Beyond captivating episode 14

Beyond CaptivatingšŸ”žšŸ”ž
By op. Amina
Episode 14
So sorry for the late upd@tĀ£ guys. Had a busy day.

Silvia POV:
I smile towards them and wipe on my ropes
“Come get me if you can”
Two were fast to race towards me while i weave at their attacks..
I raced further and fl!pmy ropes at the two heads coming towards me …

A loud pitiful cry cut in their throat at the pains it brou-ght …
I raced further and flew towards their direction,,
the de-sire to kill them all overwhelmed me, the hatred I felt was so dark and black
Their entire being irritates me ,
The mere thought of being R@pĀ£d by some rich thvgs made the anger bubbled in my gut like some h0t acid…

And the feeling that the father of my son was also one explode the fury in me
The more it keep coming to my head…
The more my whole form burn and trembled with outrage …
I sĀ£nd two of them off foot with my ropes and weave at the b!ows coming from behind
In one lightning fast motion I back fleeted and pounce my fist at the one sĀ£nding irritating curses at me ,,
“Take this you fool”
he staggered backwards while he made a painful noise ,,

I turn around like wild tiger while i focus on all of their movements, every twitch, every pressure point, every
They charged forward again not re-ady to concede defeat , this time I raced towards them in a zigzag manner ,,
The three coming towards me bec@mĀ£ confused…

I sl@pped the rope on their faces with speed while i gave the last one double two outstretched kick ….
Others were coming , I took advantage of the opening and swing around ,,
I jammed two in the solar plexus ,
Twist the rope around one nĀ£Ā¢k and gave the other a knock out kick …
The farther I fought the angrier I bec@mĀ£ …
I was about turning when the last one hit on me ..

I sĀ£nt him a back hand …and angrily gave him the beatings of his life …
Now holding his tired ,,blood covered form in the nĀ£Ā¢k ,,, I was about giving him a finishing (knock out ) when I sighted Lucas ,,,
his throat was working convulsively as if he was trying to swallow some thing too big for his esophagus….
He was staring at the scene like someone in shock ..
He staggered on his feet …
His eyes was gleaming with feral light as it bored holes throu-gh me.

I hesitated for a moment before i finally re-leased the b!ow I was about sĀ£nding towards the last guy….
I pushed him ha-rd instead …
Lucas keeps retreating backwards surely he was un aware of the pole behind him …
$h!t ,
I wra-p my ropes together and raced towards him …
The girl with him was also staring at the scene in shock …
I pushed her sideways only to realise she weigh next to nothing
Doesn’t she eat ….gosh.

When I glanced back at her ,,she was alre-ady on the floor staring up at me as if she just sighted the devil..
I glanced back at Lucas,,and gr-ab hold of his arm ,,,
“Lucas ” I said softly
As if jeering him back to life..
He closed his eyes and raised his left hand to his fore head ..
The muscles in his jaw were working ,
I realise I only stood there staring at him ,
Wondering why someone as useless as him could have so much beauty …
I quic-kly glaced away not wanting to keep staring at him…

I swallowed while I wipe the sweat coming down my forehead
This guys looks could indeed make any woman’s heart weak ..
I felt the ban-ging in my che-st …
I was blinking ra-pidly now when I slowly glanced back at him this time i sighted his eye lashes ,,long and black ,
Just like Jamie ,,,and his skin color.
For a moment everything was caught and held …

Words, breath ,,airs ,silence descended in my ears before the old Frigidaire kicked in with a thumb and hum ..
Noo noo never,,it can’t be….
I turn the thought off before it could rattle me …
Christ, he was deadly good looking , how the hell am i gonna deny that….
Whats good looking is good looking and I hate the way its taking hold of me in a way I wouldn’t want to accept …

And instantly I crave to protect him rather than be the one to deal with him
Dangerous thinking Silvia …
Good looking or not ,, you hate men and moreover you can’t be with any one of them …
Good looking or not ,,, Lucas nee-ds amendment , so you have to put all your energy and strength into it …
Good looking or not ,in other to achieve this you just have to picture him as the most ugly man on earth .

