beyond captivating episode 61

Beyond captivating  By Op. Amina Episode 61


The reporters followed Lucas Tyson  like a swarm of gnats as he got down from the hall with Silvia hand on his … He just announced Silvia as the woman he truly loves to whole world… Different kinds of smiles was seen on his face as he replied to the flocks of reporters who kept asking about Matilda, and how he met Silvia ….  *** Of course he had to excuse himself from the guys even when they had insisted in talking to both Silvia and himself ,, but the constant calling at the office was a bad. “Guys work keep calling guess i have to go” he had said the moment another call entered  “Yes we’ll see tonight” tom replied while Elliot kept his eyes intently on him cause the smile he was wearing the whole time wasn’t one anyone could describe ,,god he had sle-pt with her ..he knew Lucas too much not to realise when he had S-x,,   They had all watch Silvia clung to him as she reach herl-ips to his … “You are coming with me mmm” Lucas said with his hand on her w@!st as he took more of herl-ips to his,   the guys and girls including Celine had watched in awe the love that took over both of their faces … They never mind, it was like they almost forgot they had company  “Of course a minute without you is useless Lucas” silvia had replied with a smile.. “Oh sorry guys we have to leave now,” Lucas almost laughed the moment he get back to his s-en-ses, he moved forward and gave the guys a nigga hvg…   “Tell him I’ll be in tonight” he t©uçhed the slee-ping Nigel whose Celine never left his side the whole time “Celine take care mmm” he win-ked at her and ca-ressed her hair Silvia on the other hand pe-cked the girls in a hurry then flew back to hold on to Lucas  They both lock hands as they  leave towards Mr Edwin’s office to say goodbye to his dad and Nigel’s mum,tom was the first to shook his head the moment he hit the door closed… “Damn Guys did you see that,” “Loveee,” jack had raised his ton-gue with a smile”, I swear am gonna kill Lucas, could you believe he alre-ady sle-pt with her ” Elliot cursed out.  “And how did you know that” jack moist hisl-ips “I know him too much not to realise when he met a woman” Elliot replied Diana nodded at the guys … “It’s the truth guys, Silvia told us they were together last night so they did it, it wasn’t even once, my god, what has your friend done to our dear Silvia, he alre-ady intoxicated her br@in didn’t you see her face”  Elliot bit hisl-ips and clenched his teeth ha-rd … “Lucas deserves a life time in jail, its too early to take her….I mean” as if remembering something …. the Moment Elliot met with Tom sm-irking eyes…. Tom gave Elliot a kind of look that made Elliot musing a devilish curse at him  “Atleast he asked her and she agreed,” Anabel interrupted their taunting charades…  “Am really scared on how Silvia will react to the truth, this love is too much, I have never seen her so crazy even when she was with that gold digger Nathan” Joyce said soberly  “Heaven help us get throu-gh this one,, we’ve got to hit them with the truth before they both get out of hand.” Celine said this time “Tonight then ,, the earlier the better”   ***** I was glad to see Lucas taking his work so seriously, but on the other hand its been three hours now and I am alre-ady missing him like hell  …i rested on the couch on his lounging area as i go throu-gh his phone, i took different kinds of pictures,, drank some coffee, re-ad p@rt of the novels on his book shelf until i got tired …  Oh Lucas he ba-rely even waited in his office …from one meeting to another, doing this and that is just too much for a person to bear but he was able to do that all because of me ,, Wao he announced to the world he only loves me, I love you too Lucas, gosh he is so sweet Yaay, i was busy shaking my b©dy  happily on the couch when i heard the crack of door,  “That must be him”  I flew up and went ahead to peep, there Lucas Tyson was seen as he c@m£ in with two older men, he looked s-en-sational, his head was bend to a listening angle that i had find endearing, his beautifull-ips was split in a wi-de grin showing off his strong white teeth and pinkl-ips …he took his seat and gestured at the two men,  he hadn’t seen me yet, which made me took time to reveled in looking at him .. “$h!t he is so good looking wao look at him,” i mused to myself and shyly lean back on the wall that connected his office to his lounge area while i dreamingly flashed back on how he had taken me this mourning, gosh he is an expert in handling women … I was busy smiling to myself but the booming bas-s voice that snapped me out of my love dazed state made me flin-ched.  “My God Lucas, st©p” i g@sped out laughing “St©p,” he raised his brows in a questioning manner “miss jackchan this is the second time ,you’d scream out loud on a mere roar huh…” He taunted with smile then moved to wra-p his arm around me from behind … “But you startled me” i replied by tucking my hair behind my hear.  “Why are you smiling all to yourself tell me mmm, common tell me”  he placed few k!sses on my ear  “Common baby, just seat and let me pour you some coffee you must be tired..” I pushed my head away from hisl-ips before it got scattered of goose bu-mps  “hell tired” he re-leased me, moved and, bounced back  on the chair … He sat there just staring into space for several seconds…  “Lucas are you okay”  He stare back at me and smile  “Mmmm Am just wondering what the guys wanted to talk to us about I had a feeling its something unplea-sant” I served his coffee and ca-ressed his ‘W’ jaw,” “Its nothing mmm” “Am ….you know i just don’t un-derstand this feelings,, am getting scared unnecessarily Silvia …i don’t wanna loose you,…loosing you is gonna kill me”  I smile and pushed my f!nger on his fore head at that he t©uçhed it and smile “St©p saying silly things alre-ady mmm, you won’t die, you are for me and am for you, nothing is gonna tear us ap@rt, am never gonna leave you” He was only staring at me but the moment i reached myl-ips to his, he dropped his coffee and sat me down on his l@ps..  Gently, he pushed my hair aside with his large hand and search my smiling face,  more in a s£dûçt!vemanner he ti-pped his head forward and st©pped breaths away from myl-ips.. “I can never get tired of k!ss!ngyou silvia” he said and then locked hisl-ips with mine Minutes of slowly eating on each otherl-ips, i rested my head on his che-st  as i savoured the saint of him and the feeling of his large hand as he ca-ressed my hair…  The knock on his door snapped me out .. With a stone face I stare up at him “Won’t they let you rest ” He smile  “Go get it” “What, no Lucas” “Just go” “Alright” I stood and adjusted my dress then gently moved out of his lounging area and towards the door ….  Lucas pov “O.M.G lucas-ssss”, Her scream snapped me out of my thinking,  What the  before I could gather myself there she  was alre-ady racing towards me  ” Silvia wait”  there she landed on me … “god silvia you almost split my coffee” “This is too much Lucas, first it was a gold chain and now this”   I was smiling all along as she hurriedly brou-ght out the dinner go-wns, str!p flower high hills of different colors that matched with the go-wns,,complete make ups kits for women, night lingerie, laces br@s and p@n-ts, hair cli-ps and ribbons, hand br@celets, wrist watch, and so on” “Lucas you are gonna spoil me if you keep doing this”   “Thank you” she stare back at me then lean move forward to k!ssme softly  ” just pick one of the dresses, a welcome p@rty for my dad and for him to officially announce me as the new CEO is gonna take place tonight,  I just want my babe to look good that’s all” “huh really and Matilda, she would be there right,”  “Shhh just forget about Matilda silvia, am never gonna marry her, and both of my parents are facing enough than to worry about her” “And your mum do you know where she is” “Not yet, I just hope she surfaced tonight” “and what about the guys have you called them about it  “Of course,  they would have automatically informed their babes”  She nodded and placed one of the br@s to her che-st ,with myl-ips sightly open, I was watching her charades as she picked up one of the p@n-ties and there flash backs made myl-ips watered,  Gosh I was getting ha-rd alre-ady.. In a stylish manner I crossed my legs and hold on firmly to my arou-sal… Behave lucas.  “And how did you know the size of my br@ and p@n-ties” she turn her gaze at me with a smile  I swallowed with an heated face as my eyes met with hers, gosh this woman ,, have seen and t©uçhed every p@rt of her, why wont i know … I was fumbling with an answer when she spoke  “Of course you’ve been around too many girls not to know sizes ” “Silvia st©p”  She smile  “Alright, soo soooo” she stare at me at the edge of laughing “So what again Silvia” “Speak up you wanna see me wear this right ” At the sound of that my arou-salsurged up again,   … “Then you would give me no choice than to take you down right on this couch ” In a fast forward I gr-ab her w@!st pla-yfully and there she is alre-ady laughing out loud.. “God, I love you too much Silvia” She wra-pped her hands around my n£¢k and k!