Burning affection episode 54 & 55

( Love On Fire… )


By, Naomi Cindy B

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Next morning**

The sweet smelling aroma that’s hanging in the air woke Kimora,,

She sniffed the air lightly as she opened her eyes

Jimin is sitting in front of a small table, staring at her with an handsome smile on his perfect face and on the table are plates of different dishes

Kimora returned his smile and raised her hand to him, he took it and k!$$Ā£d it then squee-zed it gently

“Good morning honey” he said

“Good morning Min-Min’ she replied and he helped her sit up

She’s still n-ked, only the be-dspre-ad is covering her so she held it to her bĀ©dy, sitting in front of the table

She pointed at herl-ips and Jimin k!$$Ā£d her lightly

“Smells nice” she said, looking at the dishes on the table

” I supervised the maids myself while they were ma-king it, I’m sorry I don’t know your likes and dislikes…I just made varieties so you can just..pick” he said

” You’re just so sweet” she replied, picking the chopsticks

She ate from the veggies and nodded

“Mas-sidda (delicious)” she said

“So…tell me your likes and dislikes” he said

“I like everything, I have no dislikes when it comes to food and I don’t have a best food, I can eat anything” she replied

” Really?”

” Trust me.., so what about you” she asked

“I hate shrimps but Suzy loves them a lot, isn’t that crazy?” He replied and she chuckled

” We’re humans and we’re different so you don’t expect much” she said

” Kitten” he suddenly called

” Yes ?”

” I think we should go back to Miryang soon, I kind of…”

“Miss queen Sera?” Kimora said, smiling knowingly

Jimin covered his face with his right palm

“Got caught,, well yes… I miss Suzy and Royalty too, and I want to avoid suspicions about us, I don’t want you to be in danger” he replied

” I’ve been thinking of it too so it’s ok, when should we go back?” She asked

” We’ve only spent two days, let’s spend one more day” he replied

“So we return the day after tommorow” she said

” Yes” he replied

” Fine, aren’t you gonna eat?” She asked, eating a mouthful of the meal

He facepalm himself and smiled

“I’ll just watch you, doing that will make me full” he said..

“No, let’s eat together.. plea-se’ she said

“As you wish” he replied, picking chopsticks and joining her

“Tastes more delicious like this” she said

“Petal didn’t appear again?” He suddenly asked

” No, but she’ll come, she promised so she’ll surely come” she replied

” Maybe she’s really your mother” Jimin said

” I can’t be sure yet, but whenever she k!sses my forehead, I feel better” she replied

” Let’s just anticipate , and now that Mazu has been tra-pped, we can be at peace for a while” he replied

” His tra-pping is temporary, he might return anytime” Kimora replied, feeling slightly scared

“Don’t feel scared, plea-se” Jimin replied though in his voice there’s fear and Kimora noticed

Kimora dropped her sticks and held his hands.

“I’ll protect you. I promise” she said


” Shhh, I love you” she said and his face shone with smiles.

” I love you” he replied.

Minho left the door where he has been eavesdropping from and smiled as he walked away

He actually c@mĀ£ to see why they aren’t out yet but when he heard their conversation, he stayed back

“Even if obstacles tries to set in, I’ll do my best to help you both, I’m swearing on my life” he thought, remembering how he met Jimin some years ago.

He fell into a big river and couldn’t swim, Jimin saved him by helped him out, he wouldn’t be alive right now if not for him

He sighed as he got to the front of his chamber

“Whoever my parents are, I hope I’ll meet them soon, I just hope I’ll meet them before I die” he thought sadly

He kept standing there till Jimin c@mĀ£ out and tĀ©uƧhed him, he jĀ£rked up

“What were you thinking about?” Jimin asked surprisingly

“My real parents, I wonder who they are or where they are, I badly want to meet them, even if for once” he replied, sadness coated his voice completely

