Black widow finale

Black Widowđź’Ł
Final Episode

Sonia sat beside her husband who was still unconscious. She looked so tired and worried while the doctor, Michael’s brother attended to him.

“Don’t worry, he will be fine.” Nana who just entered, said to her, handing her a cu-p of tea.

“Thanks Nana. I just wish he could open his eyes. It’s been more than 24 hours alre-ady.” Sonia replied.

“He will be fine Sonia.” Doctor said.

Sonia sighed. “Okay doc.”

In the living room, Sody and Shrek kept laughing as they pla-yed a game on the system together.

“You are a cheat Sody. I swear, I will kill you!” Shrek shouted , dropping his controls, and rushed to lift Sody from the floor before they both coll@psed on the settee, on t©p one another.

For a while, they just stared at each other and smiled before theirl-ips met for a tender k!ss.

Shrek pu-ll-ed away and whispered to her. “You know you are my one lucky charm. Because of you, I avenged my father.”

Sody smiled. “I knew you would nee-d me, that was why I met you. I am a psychic, remember.” She said, half-smiling before they k!$$£d again.

Outside, Nana’s crib, un-der the tree, stood Fabian and Shelby, holding hands.

“I am glad we are finally here Shelby am sorry for everything I put you….” Shelby placed a f!nger tenderly against hisl-ips to shush him up.

“I never st©pped loving you Fabian. We have been throu-gh so much together and we overc@m£.”

“Well, then, I guess this is the best time then…”

“For what?”

“To ask if you would marry me.” He said, kneeling down and opening a little box. On it was an old, rusty pipe, the one he had kept all this while.”

When Shelby saw this, she bur-st into laughter. “Are you kidding?”

Fabian laughed and instead brou-ght out a golden ring from his back pocket. “ Wanted to see your face when I show you this.”

Shelby g@sped. “Yes, yes, I will. I mean who else would I say yes to? I have said yes to you a long time ago.”

Shelby moved closer to Fabian, her eyes beaming with both joy and excitement. This was the best moment for this. Fabian leaned in to her and they both closed their, eyes, their breaths shaking.

“Thank you,” she said in ba-rely more than a whisper.
“For what?” He replied, his voice low and husky.
“For being you.” Her voice wavered, exhilarated from the tension between them.
Then she leaned in and k!$$ÂŁd Fabian’s rou-gh but warml-ips. They pu-ll-ed ap@rt and took shaky, shallow breaths. Unable to contain themselves anymore, Fabian held her head in his hands and pu-ll-ed her into a fiery and pas-sionate k!ss. His hands worked their way around her b©dy, feeling, each line along his perfect physique.
Then they pu-ll-ed ap@rt, starring de-eply into each other’s eyes.

“I love you so much Shelby.”

She smiled shyly. “I love you too Michael.”

As they embr@ced, Nana watched them from afar, smiling at them.

“I’m sorry to interrupt but Calvin is awake. “ She shouted to them.


Some minutes later, all of them clvstered around Calvin who was now awake but still lying down. His hands was intertwined into Sonia’s hand.

“Fabian my man. We showed them hell right?”

Fabian chuckled. “Sure we did bro.” He said, as they threw a bu-mp-fist.

“So, have you both k!$$£d?” He asked, looking at Fabian and Shelby but Sonia sp@ñk him on the arm.

“Okay, I’m sorry but congratulations to you both.” Then he sp©tted Shrek. “Badas-s hacker, we made a good team. I’m proud of you.”

“Wow! First compliment from the drug lord. I am honored. “Shrek replied and they all laughed.

“Wow!My Calvin is a nice man, giving people compliments, this is too good to be true.” Sonia said and they all chuckled.

“Well, you are my teacher and I love you forever for that.” He replied, smiling lovingly at his wife. “So what next?” He asked.

“Well, I and Sody, will fly back to Georgia, where we will continue whatever we were doing before.” Shrek said, k!ss!ngSody on the cheek.

“What about you, where will you hold the wedding?” Calvin asked Fabian.

“I and my Fiancee, we will discuss that tonight. But wherever we are going, our Nana, will be coming with us.” Fabian replied, pu-lling Shelby closer and Nana closer to him.

“Like you have a choice.” Nana said, as they all laughed.

“So baby, are we re-ady to go home.” Calvin asked his wife.

“Yes baby but not until we share this news.”

“What news?” Everyone asked at the same time and the doctor stepped out.

“Well, Mr Calvin, you are about to become a daddy. Your wife is 2 months pregnant!”

Everyone screamed but Calvin looked shocked. Instead he pu-ll-ed his wife closer and k!$$ÂŁd her de-eply. Then he pu-ll-ed away and started laughing excitedly as everyone hvgged Sonia to congratulate them.

“Im gonna be a daddy! I’m gonna be a daddy!I’m gonna be a bad as-s daddy!!


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