Bovil’s clash episode 17 & 18

Bovil’s 🌬️ clash ⚡

~~~~🏩 Highschool~~~🌈 ~~~r0m@nç£~~~👀💅

💁🏽‍♀️ Arrogant Meets Arrogant 🧑🏻😏

💗 Chapter 17💞



💮 Mandy pov 💮

“Why don’t you wanna talk to your dad?” Maya asked

“I don’t wanna ever talk to him” I muttered, my eyes bec@m£ blurry with tears

“Mandy talk to me” Maya said ru-bbing my shoulders and I broke down in tears as I hvgged her ti-ght

“I hate him Maya, I hate him!” I kept on crying

Few minutes later, Maya and I were sitting on the be-d and I told her how my father cheated on my mom with her best friend

“That’s so awful” she said ru-bbing my back

“You know in life we all face difficulties, my mom died of heart disease when I was nine and my father decided to give up on life, he smokes and drink and doesn’t even come home so it’s just me and my brother” Maya said as I was cleaning my eyes with tissue

“I’m sorry” I said and she just smiled

“Water?” She asked and I nodded,, she stood up to go get some water

💞 💞
💞 💞

💦Three days later 💦

Everyone were gathered in the school happy and the principal was talking about the s£nior clas-s that’s my set,, going on a short trip to Florida

Florida that’s were I ran away from because of Bryan and my dad and now we’ll be staying there for three days, starting next week

“You’re all dismissed” principal sternly said and everyone left the hall

“Mandy how do you feel about the trip” Maya asked me and I smiled faintly

“Well a bit nervous” I answered and she hvgged me ti-ght. We spend sometime talking about random stuffs

I’m proud to say from what I’ve seen so far about Maya, she’s a kind of person you can call true friend, she’ve always been by my side no matter what, even when the guy she like, likes me she’s still here with me and I’m so lucky to have her

I smiled as I hvgged her ti-ght


We closed and I went home, I told my mom about the trip to Florida

“Just be careful okay” my mom said while putting some pasta on my plate, I went to the dinning and took a fork, I just took three spoons and felt full

“Thanks for the meal mom, can I stroll out a bit” I asked and she nodded

I took my jacket and went out,, earlier three days ago I found this cool s£nary that’s meant to clear your mind, I’ve been going there anytime I nee-d to clear my mind and when I wanna be alone

I arrived at the place and smiled, I breathed in the fresh air that smell of fresh petals

I sat down on the long bench while watching the chirpping birds. Gosh this place is so peaceful

I was smiling to myself when I felt someone sat down right next to me,, I turned to see Jaxson sm-irking

Here goes my peaceful moment,, I rolled my eyes

“What are you doing here?” I asked him

“I should be asking you that” he said and I rolled my eyes again

“Why do you love rolling your eyes?” He asked and I laughed

“I want to have a peaceful evening, I don’t get why you are here now”I muttered

“Okay have your peaceful evening I’ll have mine”he said as he brou-ght out his phone and started pressing it.

Everywhere was silent, the only noise that was heard was the song of the bird. I took a quic-k glance at him and was still pressing his phone

“Why exactly are you here”I asked and he sighed

“The same reason why you are here, to clear your head “he said

“Oh” I muttered

“Are you even gonna tell me who Bryan is”he asked and I signed

“How is that your business?*

“It’s my business, I want to know who break your heart, I want to know that dummy “he said and I looked another side. After a while of silent I spoke.

“He was my first love, he cheated on me with my best friend”I said

“I’m sorry about that”he said and I sighed

“That why you c@m£ to clear your head, could it be that you still have feelings for him” he asked

“A little,I still have a little feelings for him “I spoke

“oh” he muttered

🏉Jaxson pov 🏉

I didn’t know, why for some reason it pained me,I got jealous of that Bryan guy, if I catch that guy anywhere I swear I’m gonna choke him alive.

I didn’t know that I was clenching my fist untill I felt a soft hands wra-pped around my knuckles, i turned to see Mandy looking at me

“What’s wrong?” I heard her ask

“nothing,it’s just that I feel like killing that Bryan, he’s do dumb to cheat on a rare gem like you, I swear if I catch him anywhere I would teach him a lesson I said and she smiled faintly,

“So why do you wanna clear your head? “she asked and I smiled

“everything”I said, she looked at me and I smiled again

“Do you know Sophie” I told her

“”That new girl?? “she asked and I sm-irked

“Yeah, I nee-d to clear my head from her. She’s been bugging me”

I said and Mandy was looking at me confused

“She’s my ex girlfriend” I told her

“And why did you two break up?”she asked

“She was cheating on me with my s£nior brother” I clenched my fist angrily.

“Oh…. but do you still…..

“I know what she was trying to say to ask and I gave her a quic-k answer

“No I don’t have feelings for her anymore”

🍉Mandy pov 🍉

“I didn’t why I sighed of relief. We both faced front listening to the bird singing.

“The sound of the bird is so nice “I said

“Yeah” Jaxson muttered. I turned to look at him and he slowly brou-ght his head closer to mine and ourl-ips were about to t©uçh. His phone started ringing

“$h!t it’s my sister I gotta go “he said I stood up and li-cked myl-ips

“Me too, I gotta go make dinner”I said as I took my bag

“Okay see ya “he said see ya and before the count if three, we both ran separate ways.

Gosh this is so weird.

