Bovil’s clash episode 3 & 4

Bovil’s 🌬️ clash ⚡

~~~~🏩 Highschool~~~🌈 ~~~r0m@nç£~~~👀💅

💁🏽‍♀️ Arrogant Meets Arrogant 🧑🏻😏

💗 Chapter 3 💞



😉 Mandela pov 😉

I looked at the idiot talking, he was looking down at me. Surely he was handsome, my gaze fell on his dark style soft hair and I felt like running my f!ngerson it. I looked at his pointed nose, pointed jaw and soft reddishl-ips

Damn it looks k!ssable, I didn’t even know when I li-cked myl-ips as my gaze drooled over his che-st, I know I wasn’t supposed to drool but oh well

After a sh0t while, I regained my s-en-ses and I stood up glaring at him also

“What does it look like I’m doing?” I asked sarcastically

“Well from what I’ve seen, you were torturing my expensive bike and then drooling over me like you wanted to eat me raw” he sm-irked

Who does he think he is😒

“For you information I wasn’t drooling, I was having my revenge!” I said

“Revenge?” He looks confused

“Well do you remember when you used this bike here to splash water on me yesterday?!”

😜Jaxson pov😜

I remembered ri-ding my power bike yesterday and accidentally splashed water on a mad looking girl, she was yelling and throwing her shoes at me like a physco, so she’s the one. I laughed out loud

“Why are you laughing moron!” I heard her asked

I di-pped my hands inside my pocket while staring at her

“You look unrecognizable yesterday but today you look…hmm I can’t really say”

She glared at me

“Well I got no time for your $h!t but I’ll complete what I c@m£ here for!” She said and I stood there smiling like a fool as she destroyed my power bike


💁🏾‍♀️ Mandela pov 💁🏾‍♀️

After bur-sting the tire to my content, I smiled and looked at him

“Next time when you see a girl walking down the street, don’t splash water on her with this useless machine” I said and I threw the scre-wdriver at the smiley freak and catwalked out

I felt his gaze on my as-s from behind but guess what! I don’t care. I sm-irked as I left

🧣 Jaxson pov 🧣

I watching watching her sway those Nicki Minaj as-s, damn I can feel a bulge building up in my p@n-ts

“Jaxson” that was my annoying friend Draco, a brown skin dude just like that Nicki Minaj big as-s girl

“What!” I turned to him and his gazed was fixed on my power bike

“Dude what happened?” He asked

“A crazy girl did this but I’ll get back at her!” I smiled and Draco shurrged and left

❣️ Mandela pov ❣️

I went to my so-called clas-sroom and no kidding it was nice, my sitmate was a girl, white skinned, she is pretty but not to rich

I rolled my eyes and sat down beside her, she better not talk to me, I don’t wanna have any single friends

I can feel her staring at me and it was damn annoying, I couldn’t take it so I glared at her and she shuddered. Pathetic!

Sooner I saw that idiot and a brown skin boy entered the clas-s and some girls were giggling and shouting their names

Okay which one is Draco and which one is Jaxson, I rolled my eyes. The teacher entered and started the boring lectures

This is what I hate about school, yunno the teaching p@rt😩! I felt someone tapped my shoulder and it was that idiot

“What do you want!” I glared at him

“My name is Jaxson” he said

So what? How’s that my business??,

I shook my head and faced front

“Do you have any pen I can borrow” he asked

I rolled my eyes

“No! Leave me!”

“Mandela” the teacher shouted my name and the idiot sm-irked

“So Mandela huh?” He chuckled

Damn that stupid teacher. I cursed

🍭Maya pov🍭

Well I’m Maya, Mandela sitmate, when she entered the clas-s I couldn’t st©p staring at her, she’s so pretty with killer curve, long hair smooth brown skin and she looked rich
I sighed when will I learn, I don’t know why I keep looking at every girls beauty who come to this school, I know I’m not as rich and pretty as them but it’s not not my fault right. I sighed as I continued listening to what the teacher was saying

🖊️Authoress pov🖊️

The lecture was over and everyone had alre-ady left the clas-sroom. Jaxson was walking alone in the hallway when a girl c@m£ to him

“Hi Jaxson I’m a big fan of you, I just want you to notice me for once… My name is Renny and I want you to know that I can do anything just for you” she said smiling

😋 Jaxson pov 😋

I eyed her from head to toe, yes she’s pretty and has amazing curves but not like Nicki Minaj big as-s.

I remembered Nicki Minaj big as-s girl and I got hor-nyagain

“You’ll do anything right?” I asked Renny girl or whatever her name is and she nodded immediately

I sm-irked as I dragged her to the male restroom, I pushed her to the wall, well she asked for this

She pu-ll-ed my head closer and k!$$£d me ha-rd driving me crazy. Damn she’s gonna regret this

I r!pp£doff her shi-t and raised her Sk-irt up, I f0rç£fully pu-ll-ed down her p@n-ties and unZi-pped my p@n-ts, I was as ha-rd as fv¢k

I plunged my di-ck inside her pu-ssy. I don’t do gentle…

💄 Mandela pov 💄

It was alre-ady closing hour, I was like supper happy, I was on the school hallway when I heard my name

I turned to see that brown skin idiot smiling at me

“What?!” I asked

“I just wanna know your full name” he said smiling like a freak while I just rolled my eyes and walked away

🐾 Draco pov🐾

Men those as-s, they are killer, the first time I saw that Mandela girl inside clas-s, I don’t know why but I can feel that I like her not just her as-s but everything thing about her. Okay well mostly her as-s!