Jimin sighed and placed his hand in his shoulder, Minho looked at him

“Your wish will be granted, I can feel it” he said and Minho smiled

” I’ll always be indebted to you, thanks for saving me from the water ” he said

“Come on, that was a long time ago” Jimin replied

” But still….I’m still grateful and I’ll be till death” Minho replied

” The next thing you nee-d right now is a girl, a pretty one cos you’re handsome like me….then she should be perfect like my kitten” Jimin said and Minho laughed

” A girl?, That’s so ha-rd to find in in Goryeo” he said

“That’s a lie, girls were staring ha-rd at you and I heard earful of comments when we went to the market together” Jimin replied

” They like me, but i just haven’t found the one I like” he said

” I guess we should wait for the right time then” Jimin smiled, looking up at the sky

“What’s that sound on the roof” Minho said, looking up too

“Rain?” Jimin said and and Immediately, it started pouring heavily

“Stay back” Minho said, pu-lling Jimin away from the entrance but a drop of rainwater tĀ©uƧhed him alre-ady, it dropped on his arm

Jimin looked at the drop on his arm and his eyes showed how surprised he was

“That’s … rainwater?” Minho asked

“Yes… definitely”

“But why isn’t it burning your skin?, You’re allergic to it” Minho replied

Jimin took a de-ep breath and started walking out of the place, planning to enter the rain but Minho held him

“No don’t, you might get hurt” he said

“It’s fine, if I get hurt, Kimora knows what to do…I just have to confirm what just happened” Jimin said and Minho reluctantly let him go

He boldly took slow steps into the rain and the rain poured on him Immediately but… nothing happened

His bĀ©dy is not burning up despite the fact that Kimora is not beside him, he looked at himself shockingly

Minho stared unbelievably too at what he’s seeing

“Minho nothing happened, I think I’m over my allergy now, Minho I’m ok!” Jimin said happily, collecting the rain water in his palm and smiling, turning around in the rain

“I’m not allergic to rain anymore!” He shouted happily

That brou-ght Cory and Kimora out of the room

” Oh my!” Kimora g@sped when she saw him in the rain without any negative effect

“Jimin is that really you?” She said

“Yes, it’s your Min-Min, I’m fine now, I’m ok” he said and Kimora joined him in the rain

She hvgged him ti-ght and he hvgged her back

“Unbelievable, I’m so happy, how did it happen” Cory said

“I think their bond grew” Minho said

” I’m so glad…. Jimin I’m glad” Kimora said in his arms

Jimin broke it and held her face, the rain is still pouring

“I can pl@yin the rain like a kid now, but how the heck did this happen” he said

” I have no idea too but for now, let’s just be happy” she replied

Kimora pe-cked him and he smiled again but he suddenly started feeling drowsy

“Narcolepsy?” Kimora said and he nodded

“I’m sorry” he said and fell de-eply asleep on her shoulder, she held him so they won’t fall together

Cory quic-kly rushed to them and took him from her, carrying him in.

“Petal…I hope you appear soon and tell me more about this, I surely have a lot of questions” Kimora thought silently.


Miryang town**

br@yden has a wi-de smile on hisl-ips as he left the market after getting a flower pot which has a small tender flower growing in it

He actually intended to go give it to Ginelle and he’s heading to her place when Demi crossed him

He stĀ©pped and gave her looks that questions. “Who are you and why are you blocking my way?” He asked

” Demi…a slut at the popular brothel” she replied, smiling mischievously

” And?” He said

“I’ve heard about your clean personality, they say you tĀ©p the list of guys who hates sluts in Miryang but it doesn’t seem like it” she said

” Get out of my way” he replied, not re-ady to listen to her gibberish

“You have the biggest slut around you” she replied

” Never cross me again, you’ll regret it anytime you try this again” he said and started leaving after pushing her out of the way

“We’ll meet again!’ Demi said loudly

br@yden got to Ginelle’s place and met her all dressed alre-ady, they’re actually going for a walk together

“You’re here” she smiled and he dropped the flower pot before wi-dening his arms, she hvgged him and when they broke it, he k!$$Ā£d herl-ips

“Tastes good” he smiled and she li-cked herl-ips

“You c@mĀ£ late, I’ve been waiting” the said, tracing his brows with her f!ngers

” I had to get this flower pot from the market” he said, carrying the pot and handing it to her

“Cosmos flower, my best!” She gushed

“Just make sure to we-t it everyday, if it withers, I’ll really get mad at you” he said

” That’ll never happen” she replied, dropping the pot on the table beside her window

“Then while coming, a slut crossed me and started sprouting ru-bbish” he said and her heart skipped beats

” A… slut?, Who?”

