br@den and Bella episode 13 & 14

br@den and Bella
Episode 13
(Bella keeps on beating up Courtney, Amy attempts to intervene but gets shoved aside, Just then, Sir Lucas returns)
Sir Lucas: What’s going on here?!
(Bella frees Courtney and turns to look at him)
Sir Lucas: Just few minutes that I was away and you girls are alre-ady misbehaving? (He notices Courtney clutching onto her arm) What’s wrong with your arm?
Courtney: (crying) She was the one…(points at Bella)
Sir Lucas: Ugh. where’s Maureen?
Bella: She’s over there. (points to where she is)
Sir Lucas: Apparently the snake that bit her was a rattlesnake, They’re numerous here. Luckily I met someone who sold me an anti venom.
(Sir Lucas walks to Maureen and checks her)
Sir Lucas: (turns to look at them sadly) Forget it. She’s dead.
Bella, Courtney & Amy: (g@sps in shock)
(Just then, Sir Lucas phone beeps)
Sir Lucas: Ok girls, Trevor is here, He’s waiting for us at the seashore, We nee-d to start moving.
(Sir Lucas leaves and Courtney & Amy sadly follows him, Bella stares at Maureen’s dead b©dy for a moment then walks to her)
Bella: (crying) How unfortunate that you couldn’t make it. (She closes Maureen’s eyes) May your soul rest in peace.
(She leaves the woods)
(At the seashore)
Sir Lucas: (To Trevor) What took you so long?
Trevir: Just a slight problem.
Sir Lucas: Alright girls. Go in.
(Sir Lucas, Amy, Courtney and Bella enters the boat and Trevor drives off across the Mississippi)
(Marshall’s residence)
Mrs Marshall: Will, I’m headed to the supermarket to buy more laundry baskets. If you’re hungry, I left a food flask containing rice and turkey on the dinner table.
Mr Marshall: (hoarsely) Thank you…
Mrs Marshall: You’re welcome. Don’t forget to take your drugs after eating.
(She leaves the house)
Mr Marshall: (to himself) I’m so thirsty…
(He flimsily stands up from the be-d and goes to the kitchen)
Mr Marshall: (clutching onto his che-st in pain) Uhhh…
(The pain reliefs him slightly then he pours himself a glas-s of water and drinks it, The pain returns again)
Mr Marshall: Ahhh! My che-st!
(He coll@pses on the floor)
Mrs Marshall: (thinks) Two laundry baskets shouldn’t cost more than $10, Atleast I have $12 on me….(checks her handbag) Where did I keep my purse? (recalls) Oh no, I forgot my purse at home on the dinner table, Ugh, I have to go back to get it.
(Mrs Marshall returns to the house and finds Mr Marshall lying unconscious on the kitchen floor)
Mr Marshall: (shakes him) Will? Will? Will!!! (She notices he doesn’t show any sign of consciousness) Oh no what’s happening?
(She calls the ambulance and few minutes later, They arrive to take him to the hospital)
(In Mexico City)
Sir Lucas: Congratulations girls! We made it, We’re in Mexico City.
Bella: (looks around in amazement) Wow!
Amy: (crying) After so many trials and tribulations, We finally made it.
Bella: Awwnnn, You’re crying?
Amy: (cleans her tears) It’s tears of joy. How I wish Maureen, Rayna, Irene and Claire were here.
Courtney: Me too (excitedly) I’m so happy. We’re finally here!
Bella: Me too.
(Bella hvgs Courtney and Amy)
Sir Lucas: (To the girls) Follow me.
(Sir Lucas takes them to Madame Laho’s mansion)
Sir Lucas: Welcome to my sister’s mansion!!!
Bella: (g@sps in shock) Holy moley. This place is beyond wonderful. Infact, There are no words to describe it.
Amy: It’s phenomenal.
Bella: (smiles) You found a word!
Courtney: And look at the candelabr@, glas-s tables, chandelier….Its like we’re in heaven.
Sir Lucas: All I want you girls to do now is to shower, eat and rest before you can officially meet my sister. And one more thing, Don’t leave the house!
Bella, Amy & Courtney: No problem Sir Lucas.
(Sir Lucas attempts to leave)
Bella: Where are you going?
Sir Lucas: (sm-irks) Oh don’t worry about me. Just feel at home.
Courtney: Oh, We will.
(He leaves the house)
Bella: Guys, You don’t know how excited I am. I just feel like jumping up and screaming.
Courtney: (smiles) Me too.
(They all hvg each other one more time)
Bella: Guys, I’m off to the shower. I haven’t had a good bath in days!
