Beyond reach finale

BEYOND REACH…chapter 14.




……I was revived by the doctor and those pres£nt, the whole house was in tears,Mr Ray was very very heart broken, Mrs Ray didn’t deserve to die,she was too nice a person,ap@rt from my mom,no other person had loved me the way she did,,I thought she was getting better, I thought God heard the prayers of all who interceded for her, so many thought’s going throu-gh my mind but no answer,I could see her face smiling at me,who would advice me, encourage me and be my big sister,,why,why and why I kept asking God. How I wished God gave me a little more time to get to know this angel…

Mr Ray said he didn’t want her remains staying too long in the mortuary, he wanted his wife to be la-id to mother earth as soon as possible ..

In a week’s time she was la-id to rest,I thought I was going to die, I was in pain as I watched her going to final resting place,,oh the earth has swallowed so many beautiful souls,,,So many people cried,many said different wonderful things about her at her grave site dropping well decorated flowers…. Then I remembered what she said,that people would always talk,she knows even when she dies, people would still talk about her at her grave site,but we should live a kind of life,that the good talks would be more than the bad talks.hearing people say such amazing things about her at different corners,and the few time I got to be with her,I knew she had lived a good life worthy of emulation, I also remembered she said she would be in heaven watching over me,I was happy within to have this personal Angel guiding me,but I really still wished she was around…

The house was never the same with out Mrs Ray,I missed her so very much,,,Mr Raymond nee-ded to get back to himself,the death of his wife was a big b!ow,even though they all knew this was going to happen anytime, he still felt it,he nee-ded to get away,hence he went abroad, since most of his family members including his parent were there…

Living in the house without Mrs Ray made it looked like I was in another place,, nothing was the same…

About two weeks after Mr Ray left for America,Mrs Ben called to tell me she had something to tell me,but when she heard how I sounded, she knew things weren’t okay,hence she asked, and I told her the situation of things,,, she felt very bad for me,,and asked me to come over if I didn’t mind,,,,indeed I didn’t mind,I nee-ded to get away,and I knew certainly I can’t remain in that house without Mrs Ray,,,I placed a call to Mr Ray,and told him I was leaving, and he gave his cons£nt and s£nt me some money,,I also called Grace that I was leaving too,she encouraged me to be strong,and asked me to keep in t©uçh…

I went to the Benson’s, this time,they didn’t regard me as a maid,but a guest or simply put,member of the Family,,,

The Benson’s encouraged me and helped me healed, I didn’t forget about Mrs Ray,but I was able to un-derstand the fact that she had gone to a better place,and had gone to rest from the pains of cancer,and that she’s was with me every single moment smiling down from heaven.

When the Benson’s were sure i had improved,they shared the good news with me,Mrs B was pregnant,, my joy knew no bound,I was really happy for them, God had answered our prayers,, I took good care of Mrs B since I had pas-sed that road before,,she was the very lazy type in the first three months of her pregnancy, I made sure I was there for her,at the end of the month,Mr B paid me the sum of #50000,I rejected the money,and told him we are now a family, I am helping a friend and a sister,,, he said he knows, he isn’t paying me as a worker, but giving me in appreciation and to be able to buy one or two thing for my child and myself,and also sort school stuff,since J boy was alre-ady in kindergarten.

It was a very tough time for me and Mrs B,she was always changing apatite, from rice,to banana, from that to pepper soup,to miomio and the likes of that,,, I wouldn’t have been able to go throu-gh this Mr B would always say in appreciation… I un-derstood everything she was going throu-gh,and was very glad I could give an helping hand to a long awaited first time mom…

Thankfully after the first three months, she bec@m£ a very strong woman,she was so strong that she could do the task of three people and still had strength,,, she was practically the one taken junior to school and bringing him back, she just enjoyed working,,,, she had such funny characters during her pregnancy, there were times she would just cry for nothing in p@rticular,, other times she would feel like washing clothes without the washing machine but manually, and when there are no dirty clothes to wash, she would wash the clean ones,,,she was a funny character, and we would just laugh at her in such times,but she didn’t mind…

