Billie and harmony episode 9 & 10



“Gosh..I’m so nervous “Harmony cries out.

“Don’t be, it’s just us your family and Billie’s. ” Kendall as-sures adjusting her wedding dress.

“Yeah, nothing could go wrong. ” she sighed.

“You’re re-ady, let’s go. ”

They both left the room, since there dad was no more her mom walked her down the aisle where Billie stood waiting patiently.

His eyes beamed with smile as she stands in front of him.

The priest starts. They both exchange the vows and rings.

“You may now k!ssthe bride. ” the priest said.

Everyone was silent expecting them to k!ss. Billie looked around nervously before leaning in a little with his eyes closed. Harmony in fear shift away and everyb©dy stood up to cl@p.
Only the priest knew they didn’t k!ss.

The newly married left to the h0tel their parents had booked for them for their honeymoon.

“Bill be fast I nee-d to pee ” Harmony knock on the bathroom door.

“Leave me alone. ”

“plea-se!” she begs desperately.

Immediately Billie walked out she rush in immediately. After then she took her bath and change her clothes.

She gr@bb£d the red rose on the be-d and smell it.
“Smells nice. ”

“Did you put it there? ”

“No ” Billie replied staring into space.

“So what are we going to do? My sister said we will do something. ”

He looked at her “What did she say we will do? ”

“I don’t know she didn’t tell me, she just said you will teach me. ”
(A/N: Kendall is bit-ch 😂)

“I don’t know” he Start to think.

“You will live with me from now on? Is that it. ” he ask.

“I don’t know ”

“Or maybe, we will make children ”

“How are we going to make children. ”

” S-x ” Billie answered.

Harmony was confused. “I’ve never taken S-x before. ”

“Me too. ”

“So what are we going to do? ”

“I don’t know. ”

“Maybe I should call my mom and ask? “Harmony suggested.

“Okay ”

When her mom saw her call, she was surprised and wonder what she was calling for, but decided not to pick it.

“She isn’t picking up. ”

“Let’s sleep then, we will ask some other time. ”

“I’m not feeling sleepy yet. ”

“Same here. “Billie sighed.

“Let’s do some exercise, I use to do it before going to sleep everyday. ”

He started moving his leg up and down, and Harmony did the same.

“Does it give us strength? “Harmony ask.

Changing his position and starts to stretch, he answered “It makes me sleep well”

Harmony was the first person to sleep after a while before Billie coll@pse beside her.

Harmony enjoyed the warm feeling Billie b©dy gives and snuggles in. Billie who was awake continues to watch her sleep until he fell into slumber again.

“Wake up sleepy head. “Harmony whisper in to his hair smiling.
He gro-an s and opens his eyes. “What time is it? ”

“12noon, come and eat. ”

“You should have waken me up earlier.”

“I don’t want to disturb, come on hubby let’s eat I’m hungry ” she grumbled.

“I nee-d wash my teeth, go on and eat I’ll join you. ”

“Okay. ” she answered and rushed to the food.

“You like food “Billie shakes his head and walk to the bathroom.
(A/N:You have not seen anything 🙄)

After taking his bath, Billie gr-ab his pencil to start drawing, Harmony was still eating.

“Won’t you eat? “She finally looked up.

“I’m not hungry”

“Huh? Okay I’ll just eat everything. ”

“Okay ” he simply reply eyes not leaving what he was doing, until Harmony drag him and f0rç£d him to eat.

“I hate to eat alone, so you’ll eat with me anytime I eat even if it’s twenty times a day, un-derstood?”

“Yes ma’am ” he replies with mouth full.

“Good ” Harmony still more food into his alre-ady filled mouth.




Their honeymoon ends and they went back home, Billie’s parents house I mean since they haven’t gotten there own place yet.

“Finally, you pick my call. “Harmony sighed.

“Why were you calling me in the first place, you were on honeymoon your phones should be off. Anyways how was it, hope you enjoyed yourselves? ”

“Yes, we did a lot of things like.. ”

“Wow that’s good. “her mom’s face flush red thinking that her daughter is no longer a vir-gin.

Harmony was just about saying then went to swim and also snow skating which she had always wanted and Billie almost broke his arm when they went to the park while trying to save someone’s dog from crossing the road, and he had been such an obe-dient and caring boy.