” I don’t even remember her name and I don’t want to, i don’t want to talk about to her too” he replied

” Demi* Ginelle thought

“Ginelle?” br@yden called but it seems she’s de-ep in thoughts

*Ginelle?” He called again, tou-ching her….she jĀ£rked up suddenly

” Huh!, br@yden?”

“What were you thinking” he said

“Oh… nothing, I guess we should go now…I made a lunchbox, we can eat lunch during our resting time” she said and he smiled as she picked up the lunchbox but he took it from her

“I’ll take it” he said and Ginelle smiled

” During the rest, I’ll tell you about the flower goddess” he said, holding her hand

” I can’t wait” she replied, leaving the house with him



Royalty vomited blood close to ten times before daybreak and right now she’s as weak as hell

She lost weight too and she bec@mĀ£ thinner, her face is just too pale

She just finished vomiting blood again when she entered the bathroom to take her bath

She c@mĀ£ back after a while and dressed up, ma-king sure to ru-b powder on her face to hide the paleness so Suzy or queen Sera won’t be worried

Not like her mum is concerned about her anyways

She finished up and left the room, meeting servants immediately

“Summon the physician, I nee-d to see him” she said to the first one

” Your highness, the physician travelled and won’t be back till tommorow” the servant replied

” Really?”

” Yes, I heard there has been shortage of acu-puncture nee-dles lately but there’s suddenly a large supply of it in Shila, he went for it” the servant replied

” Oh….” Royalty said and walked away, thinking about what else to do

“Am I dying?” She thought sadly and someone hvgged her from behind suddenly

Judging by the scent, it’s Suzy definitely

“Suzy” she smiled and Suzy re-leased her, she c@mĀ£ to face her and held her face.. they’re wearing same robe again

“I missed you, yesterday you refused to follow me for tour and last night you refused to see me, I’m hurt, I just missed you a lot” Suzy said seriously

” I’m sorry sis, I just….felt weak yesterday” she replied

“Wait …. Your eyes are pale, are you ok?” Suzy asked, feeling her temperature

” Sure I’m fine” she quic-kly replied and Suzy hvgged her

” Let’s eat breakfast together, I’ll tell you a lot of gists about what I saw at the tour yesterday” she said

” Ok, I’m in” Royalty replied and Suzy pu-ll-ed her away to the dinning room


Jimin’s room**

“I never said you’re free to come here anytime you like” Riya said immediately Cal stepped in

” I just c@mĀ£ to hear your answer” he replied

” I’m not done thinking about it” she replied.

“Jimin might come back soon, you nee-d to be fast so we can start our plans” he replied

” You’re surely sharp-witted” she said and he shrugged

“You can say that again”

“So….I don’t want to get hurt, back then at home, my guards protect me with their lives and my father will always make sure I’m protected that’s why I do anything I like, but now I’m here and you’re right In front of me, asking for cooperation” she said

Cal moved closer to her and she stood her ground, glaring at him

He c@mĀ£ to her and held her shoulders. “You’ll be ok” he said

“I hope so” she replied and moved away from his hold

” So….you’re in?”

” I guess so” she replied and Cal smiled again

” Your smile is always insincere, stĀ©p smiling” she said with a scoff

” Get re-ady, working with me is not easy” he said and left

” As if” she sm-irked



” You won’t believe there’s a bigger house than Park Sun’s in Miryang” Suzy said, eating the shrimps in her meal

“Jinjja?, Where?, Is there someone richer than Park Sun alre-ady?”

