Believe 3 episode 15 & 16

❤💖Episode 15
Tracy’s p.o.v👇👇
is Desmond real or what?
this man knows how to get me on his shoes and am scared of him telling me more lies.
“Tracy hope am forgiven for not telling you this from the start?”he asked.
“Desmond! I called.
“anything,say it plea-se”he said.
“ummm I know you are still mad at me and even if you won’t forgive me, can you permit me to always s£nd you money”he said.
“and why would I accept that”I said.
“Tracy plea-se at least for the sake of our baby–
“Desmond don’t!
I raised my hand in the air and step out of his car.
I entered mine,
the guards took Amanda to my penthouse so I had to drive to the prosecution.
I sat facing a file,
still a r@p£ case,I can’t believe this.
According to the full report,Johnson was arrested because he commited S-xual abuse with a maid’s daughter who c@m£ to visit her mom in her work place.
The r@p£ case was critical as it was found out that Johnson does un-derage every night and the little girl was in his room for 3days.
I opened the next page
this Johnson us really cruel.
I called a lawyer.
“Celestine s£nd me the full report on the Kemi girl who died 48years ago or so”I said
“okay” he replied.
soon hr called back and I checked my Desmond really said the truth.
I quic-kly file my evidence to the barrister in charge. Johnson there is no how you will escape this.
Olamma’s p.o.v👇
have been sitting there for close to 20hours now and no animal c@m£ for me.How long will my life be so pathetic or could it be that the animals are being chased away by my bad smell.
the smell keep increasing minutes by minutes.
I crawled on my my fours and made sounds with the rustling leaves,
well if no animal will come,I will have to take my life by myself.
soon I heard sounds of rustling leaves ap@rt from the one I was ma-king and I smiled sadly.An animal is around.
I still sighed.”if death is the redemption of my sins,then take my life but plea-se Adeife should find it in her heart to forgive me….if not for anythinh but for the sake if the father’s blood we shared.
I heard a gun sh0t,
“my……..””I screamed lowly ad I heard the place where the bullet pierced throu-gh.
“it’s human”
“it’s not a game”
“ohh human being”
I heard voices.
I winced in so much pains as I watch my blood gushing out.
an old man c@m£ out alongside a young guy.
the man was with a cutlas-s
while the young guy was with a guy
he must have sh0t it….he is pretty but–
“umm what smells so bad like this,
papa cover your nose…arrrgggh so stinking.!.
I heard voices,
my vision started getting blured…so blurry that my eyes shut dead down.
Ngozi’s p.o.v🔥
why is nkem so bothered about me.
umm no way.
“madam,house number what?”
my sales attendant asked.
“house 36″I replied.
the stocks were suppose to be delivered in that house.
soon we approached.
the house was just opposite IFE’s dad house,ife dad house is the most beautiful in this street.
I watched the house for a while like a movie…
no one heard from onome,
guess shame couldn’t make her stay and I also heard on one now smells so bad.
what a regretful turn.
I wish it was Akuna that smell and not olamma.
“plea-se take records of the stocks,I nee-d to see someone”I told my sales attendant and went to the place I know I can always see Arinze.
you know I love gossiping a lot,I would love to hear about Akuna and her friends.
I had not even reach where I was going when I sp©ted arinze inside a bar…by this time.
anyways he is a drun!kard.
I entered the bar and pu-ll out a chair in her pres£nce without him telling me to.
“Mrs shapeless”he said.
‘”greet your grandmother Amoeba” I replied.He raised his cu-p of wine to have a sip.
perfect time.
“Arinze when last did you hear from your girlfriend?’I asked.
“girlfriend? which girlfriend did your forefathers give me”he said.
I rolled my eyeba-lls. “olamma of course”I said.
“well we ain’t an item,she just used me and am glad she met her waterloo”Arinze replied.
“waterloo,what waterloo? tell me more” I requested.
‘you really want to know”he said.
“if I didn’t, I wouldn’t come”I said.
“fine,I will tell you only if you can gulp down that quantity of wine’ he said
“no,I don’t drink that”I said.
“well I don’t blame you,you’ve always hate good things”he said.
“arinze”I called.
“ngozi”he called and filled a cu-p with wine to its brim.