“Okay I’ll talk to you later. ” her mom hangs up when she was about to ask the question she has been calling her for.

She sighed angrily as she back to the be-d where Billie is painting as usual. He st©pped when he saw her angry face.

“What’s wrong? ”

“Mom hung up on me before I could ask her what S-x is. ”

He pu-ll her closer hvgging her.

“I guess it’s just cudd-ling and you will get pregnant. ”

“But we cudd-leall the time and I don’t get pregnant. ”

“It takes time, don’t worry you’ll get pregnant soon. ” he as-sures.

“Okay, I believe you. ”

“Why do you want a baby so bad? ” he asked.

“I don’t know, I think I just want to see the younger version of me. ”

Billie nods. “Don’t be sad, I promise to do something, I’ll ask Dad. ”

“Okay ” she nods.

“If you’re not sad, look at me and smile. ”

She did as he said ma-king him smile also. Still staring at each other with smiles Billie decided to ask.

“Why didn’t you let me k!ssyou on our wedding day? ”

“I didn’t know that’s what you want to do. ”

“Sorry, will you do it now? “she asked.

“Really?” his eyes wi-de-ned.

She nods b!tt!g her l!pnervously.

“Close your eyes. “he says and she did. Then he starts to lean in but got pushed away.

“I’m sorry I’m just nervous ” Harmony apologized.

He nods. “Let’s do it again. ”

Harmony nods in approval and lean in with her eyes close, theirl-ips met. Harmony let out a de-ep breath and leaned in the morel-ips pouted, they stayed the same way until someone muttered inaudible words.

Billie turn to see his mother running out of the room muttering how stupid she is to bur-st in like that.

He looked back at Harmony and smiled.” I think dinner is re-ady, let’s go and eat”

“How can you ask me that type of questions.” Billie Dad looked embarras-sed. Even the person that ask the question isn’t red like he is now.

“Will teach me or not, Harmony wants babies and I don’t know what to do. ”

“I can’t, but I think there’s someone who can. ”

“Who? ”

“I’ll s£nd you the address you will meet the person. ”

“Okay. ” he replies and left.
“He just made me feel like I was a bad father, I can’t believe this “His dad sighed

When he went back to his room, Harmony was fast asleep, he k!ssher l!pand l@ydown beside her.

*Welcome Mr your father told me you were coming. ”

“Yes ” replied the woman.

“Have your sit. “the marriage counselor offered.

“Thank you “Billie replied and sat down.

“So I heard you were having problems in your new marriage, plea-se tell me in details what the problem is. ”

“I don’t know how to have S-x. ” he blurt out comfortably.

“Sorry? ”

“I don’t know how to have S-x. ” he repeats himself.

The woman’s cheek was flu-shed red. She was marvelled by his bluntness.

“Okay so you’ve never had S-x or make love to anyone before?”

“What’s make love? ” Billie innocently ask.

“It’s the same thing, it’s just you having S-x with someone you love. ”

“Oh.. No I haven’t. ”

“Wow.. Well I’m gonna give you something to watch when you get home. And make sure you watch it alone in your pri-vate might want to watch with your wife it’s fine but I suggest you watch it first and….. Erm use a ear phones yeah ”

He collects the CD from her, thanked her and left.

Billie stares into space not able to get the images in the video he watched out of his head. It was crazy, they do crazy things to each other. Is that what he’s going to do to Harmy, is she going to enjoy it.

“I can’t do this. “he said to his self before staring down at his erected p****s. He let out a gr0@nwhen his hand brush against it.

He close his l@pt©p, re-move the CD and kept it in his pri-vate save.

Before walking slowly to be-d covering his Erection with a duvet. He’s had Erection before but this is more paining and demanding than ever. He just wants to let something out and it hurts like hell.

He didn’t know when he sle-pt off, and waking up in a we-t dream he saw him self doing the things he saw in the p©rn videos to Harmony and he was clearly enjoying it.

He felt a hand t©uçh his D*** then try to pu-ll it down causing it to bounce back up. He m0@n reacting to the t©uçh. It was repeated two more time until he realized he wasn’t dreaming anymore.

He opened his eyes to see Harmony giggling. Okay she found this fun?

“Harmony st©p!! “he yelled angrily ma-king harmony flin-ch wandering what she did wrong.

T. B. C