Bovil’s clash episode 25 & 26

Bovil’s 🌬️ clash ⚡

~~~~🏩 Highschool~~~🌈 ~~~r0m@nç£~~~👀💅

💁🏽‍♀️ Arrogant Meets Arrogant 🧑🏻😏

💗 Chapter 25



❤️ Mandy pov ❤️

I’m trying ha-rd not to laugh right now, the look on the both Draco and Maya face is what you call priceless

“What’s ha-rd to believe that Jaxson and I are friends” I said

“It’s really ha-rd , how when whaaa,” Maya was short on words and I rolled my eyes

“Miracle happens” Jaxson sm-irked

“It’s late, feeling sleepy” I yawned moving forward

“Wait for me” Maya shouted as she ran after me

🧢Jaxson pov 🧢

I was sitting on the be-d and watching Draco pacing up and down

“What wrong dude” I asked as I rolled my eyes

“Dude are you sure you are not planning anything” Draco asked

“Relax dude, I’m not I really wanna be friends with her, I’m not that bad you know?” I said

“I know you’re really sweet, I Know you ” Draco smiled. Okay this is getting weird

“So how do you feel about Daniel’s arriver “Draco asked. I sighed

“Honesty I don’t like it, and I won’t let it him t©uçh Mandy ” I said angirly

“Dude what’s with that mood swipe Draco narrowed his eyes

“Do you like Mandy” my eyes wi-den and myl-ips p@rted. I didn’t know what to say

“Silent means yes” Draco said smiling tea-singly

“Draco I’m gonna break your head” I warned and he kept laughing

“Accept your feelings, this was how I was to Maya and now look, I stamp my feet on the ground to tell you that I’m very lucky have her ” he said to me

“What-ever” I muttered as I gr-ab my towel and went to shower.

💎 Mandy pov 💎

I just finished showering and was still on my towel. I turned to apply lotion I felt someone hands ru-bbe-d my shoulders to my arms.

The warm t©uçh s£nt an unknown feelings to my b©dy. Soft k!sses were planted on my shoulders to my n£¢k and I m0@n ed a little the person then turned me to face him

” Jaxson” I muttered

“You are very beautiful Mandy, guys shouldn’t follow you because of your big tempting as-s but for you “he said as he brou-ght his head to k!ssme
I woke up and it’s was alre-ady morning I looked left and right. Oh my gosh. I just dreamt about Jaxson. So weird so damn weird

“Morning Sunshine” Maya greeted and I smiled at her

“how was your night she asked handing me a cu-p of coffee

“I got this for you, you sle-pt really well I see “she smiled. I took the coffee and gluped it immediately. I stood up and had my bath

I changed and went out of the room. In no time we would be going on the tour

“Mandy” Draco waved at me, he gave me a cu-p of coffee. Okay that’s how many coffee for today” I collected it and was gulping it.

I saw Jaxson coming from behind he’s the last person I wanna see right now

“Thanks for the coffee bye” I threw the coffee and ran away

🧢 Jaxson pov 🧢

Weird she saw me and ran off, does this mean that she also, I had a dream about her, she wanted to k!ssme.

Why would I have that kind of dream could it be that, the pool no no, we’ve forgotten about that long ago. Few hours we were all moving to the bus.

Mandy was sitting alone listening to music from her piece. I sat down beside her and she didn’t notice.

“Hey Mandy” I called and she almost fell down

“Oh hey” she waved her hands

“You’ve been avoided me I asked and her voice was shaking

“Avoiding you, oh plea-se why would I wanna do that “she said

“Okay, so how was your night, did you have a good dream?” I asked and she coughed

“What’s wrong?” I asked

“Nothing” she said and the bus galloped, her head fell on my d!¢k

“I’m sorry “she quic-kly said

“It’s okay it feels good” I win-ked and she gulped and faced front. She’s behaving weird

💎Mandy pov💎

He win-ked at me and he looked deadly handsome. My gaze fell on his redl-ips and I have this image of k!ss!nghim. I gulped as I faced front I hope I’m not falling for him gosh I hate this feeling. The bus st©pped at a street and we all got down and the tours begins.