“fine! I took the glas-s and gulp down everything.
“Now about olamma but before I start ,ngozi do you remember the day you told me that not only smokers are liable to die,people who don’t mind their business are liable to die” he said.
“are you….you….you…”
I started seeing double.
I was seeing four Arinze.
Arinze laughed.
“Ngozi this is a payback for all those insults”he said.
I stood up and staggered backwards.
“you’re a light drinker”he laughed.
he pu-ll-ed me to sit and started pouring more wine for me to drink.
I couldn’t resist the sweet taste,
he laughed as I drank more.
Adeife”s p.o.v❤❤
Lotanna wasn’t around but I thought he said we are traveling to Dubai,
he wants to give me a special treat.
and why is he staying long?
we ought to be packing alre-ady.
I dropped the tele remote,I alre-ady get tired watching.I reduced the Ac in the room and went to bath again, I changed into something simple and catching.
I took my phone and called ngozi she wasn’t picking. A call entered my phone,it was my mom.
calling me when we are in the same building.I picked the calls,
she spoke to me for close to 40mins.. the call ended but she wasn’t done talking…the network is bad.
she s£nt me a voice message.
💌 that man you called a father is the palace right now,I guess it’s you he wants to see you” she s£nt.
I sighed, I don’t even know what to reply.
a knock c@m£ on my door,I answered it and it was Ugomma.
“my queen you would be leaving soon,I c@m£ to help you pack”she said.I nodded and step aside for her to move in,she bowed as she move in.
💌 should I see him?”I s£nt my mom
💌 I don’t know okay,he is your father but not my husband”she s£nt.
I cli-ck on the message to record instavoice but I don’t even know what to say.
until the maid called my name.
“queen ife,am done packing for you ma’am”she said and wheeled out two pink traveling bags.
“okay”I just replied.
Another message buzzed in from an unknown number. 💌 you think you’ve won right???….
I ignored the message,its unknown I don’t nee-d to bother over it.
“ma’am”the maid said.
“do you nee-d anything”I asked.
“no ma’am I just want to tell you that prince Jedinna ask of youuu–” she said.
“okay”I nodded.
he asked after me…why??
we have never spoken before,even though I always greet him he doesn’t always answer.
ugomma left.I also left my room,I entered lotanna’s room,
he wasn’t inside plus he had his room light dimmed.
did he packed alre-ady??
I saw two bags on the be-d,both are empty which means he hasn’t packed.
his red phone which was on the be-d rang,I crawled into the be-d and took it from un-der the pillow.
the name was coded in some difficult terms..guess it’s business,
the call ended by itself,
it rang again.
the room door opened and lotanna walked in.I cleared my throat and dropped his phone then I moved out of his be-d.
He moved to one of his wardrobe and gr@bb£d one of the empty bags,
he started filling the bag with money from his wardrobe.
his red phone rang again.
“who is that?”he asked.
“hunnn I don’t know”I replied and moved into the king sized be-d.
“really..just bring it”he said.
I handed his phone to him which he collected…
📲 okay…
📲 s£nt them in…am on my way..
📲 bye” he said slowly in the phone and throw the phone back to the be-d,
just the right sp©t.
After he was done filling the first bag with money,he filled the second one and Zi-pped it.
he closed the wardrobe and wheeled out a single empty traveling bag.
he opened it in the be-d and kept dome files inside.
“are you done packing?”he faced me.
“yes”I nodded.
“fine”he said and picked the red phone then c@m£ to hold my w@!st…
the guards moved in to take the bags to his car,
we walked out.
“baby are you carrying my son alre-ady?”he said and s£nt his hand to my tommy when we got to the hallway.
I laughed soundedly and shift away from him,
he rolled his eyeba-lls and held my hand ro-mantically.
ohhh heavens,
when will I get the courage to look on his eyes anytime I want? he is now my husband right…
I cleared my throat,
he cleared his throat and chuckled too…we got to the dinning and sat opposite each other.
lotanna took an apple and some blue berries but I alre-ady ordered for pepper soup.
I steal glances on lotanna as he chewed in his apple slowly and work on his phone.
He coughed,I hastily stood up and got him a glas-s of water.He took water and drank from my hand while staring.
