Believe 3 episode finale

Believe Season
3 Episode 17👑💚
Episode 17
I woke in the morning,I was n-ked.
I covered my b©dy well with the duvet,I t©uçhed my side of the red be-d,I didn’t feel him.
I didn’t see Desmond.
I smiled as I felt my baby kicked and I suddenly feel hungry.
Just then someone dropped a basket of fruit in front of me,
my eyes wi-de-ned.
“thanks for last night”he said in a smile as he leaned on his palm and looked in my face.
“so our wedding will still take place” he said and lifted an apple to my mouth…
I smiled out tears and took it away from him.
“tracy I alre-ady booked an appointment for you with a doctor” he said,he gave me the banana.
I smiled happily and hvgged him.
my phone rang,
Desmond turned and helped me with it.
“I thought you will be cutting out your work because of your condition” he says and I f0rç£d a banana in his mouth.He smiled and ate from my hand…
he wore a ring on my f!nger.
I smiled and k!$$£d him before answering my calls.
“hello?”I asked
“barrister Tracy, we found him” they said.I nodded and quic-kly stood up.
“be careful”Desmond said.
I nodded and brou-ght out my second phone.
now Adeife’s hand is in my hands,
the person that always kill lotanna’s girlfriend is back.
I quic-kly place a call,then I s£nt like twenty detectives to lotanna’s house in Dubai.
*this is banana island,they should get there within 4hours,the road is free”Desmond said.
I haven’t bath,
I rushed into the washroom and bath, Desmond alre-ady brou-ght out clothes for me to wear.I wore the black p@n-t,
the black br@ which he hooked for me…
then a black trou-ser and a white t©p that cover my baby bu-mp very well.
I rushed to the door,
I c@m£ back and k!$$£d him,
he smiled.
I closed the room door and ran off.
his driver was waiting for me in the car,I entered and called inspector Jerry,
only him can give me the correct information…
soon, he s£nt the address,
I showed the the driver.
he nodded,
he followed the address and pu-ll-ed an halt in front of a very beautiful house. I stepped out and walked to the gate,
i got there and met an old woman, who said she is the owner of the house.
my guards ransacked everywhere and didn’t find anything harmful. Until one of them showed me a content in a white nylon,
I checked it,it was cocaine
“did you take this?”I asked and lifted the bag that contain the ha-rd drug.
“that’s a special stuff for a special customer, are you interested”she asked.
I pu-ll out my gun from my w@!st belt and pointed it to her,I re-moved my mask… she saw my face,I fixed back my make..
“this isn’t toy gun am sure you don’t want to lose your b©dy p@rts”I said and co-rked the gun.She’s now a crime suspect.
one of the detectives brou-ght out a handcuffs.
“no,that’s not neccessary,I will tell you who he is,his name is Lineol but they are—“she paused.
“where does he stays?”I asked.
“I don’t know but he normally comes here once in a while”she said.
“where does he normally stays”
I asked and carried my gun.
📅 Dubai…
📅 Stars Estate…
📅 house 441…..
she called out address..
star estate…that’s one of lotanna’s estate.It would be easier to get the person since lotanna owns all of that place..
I smiled.
“can the detectives leave me now?” she asked.
“take her”I said.
“you used me” she said.
“no…I have the right of detaining you for 24hours”I said. and walked into my car.
I quic-kly called Maltilda to be of help,
I can’t be moving up and down with my pregnancy.
maltilda….I called her,
she didn’t pick.
Jedinna’s p.o.v🔥🔥
I sat down protected by a black screen,I went throu-gh my phone and got a text from my source.
“Lineol”I said.
“boss”he said.
“everything is working as planned… Lotanna just arrived,note am keeping the lady….lotanna is the one to be killed” I said and look throu-gh the window,
lotanna actually owns this estate so I bought a house beside his own using a closed identity so I can monitor his movement.
💌 your sister I’d tracking me” he said.
“she can’t get any info on you,just deactivate your tracker”I said.
“let’s meet at dealers address”he said.
“okay”I said and hung up.
I still looked throu-gh my window to see for lotanna’s compound,
he just c@m£ in with Adeife in a white Lamborghini,
maids in white unform rushed out,
there were many guards too.
I sm-irks as he step out of his car…
Ife also c@m£ out.
I stared at her with so much de-sires, no matter how he secures her,I will take her away avd overtake his throne…
that’s why he mustn’t have a girlfriend not to talk of having a son.
Maltilda’s p.o.v👇👇
Tracy called me alre-ady,
I checked the address she s£nt to my team….house 441.