Two days later, we all got back home. I st©pped at the front of my mom house. Gosh I missed home. I knocked on the door and my mom opened it and hvgged me ti-ght.

“I miss you babe, how was your trip to Florida?” my mom asked and I smiled

” it was the best mom”. Of course it was Jaxson and I hang out for the past two days and he was really fun to be with. Plus this weird feeling am having. Gosh it’s so faustrating. I went to my room showered and changed my phone vibr@ted and it was from Jaxson

💌Have you arrived safely💌 and yes he have gotten a new phone

💌Hmm…..yes and you💌 I messaged back. Few seconds it vibr@ted

💌Yeah….just showering💌

I chuckled

💌You don’t nee-d to tell me that💌 I texted as I l@yon the be-d

💌Now I’ve put on my trou-ser, I’m shi-tless💌 he messaged and I laughed

💌You are a big fool💌 I replied

💌Yh, fool for you, now I’m combing my hair, I look really h0t, I’m s£nding you a pic💌 he texted

💌Jaxson you really nee-d help💌 I texted and he s£nt me a pic, gosh he looked so handsome.

Something dirty popped in my mind. I love my door and took of my cloth. I was left with only br@ and p@n-t I stood and took a S-xy pic of myself and my as-s also

💌I’m just dressing, should I s£nd you some pics💌 I texted I want him to suffer a little

💌Sure, let me see that cu-pcake💌 he replied I sm-irked as I s£nt it. Gosh how wish I can see the look on his face.

🎾 Jaxson pov🎾

“No_ way” my eyes wi-den with what i was seeing. She was in red se*y un-derwear, her as-s everything. Good I can feel my ha-rd ness, why does she have to s£nd this pics. I can’t control myself anymore. I swear if I catch her, she would pay

“Who’s that h0t looking thing”I heard Daniel voice from behind and I shrinked in shock.

Chapter 26💞

⚽ Jaxson pov ⚽

“Let’s me see what you’re hiding” Daniel said as he snatched my phone

“Give me my phone Daniel” I tried snatching it from him but he just jumped my table and started laughing

“Wow Jaxson were did you get this pretty thing from, bring her home and let’s scre-w her together” he said and it really annoyed me

I pushed him down from the table with anger, he landed on his elbow and started gro-an ing in pain

“She’s not Sophie you fu*k anyhow, if I catch you near her I swear I’ll kill you myself, now get out! Out!” I roared as I pushed him out

I definitely can’t loose Mandy, not to him not to anyone,, I’ll do whatever it takes to have her to myself no matter what!

🍭Mandy pov 🍭

Weird, Jaxson hasn’t replied my message since then,, maybe he’s…

I laughed!

Can he really do that because of me,, I thought as I blu-shed ha-rd

“Mandy dinner is re-ady” my mom shouted

“Okay coming” I rushed to the dinning and took a fork and began eating

I wonder what Jaxson is doing now, how was his reaction when he saw that picture,, I couldn’t help but think

I was bitting my fork and was smiling foolishly

“What’s wrong with you Mandy?” My mom asked

“Hmm” I answered her

“You’ve been smiling since,, are you crazy?”

“Maybe I am” I unconsciously blutted

Next thing my mom was sitting beside me and smiling

“Tell me who’s he?” She smiled

“Who’s who?”

“That boy that’s ma-king you smile” mom said again

“I don’t know what you are talking about” I shurrged

“Is it that Jaxson guy” mom said and my eyes wi-den

“Mom!” I shouted as I stood up

“Hunny, finish your dinner first” mom said and I rolled my eyes

“I’m alre-ady full” I said as I walked to my room leaving my mom smiling alone


Next morning

It was Friday,, after hours if boring lectures, it was finally lunch time, I was enjoying my lunch alone until Jaxson sat beside me

“Why?” he asked

“Why what?”