(Bella leaves)
Courtney: And as for me, I’m off to the kitchen to prepare something to eat.
Amy: Uh, Courtney. You and food.
Courtney: (sternly) If I prepare it, Don’t eat!
Amy: Food isn’t on my mind right now, I’m so amazed.
(In Princess Madeline’s room)
(Jax and Princess Madeline are lying relaxed on the be-d)
Princess Madeline: I’m just tired and bored.
Jax: (chuckles) What’ve you done today that you tired?
Princess Madeline: You wouldn’t un-derstand.
Jax: (stares at her for a moment) Madeline, Do you realize that ma love for you is real?
Princess Madeline: I love you too but…
Jax: (cuts in) But what?
Princess Madeline: It’s just that you’re h0t tempered and it’s getting in the way.
Jax: (chuckles)
Princess Madeline: I don’t know why you’re laughing, It’s not funny.
Jax: Don’t worry, I’ll change.
Princess Madeline: You promise?
Jax: Promise. (stands up from the be-d) I’m gon’ go get us a drink, I’m gon’ be right back babe.
Princess Madeline: (giggles) Okay.
(Jax goes to the kitchen and pours orange jui-ce in two glas-s cu-ps, Then he looks around to see if anyone is watching then he stealthily pours a white powdery substance into one of the glas-s cu-ps then shakes it well and he carries them back to the room)
Jax: I’m back. Here… (He hands her the glas-s of the spiked orange jui-ce)
Princess Madeline: Thank you. (She obliviously takes a sip)
Jax: Hmm, It’s tasty. (watches her with narrowed eyes as she takes the jui-ce)
Princess Madeline: (she finishes the jui-ce and starts feeling dizzy) Uhh…
Jax: Babe, Are you okay?
Princess Madeline: (dizzy) I don’t think so….
(Princess Madeline drops the glas-s cu-p and slumps back on the be-d with her eyes closed wearily in a compulsory sleep, At this point, Jax’s whole being is stiff and re-ady. He proceeds to take off her leggings and un-derwear then pene-trates her)
br@den and Bella
Episode 14
Written by Johnny Patel
(Hours later)
(Princess Madeline wakes up)
Princess Madeline: (confused) What happened?
(She attempts to stands up from the be-d but is unable to due to the excruciating pains shooting throu-gh the depth of her th!ghs)
Princess Madeline: (gro-an s in pain) Ahh…
(She starts remembering how it all started; How Jax gave her an orange jui-ce before she strangely dozed off. She now knew what happened – Jax drugged her and had S-x with her while she was unconscious)
Princess Madeline: (asks herself) How could Jax be so cruel and heartless to do such a thing? How could he have S-x with me without my cons£nt?
(Just then, Jax enters the room grinning sheepishly)
Jax: Finally babe. You awake. (he says this guiltily)
(Princess Madeline is unable to say anything but stare at Jax with immense anger)
Jax: Babe, What’s wrong? What have I done?
Princess Madeline: (growls) How dare you ask me that as if you don’t know what you’ve done?
Jax: What have I done?
Princess Madeline: (crying) How could you do this to me, Jax? How could you?!
Jax: But you’re my girlfriend….
Princess Madeline: (enraged) Shut up! How could you be so barbaric? Drugging me and having S-x with me without my cons£nt?!!!
Jax: Ssshhhh! plea-se lower your voice.
Princess Madeline: Don’t “Ssshhhh” me!
Jax: Babe, I don’t un-derstand you, After all we intended to do it someday…
Princess Madeline: (furiously) Is that why you had to drug me and r@p£ me? You’re a beast! (sighs) Ugh, br@den warned me about you but I didn’t listen, This is all my fault. (To Jax) I hate you Jax! I hate you so much!
Jax: (remorsefully) Madeline, I’m really sorry. I really love you. I just wanted to be your first…
(He attempts to t©uçh her but she growls at him angrily)
Princess Madeline: Don’t t©uçh me! Don’t you dare t©uçh me! (looks away from him) Mark it Jax, It’s over between us!
Jax: Madeline, I’m sorry…
Princess Madeline: (enraged) Get out of my room! And if I ever see you again, I’ll have you thrown in the dungeon! GET OUT!!!!!
(Jax leaves her room in shame)
Cook: I wonder what happened between the princess and her b©yfri£ndthat made her chase him out of her room.
Maid 1: Maybe they’ve broken up again. If that’s the case, They deserve it.
Servant: Hey bro, You’re back early today?
br@den: Yeah, The King didn’t stay long in his meeting with the King of Rothemburg.
(Just then, Jax pas-ses by them)
br@den: (quietly) I wonder what’s wrong this time?