Chapter 4 💞

🍩 Mandela pov 🍩

I was trecking home, I felt someone following me at my back and I got annoyed must everyone stare at my as-s everytime

When the foot step got closer I turned back and gr@bb£d the person’s hand and it was my sitmate, she looked terrified

“Why are you following me!” I yelled and she shuddered

“I was just going home” she said


“I leave at 3rd Street” she said

3rd Street, that’s where I leave so we are neighbors whyyyy!!!

“I live at that same place too, so we are neighbors, what’s your name!” I asked

“Maya” she said

“Maya, cool name you’re pretty” I said to her

You know what?! I really nee-d a friend

“Thanks” Maya shyly said

“We could treck home together, we can talk more” I smiled and she nodded

I got home and threw my bag pack on the couch, my mom was ma-king lunch in the kitchen, I rushed to hvg her

“How’s school?” My mom asked

“It was somewhat fun, I made a new friend I think I’m happy” I shurrged as I took a fresh gr@p£ and shove it inside my mouth

“You know she’s our neighbor, her name is Maya super nice” I added and my mom smiled

After a while, I had lunch and watched TV till evening, I got bored and decided to check out Maya place

I went to her house with a basket of fruits and knocked on her door, a handsome guy opened it well he looked older

“Who are you?” He asked

“I’m here to see Maya” I said and I noticed he was looking at my b00bs

“I said is Maya home!!” I yelled drawing his attention back to my face

“Yes she’s in-

I didn’t wait for him to finish I just rushed inside. Damn I hate this, every guy always looking at my as-s!

🐥Maya pov🐥

I smiled when I saw Mandela coming, I can’t believe I have a new friend, I welcomed her in and offered her jui-ce, after we settled down, she faced me and asked

“Who’s that guy?”

“Who Peter, he’s my older brother, he’s a per-vert don’t mind him” I rolled my eyes

“Oh whatever, I c@m£ here to hang out, what do you think we should do” she asked

“Ahh, I don’t really know maybe as-signment or….”

⭐ Mandela pov ⭐

as-signment??, This girl is really boring

“Why don’t we hang out!”

“Hangout?” She repeated

“Yeah we can go to a club or something”

“But it’s late” she said and I rolled my eyes

“p@rtying makes us teenagers, plea-se” I plea-sed before she agreed

Phew! It was not easy at all

“Dress up, I’ll go use your bathroom real quic-k”, well thank goodness I’m dressed

I smiled to myself as I rushed to her bathroom, the door was slightly opened and I couldn’t believe what I saw

🧐Peter pov🧐

After I saw that brown skin girl entered my house, I eyes were on her big as-s and I felt my di-ck j£rked, she’s so h0t I couldn’t hold it anymore

I rushed to the bathroom, turned on the cold shower and re-moved my trou-ser with my bo-xer

My di-ck was alre-ady large, I know she’s young and I shouldn’t be feeling this way but I couldn’t help it

I gr@bb£d my di-ck and started stro-king it, picturing the image of mefu-cking that big as-s

I was so engrossed in it till I felt the door opened, I saw brown skin girl and she was looking at me in shock

“$h!t this is not good!” Before I could say anything, she alre-ady ran out. I’m finished, now she thinks of me as an official creep!

🤫 Mandela pov 🤫

That guy is a real creep, this New Yorkers are all creeps! I don’t even wanna pee anymore

I rushed out and Maya was alre-ady dressed, she was adjusting her go-wn. This girl is so local, I gr@bb£d her hand and rushed her out immediately

We st©pped a cab and went to a nearest club I saw online, once we arrived we waited a moment before the bouncer let us in,

“I’ll get us a drink!!” I shouted because of the loud music and Maya nodded
, I then rushed to the bartender

“Give me your best!” I said wi-nking at him

“Sure anything for you pretty” he said as he turned around preparing my drink
I felt someone sat down next to me and it was that idiot!!

🖤 Jaxson pov🖤

This is the favorite place I do hangout with my friend Draco, I was talking with one of my bit-ch, I knew I was getting bored until I so Nicki Minaj big as-s girl, I rushed to her and sat down down beside her, it’s time for payback!!

🐞 Mandela pov 🐞

I ignored j£rk face and waited for my drink, sooner the bartender brou-ght two bottles of vokda and that j£rk face took one and gulped it down

“Are youfu-cking crazy!” I yelled

“Chill is it because of drink” he sm-irked as he took the second one, before he could t©uçh it I kneeled his groin ha-rd and he gro-an ed in pain

“I’m gonna beat the cra-p outta you!!” I yelled as I started gr-abbing his shi-t, the fool was still sm-irking so annoying!!

😎Draco pov😎

I watched her fighting and I smiled to myself, now is my chance, I rushed to her and instead of pu-lling her w@!st my hands were on her big as-s

Damn this is so fun! As she was fighting and shaking her b**t was hitting my di-ck, driving me crazy and I didn’t even know when I pressed her b**t on my groin and m0@n ed

Next thing a ti-ght sl@p landed on my face. Damn it hurts!

