Being alone Episode 9 & 10

There was no sign of mummy or Nenye in the be-droom. Instead, I had seen two heavily built men, n’aked in my room, holding unto their hvge member which was filled with veins.
They were smiling at me.
Guy1: So we heard you’re menstruating, go back there and take your bath, then come here for a good time.
They both laughed out loud and I felt like the world was going to coll@pse on my head.
Guy2: You know, she looks like a fresher. I’ll go first.
Guy1: You na boss nau so I go just give you time to kpansh am before I go follow do.
Guy1: Correct.
The first guy started walking to me and I immediately ran into the bathroom but he was fas-ter than myself. He got to the door before I could bolt it and pushed the door open before registering a trademark sl@p on my face.
Guy1: No just try am. Cooperate with us and we go ball out before you know it.
Me: plea-se sir. Have pity on me. I’m not just an orphan but……
He registered another sl@p on my face and this time, it mixed with the pepper stings I was alre-ady getting, causing me to scream painfully.
He started attacking my clothes, tearing them into shreds, including my p@n-ts, allowing my fake pad drop to the floor. He ignored it and pushed me into bathtub, following after me. He turned the shower and let the water run down our b©dy before picking up my sponge and soaping it up. At this time, tears refused to fall anymore. I just stood there, accepting my fate and watching him bath me r0ûghly. He got to my legs and looked up at me and I gently opened my legs for him. He concentrated on my woman-hood, taking his time to wash it properly while he smiled up at me. I had never being Unclad in front of anyone else ap@rt from Kamsi, but surprisingly, I didn’t bother to cover up my Bos-oms at least. I just allowed him wash me up.
After he was done, he hvgged me and the water washed both of us clean. He got down and pushed me out and we stepped into the room.
Guy1: Lie down girl.
I looked at him one last time with pleading eyes but he pushed me down to the be-d. The other guy c@m£ down on the be-d too and started su-cking on my melons while the first guy positioned himself before my entrance. He shoved into me with no care and I cried out in pain. It was this time that my tears started falling. I cried as they m©l£st£dme, taking there turns to have fun with my b©dy. I know I pas-sed out at one point but they didn’t st©p because I got back to consciousness but they were still there, having their fun and depositing their seeds inside me.
We’ve being there for goodness knows how long before the second guy stood up and looked at the clock. I followed his gaze.
Guy2: Boss na 2am o.
Guy1: Na the last round be this nau. Wait make I finish abeg.
He t—-t some more before gr-unting and coll@psing on t©p of me. He looked at my face and smiled before getting up. He dressed up as quic-kly as possible before they left my room.
I la-id there, praying that I die than live to being treated this way. How could mummy be so wicked. What did my late mother do to her that made her hate me this much. If I had known where my parents had being buried, I would have gone to there graves and curse them for leaving me in this wicked world.
I la-id there till the wall clock told me it was 3:30am. I stood up from the be-d, with so much pain. I tried to walk but I wouldn’t except I separated my legs very wi-de ap@rt. I looked at the be-d and I saw the stains, which were a mixture of my vir-ginity and my period. I wasn’t staying in this house, no, I won’t stay in this house.
I dressed up slowly, the pains reminding me of the torture I had being in some hours ago. I dressed up, padding myself and putting on the first cloth my hand la-id upon. it was a big polo, one of Emeka’s polos which I always wore. I rummaged for a trou-ser but I found a short instead. I wore it, picked up my diary with the money I had hidden at the back of the clock. I searched for my phone and didn’t find it then I knew without being told that mummy had taken it.
I walked with open legs outside my room. I was going to leave throu-gh the back gate. It was always locked from inside without a padlock. Emeka always sneaked out from there to buy suya which we always ate at night. I had never used that gate before, because I never knew I would be leaving this house without anyb©dy’s notice. I had always thought that things would get better between us but I was wrong.
I opened the gate as quietly as I could before stepping out into the tender bush. I found my way into the streets, walking past familiar routes and saying goodbyes to them like they were my friends……….. of course they were. I was leaving home for an unknown place, with just #5000 and my diary. I silently prayed to God to direct my destiny.
I had walked out of the housing gate, thanking God that the security men were fast asleep. I hit the express, walking head up, with open legs throu-gh the streets of the Abakpa. I had walked a long distance, only paying attention to my silent prayers and thoughts when I heard a screech of tyres…….and then, I hit the tarred road with a thud..
I woke up with a heavy ban-ging on my head and pains in my lower abd0m£n. I tried to raise my head but I couldn’t. Last thing I remembered was that I was walking on the street of Abakpa very early in the morning. I opened my eyes slowly and realised I was on a hospital be-d. A nurse was seated beside my be-d and there were different machines in the room. The nurse saw that I was awake and ran out of the room. She c@m£ back with a doctor some minutes later and he was all smiles.
Doc: Good evening miss. How’re you?
I held my head and shook it.
Doc: Where do you still feel pains?
Me: My stomach is burning and my head. Doctor, how…..
Doc: Nurse, plea-se call the gentleman that brou-ght her here.
Nurse: Right away doctor.
She left the room and the doctor sat down where she had earlier occu-pied.
Doctor: Tell me dear, how old are you?
Me: I’m 19
Doctor: What’s your name?
