Billionaire’s bride episode 21 & 22



Gold POV ?

“I remember..” I said in a whisper, my eyes darted to Aiden who was screaming on t©p of his lungs as he tried to f0rç£ his way throu-gh the gates.
As my life flashed before my eyes I heard some voice trying to sink in throu-gh my skull but I was too in the moment to listen. Every single memory c@m£ flashing as the oncoming vehicle tries to apply br@ke.

This was it, I was going to die but one person won’t let me die so easily. quic-kly Aiden made his way throu-gh the gates and push me away from the hand of death.
The moment he pushed me away the upcoming vehicle which turned out to be a bus hit the br@kes too late as it collided against Aiden and threw him from the floor.

“Aiden….” Joan screamed as the bus driver c@m£ down. I didn’t know when my legs took over and ran to Aiden.

“Aiden……” I screamed my lungs out as Joan ran to me, I dragged him to a safe corner and let his head rest on my th!gh, I intertwined my f!ngersin his, tears began gushing out of my eyes.
He was I pain and his eyes were ba-rely open.

“I’m sorry I caused you this, I remember everything, I did nothing but hurt you, it should have been me..” I cried as he f0rç£d his Jaws to smile.

His breathe hitches as his eyes shut, he didn’t say a word he was lying down plank and his breathing was abnormal.

“Aiden…” I cried and shaked him violently as a sports car drove into the scene and Jayden jumped out of the car.

Jayden g@sped noticing a half dead Aiden iyn the floor. He rushed to him as he checked his pulse.

“He isn’t breathing…” My heart dropped at those word.

“What do you mean he’s not breathing” I yelled at the t©p of my voice.

“We nee-d to get him to hospital” Joan said.

“The hospital is like an hour away and the traffic is going to del@yus longer, he might die before we get there..” Jayden yelled

“It’s not like we have any other choice or do you see any doctor around here?” Joan yelled back but I didn’t pay attention.

I ran to Aiden and immediately did CPR on him, I don’t know if I’m doing it right but I just pray it works.

“plea-se work, plea-se don’t die on me” I said as he gag out a cough.

I decided to do mouth to mouth resuscitation. I crashed myl-ips against his as I tried to f0rç£ air down his lungs. The more I breathe in the more I felt dizzy.

My head was pounding but I didn’t care. With one last b!ow a sharp pain hits my skull rendering me defenseless.

“Gold….” Joan screams as my eye grew heavy and my head collided against the floor.

Joan POV ?

Of all the days gold could get her memory it had to be the day she almost sli-ps into the hand if death and Aiden lands into a comma.
Aiden hasn’t responded to any medications and gold is yet to wake up.

“The doctor confirmed that gold couldn’t handle the pressure so she pas-sed out and it was dangerous for her as she just regained her memory, she could have died and as for Aiden he’s breathing normal now but hasn’t shown any sign of waking up from the comma.” Jayden informed me.

“How’s the baby?” He asked.

“Don’t t©uçh me, you have no right to the baby” I yelled

“It’s mine…” He opposed back

“It’s yours but I promise you if you don’t keep away you won’t live to see it grow” I threatened back.

Gold POV ?

I woke up handcuffed to my be-d and sp©t Sonia who ran to hvg me in relief.

“Where’s Aiden??”

“Gold forget about Aiden, just sit back and relax” she said concerned

“Why am I handcuffed, what’s happening?”

“Aiden is in comma and you almost sl!pinto comma too, Lukas said we hancuff you so that you wouldn’t run out..” she said afraid

“There’s something you’re not telling me. Sonia is there anything you want to talk about?”

“I could loose my life, I promised your mum I’ll keep you safe even if it costs my life..” I’m confused, how does she know my mum.

“Sonia…” My eyes welled up and she hvgged me.

“I’m sorry but Aiden is in the white room” I g@sped on what she said

“To show you how serious it is. Aiden is going to die and if you can’t wake him up no one can, now take this, it’s the key to the white room, get there as fast as you can…..Never trust those who you knew your whole life, people change gold..”she said.

I don’t un-derstand what is going on yet but I don’t have time to put things together, I nee-d to get to Aiden.

“I’m sorry…” Sonia said.

Sonia POV ?

Not too long when Gold left Lukas walked in to see the loose handcuff.

“You were supposed to Brian flash her” he spat bitterly

“She just regained her memory if we flashed her memory again she could die”

“I don’t care as far as she doesn’t remember Aiden, Delilah left her in my care before she died..”

“Delilah told you took care for her not kill her…”

“He killed Delilah, she doesn’t even know, you know what he did, what his brother did, she was like a mother to me..” he said bringing out a gun.

“He didn’t do it on purpose Lukas, it was an accident” I cried

“What about Richa-rd , Charlotte was burnt to death” he spat

“Charlotte deserved to die, she was the one who started the fire..”

“He burnt my family Sonia, he burnt them to ashes, you were there in Australia…. They took everything away from me, Delilah too, I promised myself to protect Gold from those killers…”

“You promised Delilah you’d change, that you’ll protect Gold, you promised her you wondered kill Lukas, you are going back against your word….”

“She was a mother to me, to both of us, I won’t let her death be in vain…”

“She took us in doesn’t change the fact that she is the biological mother of Gold.. she wouldn’t want you to do this…”

“They took everything from me, they’ll pay, starting with you..” he said and points the gun to me.