Since Mrs B was better I decided to go to Enugu and proceed with the divorce,, school was still in session so I left junior with the Benson’s, and went alone,I had nothing to worry,junior was very use to the Benson’s.. Getting to Enugu, mama was very happy to see me,but she cried about the demise of Mrs Ray,,,,mama I have come so that we would return the bride Price paid on me by T,I had said,,,,my mom wore a sad face,what is it,I had asked mama,,,T is at the hospital, he was brou-ght home from pH last week,mother said,,,Hospital, what happened to him,,, my dear, according to a reliable source, the woman he was staying with,his mistress husband caught them red handed on his matrimonial be-d,when he returned from a journey, while Tochukwu was trying to escape the man sh0t his leg,his family members had brou-ght him home for treatment…

I couldn’t believe my ears,,in as much as I didn’t want to have anything to do with him,he is still my son’s father I had said within me,,,and I certainly do not wish him dead,because I grew up without a father figure,I wouldn’t want that for my son too,,,,mama plea-se do you know the address of the hospital I had asked,wait oh Chika,you want to visit that foolish boy,yes mama,I am doing it for my son…..

The next day,I went to the hospital, I saw his parent first, they were very happy to see me,they hvgged me ti-ghtly and I reciprocated,his family members were nice,they had nothing to do with T’s stupidity,,,, his mother cried,the doctor had told them that T was going to die if they didn’t deposited the sum of #150000 for them to start treatment proper,,,his parent according to them,had spent so much in pH,before bringing him down to Enugu,things are rou-gh for them,and nob©dy wants to borrow them….

I went into his ward,and saw T,looking so pale and pitiable, he was very surprised to see me,some tear drops were running down his checks, he held my hands and told me he was very sorry,I could see pains and regrets in his eyes….

The doctor c@m£ in while I was still around,and told his parent they are gambling with their son’s life by refusing to deposit the money for his treatment,,,,

I immediately asked for the hospital’s account number, and made the deposit of #150000 so the treatment could begin,T opened his mouth in surprise,wondering how I was able to make such payment, like wise his parent,,,,,

T held my hands and said he was really sorry again,then I told him to focus on getting better,that there was time for that. The doctor c@m£ in again and said,the bullet had done so much harm in his leg,and the only solution to serving his life was to cut of the leg, T and his parent were in tears and rejected such,, but the doctor said they had no choice that was the only option to serve his life,else he may end up dead…..his parent didn’t want to lose their son,they had to agree to it,and tried taking T into agreeing.

After much conviction, T agreed,as that was the only hope he had to stay alive,,,,,

Minutes on,T was taking to the theater on his journey to a new journey…..

