Black book chronicles episode 11 & 12

Johnny Légendary

Note: 18+ ? adult contents ❌ not for re-aders un-der the age of 18




” plea-se, plea-se, plea-se, plea-se, plea-se, I beg of you,” I cried. ” Just let me go, Cas-sandra. You don’t have to lock me up here like you did last time.”

Cas-sandra stood up and circled around me, moving slowly and dangerously like a tiger. My eyes could never get off the black wh!pin her hand.

” I didn’t really get your name,” she said, her f!ngersc@r£ss!ngmy che-st.

” Boris,” I said sharply.

She laughed. She was one creepy bit-ch. I was scared of her.

” Well Boris,” she said. ” Today sure is your lucky day. Somehow, I wish I knew more about you. It’s fantastic we should meet like this and be in this position together. Do you realize that from now on you and I have got to trust each other and work with each other perfectly?”

” And do you realized you’re commiting an atrocity in the place of God? What if we got caught?”

Cas-sandra bent towards me and ni-bbled my ear. ” Don’t worry about that. No one is going to find out about us. Now, talk to me, Boris. Why did you pretend to be a beggar so you could sneak into a Covent?”

I wondered why she was asking about that now. ” I was stupid. I wanted to get my vir-ginity broken in a memorable way. I never intended in staying soo long here. I’m sorry I was trespas-sing but now all I want is to just go home.”

Cas-sandra laughed. ” What made you changed your mind? I thought having S-x all day long was what you wanted.”

” The S-x is too much,” I said bluntly. ” I can’t do it anymore. I might die.”

She laughed ha-rd again. ” You’re one funny man, Boris. So because the S-x is too much, you plan on running away.”

I li-cked my driedl-ips. ” Well if I don’t run away, I might die. I have no intentions of dying. Besides you were going to kill me.”

She smiled, toying with my p*nis. ” I was but then I changed my mind.”

” Why?”

” Because you said something very interesting. You were right about one thing. If I did get rid of you, I might never find another man to keep me satisfied whenever I get in the mood. The dil-dos aren’t enough. I nee-d more and I can only get more out of you.”

I was silent. There it was. She only had to say that to let me know of her next line of action.

” I’m an insatiable woman, Boris. You’re the first person to know this. I’m a S-x freak. I get really hor-nywithout reasons, especially at night. I lost my vir-ginity when I turned twelve. Ever since then, I got into many S-xual scandals that to-re my parents ap@rt. Scared I’d become useless for life, they dumped me in a covent, hoping I’d change. I did change but it was only temporary. I bec@m£ a good girl and I carried my activities well as a good nun. With time, the older nuns bec@m£ fond of me. Soon I was made mother superior. I am the youngest nun to ever be appointed with such high ranking position.”

She paused as she sat on my l@ps, staring straight at my eyes. Her arms wra-pped around me and she smiled more. ” I’ve served in two nunneries. This is my third Covent. When I re-ad Black book cronicles, I prayed for a man to give me that lost feelings of being a woman. When you c@m£ along, I jumped at the opportunity. Now that I have you where I wanted, I’m going to turn you into my devil.”

I drew my head back, wrinkling my nose.

She laughed. ” I am your hell, you’re my devil. I thought about what you said. It’s a brilliant idea. I love it. So you and I are going to make a deal.”

This was it. I saw it coming. ” What deal?”

” You’re going to act as a priest. Men are not allowed in the Covent but sometimes, in rare occasions, a priest is allowed to be sheltered for a couple of days or weeks. It depends. Now, I’m meeting with the nuns tommorow morning. You are going to stand alongside with me. You’ll be introduced to the girls. Your priest name would be…. okay I’ll come to that later but then you get the picture. You’re going to act as a priest for a couple of weeks until I let you go. You’ll be given a room of your own and you’ll be made to lead mas-s as well. That’s should’nt be your headache, I’ll help you with those but then, your main objective will be to make sure I get a daily dose of my S-xual satisfaction till your two weeks are over.”

I shooked my head. ” Wait, wait, wait. So I’m being given two weeks to act as a priest to fool everyone in the Covent and every night I get to scre-w you, then after my two weeks are over, I’ll be free to go home?”

