Brutally S-xed Episode 9 & 10

Episoe Nine
Mark, Tom and Alex were still recovering at the school clinic, but it will take Lucifiana to get out of herself from the spiritual to the physical before their lives would be normal again…….
Several attempts to get Robert join a cult group on campus or any other bad cli-ck were not successful. God was with him and fought his secret and open battles. The only thing that could make him fall victim of Satan and his plans will be to sleep with a woman. If he must make love to any woman, then it must be to his wife when he is married. Several attempts to as-sas-sinate him were foiled, because the f0rç£s that fought for him were more than any other f0rç£ anyone could ever think of. He was only committed to his God and himself alone. No wonder he was nicknamed “ONE WITH GOD” on campus. Because he would always tell people that “One with God is majority”.
“My father and my Lord, I ask Thee for forgiveness in many ways I’ve sinned against you today. I ask for forgiveness especially for the way I lvstfully looked at Lucy earlier today. Forgive me father and take such evil thoughts away from me, the thought of ma-king love to her and any other temptation that may come my way. Guide and protect me as I sleep tonight, keep me away from every evil plans of Satan. I pray thee oh Lord, Amen”.
He prayed before going to sleep that night. In his dreams, who Lucifiana is was revealed to him….
He saw himself pla-ying with Lucifiana in the dream. It was a very close and inti-mate kind of pla-y. She tried s£dûç!ng him into ma-king love with her, but her refused and told her he was not allowed to make love to any woman. She did all she could but failed. Rather Robert insisted on knowing her more.
“I would love you to tell me more about yourself, I’ve not been this close to any woman since I was born. plea-se, tell me more about yourself”. Robert told her..
“Ok, I will tell you about myself, but I usually don’t tell people about myself, but because of the love I have developed for you, I will tell you. My name is Princess, but in my world I am known as Lucifiana”.
“Your world again?”. Robert asked anxiously….
“Yes, my world. My parents gave me the name Princess, but I am from the marine world, my mum was childless for several years after marriage and often visited the riverside to sit and cry because she hadn’t no child. She was noticed in our kingdom and we decided to give her a child. I appeared in her wo-mb to be given birth to like any other human being. My dad made love to her that night and I was supposedly conceived. I brou-ght luck to them, things started moving fine for them. They got things they never had before I was given birth to. But my main mission on earth is to destroy those men who can’t take their eyes off any womam they see. I take their lucks, their intelligence and render them useless. I am not allowed to fall in love with any man, but here I am, so de-eply in love with you. When I was seven, between the hours of 12 midnight to 2am, I often visited our world, I would disappear at home for several days and go for meetings in our kingdom. My parents will place notices everywhere, on TV stations, radio stations, newspapers and any other means of publication to announce a missing child. After we are done with our meetings, I would appear on the roadside and a good Samaritan would take me to a nearby police station, there my parents will come to identify and pick me up. I did that for several years until I gained admission into the University, where I now do things on my own and the way I want it. I don’t even know why I am saying all this to you, I have not said this to anyone before. Not even my parents know the real me, because I have never given them any cause to worry since my birth. They love me so much and I do as well. I show love to people that love me, and destruction to people that hates me. I have not killed anyone before, because my mission is not to kill, but to destroy. But one thing I know is that I love you and that’s why I’m saying all this to you”.
“Whether you tell me now or not, I will find out, your true identity would be revealed to me. You can’t hide whom you are from me”. My Heavenly Father reveals de-ep and mysterious things of this world and the spiritual world to me. Robert told her…
She moved closer to him, tried to f0rç£ him make love to her, then he woke up, picked up his phone to see what the time was. It was 2:15am, then he picked up his Holy Book, re-ad *some chapters and verses. Then knelt down, thanked God for the revelation and prayed* for the strength and *grace to overcome *whatever temptation that will come his way. He prayed until 4:00am, then he sle-pt a little and woke up by 7am because his lecturers starts* at 8am.