.BEYOND REACH..chapter 15
(Finale Chapter)
…..Before T was taken inside the theatre,, another doctor c@m£ to me
“you are his wife right?,he asked,, I didn’t know what to answer, I was still his wife by tradition, until I return his bride price, hence I answered yes,,,,well if you really want your husband to be able to walk with that leg, there is another hospital I would refer you to, it is pri-vate, and expensive, but I am sure the doctor can help,this is his specialty,, but plea-se do not tell them I told you,,,I told T’s parent’s what the young doctor had said,,they were very happy, especially the mom who had been crying ever since she heard her son would be an amputee, we told T, and he was very happy to hear that, he never liked this ideal of amputation in the first place…he was willing to take the risk, but another problem was the cash, his father said,,I looked at him, indeed the money is another issue,, but T held me and pleaded I helped him…
I called the doctor in charge and told him we wanted to take him else where
but why? he asked
oh nothing sir, we just want to
you are taking a risk, which is seriously not good for him, you are putting him at risk, he had said
thank you sir for you concern, but we want a discharge, plea-se take the money for discharge and give us our balance, from the #150,000 deposited for the operation before,,,the hospital returned #100,000 to us and he was discharged….
We arrived at the hospital and luckily the doctor was around,,he asked us to deposit the sum of 500 thousand before he could start,,,I made the transfer but my account was almost empty, the doctor commenced treatment immediately,, he said we delayed in bringing him, nevertheless he was going to do his best, and he can’t guarantee us that he would walk as perfect as he used to walk, he probably will leap a little,,,, we were all re-ady to take the chances….
I had to place a call to the Benson’s and explained everything happening, that I might stay a little longer than schedule.. It been two weeks and T was still at the hospital, thankfully there was great improvement….
He was finally discharged after 3 weeks and some days, he was fit to go home ,though not fully okay,he was discharged with #100000 ,I asked his family to take care of that, I couldn’t empty my account,,, His family members, were able to raise that amongst themselves,,,getting home T couldn’t thank me enough, he was very grateful, his parents appreciated my every effort, they were very grateful as well.
After sometime, he was okay, though he leaps a little, not so obvious anyway, only those who knew him before will know there is a difference.
When i was sure he’s back to health, my mom, I and two of my uncles went to him, thankfully, his parent were around, there my family told him they had come to return the bride price he paid on me, as I was no longer interested in being his wife,,, he was shocked, he didn’t see that coming
Chika, you want a divorce?
yes T, I am done with you,,,
I thought you have forgiven me,,I thought you were back for me,,why did you give me back my life if you won’t share it with me,,,,he asked in tears,,,
That’s because I am nothing like you, I have human feeling and have a heart, in as much as I am done with you, I could never wish you death, and also I did it for my son, I grew up without a father, and I wouldn’t want that for my child…God knows I tried my best,but you pushed me beyond my limit..
Chika plea-se you can’t do this to me, I know I had said I didn’t love you and all that, but I have come to love you, I have realised you are the best for me, and that I have been foolish, plea-se let’s make it right, we can do this…
Oh no T, I am done, I am sorry I feel nothing for you anymore, I have forgiven you for all you did to me and my child, but I can’t marry you againnnnn
“what is going on here? his mother asked,,, Chika, what are you talking about, one minute you were with us at the hospital trying to save his life, another minute you are wanting a divorce…..
Mama, I know you are surprise, that’s because you and papa have no ideal of all I have been throu-gh in the hands of your son,, but I shall explain bit by bit.
I gave a vivid account of all I had been throu-gh in the hands of Tochukwu right from our wedding night to that very moment, his mother and father opened their mouths in surprise, obviously oblivious of all these,,, his mother landed two h0t sl@ps in his checks
you are evil, and from whom did you learn such evil art?his father had asked…
My child you are the strongest woman I know, and you still did all you did to save his life, and stayed with him, you are a special woman, for I would do no such thing if i was in your shoes….I un-derstand if you don’t want anything to do with him, he doesn’t deserve you by the way….
T was in so much shame, pain and regrets, my uncles handed the bride price he paid to his father, palm wine and some other requirements, there by desolving our marriage… T cried, he was begging so ha-rd , I have never seen him cry that much, unfortunately I felt nothing for him anymore else I would have gotten back with him,, I wouldn’t want to be in a marriage where I feel nothing, that would be deceiving my own self, and I might not be able to be a good wife to him…
I gave him my number, that he could reach his son from my line, I wasn’t going to come between his father and son relationsh!p….