She sm-irked. ” You’re a smart boy. That’s exactly what I mean. Keep me satisfied for two weeks and I’ll give you you’re freedom. You can’t escape this covent. The gates are always shut. No one goes in and no one goes out. The walls are high and dangerous, so you’re tra-pped here unless you comply with me.”

I couldn’t believe it. I won’t leave unless I keep her satisfied for two weeks. scre-wing her ain’t my problems. My worries centered on the p@rt where I had to act as a priest to cover up my devilish mission of scre-wing Cas-sandra every night. I may be a sinner, I may be a crook but I respect God.

I can’t do it.

” Cas-sandra, why can’t I just remain a deaf and dumb beggar? I can’t bear to wear a priest clothes to fool everyone…”

” That won’t work,” Cas-sandra shooked her head. ” Don’t you get it? This is a totally different Covent. No men allowed only priests and it’s for a short period of time. That is the deal, Boris. You rather take it or die here!”

My mind jumped. ” Die?”

She moved away from me and drew out a sharp knife from nowhere. My heart began pouncing as she squ-atted before me and gr@bb£d my di-ck.

I yelled. ” What the hell are you doing?!”

She held the knife over my di-ck and stared up at me. ” Do we have a deal or not?”

I swallowed. ” Cas-sandra, don’t do this. Come on, can’t we do this in a more civilized manner? This is too savage.”

” I don’t care,” I felt my di-ck ma-king contacts with the blade.

” I’ll do it!” I yelled my lungs out. ” I’ll goddamn well do it. Free my p*nis. I will do it.”

” Do we have a deal or not?” She asked. ” You asked for this, not me.”

” We have a deal. I’ll do it.”

She left my di-ck and stood over me with the knife in her hand. ” That’s more like it.”

The next thing I knew, she unlocked the handcuffs off my hands and returned to the be-d.

” Come on, my pet,” she giggled like a girl. ” Make me feel special. This is an un-derground room built de-ep in the hearts of the Covent. No one will be able to disturb us. We have the whole night to ourselves. Let’s make the most of it.”

I stood up from the chair, ru-bbing my wrists. My eyes took her in as she spre-ad out before me on the be-d, n-ked with a big smile on her face.

It would’ve been easy for me to just jump on her and kill her by strangling her n£¢k but that wouldn’t be a wise move.

Cas-sandra was one dangerous woman. If I was going to outsmart her, I have to be ten times smarter than her. At the circu-mtances, the best move was to just flow Along with her.

And so I approached her, my heart bitter, my mind growing with hatred, and my soul, frightened of her.

She stared at me as I stood before her. ” k!ssmy feet, my pet.”

I glared at her. She smiled more.

My hands held her leg and I lightly k!$$£d it. Wasn’t I a S-x slave after all? Might as well act as one.

She watched me as I k!$$£d her legs then her l@ps until my mouth c@m£ before her hairy pu-ssy.

I st©pped. I stared at the pu-ssy….the p*say stared right back at me.

Soo hairy. What the hell is this?!

Not that it smells but for Christ sake, why must she keep a forest around her pri-vate p@rt?

She glared at me. ” Why did you st©p?”

Because you have a mighty forest between your legs, you hor-nybit-ch!

But I didn’t say that in as much as it would have delighted me to say so. Instead, I took a de-ep breath and opened thel-ips of her meaty, hairy pu-ssy and dug my face in.

My ton-gue went in first, savoring the inner walls of this woman. She retracted as if jo-lted by electric. I ran my ton-gue inside her, feeling we-tting fluids sticking to my ton-gue.

Well, I must admit, she taste nice despite the hairs.

But hell, get a shave woman!

I su-cked more on her cl!ts. She made m0@n ing sounds that would have excited me some time ago but now gave me no joy.

Her hands went around my head and she pushed me more inside her.

” Eat me out, my pet. Yes….right there!”

At the back of my mind, nothing would’ve given me more plea-sure than to bite her cl!ts. But I was too smart to try that stupid move. She had a knife near by.

After spending ten prescious minutes on her pu-ssy, I got up and spre-ad out her legs more opened.

She looked up at me and grinned broadly. She was enjoying every moment of this.

I wasn’t.

” Do be gentle with me, tonight, my pet.”

But I wasn’t gentle with her. I rode her r0ûghly. Even when she c@m£, I didn’t st©p. I kept ri-ding her, delaying myself from coming until I tire her out.

