Billionaire’s bride episode 34


Episode 34


Gold POV ?

“Gold your mother knew she was going to die and she knew her killer I’m sorry but I think Aiden killed Delilah” Khloe said

“It’s not true!” I shouted.

“Gold is there any proof even the news proves that he killed Delilah……

“He didn’t kill my mom okay, this is just a coincidence. Aiden is innocent, they have it all wrong he isn’t supposed to be behind bars. Khloe I know you are blinded by proof but not every evidence is right, someone is trying to frame him.”

“Okay, so how are we going to his innocence when all these confirmed allegations are against him?” Khloe asked.

“We have to do it fast if he testifies in court tomorrow he may loose the case” Damon said

“What are we going to do now?” Khloe asked

“We are going back to New York…..” I said

“No you’re not!” I turned and saw Jayden leaning against the door frame.

“Excuse me, Aiden is in danger and he’s un-der custody and we should just sit down doing nothing” I said furious

“Don’t you see that it’s a tra-p, they want to draw you in and the news about Aiden is their plan.”


“I’m not sure but it has to be someone in the hospital since every clue is pointing there.” Jayden said

“Maybe it’s Lukas, he did lie that he had no idea about the illegal importation of carbonyx and he’s the only one that was surprisingly close to your mum” Damon said.

“Lukas is not to be trusted but what if it’s Ava?” I said

“It can’t be her she loves Aiden remember”, Khloe said

“Yes, but she left him and teamed up with Richa-rd , she might be his killer and for some reason framed Aiden…” I said

“But how is she connected to your mother?” Khloe asked

“Because she’s my sister and she’s a would want to do anything to have Aiden to herself” I said.

“It still doesn’t make any s-en-se” Khloe said

“That’s why going back to New York with or without your permission, Aiden life is at stake and I’m not going to loose him…” I said.

Aiden POV ?

“Mr Knight you have a visitor” one of the cops yelled and opened the cell. I just hope it’s Gold, she hasn’t picked my call and I’m really worried.

The door opened but it’s the last person I want to see, Ava. She grinned and sat down on the chair opposite me and brou-ght out a take out for me to eat but I refused.

“Is Gold okay…” Those were the only worse that managed to come out.

“Aiden do you realize that you are in jail and will testify tomorrow and if you loose the case you will loose your life and all you can think of is Gold, you won’t even eat and you’re being tortured, I’m doing my best to help you” she cried.

“How do you know I’m not the killer?

“I’m leaving” she said and walked out of the room, I heard a loud ban-g a guy with a mask walked in with a recorder.

“How are you enjoying your stay, don’t worry you will soon be dead” he threatened.

“What do you want Lukas”, I said and he g@sped.
“Surprised? I knew you were behind this all along, I just wanted to see how you will pla-y” I said and he re-moved his mask.

“Well it’s too late I alre-ady have Gold, so it’s better you sign the permit willing all your property to me or else…..

“If you had Gold you wouldn’t waste your time with time, so I know she’s not un-der you and I’m not afraid of your little threats”

“The rest maybe fake but remember you killed Delilah, you killed her that night and when Gold finds she’ll come running to me…..

“That night I remember you sh0t her, you were the one, you can’t br@inwash me like you did to Sonia and Delilah but Gold will find out what you did to her mother” I said

“Too bad she’s not here now, I promise you will die before she gets to you” he threatened.

Ava POV ?

I got home to see Gold and another girl sitting on my couch. I brou-ght out my gun and pointed it at them.

“Easy Ava we aren’t the enemy here..” Jayden said coming out of the shadows.

“Jayden…….B….But your dead……I saw the news”

“I’ll explain that later but Yu should know that Gold is your sister” he said and gave me reports confirming that we are sisters.

“So what you expect me to hvg me or k!ssyou, even if she’s my sister I was adopted, I had no sister, my parents told me my father sold me because I’m an abomination, I had to live with that pain, you had friends, family a Mom and Dad and even took Aiden away from me, I guess you won the war….”