I got to the house,
I must get that Lineol arrested and he will tell me who the master mind of the killing is.
I packed my car few houses away and waited patiently,
finally a car drove out,
the glas-ses was tinted so I couldn’t see who was in the car,
I traced the car,
the car st©pped,
I also st©pped…..
next, the car ran…I trailed it but I soon lost track.
Adeife’s p.o.v🔥🔥🔥👑
we got to his house,
it was beyond description,so cool that I start imagining what life would look like here with my heart throb.
the maids helped me packed in SBD arranged everywhere.
they left and my phone beeped.
it was my mom,she s£nt me a text.
💌 the man you called father asked for your number,should I give him?” she s£nt.
💌 okay mom,give it to him”I s£nt.
soon my phone rang…the caller was unknown…
it must be my dad,
I remembered how he used to use cutlas-s to beat me in the past and got scared to pick his calls.
the Call ended and he s£nt me a text instead.
💌 its me,your father,
💌 Purity plea-se pick! he s£nt.
he called again,that was when I picked.
*good….good….evening dad”I said.
“Akwaugo(my precious daughter)* he started, I paused.
“I promise to make up those bad days for you,plea-se don’t disown me like I disowned you then”he said.
“okay papa,have forgiven you since” I replied.
“when you return from Dubai,I will see you” he said.
“good bye”I said and expected him to cut the call.
“your husband,does he treats you well?”he asked.
“umm yes…he loves me”I replied
“till then”he said.
he didn’t still cut,his he feeling bad now umm.
“good night papa”I said and hung up.
I changed my clothes into a red nightie since it was night.
I wore a red room sli-ppers and headed for the kitchen.
Tomorrow is Tuesday,I better eat well this night so that I can fast and pray for my marriage and new family. I will start the fast 12pm.
I entered the kitchen where I met maids.
“madam do you nee-d anything”they asked.
“umm you all can go to be-d”I said they bowed and left.
I started cooking.
Rice,mackerel stew sauce,fried plantain and meat sauce,the aroma filled everywhere.
I ate mine sbf dishes out lotanna’s own which I took to his room,
he was working on a l@pt©p and counting money.
he always like red room lights.
He turned back, I think he heard the aroma cos he suddenly lose focus in what he was doing..
“babe what’s that?” he asked abf appeared on my front like a flash. He uncovered the tray in my hand.
He smiled when he perceived the aroma very well.
“you cooked for me right?” he smiled and took the tray from my hand..
I k!$$£d his cheeks.
he smiled and took my hand,
we got to the be-d,he placed the tray in between us,
I took a spoon and fed him.
he smiled and took my left hand like a kid while I fed him with my right hand.
“Eat well okay,we are fasting tomorrow”I said.
“my love”he said…
“He gave him meat then allow him drink water fully..he ate everything, I packed the plates to the kitchen which I washed immediately.
I suddenly got happy,
he likes my food, I washed my hand and checked the time.
I cleaned my hand,
then I went back to his room, he alre-ady cleared the excess money on his be-d…he actually poured them on the floor.
I crawled into the red be-d and sle-pt on one side.
Lotanna joined me soon and rolled to my side.Still on call,he hvgged me from behind,
finally he dropped his call and k!$$£d my f!nger where I wore the wedding ring.
we both laughed into nothing.
“you know we still haven’t given my mother what she wants”he said
“grandson”he said, we both laughed. He rolled to the other side ,I put a pillow between us.
We won’t do it this night because of tomorrow’s fasting.
“aishhh baby am missing you alre-ady” he said avd rest his head onthe pillow.
“shhh it’s for a day don’t let us defile our fast” I said,
he k!$$£d my hand.
“lotanna or I should go to my room” I said.
“no baby stay here”he said.
we both stated into each other eyes and sle-pt holding hands.
“ife waiiiiiitttt”lotanna screamed from sleep..
I sat up and hastily pushed the demarcation away.
“lotanna”I said
Lotanna was crying in sleep like a baby,my own tears dropped for no reasons as I wipe his tears.
he was shedding tears nonst©p.
“lotanna” I called.
“plea-se don’t go…don’t go away.”he said in his sleep, I dried his tears.
“lotanna”I tapped him..
*ifedimma where are you going to?” he asked.
“no am here,i didn’t leave you even for a seconds” I said.