Chapter 18💞

😒 Mandy pov😒

Maya kept laughing and it was really annoying

“Maya for the last time it ain’t funny!” I yelled stamping my feet on the ground

“Oh then it’s cute then” she said smiling

“Maya! Yesterday we almost k!$$£d if not because of his phone that is so fv¢king weird” I said and she laughed again

I rolled my eyes as I took my l!pgloss and began applying it on myl-ips, I took my bagpack and kicked the door open

“Mandy wait for me” Maya shouted while running after me

I sm-irked, I just snatched my mom car keys

“Get in” I said to Maya

“Nope,, I don’t wanna die” she shook her head

“Come on you won’t die okay, trust me I can drive!” I said and she pouted

“Why would you take your mom car keys, won’t she freak?”

I sighed in frustration

“Maya I’ve been trecking to school for almost a month while mom has to use the car, she’ll have to treck this time” I said as I entered the car, I hit the car horn and Maya got in

I told the gate man to open the gate before my mom wakes up, he opened the gate and I drive out, I arrived at the school parking lot

“Wow Mandy, you really surprised me, I never know you can drive” Maya said as we were both l!çk!ng ice cream

“Yeah Maya I think you really nee-d to talk to someone, he’s been wanting to see you” I said

“Hmm..who?” She asked

I pointed at Draco,, immediately her ice cream fell down from her hand

🍓Maya pov 🍓

Draco! I don’t think I can face him now

“Mandy” I called

“I don’t think I can,.. before I could finish Mandy alre-ady ran out, throwing flying k!sses at me

Damn this girl

“Maya plea-se can you hear me out” Draco said

“I’m not in the mood Draco” I snapped as I turned to leave

“I love you Maya”

I heard him shout and the whole students standing at the school hallway turned to look at us

“plea-se st©p saying ru-bbish” I muttered, I tried moving forward again my face was red of embarras-sment

Draco gr@bb£d my arm and turned me to face him before I could react he cu-mpped my face and k!$$£d me on thel-ip

OMG! He k!$$£d me in front of the students and they were cl@pping, I’ve never been this embarras-sed in my life before

He re-leased me and I sl@pped him and ran to the libr@ry


I closed the door and rest my back on it, Gosh my heart was beating like really fast,, he said he loves me, he k!$$£d me in public oh no!

What do I do now, I was so busy in thought that I didn’t even notice when I opened the door for Draco

I tried to close it back but he pushed it back open and stepped Inside

“plea-se Maya don’t ignore me like this” he pleaded

“” I asked stuttering

“I said I love you!”

🔍Draco pov 🔍

After I as-sult her that day at the p@rty, I felt really bad I wanted to apologise to her,I tried calling her but no response. I meet her in school and she asked me if I liked Mandy.

I really didn’t know, I thought I liked her but I didn’t, I was just lvsting after her as-s which surprised me that it don’t freak me out anymore. After what I did to Maya at the p@rty.

I realized I don’t really nee-ded anyone. I couldn’t get her off my mind and trust me it’s not because of her b©dy it’s just because of everything about her

I realized that I love her and decided to let her know but she was still shaking

“I un-derstand that I’ve not been a good guy lately and I also un-derstand that you don’t feel the same way about me anymore, it’s totally not your fault but mine. I’ll wait for you no matter what”

I turned to leave but a soft arm wra-pped around my che-st

“Are you lying to me?” Maya asked and I can feel her tears streaming down and tou-ching my back

I turned to her and cleaned her tears

“I’m not,, I swear I really do love you” I said and next thing herl-ips landed on mine

“I love you too” she said and I smiled and hvgged her ti-ghtly

That’s it, I’m never gonna let her go

💘 Sophie 💘

That girl, she’s the one, I followed Jaxson yesterday without him knowing and I saw him, he wanted to k!ssthat girl, that brown skin bit-ch

That’s her car right,, I’mma less her tires

♨️ Mandy ♨️

I was listening to music on my mom, I pla-yed it loud as I was dancing to it since the clas-s was empty

I twer-ked my as-s as I want!!!

“You really love twer-king those as-s don’t you” I heard Jaxson voice, I was startled so I fell down!

🎌 Jaxson 🎌

I opened the clas-sroom door and met Mandy twer-king her as-s

Damn she’s really good, I remember how she was twer-king it at p@rty that day, I bec@m£ ha-rd again

“You really love twer-king those as-s don’t you?”

She got startled and fell down,, when she stood up, she immediately turned of the music and short me a dead glare

“You were standing there this whole while??” She asked angrily

“Yes,, what are you gonna do! Give me a l@p dance??” I sm-irked,, crossing my arm on my che-st

She stared at me, then my erected di-ck

“You wish” she said as she put her mp inside her bag

“Why are you leaving, won’t dance anymore?” I asked and she rolled her eyes and moved forward

“Could it be that you’re shy” I tea-sed and next thing she hit me right on the d!¢k with her bag

$h!t, it hurts!!

🌸 Mandy 🌸

I sm-irked as I left the clas-s,, I was still hearing his gro-an s and I felt so proud of my self

I reached the parking lot and texted Maya to meet me cause we are leaving now

I haven’t seen her since she talked with Draco but I’m hearing some gossips she better explain to me when we get home

I reached my car and my eyes almost popped out


I screamed when I saw the flattened tire,, the four of them for that matter now it’s totally useless

“Who did this!!!” I yelled my lungs out that the birds flew away from the pole that they were standing