Servant: (quietly) Obviously he and the princess had an argument. Well, She deserves it, Maybe next time she’ll go for someone better.
(Jax turns back to them)
Jax: (To br@den) I’mma nee-d you to drive me back home…
br@den: (coldly) I don’t take orders from you, Only from the princess! Besides, I only take orders from you when you’re with her and since you’re not with her, You can go to hell!
(Jax stares at him for a moment then leaves the castle without saying anything)
Servant: (to br@den) Hmm, He didn’t challenge, insult you or even attack you, He was quite reticent. He must’ve done something wrong to the princess with the way he was acting…
br@den: (shrugs his shoulder)
(Meteor Falls)
(Life long hospital)
Mrs Marshall: Dr Lewis, How is my husband?
Dr Lewis: Madam, He’s not fine. What happened was that his lungs almost gave out but luckily we revived him.
Mrs Marshall: (sighs) Will he be okay?
Dr Lewis: We just hope for the best.
(Mexico City)
(Madame Laho’s mansion)
Bella: (laughs) Courtney, What are you wearing?
Courtney: Just a corporate outfit. I want to look pres£ntable to Madame Laho.
Bella: You should have just dressed casually like Amy and I.
Amy: (giggles) Yeah.
Courtney: Either way, The outfit is okay.
Bella: If you say so…
(Just then, A tall hvge lady dressed in a radiant outfit with shiny accessories enters the room)
Bella: Good day ma’am. You must be Madame Laho.
Madame Laho: Yes I am.
Bella: Wow! It’s really great to meet you.
Madame Laho: (smiles) So, May I know your names?
Bella: My name is Bella.
Courtney: (smiles) Courtney.
Amy: (gleefully) I’m Amy.
Madame Laho: Okay then. So where are your mobile phones?
Bella: They’re right here.
Madame Laho: Ok. Give them to me.
Bella: But ma, You can’t use them to call because there’s ha-rd ly any cell reception.
Madame Laho: No problem. Just give them to me.
(Madame Laho collects Bella, Courtney and Amy’s phones)
Madame Laho: Are they pas-sworded?
Bella, Courtney and Amy: No ma.
Madame Laho: Good. So are you girls re-ady to use your bodies to make me some money?
Bella: (oblivious) Excuse me? Aren’t you the one to be paying us salaries? How do you mean “use our bodies to make you some money”?
Madame Laho: How else would I mean? You girls are going to work for me as prostitutes!
(Bella, Amy and Courtney g@sps on hearing this)
Bella: (confused) I thought you were recruiting us to work in your beauty company.
Amy: Yeah, Your brother showed us a picture of the beauty company you own. And it even had your name on it.
Madame Laho: Any beauty company my brother showed you is a faux. A fake!
Bella: Look, Madame Laho, We c@m£ here to Mexico City to work as hair stylists, manicurists and pedicurists….
Madame Laho: (cuts in) What kind of stupid hair stylist, manicurist and pedicurist is that? I mean, how good do you think you are that I’ll bring you all the way to Mexico City?
Courtney: (interrupts her) You didn’t bring us here! We had to work by trading our bodies to pay the money for our trip!
Madame Laho: Firstly, I paid the money for your trip and even if it exhausted half way, That wasn’t my fault, Secondly, If I hadn’t told my brother to bring you here, Would you have ever thought of working here as a hair stylist, manicurist and pedicurist? Just so you know, You are prostitutes! You three will work for me for three months straight and then I’ll sh!pyou off to Italy, And if you ever think of escaping then you can say goodbye to the world.
Bella: (adamantly) No way! We’re not going to work for you as prostitutes!
Madame Laho: I can see you’re very stubborn and feisty. (shouts) Mitch! br@dy! Steve! Max! Cade!
(Five tall muscular hefty men enter the living room)
Madame Laho: (To Steve, Max and Cade ) Take Courtney and Amy to the girl’s hostel so Megan can give them a makeover.
(Steve, Max and Cade leads a distraught Courtney and Amy out of the house)
Madame: Mitch, br@dy…(looks at Bella) Deal with her!
(Mitch and br@dy carries Bella out of the living room and she screams for help as she’s being taken away)
Madame Laho: (about Bella) You think I’m running a charity organization here? Stupid idiot!
(Mitch and br@dy takes Bella to another room and starts beating her up)
Bella: (screams) Ahhh! Leave me alone! Leave me alone!
Mitch: (menacingly) You can scream as loud as you want, No one will come to your rescue!
(He keeps on beating her while br@dy presses a scalding h0t metal rod to her n£¢k and arms)
Bella: (screams louder) Aaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!