“but you left?”he said
“to where…I never left! I said
“you left to the second world,a place I couldn’t feel you,I had this same bad dream when ever I lost my girlfriends on the past… Adeife tell me,how do I keep you so that you won’t die…
Ife you also left!!!
can’t I be loved??? I don’t feel you anymore,you alre-ady left”he said
I dried his tears and then moved into him from the back since he alre-ady stood up.
“I love you,I won’t go… it was only a nightmare, am here..
I will give you many children or don’t you BELIEVE am your heart’s crown” I said. he hvgged me..
he still look moody,he suddenly kisdrf me…with tears in his eyes..
my fast just got broken..
what type of bad air is this, have never seen lotanna crying.
“baby let’s pray”I said and dis£ngaged.
“will it work”he said
“well I BELIEVE in prayers”I said.
we knelt down on the edge of the be-d facing each other…
we took each others hand.
In Jesus name…
heavenly Father, the owner of my life
my creator,the one who create me and knows me,
I call you this moment to be with me and my husband..father lord be our sheild…..
i paused, lotanna didn’t say Amen and he didn’t close his eyes.
I caught him staring at me.
“baby close your eyes and say amen” I said.
he nodded and I start praying again.
Soon I ended the prayer and get him a glas-s of water.
He still looked moody.
just then he got a call from Jedinna.
📲 Lotanna!! Lotanna!!!! Lotanna!!
where are you????
It’s aunty Tracy!
it’s aunty Tracy, she had an accident!
we heard jedinna voice.
waaaattttttt— I covered my mouth.
“Accident where?” lotanna hastily stood up….
“s£nd…the address am coming to the sp©t”lotanna quic-kly said.
be dropped his phone and rushed to the door,he ran back and took his phone then a car key.
“baby wait for me! I followed him.
he was alre-ady down stairs where he three his car key to a guard.
he entered the back seat,
I also entered.
“I pray she will be fine”I said
lotanna’s phone beeped, Jedinna s£nt the address alre-ady. Kindly watsap kwaku ish on +233544142683 to re-ad more exciting stories from his telegram page.
he showed the guards.
we got there the place was deserted,
no cars was pas-sing, there was only a clifff…
but I thought Jedinna said Tracy had an accident.
“Your highness!!!! the guard shouted and fell on lotanna,he took a bullet for him…
“run… your highness run,
this is a tra-p!! the guard said…
“tra-p but—
Lotanna held me and we were about approaching the car when a guy walked out with a gun..
he cl@pped.
“waoow,I admire your love for your elder sister”the guy said.
I pointed his gun at lotanna.
“plea-se don’t”I said.
“You c@m£ for my girlfriend right..” lotanna asked.
“Yes,I could have killed her from day one but she’s lucky he picked interest in her”the guy said
“plea-se don’t….”I said.
“I would have left your husband but” he said and re-moved his mask.
I cried like a baby,
Lotanna moved me to his back.I hold him ti-ghtly…
“okay just shoot me”lotanna said.
“not now,tell your wife to come” the guy said..
“sorry I didn’t introduce,am Lineol” he said…
“plea-se don’t,kill me instead” I said..
Lotanna left me,he quic-kly took my hand again…
“I love lovers”lineol said.
“drop your—
lotanna didn’t finish his statement, someone hit him with a stick from behind on his head..
I covered my mouth as he fell lying in his own pool of blood.
I turned……
Jedinna…I went like I was not seeing well for a while.
I hastily bent down beside Lotanna.
He strained his eyes in pain..
“baby!!! I called…
“brother!! lotanna muttered lowly.. jedinna hit him ha-rder with that sane stick on his head,
lotanna coughed out blood.
Next,Jedinna took off my husband’s kingsh!pbr@celet.
someone pu-ll-ed me r0ûghly by my hair…
it was the Lineol guy.
“his time is over okay”he said and dragged my hair the more.
“I love you!!!!!
“I love you soo much!! I wept..
Jedinna pushed me into a car..I tried moving out,he dragged me back and pressed into my shoulders r0ûghly.
Finale.Episode 18.
Tracy’s p.o.v⏰⏰
I got crazily impatient, it has been 2hours now.
Desmond actually followed me to the prosecution scene and he had been the one calming me down while the detective rushed out.
“where is Matilda, we had 4mins less”inspector Daniel said.
I got scared as I tried Matilda’s number again,
she picked this time,I quic-kly connected it and everyb©dy stood up with full concentration.
“Matilda”I said.
“Barrister”she said in a half breath.
“s£nd your report”I said,just then a car drove into the prosecution scene.
a guard opened the door and someone pushed the lineol guy out and he fell down.
