Beyond captivating episode 69

Beyond captivating
By Op. Amina
Episode 69

Silvia turned her face as she heard her door cli-cked open,
hands on h!ps, eyes wi-de and imperious……her face was filled with anger and something else that seems like desperation…
Her tears slowed but the moment she saw Lucas whose gaze was on hers …
she struggled to regain her composure as she watched him made his way into her room..
“What are you doing here, Lucas?” she boomed loudly.

“This is my home and you are not invited”
Lucas gave her a level look at first then slowly moved towards her but she sidestep away from him..
“Don’t you dare come closer” she warned
“Silvia plea-se listen, I c@m£ because I can’t cope without you see my love I’ve accepted my mistake for falling into Matilda’s tra-p, but you’ve gat to believe me plea-se, am begging you …am apologizing for the sake of the love we have for each other…silvia”
“You know what have heard enough,”
Have heard enough from my mum, from you, and from whomsoever that’s yet to come and convince me, am never coming back to you, just leave me alone” Silvia exclaimed angrily ..
“Is that what you want” Lucas asked softly
At the sound of that Silvia glanced up at him.. Her eyes wi-de-ned in disbelief …
Silence filled the room which was broken only by her lingering sobs.
She knew she wants the exact opposite But there was more to say, now
that she had begun, she intended to finish
she stubbornly lifted her flooded gaze back to Lucas who was now inch away from her

“I’ve told you enough ,, I have nothing further to………”
“Is that what you want, huh you want me to leave” Lucas lifted his strong hand to wipe the tears on her face but she was fast sl@p it away..
“Yes that’s what i want….leave” she blurted out with an hvge eye
At that Lucas stood in stunned silence just staring at her like a moron …
Did she just told him to ….l….e..a…v…e
in his entire life women had always been the one chasing after him and when he finally had his first se-xual conquest at the age of fourteen he had always seen women as a creature he could use, …pl@ythose love tricks on, bull$h!tted as he want and tell to leave at any goddamn time ….LOVE …

fv¢k love, that was his slogan
Who would ever thought he could find himself in this kind of position,
A kinda position which was exactly opposite to the ways he’d lived his life .. Him Lucas Tyson standing and begging a woman because he was crazily in love with her..
“Silvia” he finally say as he cleared the little tears that was threatening to fall from his eyes…
“No don’t leave,” Silvia screamed inside herself, heart pounding, head spinning, all together it was difficult for her think or speak, she just stood staring at him wishing he could have just gr-ab her and k!$$£d her but she knew Lucas would never do that.. She should be the one ma-king that move, but her ego wouldn’t let her
“Silvia am…..”

Lucas st©pped for a moment, his face was filled with the pains of rejection….any one would see from his eyes that he was totally exhausted …he looked exactly like someone who was about to die…. Silvia stare up at him as he tries all possible best to control his tremblingl-ips,
“Lucas plea-se just hvg me plea-se” the thought wail up inside her head
But Lucas pinched the bridge of his nose and stare back at her
“Am really that loathsome,
Silvia answer me??…how else am I gonna prove to you that am crazily and madly in love with you ,, just look at me?”
“No, don’t leave” Silvia screamed inside again but wouldn’t say it out, she kept staring at him and trembling all over.

“Fine if that’s what you want, I’ll leave but Just know you have my heart with you, and how the hell do you want me to live without that”
Nothing more than that He turned slowly, moved towards the door and gently walked out …
White h0t stars wheeled behind Silvia’s lids as she watched Lucas Tyson leave …
“No what have I done, Lucas don’t leaveeeeeeee”
slowly she fell on her be-d and curled into a ball of misery …she wept, wept and wept as she had not done since that awful night that she was been R@p£d…..

It was difficult to calculate how many hours she’d spend crying ….
But her Tears had heavily we-t the pillow she hvgged,
Her mum had c@m£ to knock on her door later ,,but she’d raced up to put a lock on it instead…
“If only you knew what was in his heart Silvia, if only you knew how much that guy loves you. ” her mum had said as she urged her to open the door but all she did was cry
…….now Lucas was gone and she’d done it
She cried until, finally, bereft, she fell into an exhausted sleep.

Silvia poked at her chicken pie and grimaced .. could she take Much more emotional turmoil in her life, it seems all she’d done in the past four weeks was think debate ,and ponder and cry

she had told Lucas to leave and now she was pregnant what was she gonna do … the theory from her mum had c@m£ true, no flushing herb was gonna flush Lucas Tyson baby away from her ..,,and well that seems to have given her one stro-ke of good luck by avoiding morning sickness, now she ha-rd ly begrudge her system a few tears cause whenever she thought about Lucas who had left the country ever since the incident between them, she find herself bur-sting into tears, his friends nor parents knew exactly which country he had gone …he had left unannounced No one knows, not Elliot, nor jack, nor tom not even Nigel who had been discharged from the Hospital few weeks back ….

Now its been a month and yet Lucas wouldn’t come back to Capetown,…she found out from her friends that he only called his parents throu-gh a pay phone, but would never disclose the country he is in …
Celine and the girls had been there for her so many night pelting her, giving her reas-surances but all she did was cry to them telling them to bring back Lucas to her…

It had been a swing from sadness to tears that had been the most wrenching of all ,, when ever her tears dissipated leaving her feeling lost and horribly alone she would all but think about the last word he’d said and wonder what he was doing or if he was doing fine …
Few days back She’d decides to start up a new journal, writing out her emotional maelstrom had helped her focus again ..the process had been intensified by her inability of using a social life to keep from dealing with her thought …

She had left Jamie with Lucas parents…at least to free herself from Jamie’s repeated pressuring about the where about of his daddy and Sometimes whenever she remembered the baby in her stomach she would ask herself again what was she gonna do? ….she just ba-rely reached the stage where she could take care of herself, she knew what she went throu-gh with Jamie ,, how was she gonna care for this one,??
Babies required so much love, especially that of a father, could she deal with it again not how her Heart is wrenching ap@rt like this…
She buried her face in her hands and cry again
“Oh God Lucas, where are you?”
By God she wasn’t re-ady to give him up, if only she knew where he was…the longer she sat there the more quic-kly the thoughts glow throu-gh her head …

nee-ding a breather, she threw her cold dinner in a trash ,, pouring herself a glas-s of milk, she went outside to watch the sunset surprised to see the sons of the billionaires coming out from their cars……
Shivering from the cold she ru-bbe-d her cold arms, dropped her milk by the step and moved towards them ignoring the stare that was on hers …

“Hi guys”
They all gave her a pe-ck…she tried squee-zing a smile as she watched their cute faces smile down at her, she’d been crying, of course they knew ,, even a blind person would notice that
Elliot was the first to move closer to her as he reached a ticket towards her …
“Lucas is in Texas, first flight tomorrow morning,”

At the sound of that Silvia’s heart made a double skip
“Lucas is in…..”
With trembling hands, Silvia took the ticket from Elliot…stare down at it and back to his face…there almost immediately she bur-st out crying…

“Hey , hey ,hey what’s that for” Elliot smile and hvgged her close …the others smile along with Elliot and patted her In the back
“You’ll be fine,” he gave her another card containing his address……
“I’ll be here earlier to drop you at the airport… Mind” Elliot asked
“No” she shook her head
“Thank you so much” she cleared the tears on her face then smile up at them …
“Thank you for this gift,”…she said again
“no” Nigel raised his f!nger
“thank you more for the gift you gave to Lucas”
“And what’s that ” Silvia asked with her gaze now on the guys
“The gift of love” …
The guys smile at each other and back at her.
