Billionaire’s baby mama batch 1

Alison ran out of the church to the car park,her wedding dress trailing after her
She headed straight for her car,ignoring her mom and sister,who was trying to catch up with her
She stared in disgust at the decorations on the car and proceeded to tear everything off
Her mom caught her hand
“That’s enough,dear”she said”he’s not worth it”
“Let go of me mom”Alison said,her voice breaking as he j£rked her arm off and started the car
Her mom and sister watched her go
“She’ll be fine”Julie said as she gently ushered mrs Kent inside
Alison drove like a mad woman,nearly blinded by her tears.
She didn’t know where she was going but she still plodded on
4years of love and devotion to josh Emerson,but he took her heart and smashed it to pieces with a few measly words.
“Alison,it was fun.Now I gotta run with a real woman”
He had been cheating on her all over,with her best friend,Mitchelle sanders.
She wished they both rot in hell
It was nightfall when she st©pped outside the twilight bar,her makeup running down in streaks on her face
She watched people,breezed in and out of the bar,then got off and went inside,her dress trailing after her
She sli-pped on a stool and the bartender stared in astonishment
“I’ll have bloody Mary”she said, “a bottle”
Alison had never drank anything stronger than tea but she figured the occasion called for it
Within minutes she was drun!kas a skunk and started dancing wantonly to the music pla-yed at the bar as the patrons stared in amazement
A bride dancing in a bar
“Yea!”she yelled as she twirled,missed her foot and stumbled into a ha-rd surface which happened to be someone’s l@p
She rested contentedly on muscled che-st because everything felt right.Slowly her face was raised and she raised her drun!ken eyes to meet whiskey coloured eyes,hair black as sin and a slow grin forming at the mouth
She was mesmerized and said the first words that c@m£ to her mind
“You are S-xy”
Dennis smiled at the blunt remark
“I know”he replied”and you are just a little ti-psy”
Alison shook her head so ha-rd he feared it would fall off
“You are wrong”she said”I’m a lot ti-psy”
Dennis smiled again and as-sessed the situation.
She was wearing a wedding dress.
But what was more weird was his b©dy’s reaction to her
He realized the bar had gotten silent,trying to see how the pla-yboy would handle the bride
“Nice dress”he said
“Yea”alison replied”wanna see what’s beneath?”
Dennis was no fool and he was never one to look a gift horse in the mouth
At 32,Dennis overton,was one of the most eligible bachelor in town regardless of his scandalous reputation.
His lifestyle was nothing to write home about but he had built himself from scratch and made himself known both in the financial world and on be-d
He was fascinated with se-duction but quic-kly loses interest after the prey is caught
It doesn’t matter
There were many preys waiting to fall into his tra-p
He had a string if heartbroken girls as long as the Mississippi.He had never fallen in love and doesn’t intend to
Neither had he felt like this before as his traitorous b©dy reacted violently as Alison began running her f!ngersall over him and saying se-ductively
“Now sailor,you saud, you wanted yo see what’s un-derneath my dress”
Somewhere in Alison’s mind, common s-en-se thrashed about trying to get a hold of her but she refused.
She had never felt like this before,this heady feeling like power as Dennis trembled
She didn’t want it to end and gladly gave herself to the s-en-sation that kept pu-lling,pushing and finally dragged her to that place where sweet s-en-sations reigned supreme as herl-ips c@m£ up to claim his own
Sunlight streamed into the room in bright rays as Alison awoke from a de-ep slumber
She tried to lift her head but immediately fell back on the pillow
It felt like monsters were using her br@in to pl@yfootball
“Ugh!”she gro-an ed as she tried to move but couldn’t
Wait,wat the fv¢k?
She was being held ti-ghtly by strong arms against a strong b©dy
She glanced back and nearly screamed in terror
“Ohmigod”she swore”I must be crazy.I actually sle-pt with a stranger!”
She tried to move again but Dennis sighed and moved away from her
Thankfully he was still asleep as Alison picked her n-ked lim-bs from the be-d and gr@bb£d her dress from the floor,hurriedly pu-lling it on
Within minutes she was in her car driving at t©p speed back home
How could she be so stupid? Her head was still pounding and she silently swore never to drink again
“$h!t”she said as she sighted her mom’s car in her driveway.What was she going to tell her?