The detectives rushed maltida,
I covered my mouth in shock,
Matilda was bleeding from her arm.
“successful”she gro-an ed.
the nurses rushed to her.
“maltilda where is lotanna–
the screen screaned and showed lotanna on a hospital be-d,his head was bandaged and the white bandage his head was tied with was soa-ked in so many blood.
I turned,
everyone turned and focused on the screen in tears.
just then my phone rang…I checked it,it was “Jerry Arinze” the president and the one who unveiled lotanna as Mr Nigeria.
“I want the culprit arrested,set up two teams A and B” he said.
“noted, his Excellency” the sp said.
my tears stream down
“there is a girl,did you find her?”
I asked.
Another car drove in…
it was the queen mother’s.
“she’s gone,we couldn’t find Ife” Matilda said and Ife’s mom paused walking, the car key fell from her hand and she fell down in tears,
the guards rushed her.
“teeth are gone,laughter now becomes a difficult thing”she screamed.
“madam plea-se calm down,we will–
“chimoooooo…I have served you enough,I don’t deserve this at all” queen chiamaka wept.
“my daughter ooooooo!!!!!
“Adeife mi!!!!!
“Adesimilade oko mi(my crown)!!
“Ifediokwu pada wa(come back)
“ina omo ti jó mì ooo(i finally got burnt with the death of a daughter)..
“aaaaahhhh sè eniyan lo sè èleyi!!!
“my child ooooo!!!
“mother calm down–
detective Hana calm them down but IFE’s mom was more difficult than I thought.
“I should calm down…my only hope my only child…if its that I have two children now I will calm down, but it’s only one I have…..
that person that took her should better show…..” ife’s mom paused and fainted..
nurses rushed her.
“queen chiamaka calm down,we don’t have much time,we nee-d to rush to the hospital now to collect lotanna’s last memory,that is the only way the person — Lawyer Adams said we all entered our respective cars.
Matilda went for treatment and I suddenly pity Ife’s mom.
soon we arrived in the hospital.
lawyer Adams,IFE’s mom who just got revived and queen chiamaka where in.
I stood by the glas-s door and watched the sight clearly, I was in tears seeing my own brother covered in his own pool of blood.
he was alre-ady covered with white.
even his leg on the be-d was dressed with a diamond stonned white foam sli-ppers, then his king anklet la-id on his left leg
his hair was with a white band and the av blew it all over cutely.
I looked at him f!ngerson the be-d,it wasn’t moving,
his hand wore a diamond stonned watch and a diamond ring.
what a beautiful being?
but he looked lifeless!
his skin was as clear as diamonds.
Adeife where did you go,you left him alone,plea-se come back so that you can give us a grandson.
in tears mother moved closer to him and held his cheeks.
“obim plea-se one more chance” as she said,her tears fell on him.
“plea-se my queen”doctor Dian said.
“his chance of survival is 2%…his whole system is so weak,giving him this injection won’t ascertain anything,it will only boost his memory so it wouldn’t wipe” the doctor said.
he gently took lotanna’s arm,
everyone watched him give lotanna eight different injections,
still no difference,
he didn’t talk.
Ife’s mom still cried,I un-derstand her pains…
Lotanna’s hand monved,the machine beeped a weak red light meaning danger,that was when he g@sped ha-rd ly.
He tried opening his mouth,
the doctor rushed out and held him down with respect,he injected something into lotanna’s side of n£¢k, his b©dy dropped on the be-d.
“Your highness”the doctor said.
“Adeife wait!!!! lotanna g@sped, the doctor injected him another thing,
he calmed down in half breath.
I dried my tears,Desmond c@m£ to me and consoled me.
“King lotanna”the doctor said,trying to remind him.
lawyers turned on the tape and started recording what he would say as evidence.
“your highness! the doctor said,the light on the machine got weaker.
“Jedinna don’t t©uçh my!!!! lotanna said,he got weaker with each word he uttered.
“what’s happening?”he asked.
“he said Tracy had an accident.Me ife and my driver rushed out and the guy c@m£ out and sh0t my driver,ife his behind my back”Lotanna said,with each word he said,the machine light got weaker.
“what did the guy said?”the lawyer asked.
“is this how much you love your sister….
“I would have killed your girlfriend but he picked interest in her,
now tell your wife to come…
someone c@m£,hit me with stick…
he took my wife…..” lotanna said.
he was in so much pain..
“Jedinna took my wife and and…..” he couldn’t continue,
he fell back since there wasn’t might on the machine.
everyone of us got dumbfounded.