Because Lucifiana had fallen so de-eply* in love, what was not suppose to be, Mark, Alex and Tom started regaining consciousness little by little. Once she is completely out of the marine world, then the three musketeers regains their total freedom. The key to their survival lies in the hands of Robert. And Robert on the other hand was falling for Lucifiana. Whenever he sets his eyes on her, he lvsts over her, but will always ask for forgiveness from God in his closet and was always forgiven.
Their relationsh!pkept growing as they were often seen together on campus. Robert invited her to his Tuesday dep@rtmental fellowsh!p, it took hours of arguments before she accepted to attend. That was the beginning of WAR…….
But in every war, a lesser power must bow to the STRONGER…..
Alre-ady, her true identity had been revealed to Robert, even though he took it as just a mere dream. But that’s exactly who she is and her real name is Princess Diana………
Episoe Ten (18+)
Alre-ady, her true identity had been revealed to Robert, even though he took it as just a mere dream. But that’s exactly who she is and her real name is Princess Diana………
Robert kept reminding her of the Tuesday fellowsh!pand each time he reminded her, she would put on a worried expression on her face.
Rob stays alone in his room. Being a school basketball team pla-yer, he was given accommodation by the University. Staying alone gave him much time for his God and himself.
On Thursday night, Rob was about to say his night prayers when suddenly the light in his room went off, but there was light in other hostels and the school in general because the generating set powered the campus for the night.
He thought the bulb in his room had gone bad, he pu-ll-ed his re-ading stool, climbe-d on it to see if it was the bulb. He put on the flashlight on his phone and it went off as well.
Reflection of light from other hostels gave him a little light* in *his room. So he was able to see a little. He was about leaving the room to get the campus technician when he saw a lady sat on his be-d.*
He was afraid, but was able to pu-ll himself together…..
“I have come to let you know the *danger you are into, Lucifiana is the favourite daughter of our lord Lucifer. Stay away from her or you’ll have yourself to blame. Three souls are alre-ady* in our kingdom waiting to be destroyed. They are all students of this campus. They tasted the forbidden *fruit of Lucifiana and must pay dearly for it. I warn you to stay away, my mission is to come and* *sound this warning to *you and not to harm you. Do not take her to where you planned to take her* tomorrow, else you will be a dead man. I have warned you”.
The mamaid said to Robert as* he fires back…
“The Lord has *not given me the spirit of fear, but boldness and sound mind, He that is in me is greater than* he that is in you. I was told by my father in *heaven “not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence* that walketh in *darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday..A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten *thousand at thy right* hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the *wicked. Just as I am going to behold your* destruction and that of your master. For this reason* , the son of man was *made manifest to destroy the works of Satan. “At the mention of the name that is above all* names, every knee must bow, and every ton-gue confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord”. She staggered and disappeared at the mention of the name Jesus Christ…….
Robert went into serious session of prayers as the lights in his room c@m£ back as soon as she disappeared. He was still praying when a knock c@m£ at his door, it was Princess Diana (Lucifiana).
“I can’t stay in my room, they are after my life. I feel I will be safe staying with you, plea-se, let me in”. She pleaded with Rob.
“Who is he who says, and it comes to pas-s, when the Lord doesn’t command it?. Come in in Princess Diana…..
Shocked to her bone marrow how he got to know her real name…..
“How did you know I am Princess Diana.
“I have a father that reveals everything to me, do not be surprised for your salvation is near. Now, I want you to tell me something. Do you know anything about three students of this campus who are held bondage in your kingdom?”
“How did you know all this? Who are you?”. She asked once again, surprised…..
“Answer Princess”.
“Yes, their names are Mark, Alex and Tom. They f0rç£fully had car-nal knowledge of me and have been held bondage in our kingdom ever since”.
“Where are they now?”. Rob asked…
“At the school clinic”. She responded…..
“Its ok, you will go back to your room, I can’t allow you stay the night here. But one thing I can as-sure you is that no one can harm you. I’ll walk you down to your hostel”.
She accepted to go back to her hostel after about thirty minutes of arguments. Then Rob walked her down….