Black Marriage – episode 16

black marriage episode 16

Andy was not sure he had answers to any of the questions she asked.
He hvgged her ti-ghtly. “It is going to be alright Jess. I love you, nothing can change that. We would get throu-gh this” he k!$$£d her head and held her close. He called the driver that brou-ght them to the p@rty and within minutes, the driver arrived. Andy was happy that the driver had not witnessed all that took place because the driver looked shocked when he saw Jessica crying.
“Is everything OK ma’am?” he asked with concern.
Jessica could not answer.
“She would be fine” Andy replied and took Jessica to the backseat, sitting beside her also. The driver picked up Jessica’s shoes and purse which was scattered on the road and put them in the car as he got behind the wheels. Andy pu-ll-ed Jessica back into his arms and she rested her head on his che-st. Jessica sniffed and swallowed as her tears st©pped. Andy stro-ked her head slowly and k!$$£d the t©p of her head. He felt responsible for this occurrence. He never should have accepted the idea of a p@rty, especially one which was being organized by his own father. His father had always been mischievous and spontaneous when it comes to the family name.
To his father, nothing was more important and anything should be done when something untoward surfaces, even if it meant having a sacrificial lamb.
Jessica was alre-ady asleep when they arrived home and he was greatly relieved. He carried her inside the house and straight to the be-d. When he placed her on the be-d, she sniffed like a baby that just finished crying and folded her knees, towards her che-st. Andy swallowed and k!$$£d her cheek as he ran his f!ngersthrou-gh her hair.

His temples throbbe-d. He had promised to protect her and make her happy but no, all he had been able to give her was more and more pain. He felt terribly devastated. He wanted to re-move Jessica’s clothes and jewelries so that she would sleep more comfortably but he remembered that she did not get anything to eat at the p@rty before it crumbled.
He covered Jessica with a blanket and put on the air conditioner. He went to the kitchen but did not see any food there. Cooking seemed to be out of it because he did not feel up to it so he picked up the car keys and wallet and left the house to get food at the eatery.
He wished he had not relieved the driver, he would have s£nt him to get the food while he held Jessica as she sle-pt. He thought of how small she looked as she sle-pt; she looked like a little girl who was afraid of a stormy rain. After he got the food, he got back into the car and drove home. He locked up the doors and went inside the room but received a very big shock when he found the be-d empty.
Sonia left the podium, feeling very low. She had just acted a script for personal benefit at the expense of her friend’s happiness. Sonia had always been jealous of Jessica’s pronounced beauty even though the person in question seemed not to notice it but instead, tried in vain to look unattrac-tive.

She started wearing various flashy clothes just to feel more beautiful whenever Jessica was around and her job at the bank enhanced it but Jessica never even noticed this act, no one did because Sonia was very discrete. Her jealousy had turned to envy when Jessica announced that she would be getting married to the riche-st bachelor in the country. Why couldn’t it be her? Why was it always Jessica? All this questions had clung to her subconscious.
Sonia noticed that Lizzy was becoming closer to Jessie than she was and she bec@m£ suspicious then one day, she got the golden ticket when she eavesdropped on their conversation and heard them talking about a contract. All that c@m£ to Sonia’s mind then had been to snatch Andy by s£dûç!ng him but when she found out that he was loyal to Jessica and even seemed to have feelings for her, she bec@m£ confused but the answer c@m£ looking for her.
“Sir” she called when she sighted Mr. Williams. “My job is done and your son is not involved, he appeared to be the victim of the whole scheme”.
“Yes, good job” Mr. Williams said dryly.
Sonia canceled the irritation she felt at the nonchalant dismissal. “Sir, if you would give me my due, I would be on my way”.
The elderly man faced her slowly. “You said that lady is your friend. Don’t you feel guilty for what you did to her?”
Sonia was thrown off balance by the question but after thinking about it she decided. “No. I am doing the right thing. What they both did is wrong. No one should get married for money. She got what she called for”.

Sonia remembered how stunning and sophisticated Jessica had looked when she arrived at the p@rty. She looked perfect and everyone’s eyes, especially the men had followed her around. She could almost feel the jealousy in their eyes as well as the de-sire to be in Andy’s position. The ladies had also admired her beauty and coveted it.
Sonia remembered the golden costume jewelries that Jessica wore and anger clouded her s-en-ses. She had no doubt that the jewelries would cost a fortune.
Mr. Williams looked at the woman in front of him and shook his head in disgust. “You are the worst friend a human being can have, it would be better to be friends with the devil himself.”.
The words stung Sonia painfully. He withdrew a cheque of 10 million Naira and gave her. “I don’t want to set my eyes on you again”. He turned and walked away.
“Jessica” he called out with his heart pounding but did not hear any response. Alarm bells rang in his head and he flung the package he was holding, not caring where it landed. “Jess” he called louder. He checked the toilet and every corner of the room but did not find her.

He started searching everywhere in the house, yelling ‘Jessica’ but he got no response. He hurriedly unlocked the door and went to his gateman.
“Did Jessica leave the house?”.
“Yes, oga. She just commot, she no tell me anything”.
“Oh my God” He gro-an ed. “Why did you not st©p her? What is happening for Christ’s sake?”
“Oga, abeg no vex”.
“Shut up and open the bloody gate.” Andy yelled. The young man spun into action.

Andy jumped into his car and drove out with his blood boiling. He started driving and searching for Jessica. He crosschecked everyone twice even though he knew he would identify Jessie immediately he sighted her. After more than thirty minutes of fruitless search, Andy had to confront the fact that Jessica was nowhere to be found…..

To be continued.

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