By the time I was done with her, she was exhausted. I la-id beside her, taking my breath in slowly. That was the most brutal S-x I’ve ever had.

Cas-sandra could ba-rely breathe. She looked my way and smiled. ” That was awesome, Boris. One more round then we’ll go to sleep.”

My eyes nearly to-re out of their sockets.

And here I thought I was the one killing her.

This woman no de tire?!




The next morning, an as-sembly was held and Cas-sandra stood to address the young nuns.

She told them she was their new mother superior.

Blah, blah, blah.

She was aware they are wondering why she was Soo young.

Blah, blah, blah.

She intend on working with them in serving God and all those stuff.

Blah, blah, blah.

The girls welcomed her and accepted her. That was a step forward. The next step gave me goose pimples.

She called me out. ” And now, I’d want you all to meet, Matthew, he’s a priest serving un-der our superintendent. He’s going to spend two weeks with us in the Covent.”

I was standing in the shadows when she turned to me and beckoned on me.

” Matthew, would you come forward and introduce yourself?”

With unsteady steps, I walked out of the shadows and stood before the girls.

The girls stared at me with interest. I fascinated them. I was rather too young with a clean shaved beard.

Cas-sandra had spent the rest of the night preparing me for this morning. She shaved my hair, shaved my beards and got me some priest clothes.

She also got me some re-ading glas-ses even though I told her I didn’t nee-d it. She spent her time dressing me to her satisfaction.

I’d say this for her, she was good at what she was doing. I looked like a true priest. I couldn’t believe it.

My gaze went throu-gh the girls below me. They stared at me and I stared right back at them.

Cas-sandra watched me, her eyes drooping from boredom.

” Hello,” I waved at the girls. ” I am happy to be here with you, dear sisters. It’s an honor to spend the rest of my two weeks here with you all.”

Did I sound that bad?

Definitely. I su-cked at this stuff.

The girls looked at each other, then they responded. ” Welcome.”

As simple as that. Cas-sandra c@m£ to my rescue before I would embarras-s myself further.

” Alright, girls. Now that you have met him, it’s time we all get back to our daily duties. Mas-s would hold by 12:00.”

I was glad it was finally over. I nearly we-t my p@n-ts.

” Come on,” Cas-sandra whispered to me as she pas-sed me.

I followed her, watching at the girls as they dispersed from the corner of my eye.

” I’ll take you to your room,” Cas-sandra said, leading me to a room upstairs. ” I’ve spoken to the kitchen women. They have been given strict instructions to always deliver your meals at your room. As agreed, you’d have enough milk, vegetables and vitamins to boost your sp-erm production. Stick to our agreement and in two weeks, you’ll be free to go back home.”

I said I un-derstood and she showed me my room.

It was a small room, as smell as a kitchen with a rou-gh spring be-d.

” This is your room,” Cas-sandra spoke. ” It’s not much but since you’d be staying for a couple of weeks, I don’t suppose you nee-ded anything fancy.”

” I’ll manage it,” I walked past her into the room, sitting on the bouncy spring be-d.

I waited for her to leave but she didn’t. She stood by the doorway, smiling at me.

” Are you happy, Boris?”

Can any man be happy when he gets to scre-w a woman every night?

But I didn’t say so. Instead, I said, ” There is God.”

She held herself from laughing. She was really enjoying herself. ” What makes you say that?”

” I don’t know, remember we’re in the place of God. After all these nones-en-se, we’re both going to hell.”

Cas-sandra raised an eyebrow. ” That’s a fact. Well, just so you know, you’ll be leading the twelve o’clock prayers.”

I glanced Sharply at her. ” What did you just say?”

” You heard me right and I’m not repeating myself.”

” I’m not leading any prayers. Are you out of your mind?”

She shrugged. ” Well, that’s what priests do when they pay a visit to a nunnery. You don’t expect to just sit around and do nothing. The nuns would take you as an imposter. You should be seen. Take a walk around the Covent, talk to the older nuns, interract with the staffs, lead prayers and go to be-d. You can also go to the clas-sroom and teach the girls one or two things.”

” I have no idea how to do all of that!” I nearly yelled. ” Cas-sandra, this is too much to ask for. I’m not a priest and I can’t act like one.”

