broken alpha Episode 41

?{ The Light In His Darkness }?

A dark R0m-nce ??

By; Amara Chy ✍️

Genres: Dark R0m-nce, Tragedy, Thriller.

Warning: Do not read if you can’t stand for-ced s3x and brutality!!❌❌
Strictly ??

✨ CHAPTER 41 ✨

“She’s lost a lot of blood, I’m not sure she will survive. But let’s keep hoping” the doctor said and shook his head. Logan nodded and huffed.

He had to rush her to the hospital when he saw that she was still breathing. He went with Damon and Buster. Anastasia was petrified at the news and cried bitterly. Logan had to for-ce her to stay at home after she had insisted on coming to the hospital with them.

Few minutes later, the doctor came out and informed Logan that Delaney wanted to see him. He followed her immediately to Delaney’s ward.

She wasn’t in a good condition at all. With an oxygen mask over her nose and the monitor reading her heartbeat, it wasn’t stable at all. The doctor left to give them some privacy.

“Delaney” he called, standing over her bed. She smiled weakly and reached out for his hand, with her shivering hand. Logan took her hand and gave it a little squee-ze.

“Thank you” she whispered, taking a de-ep breath.

“No, save your breath” he uttered and she blinked weakly at him.

“I have only little time, and I want to spend it with you” she said, her voice came out breezy and muffled.

“What are you saying? You’re going to be fine” he said and she smiled.

“Logan, why didn’t you love me back?” She asked and he felt a strange feeling overwhelm him. He didn’t like the feeling, it made him feel so terrible.

“I loved you right from when I was a child. I spent days thinking about our life together, and nights dreaming about you.. but you never loved me back, why?” She asked, tears forming in her eyes. Logan sighed and withdrew his hand from hers.

“I’m sorry” was all he could say.

“Don’t be. I’ve learnt my lesson, the ha-rd way” she chuckled.

“You can’t ever for-ce someone to love you. I shouldn’t have tried to push you into marrying me. I shouldn’t have kept forcing myself on you even when I knew you had no feelings for me” she sniffed back her tears.

Logan sighed de-eply and scratched his head. He didn’t ask to be betrothed, he had never had feelings for her, he was business minded. He never felt feelings, until he met Adena.

“I’m really sorry, but please stop talking. You nee-d to reserve your strength” he said, and she shook her head.

“No Logan. I now realize that I was never meant to be with you. I really do hope you find true love, I hope you are happy and I hope you don’t have problems anymore” she said and took another de-ep breath.

“In my next life, I’m going to let a man love me for a change. I won’t be so hopeless in love” she added and shifted her eyes to the ceiling. Logan watched her monitor intensely, something changed, her heartbeat rate seemed to be slowing down.

“I love you Logan. I hope you’ll be able to forgive me for all I did. I’m sorry, I did it be because I love you. I’m sorry” she said and shut her eyes.

“Delaney, please stay with me. Please don’t die. I promise I won’t punish you, please open your eyes” Logan said, scared.

“I’m still here” she giggled, her eyes flic-kering open.

Logan heaved a sigh of relief.

“I wish you cared about me this much, when you were supposed to” she paused and took his hand again.

“Tell Anastasia, I love her” she said, the last word fading into a whisper. She sque-ezed on Logan’s palm and released her grip. Her eyes shut.. and the monitor beeped.

“Delaney.. Delaney!” Logan called but there was no response.. she was gone. Gone forever.

Logan lowered his head and remained quiet for a while, he couldn’t help that his heart was beating a little too fast.

Her death reminded him of his family’s death.. unbearable.

Watching someone who has been with him since childhood, just sli-p away like that, was a terrible feeling.

He covered her face with the blanket and left the ward. He called the attention of the doctor and nurses while he went to the lobby to meet Damon and Buster.

“How is she?” Damon asked. Logan sighed and shook his head at him. Damon un-derstood and sat on the bench.

He ru-bbed his head and mourned her.