“Alison, thank goodness”her mom said as she hvgged her immediately she c@m£ in throu-gh the door”you are safe!”
“Where have u been?”Julie,her sister asked,scrutinizing her”you look like a mess.What have you been up to?”
“Nothing”Alison answered, avoiding Julie’s eyes
Julie was a real lie detector and alison wasn’t re-ady to tell her family that she sle-pt with a complete stranger all because her fiancé dumped her
“$h!t”she gro-an ed
“What?”julie asked,eyeing her closely
“Nothing sis”alison exclaimed”just let it go!OK?I was dumped by my fiancé and I’m not really in a good mood to share my feelings with you OK?!”
“She was just worried about you”her mom said”you kept us all awake last night”
“You shouldn’t have done that”alison countered”I’m a grown up woman who can take care of his herself”
She almost laughed at herself.
A grown up woman who acted like a slut all because her fiance dumped her
She didn’t know what she had gotten herself into but she was determined to forget it
Let bygones be bygones
Alison Kent will never love again
Alison glanced at the wall clock,shocked to see that it was alre-ady midday
She hadn’t even started working and her most important clients were meeting her today
The director of overton enterprises wants a new factory site and her real estate agency was by far the best in all consultations
She yawned,wondering why she was so tired lately
“Maybe because you work too much”she muttered
It was common knowledge that she had become the dre-aded workaholic intent on her business only
Two months after her wedding saga,alison had buried herself in work,giving it all her time and determined never to waste it on a man to the concern and worry of all her friends
One of those friends was coming towards her now carrying some do¢v-ments and a steaming cu-p of coffee
Alison stomach turned at the smell of the coffee and she rushed into the toilet to throw up
“Are you ok?”Tonia west,personal as-sistant and friend to Alison asked as she c@m£ into the room looking weak
“I’m fine”alison said weakly
“Are you sure?”Tonia asked again”when last did you get a good night sleep Alison?”
Alison shook her head and refused to answer because she didn’t know too
She knew she was becoming a shadow of herself but she didn’t care
“When exactly is my meeting with the clients from overton?”she asked instead and tonia sighed
“About time now”she answered”you had better get re-ady.I think they are here”
“Look alison,why don’t I just handle this?you ought to rest”Tonia said pleadingly
“What?”alison said in indignation”These are out most important clients. I’ve to….”
“Alright,alright”Tonia said and left her office
Alison took a de-ep breath as she heard tonia welcoming their clients and ushering them to her office.
She started walking towards the door as it opened and she st©pped in shock
She knew that man!
Alison head reeled and she stumbled ,hitting her stomach on the arm of a chair
Pain as swift as lightning r!pp£dthrou-gh her and everything went black
Alison woke up to the smell of antiseptic. She felt her stomach turn but was too weak to even get up and throw up
Instead she m0@n ed softly and someone turned toward her
“Alison,thank God”Tonia said as she rushed to the door”Doctor!”
A few minute later,a nurse appeared,followed by her parents and sister
What’s going on?Why was she in a hospital?
“Alright miss Kent,how are you feeling?”the doctor asked”still feeling any pain?”
Alison swallowed and shook he head
Suddenly she remembered.she had fainted because she had seen him
The thought made her gr0@naloud,ma-king everyone look at her
How could the supposed bu-m whom she sle-pt with be the director of overton enterprises?
Or perhaps…
It was a mistake.
It had to be
“Now are you absolutely sure you are fine?”the doctor asked,frowning concernedly”you ought to be”
“Girl we were so worried about you”julie put in
“And this is all because you work too much”tonia said reprimandingly as her mom sighed clearly agitated
“I’m ok”alison said weakly”but I still feel nauseated.i want to throw up”
“Yes that’s usual for women in your condition”he said”its nothing to worry about”
“My condition?”alison frowned
“What do you mean,doctor”?her mom asked”is my child dying?”
