in and affected his cerebrum which caused him to lose some memories
Nurse: Ohhhh, But why did you discharge him when you knew he wasn’t OK
Doctor Lewiski: Because I was very sure he was going to be fine without any complications, I usually run tests on him and they all c@m£ out with no negative effects, I never saw any sign of neurotoxins in his system, Until now.
(Back in Azrael)
King Roland: Have you seen Austin?
Blair: Yes! He was with Tiana, and what’s worse? He’s completely forgotten me, he thinks I’m just a nurse who comes to the castle occasionally to check up on everyone
King Roland: Why didn’t you tell him you were not just a nurse and that you’re his wife.
Blair: What’s the point, It’s not like he’ll remember me immediately or his feelings for me would just come back suddenly.
King Roland: So what are you gonna do now?
Blair: Well I’ll tell you what I wouldn’t do, I’m not going to leave Austin because he’s my husband, I made a vow the day I got married to him that I’ll stick with him for better for worse, In sickness or in good health.
King Roland: Yes, That’s the spirit, But the doctor that treated him said there won’t be complications
Blair: Yea, I called him to know why this happened, I’m still awaiting his feedback
(Next Day)
(Doctor Lewiski goes to Azrael to see King Roland)
Doctor Lewiski: I’m sorry King Roland, I was sure there won’t be problems but I was wrong, I discovered neurotoxins in Austin’s system.
King Roland: So what do we do now
Doctor Lewiski: I’ll put him on some medications to improve his mental health
King Roland: So when will he be better
Doctor Lewiski: I can’t be too sure, But we’ll hope for the best.
(Blair sees a maid going to Austin’s room and she st©ps her)
Blair: Um, where are you taking the food to?
Maid: (holding a bowl of guacamole and ch!ps) To Prince Austin’s room
Blair: Ohh, i’m going to Austin’s room, give it to me, I’ll take it to him
Maid: Okay Princess Blair
Blair: (thinks) I just hope I’ll be able to talk to him alone
(Blair collects the food and goes to Austin’s room but sees him with Tiana)
Blair: Good morning Prince Austin, here’s your meal….
Austin: Ok, nice
Tiana: Austin! You can’t eat that
Austin: Why?
Tiana: Because I didn’t cook it, besides it might be poisoned
Austin: Why would it be poisoned?
Tiana: Because the cooks in this castle are dirty and don’t have good hygiene, who knows the amount of microorganisms in the food (she scoops out a bit of the guacamole) Do you wanna taste it?
Austin: No no, its fine, I’ll go nuke some coffee
(When Austin leaves the room, Tiana pours the bowl of guacamole on Blair)
Blair: What the…. Why’d you pour it on me?
Tiana: I merely gave you back your germ infested food, you can eat it and die of food poisoning
Blair: What kind of a monster are you?
Tiana: The kind you’ve never encountered before
Blair: I wish Austin never met you.
Tiana: Well he met me and loves me, unlike you who’s married to a man that doesn’t even know you, yet you still stay in his house hoping to be remembered by him, Pathetic… Clean the mess on the floor!
(Tiana leaves the room)
Paris: Hey (hvgs him)
Paul: I want us to talk
Paris: About what?
(Just then, a servant comes into the kitchen)
Servant: Good afternoon Prince Paul, you’re being summoned by the king in the throne room.
Paul: I wonder why, Okay I’ll be there in a sec (To Paris) Hold on, I’ll be back.
(In the throne room)
(Paul goes there and sees King Jerod, Queen Anna and Anita)
Anita: (throws tantrums) He crushed my heart! my honor and my name! (cries) I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve this
Queen Anna: (quietly, to Anita) Too much.
Anita: Okay (composes herself)
King Jerod: (To Paul) You! How dare you break my daughter’s heart?!
King Roland: Quiet! (To Paul) Why’d you decide to break up with Anita? You know well your betrothed to her.
Paul: I’m sorry Dad, I don’t love Anita I never did, its like I’m being f0rç£d in a relationsh!pwith her
Anita: That’s a lie, He only left me because of the baker’s daughter!
King Roland: What is she talking about?
Paul: Dad, I fell in love with Paris, the daughter of Mr Smith, a baker here in Azrael.
King Roland: Where is this Paris?
Anita: Its 3:11pm, she’s just in time to deliver bre-ad, she should be in the kitchen.
King Roland: (To a guard nearby) Go and bring me the baker’s daughter
Guard: Yes my king.
(Seconds later, Paris enters into the throne room)
Queen Anna: (sees Paris) Wretch! I want her thrown in the dungeon!
Anita: She stole my man and had the guts to show her face in the castle.
King Roland: Why did you snatch my son away from his betrothed?
Paris: (sober) I’m sorry my king, the more I grew closer to Prince Paul, the more I had feelings for him and I just…. (sighs) I’m sorry.
King Roland: Very well, you’ll be pardoned but you’ll be banned from coming to the castle to deliver bre-ad for a month, And you are to stay 10 feet away from Prince Paul at all times.
Paul: But Dad….
King Roland: Quiet! (To Paris) Is that clear?
Paris: Yes my king
King Roland: (To Paul) Same thing applies to you too and more punishments if you disobey my orders.
(Paris sadly leaves the throne room)