“You think it was easy for me, Mom left me with Dad, my Dad bet on me, my mom willed me , embrya died and Sonia went missing, every one that keeps coming close to me gets hurt so tell me why you framed Aiden” I looked at her confused.

“What are you talking about??”

“You framed Aiden and killed Richa-rd , didn’t you??”

“I didn’t kill Richa-rd but there were some information that could reveal this mystery but it was burnt when he house was set ablaze, but there were copies and it can only be found in Cambridge hospital that’s where he requested for the surgery…..” I said as Gold got up.

“Gold where are you going?” Jayden asked.

“The hospital I’ll text you if I find anything”.

Writer POV ?

Gold quietly broke into Lukas office and began searching his desk. She searched the files but couldn’t find anything and slumped on the chair dejected.

Her phone fell on the floor and she bends to pick it up to see another set of paperwork, she picks up the files as-s flash drive sli-ps out.
Her phone began ringing.

“Gold did you find anything?” Jayden asked as she logged into Lukas l@pt©p and plugged in the drive.

“Yes I found a flash drive, I’m going to s£nd the contents to your email right now”.

“Gold get out there” Jayden warned

“It’s 75% it’s not complete yet” she said as the door knob began twisting.

“Ooh, ooh….” She g@sped and hid un-der the table and heard the notification sound that the file has been s£nt.

“It’s been received it now get out immediately”.

“I can’t anymore….” Gold said as fear gr!pp£dher.

Jayden POV ?

I looked at the files gold s£nt before her call was cut off. They looked like normal programs until Khloe logged us into another programme.

“These are files of the security footage at the hospital Richa-rd got his surgery but they look hidden” Ava said

“And these are the contacts for the plane explosion and also the contacts of the men that chased us” Khloe said.

“That’s not the only thing, look Gold is the rightful heir this is Delilah original Will but in digital format because she left Ava some property too..” I said.

“It makes s-en-se now that why Delilah wrote the secret message, she was f0rç£d to fake a Will, because someone she was threatened because of the br@in flash scandal, someone threatened Delilah…”

“That means my mom doesn’t hate me?” Ava asked

“No, she did this to protect the both of you”. I said

We cli-cked on the contacts.

“Lukas is the one responsible for the illegal importation un-der Delilah name.
This was a well elaborate plan, Lukas knew about the br@in flash and threatened Delilah to give up her credentials which made her to leave her family and separate you both so that he could have Gold” I said.

A video shows and I cli-cked on it.

“That’s Delilah but why is she running into the street?” Khloe said and the video shows her being hit by a car.

“That looked like Aiden car the one he drove in college…

“But he didn’t hit her he missed” Khloe said.

“She looks like she was sh0t” Ava said and tries to crop the video

“Lukas sh0t Delilah and probably blamed it on Aiden…… Jayden s£nd this video to the police station so that they can clear his name…” Khloe said.

I picked up my phone and called Gold.

Writer POV ?

Gold phone vibr@tes as she covers her mouth to prevent herself from screaming as she hid un-der the desk. The door slammed and she as-sumed that Lukas is gone.

She switched on the light and saw Sonia dead b©dy and the end of the room. She picks up her call.

“Jayden I found Sonia….

“Gold Lukas is the killer…..” Immediately her phone knocked out of her hand and turned to see Lukas.

“It was you” she said

“You weren’t supposed to find out” she kicks him and tries to escape.

Almost reaching the door as bullet sinked into her arms as she fell down loosing blood.

“Don’t worry you will wake up and won’t remember any of this.”


“Gold……” Joan breaths out to see Damon and the doctors who looked shocked.

“Where am I?”

“You’re in England, you’ve been in coma for two months now” Damon said

“Take me to New York” Joan said

“But my queen you’re pregnant and just woke up from a comma, you’re weak” Damon said.

“Gold is in danger I saw it like a vision, now take me to New York!!!!