” Then use your instincts,” she said leaving me. ” The cards are on the table. They’re all your cards. Pl@ythem smartly and you’d get your freedom. Pl@yfoolishly and you lose.”

And she left me.

The first bell rang and I knew it was time to start up something.


I began by taking a walk around the covent. While the nuns were in clas-s, I was busy walking aimlessly.

I still have a lot of time on my hands before Cas-sandra be-dtime comes.

For the first time in my life, I despised nightfall.

The blue sisters covent was Large and ancient. From the looks of the building, I’d say it must’ve been standing here for ninety-eight years. The walls were high and dangerous to climb and the gates were never opened.

Now don’t come to the conclusion that I was just walking aimlessly, waiting for nightfall so I can get my two weeks over with. I’m not that foolish. I was ma-king plans, calculating, plotting and observing. Cas-sandra has been smart enough to have me tra-pped in here. Now I’m going to be smarter. I’m going to act as a fool to fool her. My first step is to make her feel she has the power over me. Then when she’s not looking, I’ll bolt.

After going throu-gh every inch and breath of the Covent, I sat down on a bench at the garden and began thinking really ha-rd .

There was only one way out of here and that was throu-gh the gates.

But it was always locked from inside and outside. Only one person would have the keys. That would be Cas-sandra. But if Cas-sandra had the keys, it’d mean she could only be able to unlock from inside the Covent.

Someone outside has to unlock from outside.

Meaning only two people held the keys. Cas-sandra was number one. Who was the second person?

That was my new mission. I nee-d to find out who this second person was and somehow win her over to my side.

First things first. I nee-d Cas-sandra’s key.

I must’ve spent a longer period of time at the garden because I soon got tapped from behind me.

I woke up from my thoughts and looked around.

” Good afternoon, father.”

I stared at these two nuns. They were both pretty young girls with beautiful eyes and holistic looks.

My mind jumped. Another Mary and Sandra?

” Afternoon, sisters,” I said, standing to my feet. ” I thought you two were in clas-s.”

” Actually, it’s time for midday prayers. Mother Superior wants you to lead us in prayers,” one of the girls said.

I cursed Cas-sandra at the back of my mind. ” Well, alright. Let’s go then.”

I went ahead of them and I could tell they were watching me closely.

Cas-sandra was standing behind the pulpit, waiting for me with a hundred girls seated alre-ady on benches when I walked in.

” And now, let’s welcome father Matthew as he leads us in prayers,” she said stepping down the pulpit.

I pas-sed her and she gave me a suggestive look. When I stood behind the pulpit, I stared at the piece of paper she’d left for me with words to say for conducting prayers.

This woman was taking no chance to anything. She was well prepared for the worse.

Somehow, in my mind, I thanked her. She just made my job easy.

And so I began prayers. It was the most scariest thing I’ve ever done in my life. At some point, I’d imagine a long streak of lightning from striking me dead.

Father forgive me, for I don’t know what I’m doing, I prayed silently.

As we prayed, I took my time to stare at the young nuns below me. They were all lost in concentration in prayers. Even Cas-sandra was de-ep in prayers.

Hypocrite ?.

Suddenly my eyes caught something very interesting.

A young nun.

She wasn’t praying nor was she closing her eyes. Her eyes were staring straight at me.

I scre-wed my eyes as I studied her. She wasn’t what you’d call pretty but she had big serious eyes.

Those eyes didn’t leave my face. It was as if those eyes were telling me something.

Suddenly she broke her stare and closed her eyes.

I finished prayers but believe me, I had no peace. My heart was hammering against my side and I was sweating.

Something is going on in this new Covent.

Something that’s not good. Definitely not good.



Lunch was brou-ght to my room and I dug in. After eating, I began thinking.

Who was that creepy young nun and why was she staring at me in that manner?

Was there something I’m missing? I mean, other girls were focused during prayers but she deliberately decided to stare at me.

Did she consider me good-looking? Is she interested in me? Is she another Cas-sandra?

Then the next questions hit me. ” How do I get Cas-sandra’s keys?”

I was still going about theses things when someone knocked on the door. I went over and peeked at the keyhole, expecting Cas-sandra.

But who I saw wasn’t Cas-sandra.

It was the young eye staring nun. My heart froze. What was she doing here?

Then I saw the mopping stick and buckets in her hands.

Wait, was she going to clean my room?

What kind of temptation is this?!