“mr drink water”I said.
he bashed his lashes and drank little, I checked time,
what can be delaying my pepper soup? Lotanna fed me with apple which I ate in relishment.
chioma’s p.o.v🔥🔥🔥
Adapuruche was preparing ife’s pepper soup as fast as posibble and besides with proper care and clean hands.Ebere,Rhoda Vicky and dumebi st©pped working as maids the day ife bec@m£ queen…
Ife personally told her mom to set business for them.
ife had wanted to help me too and tried to become friends and make peace with me that night she bec@m£ queen but I told her I don’t nee-d her help….
so should I say am the oldest maid here.. am waiting patiently for prince jedinna’s perfect time to strike.
very soon I will be a queen too.
“chioma,prince jedinna calls for you” darmah said.
I left the kitchen where I was watching plate and entered prince Jedinna’s suite…I just c@m£ back from traveling,he had traveled that night his brother bec@m£ king.
I was about opening the door
when the door itself opened revea-ling him.
“good evening sir” I greeted.
he nodded,his face was soft.
“okay,I nee-d you to put this substance into your queen food” he said and gave me a syrup…
a sealed syrup with white cap.
just little quantity…a drop too much of it will cause damage to the wo-mb” he said,
I went throu-gh the content…since I can re-ad.
“pills,sir what are you planning…
don’t you want her to give birth” I asked.
he wanted to talk but I quic-kly left.
I reasoned it as I entered the kitchen.
she shouldn’t give birth,
this syrup is a very powerful one.
I entered the kitchen,
Adapuruche was there.
I can’t apply this in her pres£nce,I nee-d to s£nd her away.
“Ada” I said as I cleared my throat.
“yes,plea-se don’t s£nd me message. queen ife nee-ds to eat pepper soup before traveling,
I nee-d to do this as fast as—
she paused as she dished the pepper soup into a plate.
“prince jedinna calls for you…and besides I can help you deliver this to her”I said.She nodded and left.
I quic-kly opened the syrup,I didn’t pour little, I poured everything, stirr it together and coveted the royal tray.
I got to the king and queen empire and knocked, the guards opened the door and I entered.
what greeted me first was the cold air conditioner,I felt like I was in heaven alre-ady.
my first time entering here.
I comport myself when I sp©t them on the royal dinning.
ohh my goodness,king lotanna is worth dieing for.
He looks so ethereal,
at times I do wonder if ife charmed him cos they are not clas-s.
I moved closer,
“your highness”I bowed as I placed the tray gently on the glas-sy dinning,
he didn’t look up,
just look into his phone as ife fed him apples.
“I brou-ght your pepper soup…
it was Adapuruche that cooked it”I said and bowed gently to ife who alre-ady uncovered the peppersoup
king lotanna left her hand that he was holding…
ife took spoon that was when lotanna looked up,I quic-kly bowed.
what am I still looking for here?
I turned to leave.
“come back here”lotanna said with so much deaminor of superiority in his voice.
“your highness”I quic-kly turned.
“don’t you know what to do?”he said.
“I don’t sir…”I bowed that was when my eyes caught IFE’s footwear,
soo pretty.
“guess it’s your first time bringing food here…well you are gonna taste out of it first”king lotanna said and took spoon from ife.
he scooped out of the pepper soup into a common plate and a common spoon…
my heart beat increa-sed.
“come and have this”he said.
“okay sir!! I said..
“but sir am fasting”I said.
“if you were truly fasting you wouldn’t go anywhere near the kitchen”lotanna said.
my mouth hung open in bewilderment.
“but I saw you eating when I took morning walk”ife said….
aaaahhh she just added petrol into my burning fire.
Lotanna looked at me,
I looked down.
“what are you still waiting for?” he said….
“sirrr!!!!! I starmmered.
“didn’t you hear well?”he said.
I took the spoon…
Episode 16💚
with a shaking hand,
I took the spoon and eat a spoonful do that king lotanna won’t smell anything fishy.
“your highness,I ate” I said slowly.
“why are you shaking…anyways eat like 15more spoonful”he said and I dare not obey.
after all the syrup might have a remedy.
I ate 15more spoons.
“5more”he said.
my heart was pounding fast as I ate five more spoons.