Days after, i was in PH, my son was happy to see me, the Benson’s took good care of him,he was looking so fresh and fine, I couldn’t thank them enough.. Seeing Mrs B she was due and could put to birth any moment,, I shared all that happened with them, they thanked God for sparing T’s life.
It was five days after my return ,when Mrs B went into labour, we rushed her to the hospital, she delivered a set of twin, a boy and a girl, I was very happy for the Benson’s, for the del@yGod had resto-red double, we were all happy and grateful to the King of kings.
Mama c@m£ from the village and was very happy, she also asked Mrs B for forgiveness ,indeed evidence silence the voices of mockers….
I and mama made sure our new mum was well taken care of, she was the queen, she deserved all the care in the world, Mr Ben love for his wife knew no bounds, Mrs B sister c@m£ to visit and apologized to me, that she is sorry for jumping into conclusion… We all had become one big and happy family…
After about three months, Mr Ben called Me and asked me what I wanted to do, I told him I would love to have my own business, he promised to give me money to start any business of my choice, that I should take my time, and decide what kind of business I would love to go into…I was very grateful, I and Mrs B thanked him.
One Sunday afternoon, going throu-gh my phone contact, I saw Grace’s number, Mrs Ray’s sister, and it been long I heard from her, i decided to say hi,,,so i called her, she was very happy to hear from me,,she has been trying to get my number she had said,, she pleaded I come visiting on Sunday she had said,,,but I don’t know your place, I told her, yes I know, just come to Mr Ray’s place she had said….I promised to come, I also wanted to see Mr Ray, I have not seen him since I left, I don’t even know if he was back from America, its been over a year.
It was Sunday and I was set to visit Grace and Mr Ray. Getting to the house, I felt Mrs Ray’s pres£nce, oh I miss her, the house brou-ght so much memory of my Angel.. I couldn’t hold back some tears drop coming down.
Grace noticed as she c@m£ to hvg me, she wiped it off with her handkerchief
no dear, it isn’t time to cry for her, it’s time to look up and smile to her, for being our personal angel.,
Chika, its been a while, how are you and your son? ,Mr Ray asked
we are fine thank you sir, and you
oh I am fine ,God is faithful…. We charted for a while, and Grace asked about my life so far, we talked and I explained major stuff that had happened, especially my divorce, she was all smiles….
After about two hours of my arrival Grace called mr Ray, who had left us to chart ,to come to the living room, that she had something to show us..
She put on a CD plate in the DVD pla-yer, and asked us to watch…
Seconds on, a face displa-yed, it was Mrs Ray., she started talking….
If you are watching this My sweatiest husband Ray, and my darling sister from another mother Chika, it means I have joined my maker, and it’s been over a year..
Raymond, I know you loved me so much, you said it in words, and showed it in action, for this and your care I am very grateful,,, you are a perfect man, it’s quite unfortunate that I couldn’t be a perfect wife and stay longer with you. I know you well, that you will still keep my memory for years and wouldn’t think of marriage yet, no Ray, you deserve better,, I really want you to be happy ,and have someone with a good heart as your wife, who will love you, and give you peace of mind.
Chika my sister, I so wish I had met you earlier in my life, but this is how God had destined it to be, you are one with a good and pure heart, and I know you loved me so much, plea-se you two, my greatest wish is for you both to end up as man and wife, you two deserve each other, deserve to be happy ,and deserve a second Chance to love.
Get to know yourselves more, and I believe the light of love will shine on you. Be strong and be happy for me.
I love you two sincerely.
By now we all had tears flowing from our eyes,even in her last moments she still had others at heart,,,I suddenly bec@m£ shy being with Mr Ray and I had to go.
Getting home ,I told the Benson’s all that happened, they just prayed with me that the will of God be done, I didn’t want to make a second mistake ,I prayed earnestly, and was convinced he was for me…
Mr Ray started calling me often, I believe Grace gave him my number, we were getting to know ourselves, we went on d@t£s and all that, soon we were feeling something for each other,, I got to know him beyond Mr Ray, and I saw the gentle and ro-mantic man in him,, I couldn’t thank God enough for ma-king me meet my personal angel….
After months of d@t!ng, he popped the big question and I said yes,,, My wedding to Mr Ray was one of a kind, it was a celebrity wedding, the creme dela creme of pH were in attendance, members of late Mrs Ray’s family c@m£ and gave their support, the Benson’s were there for me too, I was shown love by everyone and I felt love…
Soon I had become Mrs Raymond, the madam of the mansion, it all feels like a dream, indeed there are angels in human forms.
Its been 10 Years and still counting, we have four children now J boy inclusive,
We can’t thank God enough for his mercies.
God is faithful, marriage is blissful but we nee-d God’s help in ma-king that lifetime decision.while those of us alre-ady married GOD BLESD N KEEP OUR HOMES
The END.