“No,mrs Kent”the doctor replied”but she ought to take care of herself. Its also usual for women in her condition to be very careful especially in this early stage”
“What early stage?”Julie asked confused”what are you talking about?”
“Well,she’s 9weeks pregnant!”the doctor said exasperated”any woman in her right s-en-se would take good care of herself”
He looked round and suddenly realized the room had gone silent with everyone staring at him in stupefied amazement
“Didn’t you know?”the doctor asked”why,she’s pregnant and very lucky she didn’t lose the baby”
“W..who is p..pregnant?”Alison stammered in a whisper
“You,my young lady”he replied,then paused for effect”congratulations”
Alison quietly slid down her be-d and she fainted again
“I want to know everything about her!”Dennis instructed his secretary as he walked into his office followed by his best friend and as-sistant director,Matt Lyon
Matt was smiling
He had gone with Dennis to the real estate agency and had seen the little drama pla-yed out
He had also seen the shock that crossed Dennis’s face and knew without a doubt that this was his mystery woman
Two month ago,Dennis suddenly changed.
He withdrew and refused to tell his best friend anything no matter how he asked
To his surprise, Dennis took a trip everynight to God knows where.He looked desperate
Matt later followed him and got everything out of him.
Dennis had no choice but to forget the lady in the wedding dress but lo and behold,they were in the same town
Matt laughed softly and dennis glared at him
“Do not laugh”he said”she was here all along, can u believe it?”
“Yea,and I thought you would be glad”
Dennis sighed
“Is she okay?”
“I called an hour ago and she was doing just fine”Matt supplied”she’s not awake though”
They both turned and looked at the secretary as she c@m£ into the office
“Here’s the information on Alison Kent”she said dropping the fils on the table
“re-ad it to me”he ordered for the sake of matt
“Alison Kent is 28 and she’s the head agent of Kent and co.real estate agency.She is one of the most reliable agents in town and it is wi-dely known she helped in suggesting the site for the town park which has been really profitable”
“Is she married?”dennis asked and matt rolled his eyes
“She’s not sir”the secretary replied”rumour has it that she was jilted on her wedding day by her fiance and she had sworn never to love again”
“Wow”matt said as dennis kept quiet
So that was it.
She was a jilted bride and he was just someone to resto-re her self-esteem
Why else would she leave the next day?
“Oh and the doctor called”the secretary continued”miss Kent is awake”
Dennis stood up immediately,gr@bb£d his jacket and headed straight for his car
“ok how about an explanation?”Julie asked as soon as Alison was able to sit down
Alison was as white as her be-dspre-ad
She was pregnant
And she just knew who the father was
What was she going to tell her family,not that she had to tell them anything.
She was a grown woman and she could mange her affairs but they would be so disappointed when they found out what she had done
“Was it josh?”her mom asked as she watch different expressions crossed Alison’s face
Expression of worry,disgust and anger
“Really,if its Josh’s baby, its ok”tonia said”we love you and we are going to love your baby too”
Alison laughed bitterly
She had always dreamed of having her own family but not this way
As far as she was concerned,the billionaire pla-yboy would not care about an offspring from a woman he just sle-pt with once.
Well that was her fate
She really wasn’t going to love or get married now but she would love her baby and give it all her time
Never in her wildest dreams had she thought she would be involved with dennis overton.
His reputation was so scandalous
And here she was,carrying his baby
Alison gro-an ed and put her head down, then lifted it again as the door suddenly opened and two men entered
Alison’s heart jumped and it was all she could do from running
There he was
How could she remember him so well when she was drun!kthat night?
He invaded the room with his pres£nce and alison could not keep her eyes off him
She was aware of her family watching them in wonder but she could not help herself
“How are you doing miss Kent?”His as-sistant spoke up when the silence bec@m£ noticeable”we were very worried about you”
Dennis face was calm and impas-sive as he stared at was Tonia who finally answered
“She’s fine,yeah”she said nervously”just a little dizziness”
Matt smiled and nodded at her as he glanced at dennis who was still looking at alison
Alison’s heart was beating so loudly,she was surprised no one heard it
God help her