$$£d me  “I love you too Lucas,” she whispered and took myl-ips to hers right from another angle …  ******** Later at night Silvia : The fully decorated hall was like heaven, glisters of lights, sparks of golds, colors, lightings, pres£nce of hvge bright jelly globes made everywhere so brightly lit, the men were formally dressed and the women all in beautiful dinner go-wns.. my friends and the guys c@m£ all looking well dressed and beautiful except Celine whom the girls said had to stayed back with Nigel… I moved between chartering groups of people feeling glad that the evening was a success, the feeling that Matilda wasn’t there was enough to bubble my ego and the beautiful smile on my face..  I was conscious of Lucas all the time, aware of every move he take, his un-derstated elegance and so much beauty in his dinner jacket and black tie  took me by the throat, and so also would have most of the women in the hall…cause he was entirely breath taking .. But his gaze was only on me,  His gaze followed me as I talked and laughed  what was he looking at ,I kept wondering.., the girls had did my make up though which had definitely turn me my face into a baby like …it was so obvious I was the talk of the women in the hall …of course why won’t they he had earlier announce to the press I was the woman he loved and not Matilda, the shame might have probably hold her back in coming right.. “You are so lucky lucas Tyson chooses you babe, we are so happy for you,” my friends had happily said earlier…  Of course I was lucky to have him ,he was there at the edge of my visions watching me as if he could not bear to take his eyes off me  The p@rty had been nothing but fun, I laughed with the girls and finally  stood to hang around after feasting on the little among the available dishes  I spoke with some of the older colleagues at the office and so also Mr Tyson, its just so bad Mrs Tyson wasn’t able to make it, the sadness reflected on Mr Tyson face but it was obvious he was trying all possible ways not to show it …  The moment he left  I turn to find my path blocked by no other but Lucas who had been standing few feet away from me.. We ha-rd ly even have the chance to say two words to each other since the p@rty begins  “Oh lucas” I smile at him but he only stood there staring at me with a s£dûçt!vesmile … What was he up to , his eyes were narrowed as he surveyed me in the square n£¢k midnight blue dress which I knew without conceit gave me the look of a medieval princess.  It molded a slender figure down to my h!ps where the floor length Sk-irt flared slightly and a dr@p£ sash belt embroiled in gold kill it all The hunger burning on his face as he stares at me was a kill , but instead of coming closer as I had expected, he smile and turn towards some of his colleagues…  I was g@sping as I stood there staring at him,  I gr@bb£d a glas-s from the pas-sing tray and took a shift gulp of champagne… What was that?? not even a single comments on my dressing,, heaven I was like this because of him and he wouldn’t even give his comments, how crude.  I turned left and  glanced up to meet the back view of someone who looked a lot like Nathan,  It can’t be, Anger surged into of throat, I took a de-ep breath and out to hold it back … The bastard wasn’t even in Capetown so that was in my imagination I guess . I closed my eyes and glanced up again only to see Elliot and Jackson waving at me… I roll my eyes and smile at them … Gosh This two,, definitely my imagination The fact that I ba-rely had a conversation with Lucas was alre-ady turning me nut ..  I didn’t care if I had to be a lousy hostess I had to find him, eventually I tracked him down at a office located st the corner of the hall ,seated in group among some younger men at the office… “There he is” Taking my courage in both hands I moved and sat down on the arm of the comfortable chair he was seated on after saying my hellos to the guys .., He side glances at me as i slide my arms infinitely across its back  leaning sideways towards him so that he was aware of my warmth and saint, I could feel the awareness of the sudden tension on his breath but he continued to talk in outward calmness with the guys…  Finally standing on his feet he shook hands with the guys who holla at me as they moved out …i stood straight, i was staring at his beautiful figure as he walked briefly towards the door ,,but the moment he stare back at me, almost walking in a race ,, he took me from my h!ps and lifted me up into his arms …the k!sses he repeatedly landed on my throat made me shivered … Lucas, there I kept laughing.  “Silvia oh god you don’t know how beautiful you are silvia ….Gosh  you almost drive me crazy the moment you walked throu-gh that door”…. “really ” He dropped me and cu-mpped my face into his hand..  “My angel , may i have the plea-sure to this dance plea-se” “As your lordsh!pplea-ses” I smile softly then he took my hand and led me back to the hall…  ***


* Tbc