Lotanna still looked at me as if he knew what’s on my mind.
ife took her spoon and wanted to eat since I ate.
until the kings special adviser c@m£ in.
“your highness the car is re-ady,your flight is in the next two hours”he said.
Ife dropped her spoon and stood up.
a maid in white uniform carried ife’s bag while the others wheel out two traveling bags.
I rush out to the toilet immediately they left and try spilling it out into the sink but it didn’t.
“is anything wrong?”Adapuruche c@m£ in.
“nothing”i said and left.
I hastily rush to prince Jedinna’s suite.I met him outside his suite door with a single traveling back.
he was on phone.
I think he is leaving alre-ady.
what have I gotten myself into?.
I felt like crying but I held it.
“hey did you put a drop in her food?” he asked.
I sob quietly.
“my prince does the pills have remedy?”I asked as I was starting to feel discomfort in between my legs.
Jedinna looked at me with a bad eyes.
“it doesn’t have a remedy,too much of it damages the wo-mb that was why I asked you to use a drop”he said.
my tears fell,
I got useless for the second time
everyb©dy left,only me is alone.
“wait did you—-
“yes queen ife didn’t,his highness asked me to have a taste of it before his wife can eat*I said with tears.
“why would you eat out of it,you should have said you want to use the toilet as an excuse and besides hope its a drop you added.
“no,I poured everything”
“waaaatttttt” he said.
“I wanted to make it fas-ter”I said
queen chiamaka approached,
I felt so much discomfort as I can feel a h0t liquid falling on my p@n-ties alre-ady…
my future is just ruined
“my son! queen chiamaka smiled as she t©uçhed jedinna hair,
jedinna smiled.
“ohh what are you doing here?”she turned to me.
“my queen…I…I…”I tried to say something but the pain held me was as if something is cutting in my lower abd0m£n.
“are you alright?”the queen asked me with care…
“she is…umm mom common,
have you forgotten that’s how dirty commoners lime her do once they nee-d attention,
she’s nothing alre-ady” jedinna said.
my mouth hung open in bewilderment, he just describe-d me like that.
I watched like a fool as the guard handed him his car key.
“chioma what’s there in between your legs”ihuoma asked.
i looked down,it was blood.
“come I will help you”she said .
I wasn’t myself,she helped me to the room then went to call a physician by the time she returned,
I alre-ady lose so much blood.
“what type of dangerous pills did you take–
see your wo-mb is affected,am sorrt you don’t be able to conceive again except heaven will come down to rain” she said..
my tears stream down,
ihuoma sighed and consoled me although I refused to tell her what really happened,
I lied I tried ab-ortion.
Olamma’s p.o.v
my eyes shut open weakly and I found myself in a verrrry strange place,
there was two little huts,
the place was somewhat dirty and doesn’t look like my father’s fansy house.
now I think am in another kingdom..
my smell alre-ady reduced and I wonder what happened cos I know how bad I smell.
I heard footsteps and I quic-kly close my eyes. Something was f0rç£d into my mouth,
it was so bitter.
I coughed and opened my eyes,it was that old man in the forest.
“after 3days,you’re lucky” he said and uncovered my have to see my palms.
ummm is he a soothsayer.
“Nkeiruka(the future is brighter) the moment she let go of all grudges” he said and dropped my hand,
it mistakenly hit the place that I was sh0t.
I winced in pain.
He helped me sit and helped me stand…
“Ebuka! Ebuka!! Ebuka!!!!!!! he called
the boy ran out in a pair of animal skinned wra-pper.
“take her to one of the huts” the man said avd the pretty boy supported me to walk in.
Soon we were in the hut.
it look so empty except for the bags hanging on the wall then a mattress on the floor.
He helped me l@yon the matters,I sniffed as the pretty boy turned to leave.
“thank you”I said sadly.
“thank yourself….
should i talk about the fact that you smell sooo badly for good 3days,
I had to stay awake at nights to appease lord igehne to t©uçh the heart of whosoever person you offended…” he said.
he didn’t allow me talk,
he went out…
hmmm why did they save me they should have allow me die.
I tried standing,I did and I held that sp©t. It’s still healing.