” Of course, his name is Hong…. and you know what?, It was our brother who enriched him” Suzy replied

” Jimin has always been benevolent” Royalty smiled

“The house is so big and spacious, I love it and I’ll be going there often….with you, promise you’ll always go there with me” she said

” I promise” Royalty replied and Suzy smiled happily

” Why do you love shrimps to much?” Royalty asked

“I dunno, I just find it appetizing” she replied

” Shrimps?, Appetizing?, How weird” Royalty said with a sour face

” Heya!, Don’t make such face about my best food” Suzy pouted and Royalty laughed

“How unserious, you look more cute today” she said

” You’re always cute, I’m jealous” Suzy replied and they laughed

” Let’s go to on a picnic together when Jimin comes back” Royalty said

” Sure, I can’t wait” Suzy replied


Goryeo town, a day later**

Kimora and Jimin will be journeying back to Miryang tommorow and surprisingly she couldn’t sleep

She kept anticipating Petal’s visit, Jimin is fast asleep beside her though and she kept staring at him

“My Min-Min” she said and blu-shed greatly

“Daughter” Petal’s voice suddenly called and she spranged up to see Petal standing beside the be-d

“When did you get here?”

“Just now….the more you both keep getting close, the more your powers bloom … And his allergy stĀ©pped because he bonded with you more ti-ghtly” Petal said

” I un-derstand…but what about my allergy?” She asked

” It’s a curse” Petal replied

” I was cursed to be allergic to the scent of flowers?” She asked

” Yes…. immediately I gave birth to you” Petal replied

“You’re… really my mother?

“You’re the only princess of the flower realm, your name is Flowerina, I’m sorry Flower, abandoning you wasn’t my plan” Petal replied guiltily

” I can’t believe my ears, and what the hell is flower realm cos I’m not un-derstanding, what do you mean I’m the only princess of the flower realm and who the heck is Mazu” She said, sweating in confusion alre-ady

” He’s your father” Petal replied and Kimora’s eyes wi-de-ned

” Joking around is surely not advisable” Kimora replied

“Mazu was once my husband” Petal replied , moving closer but Kimora stepped back

“I don’t want what you’re talking about, Mazu… that monster is my father?, StĀ©p trying to pl@ywith my head!” Kimora snapped, tears brimming in her eyes, re-ady to fall

“The full story, I’m re-ady to tell you if you’re re-ady to listen” Petal said but Kimora held her ears

” No!!!!!, I’m not the daughter of a demon, I’m not the daughter of a monster!” She screamed and sat on the ground as her tears escaped her eyes

Jimin woke and Petal left

“Kimora” he said, quic-kly getting down from the be-d and bending beside her

He held up her teary face and felt hurt too, seeing her tears

“What’s wrong?, Talk to me plea-se,. Kimora” he said, looking at her with concern

“Jimin* she said and hvgged him ti-ghtly, Jimin stro-ked her hair gently as she cried on his shoulder


Next morning**

Jimin was the first to journey back home to avoid suspicions, it was planned that Kimora will come with Cory later in the evening

Minho has sadness in his face when he was leaving but he just had to leave

His ride was fast but sad cos Kimora is sad, she told him Petal visited last night but what they discussed, she said she doesn’t want to talk about it yet

He sighed as the horse entered Miryang and sped to the palace

“The second prince is back!” A maid screamed and everyone rushed out to see

He c@mĀ£ down from the horse as Royalty rushed out with Suzy

Suzy rushed into his arms and they hvgged ti-ghtly

“I missed you so much” she gushed, ti-ghtĀ£Ć±ing the hvg

“I c@mĀ£ home because I missed you and mother” he replied as they broke the hvg

“Jimin” Royalty said and rushed to hvg him too but just when she got to him and is about to hvg him, she stĀ©pped and her eyes wi-de-ned

“Royalty” Jimin called surprisingly but the surprise turned to shock when Royalty spit out blood

p@rt of blood splashed on Jimin’s face and more blood poured out of her mouth as she started going down

Jimin and Suzy stared in horror and Jimin quic-kly rushed to gr-ab her….

Her bĀ©dy is alre-ady limp and it almost fell from his arms

“Royalty!!” He screamed