“Go ahead and kill me, but gold will never be yours..”



Gold POV ?

I’m more than confused right now, I wanted to stay and ask Sonia how she knew my mum, what does she mean by people change? Is someone after Aiden?

The white room is for those who are at the verge of death, and doctors can’t do anything. I’ve been there so many times and see people die before my eyes.

My heart aches at the thought of Aiden being connected to machines and the fact that his heart might st©p beating any moment. Why did it have to be now that I regained my memories.

I wasn’t even concentrating on where I was running to until I bu-mped into Jayden.

“Gold what are you doing outside your ward..” I quic-kly dragged him into the supply closet and slammed the door against us.

“Gold what are you…” I placed my index f!nger on hisl-ips signalling him to shut up.

The nurses finally pas-sed by and I heaved a sigh of relief. I looked around and saw supplies of lab coat, medical equipment and so on.
An idea quic-kly popped into my mind and I threw one of the lab coats to Jayden.

“What am I supposed to do with this and what is happening?” He asked confused.

“Wear this, we are going to the white room, we won’t be able to get in unless we blend in” I said

“What exactly are we doing in the white room?” He asked

“I don’t have time to explain, but Aiden Is about to die..”

“What!!” He g@sped almost yelling.

“I can’t explain right now but Aiden life is at stake right now..” I said and Jayden nods and we put on the masks.

Anonymous POV

I la-id on a mat in my bikini as the sun shine on my skin, I took a sip of my drink and fli-pped the page of the magazine.
My clothing line was booming here in Paris. This was life away from trouble, away from my past and nothing can ruin this day.
My phone rings as I reluctantly picked up the call without looking at the caller ID.

“It’s been a long time” I squee-zed my face in disgust the moment I heard the voice

“What do you want Richa-rd ?”.
I could hear him chuckle at the other side of the phone. I hated the way he laughed and it still irritates me up to this moment.

“We made an agreement remember” he said.

“It only valid@t£ when Aiden is dead” I answered

“We’ll get packing, my men will be waiting for you at the airport” he said joyfully

“It can’t be, this is a joke right. We made an agreement that you won’t kill him if I left” I said as tears runned down my eyes

“I kept my promise, I even tried to get him to sell the casino but he refused” he said

“And you expect me to believe you…”

“Check the news, I got informed that he had slide into a comma and he’ll be dead soon, then the agreement will come to pas-s…”

“fv¢k you..” I cried as I dropped to my knees

“fv¢k all you want, Aiden is gone and you made an agreement that is the reason you’re still alive..” he said and cut the call.

I was too shocked to believe Richa-rd , I can’t believe Aiden is in a comma and it’s because of me.

“Sophia!!” I yelled

“Pack your bags we’re going to New York..”

“But Ma didn’t Richa-rd banish you??” She asked shocked. She’s the only who knows about the agreement with me and Richa-rd

“Aiden is in comma” her eyes wi-den in shock

“Is he alre-ady dead?” She asks

“He’s about to, Richa-rd wants me at the airport now..”

“I don’t get what transpired between you and Richa-rd but if Aiden dies won’t that be easy for Richa-rd to inherit everything..”

“It doesn’t work that way. I agree that I will leave the country if Richa-rd doesn’t kill Aiden, Aiden is the only one that has access to the deed of the casino and plus one if he dies..”

“You are Aiden plus one, that means…” She g@sped

“That means if Aiden dies I get to grant Richa-rd the deed to the casino.”

Gold POV ?

Me and Jayden disguise we were almost at the white room. We ran across the corridor as we stood by the white door with red mark.

I di-pped my hand into the lab coat and brou-ght out the key pas-s and slide it over the door and it opens.

“I’ll be out here keeping a watch, you go in…” He said.

I went into the room, his eyes were shut and his breathing was monito-red with the machine. I walked towards him my eyes filled with tears. I intertwined my f!ngerswith his and gently brushed his face.

“I’m sorry for letting this happen to you, j ws stupid, selfish and it costs you your life, but plea-se stay, I know you can hear me, i nee-d you to fight this, you’re strong, think of Joan, Jayden, think of me….” The monitor started going wonky

“Aiden plea-se don’t leave me….” I said as the monitor tuned out and the lines went straight.

He’s gone.

“Aiden…… Aiden….. Aiden…” I cried as I shock him violently. Without thinking I re-moved the oxygen mask and pressed myl-ips on his trying to resuscitate him.

“Gold is he… What the hell are you doing?” Jayden walked in and an idea popped into me.

“I Know how we can save him..”


“We have to perform br@in mutilation..” I said and he stares at me confused

“Which is…”

“We have to br@in flash Aiden..”

“Are you mad, have you forgotten what happened to you, you were lucky to have survived”

“Aiden don’t deserve to die, I’m supposed to be the one here, I’m the one the bus was supposed to hit..” I yelled at the t©p of my voice

“This isn’t the time to be taking blames Gold, how can you be he won’t die, this is a big risk you’re taking..” he said

“If I don’t take this risk he’ll die..” I cried

“How lucky do you think Aiden will be, that he’ll survive…

“I’m betting that he will..” I persuaded

“Ok, do it but if he dies I’ll never forgive you…”

To be continued………