Me: Chimamanda
Doctor: Hope you don’t mind if I call you Ander?
I smiled and nodded.
Me: Doctor plea-se tell me, how long have I being here?
Doctor: Exactly three weeks and two days.
Me: What?
it was more of an exclamation than a question.
Doctor: Yes my dear. You were brou-ght in here by a man. He said he had hit you without knowing it. But some tests were carried out and we found out that there was more to it than just an accident. If you don’t mind, plea-se, tell me where you were going that morning.
Tears wedged at the corners of my eyes and I recalled the events of that Sunday. The events I was sure had changed my life for good.
Doctor: Ander?
Me: I had no destination.
Doctor: Where do you leave?
Me: Abakpa.
Doctor: With your family?
Me: No. They’re not my family. They are mean people. They are wicked. They’re not my family.
He c@m£ and sat on the be-d and held my hands.
Doctor: Calm down dear. Calm down.
Me: I should calm down? I should calm down? Do you know what they did to me? Do you know? I should calm down? You better not ask me to calm down anymore.
He kept on pleading with me to relax, but the more he did, the more my anger rose. He stood up and left the room while I cried my heart out, cursing mummy joy and Nenye for all they’ve done to me.
I had st©pped my tears from flowing when a knock c@m£ and then the door opened. A fine young man c@m£ into the room. He was smiling.
Man: Good evening dear.
I sh0t him a glance and looked away. I was sure he was one of them, those selfish species of men who only found joy in m©l£sting innocent girls.
Man: My name is Ted. How’re you?
Me: It’s not your business how I’m doing or not. Get out of here.
He was taken aback with my response but in a flash, his smile returned and he sat down.
Ted: Maybe you now know I’m the guy that hit you. I’m sorry about that okay. I un-derstand that you’re angry with me but don’t take it out like this. You’re still recovering and ……
Me: So because I’m recovering I shouldn’t speak to you? Why do you care anyways? Thanks for hitting me
He smiled.
Ted: But even if I hadn’t hit you, you still nee-ded the hospital anyways. I was scared and worried that you won’t open your eyes and forgive me for adding to your pains.
Me: What pains?
He coughed and looked at his hands and I found my diary. He was clutching if like he was the owner. I know I don’t write my daily life events in my diary but it contained all my life; Gospel’s number.
Me: Give me that plea-se.
He quietly handed it to me without arguing and I was grateful.
Ted: So tell me what you would love to eat. Anything and I’d get it for you.
I looked at his face and sighed.
Me: Mr Ted, you were saying something about pains. What pain?
Ted: You’re such a stubborn woman. Actually, the doctor had told me all that had being found out while you were unconscious. But let that not bother you. Once you eat, we’ll call anyb©dy that you know so the person can know your whereabouts.
Me; It’ll pas-s for now because I’m hungry. Get me rice plea-se.
Ted: Rice then.
He stood up and left the room while I kept myself busy with counting the blinds in the room. It was more of a pri-vate ward. That Ted guy looks cool but he’ll surely pay for hitting me. I’ll give him one hell of a time if he doesn’t apologise properly.
I may have drifted off to sleep because I felt a tap on my hand and I opened my eyes. It was Ted. He helped me sit down and I looked at the big polythene on the floor.
Ted: I bought provisions as well.
He began to bring them out and I concluded that it was alre-ady more than the apology I nee-ded. He finally designed my side cu-pboard with the provisions and handed me a plate of jollof rice from KFC.
Ted: Once again,I’m sorry for hitting you.
Me; Its alright. This is enough apology alre-ady.
I began attacking my food while he sat down there looking at me like I was an alien who just c@m£ to earth. I finished my rice and started murdering the chicken. His gaze was fixed on me and I had to look at him in an unfriendly way before he took his eyes off. I managed to finish my food with him pressing away on his iPhone 6.
Me: Thank you.
Ted: You’re welcome. I’ll get water from the bathroom so you’ll wash your hands.
He stood up and did as he said and while I washed my hands, I wondered if he was real or just like those two guys who’d attacked me. That thought made me shiver in fright and he looked at me
Ted: Let it go my dear. Just relax okay.
I nodded, not sure of what he wanted me to let go.
He returned to the bathroom and c@m£ out after a while. He handed me the phone.
Ted: Call your people while I clear this up.
I took the phone and thanked him before opening my diary to search for Gospel’s number. I dialled his number and he picked at the third ring.
Ted left the room that moment with the take away plate I just used in eating.
Gospel: Hello!
I kept quiet.
Gospel: plea-se, I’m sure you know its your airtime that is burning up and I’m not gentleman enough to cut the call from this end.
I chuckled. He would apologise gravely for that whenever I see him
Me: Gospel?
Gospel: Of course its Gospel. And you are?
Me: Calm down.
Gospel: I’m not high either.
Me: I wonder where you got your arrogance from.
Gospel: Oops! I’m now arrogant right? What about you who called me and refused to speak up?
I laughed, trying my best to deal with my headache.
Gospel; Listen, I’ve got pressing issues that nee-ds my attention and if you’re trying to pick a joke from ……
Me: Its me, Amanda.
There was silence from his end and I knew I had caught him unawares.
Gospel: You say?
Me: Chimamanda.
Gospel: Jesus Christ!
And I hung up.

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