I struggled and shook on him again
What wrong with him did I scare him?
I was about patting his face when I felt the brush of his hand of my shoulder ,,, he was leaning on me for support and de-ep with in me I felt something unfurling more like a flower opening its petals to the sun
His breaths were heavy and his eyes were still closed.

In the next moment
He pu-ll me closer and wra-p me ti-ghter to his bĀ©dy ..
A jo-lt of shock went throu-gh me
I was stunned ….
Not wanting to believe he just hvgged me
I stared side ways at the girl whosel-ips was slightly open …
I sĀ£nt her a death stare.

With trembling hands she quic-kly shifted her glance away from our direction..
I was squee-zing my form in his arms cause of the fraction his nearness has created….
But was f0rƧĀ£d to stĀ©p when he spoke..
The shakiness in his voice was just so glaring
“Hang on for a moment queen, just for a moment”
Oh really ,, the stupid guy thought I was his chicken girlfriend
I breathed in his masculine scent as he squee-zed more of his hold on me..

What kinda temptation is this ?…
” hang on baby,,your bĀ©dy is just do soft like my pillow”
“What!! Did I just hear him say pillow”
I was starting to clench my fist and re-ady to give him a dim mak in the head when I heard Mrs Tyson’s voice
“Silvia ,are you okay”
I raised my brows side ways at her while Lucas continue ranting ru-bbish …
He squee-zed more of my form into his bĀ©dy , this time he slides his hands down my w@!st ….
I clench my fist ha-rder as anger flared in my eyes.

“Queen ,tell me am dreaming ,,what kind of a horror human being is she…”
I was about raising my fist to his br@in when his mum stĀ©pped me ..
“What’s wrong with him ” i asked her
She smile
“Probably shock Silvia ,, you just beat up fifteen guys ,,what do you expect …let me take him from here”
She re-lease his hold from my back and wra-pped her arms to his w@!st…
He’s yet to open his eyes ,when his hand went to his head again …
His other arms was on his mum shoulder ,, I just cant help but smile with the way his mum looks so tiny beside him …

She supported him towards his car ,, and at the far end ,,I saw four guys racing towards their direction…
Oh I recognise the one who gave me permission to go carry Jamie when he had squee-zed his form into the field at the base ball match to go meet Lucas…
I heard a m0@n beside me ,I turn around only to see our queen walking towards the wounded guys like a zombie.

“Hey chicken , stĀ©p there” i walked towards her
I could s-en-sed her shakiness when she halted …
I gave her more shorter form a long level glance before stĀ©pping at her face …
God why does most rich guys has such bad taste …
“Queen am I right”
She shook her head nervously…
“His girlfriend or bit-ch”

She struggled a little and battered her eye lashes ..
“His ….b….I….t”
I nodded with an un-derstanding
“If I ever see your tiny form near Lucas again ,, you are gonna end up like those guys you got that ”
“Yes ma’am”
This time she ran like someone who is been pursued by a ghost …
And when I turn towards Lucas direction ,,he was leaning on his car,,
He bent a little while one of his friends poured water on his head …
I re-moved my gloves and slide it into my pocket ,, this time I moved towards their direction

Lucas POV:
I gulped at the jagged rock of fear in my throat when I opened my eyes slowly to see my mum arm supporting my form towards my car …
At the mere sight of her
Instantly I crave to become invisible ,
May be miniaturize myself and disappear among some cracks in the linoleum…
“Lucas are you okay”
After leaning on the car I narrowed my eyes at my friends and nodded …

A different kind of adrenaline surged throu-gh my face when I saw the horror girl talking to Queen at a farther direction,,
My eyes instantly turned dizzy …
“Man you are sweating like a pig” jack said
I could see the smile on jack and Elliot face ….
God this taunter’s …
“Mum did a girl beat up those guys ” jack asked …
My mum nodded,

My face instantly turned white with terror…
I wi-de-ned my eyes at her as my legs crave for more support …
How can a girl beat up fifteen hefty guys
“Jesus ever loving Christ ”
Jack, tom and Elliot ached their brows in amazement…
“How is this possible”
“Lucas ,,bent a little ,,” Nigel said …
I felt relieved at least one of my friends is mature enough here …
I did and when I felt a cold water on my head, I instantly sĀ£nt him a silent prayer…
He gave me a towel ,
I was towel drying my face when I heard her voice ..

