Black Marriage – episode 7

black marriage episode 7

Andy roamed the masters’ be-droom in anxious strides. He was angry, confused, hurt and every unplea-sant emotional feeling that can come to mind. Jessica had been sitting in the sitting room for over an hour, with her eyes glued to the TV set. She had refused to enter the room saying she would only go in when it suits her. Jessica was the most stubborn woman that Andy had ever la-id his eyes on. He was angry because he saw no reason why she should vehemently refuse to enter the room, although he knew that it can’t be easy for woman to accept slee-ping in the same room with a guy. ‘But she is my wife’, he thought frustratedly and paused. Even though the truth was so bitter, he had to admit that he was angry because he could not imagine slee-ping alone in the room when Jessica was just by the corner.
It had been ha-rd for the past few days but seeing Jessica tonight had almost turned him mad with de-sire to t©uçh her. The mere thought that she was avoiding him like a plague was so insulting and infuriating. He had gone out countless number
of times to take one thing or the other just to catch her attention and make her know that he was still awake but she did not seem to even notice. He had never been this angry over such a meaningless issue. He finally re-moved his clothes and went into the bathroom, hoping that the cold water would calm his nerves.
Jessica had been watching a late night Mexican movie but she could ba-rely recount what had happened in the movie which had alre-ady been concluded. She had been
br@instorming a possible solution to the predic@m£nt she suddenly found herself. She had changed into a big night robe and sat in the sitting room hoping for a miracle. when no solution c@m£ to mind, she still sat there, hoping that
Andy would be asleep by the time she got into the room.
This was what annoyed her: Andy refused to sleep. He kept on going in and out of the room and she kept on waiting even though she was feeling so dizzy.
She jumped and turned. Her father-in-law stood before her, looking at her critically. “You are still awake?”
She swallowed slightly then smiled. “Yes sir, I wanted to watch a soap opera before I sleep. I was just about entering now because the movie just ended”.
“OK, where is Andy?”
“He is in the room; he does not like Mexican movies” she paused and frowned. “I thought you were asleep dad, you had a hectic trip”.

He smiled slightly, liking the fact that she called him dad.
“I am a light sleeper. I was asleep but I heard the sound of the TV and c@m£ out thinking that you left the TV on and went to be-d”
“Oh, sorry I disturbe-d you sir. I would just put everything off now and go to be-d”
Mr Williams went back to his room and Jessica had to agree with Andy that his father was indeed very cunning. She put off the TV and all the lights and walked to the room. She was banking on the hope that Andy was alre-ady asleep since she hadn’t seen him for almost thirty minutes. She adjusted the go-wn around her b©dy even though it was not really necessary, then she pu-ll-ed the door open. The room was very welcoming and tidy.
She closed the door and walked in but Andy was not there. She looked around critically but did not see him. The sound of water coming from the bathroom gave her the answer she nee-ded. She swallowed and adjusted the be-d spre-ad which did not look like anyone had lain on it recently. The room had Andy’s perfume clinging to it, ma-king her aware of Andy who was in the bathroom.
She heard the bathroom door open and she froze as her heart beat wildly.

Andy saw Jessica immediately he stepped out of the bathroom. She was obviously very nervous as it showed on her and her stiff back which was turned to him. The sight of her made his heart quic-ken alarmingly and he frowned, wondering what the hell was wrong with him.
“I thought you would never come inside the room” Andy said.
“I won’t deny that slee-ping on the couch had crossed my mind” her back was still turned to him”
“Is that how scary I am. I am not going to bite you unless situation calls for it” he was flir-ting with her, Jessica knew.
“Situation would not call for anything, you gave your word” Jessica said with agitation and turned. She bec@m£ iced immediately wishing she had stayed with her back to him.
That was the very first time that she would really see his che-st. His che-st was filled with athletic muscles which depicted power and strength. He looked alarmingly inviting and try as she may, she could not take her eyes off him.
She forgot to breathe as she stared with curious interest; ap@rt from his che-st being muscled, it was also hairy.
Staying in the room just bec@m£ more difficult, she thought abs£ntly. For the first time, Andy left the doorway of the bathroom, moving fully into the room. Jessica turned nervously and raised the blanket up so she could get un-der in and on the be-d but she was slow, maybe deliberately slow.
Andy’s hand t©uçhed her shoulder and she shivered and turned instantly. That was the biggest mistake she made.
The only time she had been that close to Andy was that moment in the kitchen during their weird honeymoon.
Standing so close to him now was much more frightening because he was shi-tless. He looked totally masculine.

Breathing bec@m£ an impossible task as she gazed at his che-st, not able to look into his eyes.
Andy took his hands off her but kept his gaze on her, probing her s-en-ses.
“What are you doing Drew?” Jessica asked, her voice ba-rely above a whisper. He was no longer tou-ching her but she still felt the heat of his palm against her shoulder. She could not move away from him also because she was tra-pped between his mas-sive b©dy and the extra-large be-d.
“What were you thinking when you wore that go-wn?”
She breathed de-eply. “I was not thinking anything”.
He did not know when his left hand left his side to t©uçh her hair. She had packed the hair the way she was used to again and he so wanted to see the hair without the band. “I think you knew what you were doing. You were trying to s£dûç£me Jess”.
Jessica laughed. A very uncomfortable laughter that she was trying to use to ease her tension. Jessica had tried to convince herself that she was trying to get into character but she had to accept the fact that she had chos£n that cloth with Andy in mind. She hated having Andy see her as an unattrac-tive woman. It was definitely a mistake. “If I was, did it work?” She pushed.
He smiled. “Let me show you just how much”.
Before she could think of a word of protest, he pu-ll-ed her into his arms, pinning her to his flat che-st. He gazed directly into her eyes, trying ha-rd to control himself. Herl-ips beckoned invitingly but he was determined to never do anything that she didn’t agree to.
Slowly, he lowered his head to hers keeping his gaze steady with hvge difficulty. He k!$$£d her nose, expecting a refusal and hoping that none would come.
Jessica was not about to back down. It had been so long since she had allowed herself the attention of a man and Andy was more of a man than any other man she had come across.
Andy’sl-ips covered hers as he k!$$£d her with the whole of his heart.
For more than a month, he could ha-rd ly think about anything other than k!ss!ngJessie.
He could not resist the temptation again, he re-moved the hair band and buried his hand inside. He marvelled at the length of the hair and texture as he k!$$£d her hungrily.
He s-en-sed his control going over the bar and quic-kly broke the k!ssas they both tried to control their breathing.
He instantly left her, not trusting himself to stay close to her for a second without tou-ching her. “Go to sleep sweetheart, I can’t control myself with you”.
Before Jessie could respond he walked back into the bathroom for another cold bath.

Andy finally stood up from the be-d around past five. He hadn’t been able to get any sleep throu-ghout the night. He had turned countless number of times on the floor, unable to sleep at all. The floor had been a bit comfortable so his discomfort was not because of his position but because of his constantly straying thoughts.
Staying in the same room with Jessica was more challenging than he thought. He walked over to her and saw her slee-ping soundly. Her hair was still loosed the way he liked it. Even though her cloth was not what he was hoping for, she looked like a queen diva.
He brushed away the strands of hair in her face and her striking face hit him and made him speechless.

What is happening to me?  He wondered and walked out of the room instantly……


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