Jedinna…..!!! I mean our own Jefinna.
Ife’s mom stood up,her hands on her head.”mogbe ooooo(I’m doomed)”.
I called Jedinna line,
the worst p@rt is that he had deactivate every tracking device
The lawyers alre-ady got enough evidence and everyone cleared,
Lotanna fainted.
will lotanna ever wake up ever again?
2% out of 100%.
Adeife’s p.o.v❤⏰😭
I feel like my world to-re ap@rt and each time I close my eyes,
I would see lotanna in whites,
I tried holding him but did not get to him,I tried following him….
I felt someone t©uçh my hair,only that brou-ght me to life,
it felt like lotanna,
the person took my hand like lotanna.
I opened my eyes,it was Jedinna.
my tears fell,he signalled his guards to leave…
He tried tou-ching me again,I shift back until when he gr@bb£d me f0rç£fully.
“beautiful,you have mourn the death of your husband enough”.he said and threw me to the be-d,
he also c@m£ on the be-d and raised the duvet up, I shift back and tried crawling out of be-d,
he dragged me back and t©uçhed the helm of my red nighties,
I wept,he dragged it and to-re it to my h!ps region,
until I bite him de-eply on the shoulders then I quic-kly crawled out of the be-d and ran to the door which was alre-ady locked.
He still c@m£ to me and tra-pped my n£¢k to the door,even my hand….
then he satisfied his eyes with my b©dy all I did was to cry,he is too strong for me.
“Did he also teach you to be stubborn himmm”he said and tried k!ss!ngme, I shift my face and he k!$$£d the door
He sl@pped me,I cried like a baby.
“Next time if you do that,I won’t forgive you”he said.
“Sir don’t do this to me,I am your brothers wife…your sister in law as at that,don’t allow the devil to use you.. kindly take me to see my husband” I said.
“well the devil used me since”he said
“now let’s get to be-d,my d!¢k is ha-rd for you”he said..
I closed my eyes ti-ght.
I suddenly shouted lotanna’s name.
“lotanna,I don’t want to hear you call that name”he said and pressed my shoulders like I am a slut.
“my bu-mb….Jedinna plea-se!!!
“let me hear you say you want to see lotanna,the dead–“he said.
“my husband is not dead”I shouted.
he sl@pped my mouth and took me by my n£¢k,I cried the more.
I thought he was calm but his calm looks overshadowed his bru-tality.
“you’ve got something sweet in between your legs..I admired you but you still want for him,is there something in my life that is pushing you away” he asked and took my legs
“I want to go and meet lotanna,
my husband’s nee-ds me”I shouted.
“the dead!! Jedinna said,I hate the fact that I was wearing a nightie,I hate the fact that he won’t take his eyes off me.He k!$$£d my shoulders.
“shall we get la-id…your h!ps drove me crazy “he said then pushed me to the be-d,I still rolled..
he caught me and tra-pped me to the be-d.He suddenly took a rope and tied my hand to the be-d then my legs with the help of two guards.
the guards left him.
“now tell me I won’t see that thing that always shake each time you work and besides I want to hear you mourn that your dead husband name as I S-x you…”he said in full smile and took the rope of my nightie..
“Jedinna st©p I think am pregnant for your brother alre-ady… plea-se! I cried. he lose my nightie.I got weak.
he t©uçhed my th!ghs with his right hand,until someb©dy knocked.
he left me and went to answer the door.
it was a woman in white uniform.. I think a maid.
“Eliza,take care of her…let her be n-ked I will be back soon”Jedinna said and left.
The woman c@m£ to lose me,I got irritated and throw up on the be-d.
“madam oga say make I make you re-ady for be-d… chai you fine too” the woman said and tried tou-ching me.
“don’t t©uçh me!!! I yelled and sl@pped the woman who was old enough to be my mother.
“what if you daughter is in my shoes.. tell me do I look like a slut? can’t you see wedding ring on my f!nger!! I bur-st out into tears.
I got headache again,
what I nee-ded was a phone.
Akuna’s p.o.v⏰⏰⏰
my mom got so perturbe-d immediately she called lotanna mom. Next she carried her bag and phone,I got worried for the first time.
“mother can I follow you?”I asked.
she didn’t reply and I followed her.
soon we arrived at Deerah kingdom, everywhere was so quiet,
not even a bird was seen outside.
it was when we got to the palace I knew what was happening..
Lotanna just got flied back,
“but where is Ife? I asked my mom.