I nee-d to find a river to bath.I wanted to ask the old man but I felt like i might disturb him.
and ebuka,I have put him throu-gh a lot of stress alre-ady.I don’t deserve his kindness anymore.
i pas-sed the back of the hut and walked till I found a nearby stream.
I hastily took off my clothes and kept them on a stone.
I di-pped my b©dy into the stream and bathed, something fell off my hair and floated on the river.
it was the gold chain that bond me and my mother together.
I cut the chain into two,
what’s the use now?
“today mark the day I threw you away as my mother”i said and threw the chain away.
I felt relieved.
soon I was done and I turned to where I kept my cloth,it wasn’t there.
I quic-kly look front.
whaaaaat the water carried my clothes away.
I stepped out n-ked,nothing to cover my b©dy….
I cleared my throat as I heard footsteps..
“don’t come closer for am n-ked” I said.
“cover yourself up then”I heard ebuka’s voice.
“well my clothes got carried away” I said…
then,he showed his face and c@m£ to where I was.. you can hi kwaku on+233544142683 to be added to story headquarters room for more intriguing stories.
gosh,I feel embarased.
well am not even special.
He covered me well,I smiled.
He smiled back.
Desmond’s p.o.v👇
the Johnson case was successful,
he was s£ntenced to life imprisonment for several r@p£ attempt.
the way I keep smiling justified it,I mean I feel accomplished and proud of Tracy.
even though we won’t go back to what we used to be.
I called her to my newly built house for celebr@tion but she didn’t…
she alre-ady said we shouldn’t see each other again after the case
“well cheers to my new life” I said and took a sip of my wine.
“cheers to my unborn baby”I said and took another last sip
“cheers to my superwoman” I said and took another sip.
I was dining alone until I heard that familiar scent,I turned back avd it was Tracy in a long red dinner go-wn.
I smiled as I stood,
I wuivjlu pu-ll out a chair for her to sit as a gentleman,
she rolled her eyeba-lls and sat.
“thanks for coming”I said
she tucked her weavon hair behind her ear,I smiled.
a maid c@m£ and took her order.
I smiled as I poured wine in a glas-s for her,
we both tried taking it at the same time our hands met
I held her wrist softly…
I felt more fireworks,
she hastily collected her hand I smiled as I watched her sip in slowly
I smiled and pas-sed her a cheque of 5million naira then a new car key.
“are you bribing me in” she said
“umm no,I wanted to say thank you” I said.
“for what?”she asked.
“everything”I said and she smiled.
“what if I say I don’t want that” she said.
I look in her eyes.
“fine”she said.
“I should leave”she added and stood,I also stood.
“good night”she said and carried her bag..
“Tracy*I called and took her hand,she stared back.
“am truly sorry”I said
her face was so soft,I finally k!$$£d her.
she k!$$£d me back abf locked her arm around my n£¢k.
we k!$$£d like that for a sweet long time. i unlocked gently and k!$$£d her cheeks into her ear then into herl-ips again.
Tracy’s p.o.v
what exactly am I doing?
I know he is sorry and I miss him. I smiled and allowed him lift me up in a bridal style, he k!$$£d my baby bu-mp,
I laughed soundedly.
we entered his be-droom
Desmond quic-kly Zi-p down my go-wn slowly and when he was done,he lifted me up and pu-ll-ed it out,I carefully re-moved his t©p and un-buckled his belt.
He moved me to the be-d and took my legs,he carefully lift my leg up to my face….
then pene-trated.
I m0@n ed out.
I felt him de-eply inside of me and I m0@n ed out as he rode me to heaven while k!ss!ngmy baby bu-mp.
I kept skrie-king out my m0@n s,
the cold air made it sweeter.
I m0@n ed up and down.
He k!$$£d my n£¢k and I felt his ha-rd ness plun-dered into me.
After a while,Desmond turned me to my back on the be-d then ate into my n£¢k from behind as he straddled me, I m0@n ed out.
He moved in and out of me in sweet ryhtm.
he was so sweet
I moved in one more time then he moved out of me one more time and layed quietly beside me.
We curdled each other.
“I love you”he said,I smiled.
“I love you too”I replied.
he k!$$£d my n£¢k..
“so what country??”he asked and ru-bbe-d circles of my baby bu-mp.
my baby kicked,he felt it with his hand….
we laughed into nothing.