“What are you saying? Where is my friend?” Anastasia asked after Logan came home and broke the news to everyone.

Adena was in her wheelchair, next to Antoinette and Liliana. They too were shocked and saddened by the terrible news.

“I’m sorry” Logan sighed.

“You can’t be serious. Nooo!!” Anastasia threw herself on the floor and wept bitterly.

“It can’t be true.. it can’t be!!” She continued to weep and Damon went to comfort her. He helped her up and took her to her room. She wasn’t easy to console.

It was like a dream.. her best friend turned sister, is gone just like that.. she’s dead!!

Anastasia couldn’t take the pain, she felt like dying too. Although she and Delaney weren’t in good terms before this incident, she still loved her, more than anything.

“Calm down and get some rest. You will be fine” Damon said and Anastasia nodded, sniffing back her tears.

“Damon, will you stay here with me? Just for tonight. I’m lonely and scared right now, please stay with me tonight” she said, holding his wrist.

“I can’t. I left Camilla and Zoey at home alone. I have to go back to them” Damon answered and Anastasia let go of his wrist.

“I only asked for one night” she whimpered.

Damon couldn’t do it. Camilla would be heartbroken if he did, he can’t sleep on another woman’s bed. It would be cheating, even though he had nothing in mind.

“I’ll stay for a while, but I’m not spending the night” he made a decision and she smiled weakly.

“Fair enough, I guess” she said and he sat next to her.

Anastasia learned from Delaney’s story too. She can’t have what does not belong to her. Damon will never be hers, so she might as well move on. She just wanted to be with him one last time, before she let him go.


Logan gently pushed the door open, and stepped into the room. He met Adena coming out from the shower, with a towel around her che-st. She froze on seeing him, his gaze met hers and they both felt an instant connection.

“What do you want?” Adena asked, diverting her gaze from him.

“Um.. I want to talk to you, please” he answered.

“About what?” She asked.

Adena was still very angry with him. He did lots of bad things to many people. He hurt many people, he’s the reason Delaney killed herself.

“Listen Adena, I know I don’t deserve you or your forgiveness, I know I’ve treated you very badly. But I still want to ask for your forgiveness” he explained, walking closer to her.

“Don’t come any closer.. and save your apologies” she stated, frowning.

“Logan, I know you had a terrible past, which explains why you’re so ha-rdened. But honestly, it doesn’t give you the right to treat other people like some pests!! I honestly don’t know why fate decided to bring me to someone like you. You’ve done nothing but terrorize me” she glared at him and he sighed.

“I’m sorry Adena. I’m willing to change” he said.

“What’s done is done Logan. You can’t change what you did. You can’t change the pain you inflicted on me, or the countless times you hit and r@ped me. You can’t bring back the people you’ve killed. You’re a monster”

Those words hit him like a missile and he winced. His heart was heavy and for the first time, he felt like crying.

“I’ve forgiven you.. but” she paused and glared at him.

“As soon as I give birth to your child, you will set me free and I can go off on my own. I want to leave, forever” she said and shocked him again.

“And abandon your child?”

“You want the child don’t you? You can keep it. Liliana is here, Antoinette is also here. I want my freedom. Promise me you’ll let me go as soon as I give birth to your child?” She said, deathly serious.

Logan had no option but to agree to her decision. If it was the only way for her to be happy.

Logan went to the bar to drink. He drank carelessly, not minding how many bottles he took. He just wanted to get rid of terrible feeling inside him, he wanted to forget the words Adena said to him but he couldn’t.

How could he?

When the first person he felt so connected to hates him so much?

How could he forget her piercing words?

The same woman who has mended his broken heart, the woman who has become the light in his darkness.

Liliana came out and snatched the bottle from him.

“What do you think you’re doing? Do you want to kill yourself?!” She yelled at him and he chuckled. He burst out laughing because he was extremely drunk.

“Ma!” He called out, supporting himself on her shoulder.

“Ma, I love her.

I love her!!”

⏹️ TBC ⏹️