“I thought you hate her”she blasts me.I kept quiet as we entered the palace.
guards just keep running in different directions.Nkem walked in,he was holding hands with Ngozi.
He looked pain and he looked like someone who is lost.
“You c@m£ here again! ngozi left nkem and rushed to me.
“I c@m£ here for good…can we forget the past cos I c@m£ clean”I said.
“well if this is your new plan am sorry Ife will come back…her father won’t sit he will surely use his powers and control to look for his daughter…
happy loosing in advance for king lotanna is for Ife”ngozi said.
“I said I meant good”I said.
“Ngo am standing “nkem said. Ngozi scorned me and went to meet nkem.
they left.
“his highness just opened his eyes but he keeps shouting Queen Ife’s name” I heard.
I sighed and went to the upper floor where I met my mother and queen chiamaka.
I begged the guards to allow me enter the upper floor and they did.
it was the room lotanna was.
A lot of flowers filled there.
Amarachi looked in my direction and rolled her eyeba-lls.
Lotanna suddenly coughed.I was close so I took a glas-s of water to him.I tried helping him sit,
he lost consciousness halfly,
“will Ife ever be found? Jedinna is a devil! he said and cried like a kid.
I talked his shoulders,
I suddenly felt sad.
Ife where are you?
his br@celet fell down,I picked it and wanted to wear it for him.
“don’t”he said.
I moved back.
“by chance do you like me?”he asked
“me no….am so sorry for the past” I said.He didn’t want me to see his tears but I saw it.
Next day⏰⏰⏰⏰
Lotanna’s p.o.v❤
this is so can my blood do this to me…
Ife you killed me,
when it was sweeter he had to take you far from me worst still he is untraceable.
🎹 Believe I will come for you
🎹 one day,I will let us meet
🎹 I will let u wish forever more
🎹 I promise I won’t take long…
I smiled out heavy tears,I remembered her song,when we first met at the water fall.
🎹 with you my believe begins,
🎹 without you my believe ends,
🎹 believing is seeing..
🎹 let us stay and believe together..
“your highness”someone called happily…
“leave!! I shouted without turning.
the door bur-st open again I still didn’t turn…
“baby!! the voice called,sounds like Ife but I won’t get tricked again.
🎹 I will stay with you..
🎹 today tomorrow forevermore
🎹 I promise till death we p@rt!!
the voice sang,I was f0rç£d to turned
“Adeife!!! I called.
she ran to me in tears.Her dad watch us like a movie,he actually brou-ght her here.
The whole family rushed into the throne room.
“Adeife,who brou-ght you? Ife mom asked she hvgged her daughter in tears..
“Father brou-ght me,Jedinna had been arrested”Ife said.
Ife’s mom looked at her husband in disdain.”you did well,I hope you won’t jeopardize her life for the second time If I forgive you” she said.
“Adesola”IFE’s dad called.
“Kelechi”Mrs Adesola called.
“we are cool”Ife”s mom said.
Everyone laughed,I hvgged Ife again.
one month after❤
Adeife’s p.o.v
I was sitted beside my husband in the throne room and besides one month pregnant.
I wonder what lotanna will say as judgment to his twins brother…
the elders insist he doesn’t charge the case to court
wouldn’t this be difficult?
there was tension everywhere.
A guard fixed in a disc into the projector and Jedinna was brou-ght in immediately… his hands was tied with chains,he had his head down and I felt pity for him.
the projector screened how Jedinna maltreated me and tried ra-ping me in where he took me to and how my father had come to save me.
The crime he committed was much.
“Can someone tell me something you noticed in that video cli-p? I nee-d answer before I finally pas-sée my judgment?”Lotanna asked.
“may you live long your highness..
I noticed the use of right hand,
Jedinna had used his right hand to sl@p your woman in that cli-p, he also used that same hand to t©uçh her S-xually…he did many bad things to her with his right hand”Elder Okeke said.
“This is my judgment….”Lotanna paused and everyone turned to listen
“I want that right hand cut off…when my unborn son grow,he will continue the judgment from where I st©pped” Lotanna spoke with so much authority, jedinna cried.
Lotanna left,
the elders dispersed…
Jedinna was dragged out.
I felt pity for him.
I walked to lotanna’s suite, he was facing the window.
I smiled and hvgged him from the back. He turned and k!$$£d the back of my palms.
“I promise till death we path” he said and gave out is palm.
“I BELIEVE and won’t st©p BELIEVING” I replied and placed my hand in his.

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