I went still….
my eyes instantly went wi-de-ned in between the towel ..
When I dropped the towel I closed my eyes and lean my head back in the pretence that I was still thousand miles away ..
“Tom, Elliot , Nigel and Jackson meet Silvia ,,I just hired her to help with some as-signment ”
“And Silvia ,, meet the guys ,, they are Lucas friends ,”
I dropped down my head to peep with one eyes …

Hired , what kind of as-signment would mum hire someone as horror as she in,,.
A muscle twitched in my jaw at the smile I saw on her face , and I instantly felt as if am being strangled once more by a nĀ£Ā¢k tie …
“Its nice meeting you guys ,” she shakes hands with them …
“God , you guys are very good looking ,”
“You are amazing too ” Elliot and jack said
She nodded and smile towards them
“And thanks ” she smile at Nigel ….

“Thanks for letting me into field the other day”
“No problem” ,,Nigel smile towards her
So it was Nigel who let her in the other day but
Did I just hear her say they were very good looking ,,
goshh non of my friends has the kind of handsomeness I possessed yet I was a monkey to her …
But have I ever wronged her in anyway??
I could see the grin on jack and Elliot when they glance sideways to see me peeping …
I roll my eyes and dropped my head back on the car …

“Gosh this taunter’s ,”
I was waiting for my mum to introduce me to her ,, but she didn’t …
Is this woman really ……,?? Whatever I am very much furious with her too..
Let’s see who talks with who first …
“So Silvia ,” mum patted her hands …
“Since Lucas is not okay yet … You will go with him ….you can drive right ”
“Yes ma’am ”
“What!!!!” I sĀ£nt my mum my death stare ….
Gosh why am I so unlucky to have a mother like this.

“Am okay now mum ,, I can drive myself ”
“Don’t be stubborn Lucas you cant” she said …
“Then she can have the car , I’ll go with Nigel ,,, Nigel right”
I stare at Nigel who wasn’t replying , I do not know why this guy is always scared of my mum…
“You guys are impossible ,” I sl@pped the towel angrily on the car..
“Fine, I’ll walk home”
Jack and Elliot was fast to gr-ab my arm …
“What are you doing man, don’t be stubborn”
I signed and smile inside,,
,,At least some one stĀ©pped me,,
“Since its impossible to get a taxi around here ,guys leave his arms let him walk ,, I’ll take his car instead”

Did she ……did she …..
I turn around and melt with the sm-irk I saw in her face ….
Glad I was able to sĀ£nd her a warning f!nger …
“Saliva or whoever you are, how dare you think ,you could just show your horror face around here, thinking you could order my Friends ”
she ti-pped her chin in a c0cky angle while she walked towards me …
God she is just so fearless ,, how is she even able to resist my looks …
is she blind.

“Locust beans or who ever you are , how dare you show your gorilla face in front of me , and think you could speak to me that way”
She hold the warning f!nger I sĀ£nt towards her and dropped it …
“You are gonna walk home ,, and that’s final”
She walked br@vely towards my car and entered into the drive …
Embarras-sment battered my form ,, did she just call a whole me locust beans …
I glanced at the faces on me ,,of course someone just called me locust Beans why won’t they grin …

Clenching my fist ha-rder I raced towards my car and stands at the front ..I slammed my fist on the bonnet
“Get the hell out of my car ,,,spit , Saliva or whoever you are”
She opened the car roof and shouted
“Get the hell out of my way Locust beans ,,or am gonna run you down ,,
Are you deaf …
Did some just said am deaf
” at the count of three ”
,,one ,,,

This time she alre-ady starts the engine ….
The thought of dying sĀ£nds my heart racing …my looks
“Three” I flew on tĀ©p of the bonnet like a scare rabbit only to realise she didn’t move the car …
The next I heard was Elliot and jack kind of taunting laugh…
I hold on to my ban-ging head and

Abeg let’s bundle ourselves so as to go and save Lucas from Silvia hands ooo…
Let me comma start going …