“Why did you torture me last night with that picture?” He asked and I laughed

“It wasn’t intentional” I shurrged

“Oh” he muttered while I smiled

“Well this isn’t international too” he took my lunch and added to his while I g@sped

I sm-irked as something dirty entered my mind,, I didn’t know why I’ve been having dirty thoughts when it comes to Jaxson

“Well this isn’t international also” I said as I used my leg to ca-ress his ti-gh slowly, he looked at me with wi-den eyes and I just smiled

I brou-ght my leg up to his di-ck and he was alre-ady ha-rd ,, I used my leg to ca-ress his ha-rd di-ck while he had his eyes closed

This fool is enjoying this, I smiled as I moved my leg fas-ter on his bulge

🔥 Jaxson pov 🔥

What she was doing was driving me crazy, she moved her legs fas-ter on my bulge that my grip on my lunch ti-ght£ñ

She st©pped immediately the bell rang

“Let’s get to clas-s” she win-ked and left

I can see her laughing,, does she think it’s funny?? Gosh I’m still hor-nyI can’t wait anymore,, maybe I can relieve myself in the boys restroom

I was on my way when I bu-mped into Renny,, she li-cked herl-ips and looked down at my bulge

“Jaxson” she whispered,, c@r£ss!ngmy bulge

I know I’m really ha-rd but I can’t let her continue, she don’t freak me anymore, infact no girls ap@rt from Mandy

“I’ve told you countless of times, leave me alone” I yelled as I squee-zed her n£¢k ti-ght

“Pls.. I’m sorry you’re hurting me I’ll leave” she begged and I pushed her on the floor and stormed to the clas-sroom

I’m not even ha-rd anymore


After hours of boring lectures it was alre-ady closing time

“Mandy I’ll take you home let’s go” I said and she smiled


We both got into my car

“So Maya and Draco are going home together” I said

“Hmm, that’s why it’s good we are hanging out also, so we won’t feel lonely” she said

We chat randomly until I arrived at her house

“Thanks” she said and was about to get down but not so fast

I pu-ll-ed her back and captured herl-ips

She tortured me, now it’s my turn

She also k!$$£d me back like she had been waiting for this,, I pushed my ton-gue de-ep inside her throat,, I su-cked anything I felt there while she m0@n ed

She pu-ll-ed away to catch her breath but that didn’t st©p me from l!çk!ng and su-cking on her n£¢k, she m0@n ed softly,, pu-lling me closer

She was wearing a bu-tton shi-t so I r!pp£dit off and squee-zed her br£@st slightly

“Hmm Jaxson” she m0@n ed

I brou-ght my head down and started su-cking on her br**st while she was m0@n ing loudly and hitting my car glas-s

💙 Mandy pov 💙

I can’t believe I was enjoying this, he was su-cking on my b00bs while I unconsciously m0@n ed his name

He spre-ad my legs and pu-ll-ed my un-derwear, one of his f!nger entered my pu*sy and started f!ngering me

“Jaxson! Hmm. Oh yes. Arghhh” I m0@n ed out loudly, I was about to ¢v-m when he pu-ll-ed away and smiled

“See you on Monday”

“What’s all this!” I asked feeling disappointed

He chuckled and pinched my cheeks

“You love it don’t you?”

“I…I good night” I said as I opened the door

“Mandy” he called and I looked at him

“Good night” he smiled , I nodded as he drove off

I smiled as I recalled what happened earlier,, I honestly don’t know what was wrong with me, I hope I’m not falling for him!


It was Saturday evening, Maya and I were at the club having fun

“Cheers” I shouted and Maya looked at me

“Isn’t this to much”

“Nons-en-se, come let’s go dance” I dragged her and I ran to the dance floor

Maya shook her head and continued pressing her phone, I was dancing s£dûçt!velysome guys were looking at me but I didn’t care,, kept on dancing

An idiot c@m£ to me, he looked older

“What do you want?” I asked

“Dance, I wanna dance with you” he said,, I eyes him from head to toe

“fv¢k off” I said and was about to leave but he pu-ll-ed me back

I turned and sl@pped him ha-rd ,, he was holding his cheeks

“You sl@pped me” he said

“More?” I gave him another sl@p

“You’ll regret this” he said and f0rç£fully gr@bb£d me by the arm

“Let go” I tried struggling but he was to strong, he pu-ll-ed me to a VIP room and locked the door

I’ll teach you a lesson today” he said sm-irking

That sm-irk, he looks like Jaxson but he’s not