Being alone Episode 21 & 22

As early as 11am on Sunday, Rose was alre-ady at the house. She had told us that she c@m£ straight from church. As usual, mum was very happy to see her. They talked for a while before Rose changed into one of my clothes and we sat down to chat for a bit at the terrace.
Rose: So how’s Hillary? Kamsi told me you both went out the other day?
Me; Yes. I had fun.
Rose: So you finally said yes?
Me: Of course. Hillary is such a nice guy. I wonder where he’d being all my life.
Rose: Wow.
Kamsi: He’s being waiting for the right time. And immediately the time was ripe, he c@m£.
Me: Miss philosopher.
Kamsi: Call me that again.
We all laughed and got busy with our phone. Some minutes later, Hillary called.
Hillary: Hi bae
Me: Hi dear.
Hillary: Will you be kind enough to step outside your gate? I’m parked here and waiting for a Cinderella to come and walk me to the ball.
My chuckle got Kamsi and Rose’ attention and they stared at me.
Me: You won’t only get a Cinderella, you’ll also get Jasmine and snow white.
Hillary: Beautiful. plea-se I’m waiting
I hung up and told the girls and they smiled.
Rose: So, I’m not fair so I’m Jasmine.
Kamsi: Unarguably Snow white.
We shared a laugh before walking downstairs and outside the gate. He was sitting on the hood of his car. He was dressed in a b©dy hvgged shi-t and jean trou-ser. His shoe was shiny black and he looked like one going for a fashion show. My friends and I couldn’t help but stare shamelessly.
Hillary: Won’t you st©p staring and at least give me a hvg.
I c@m£ out from my trance and hvgged him, sharing a quic-k k!sstoo.
Hillary: (turned to Rose) Jasmine, how are you?
Rose: I’m fine handsome. You look amazing.
Hillary: Thank you. (turned to Kamsi) Snow white, how are you as well?
Kamsi: Better than yourself.
Hillary: I doubt.
We shared a laugh before entering the house. We led him to the sitting room where mum was seeing a movie.
Hillary: Good day Mrs Kalu.
He greeted with a little bow.
Mum: Good day son. How’re you?
Hillary: Very fine ma. You look quite good yourself.
Mum smiled like a teenager.
Mum: Thank you my dear. plea-se have a seat. You’re just in time for lunch.
I looked at the wall clock and it was some minutes going to 1:00.
We all sat down.
Mum: Amanda,go ask the girls if they’re done with ma-king the table, Kamsi, go call your brothers.
Did I mention that Ken had moved to his own building? I guess I did not so plea-se forgive me.
Kamsi walked out while I went to the Kitchen. I pas-sed the dinning and noticed that the table was alre-ady prepared and I liked what I saw. I was tem-pted to take a peak to know the meals we’ll be having but on a second thought, I turned and went back to the sitting room.
Mum and her in-laws (Rose and Hillary) were alre-ady conversing so I stepped out of the house.
Kamsi was taking a call so I stood beside her. She dismissed the caller and turned to me.
Me: So you’ve not called your brothers?
She smiled and kicked my shoulders pla-yfully.
Kamsi: Was thinking of a way to inform Gospel, maybe s£nding him a message. I’ve vowed never to go into his ap@rtment again.
I frowned at her but she didn’t st©p.
Kamsi: I’m beginning to see him as the black sheep of this house.
Me: Are you alright?
Kamsi: Of course I am. You don’t get it do you? He’s not the gentleman I’ve always thought him to be. I don’t know what changed him and….
Me: You know what? Go and call Ken while I call Gospel. We’ll talk about this after today.
Kamsi: Whatever.
I sp@ñked her behind with my palm and we both went on our different directions.
I got to the door and rang the bell and the door swung open immediately.
Me: Hi.
Gospel: Amanda, come inside.
He was on a jean short and polo and he had a smile plastered on his face.
Me: No. Not now. I was s£nt to call you. Lunch has being served.
He looked at me like I was hiding something.
Gospel: So I guess your b©yfri£ndis here?
Me: Yes. Together with Rose.
Gospel: Okay. I’ll join you guys in two minutes.
I walked away, surprised that he didn’t react, also praying that he doesn’t have a back up plan hatching somewhere.
Mum was still busy with Hillary, asking him his parents occu-pation, where they lived, where they c@m£ from,trying to drill out everything about him, with Hillary in turn,giving her all the answers with a smile.
I sat down and joined Rose. Kamsi and Ken c@m£ in some minutes later.
Ken walked to Hillary who stood up and gave him a handshake.
Ken: Hillary right?
Hillary: Yes and you are?
Ken: Kenneth. Nice meeting you.
Hillary: The plea-sure is all mine.
They both sat down beside mum.
Ken: I’ve heard quite a lot about you and I do hope they are all true.
Hillary laughed, throwing his head back.
Hillary: Depends on what you heard.
Ken: I see you’re an intelligent guy. I hope you’ll be able to take care of my sister.
Hillary: I…..
Gospel: Of course he will. If he doesn’t, I’ll so beat him up.
We all turned to look at him and he was all smiles. He approached Hillary and offered his hand for a handshake. We were all surprised including mum. Hillary looked into his face and shook his hand, looking back at me for answers but I just shrugged my shoulders, indirectly telling him that I knew nothing.
Was this p@rt of a plan? Or has Gospel changed for good?
Lunch was amazing. Different varieties of food; from fried rice and drilled fish to yam and sauce with fried eggs. There was also a chicken soup, some baked cakes and fruits to wash down the meal. I didn’t have time to acknowledge the meal because it was like a rule in the Kalu’s residence, never to talk while eating. The only thing you’ll keep hearing is,”plea-se pas-s the salt” or “is there any serviette at that side?”.
But once we had all left the table, every one started confessing about the meal including Hillary and Rose.
We all sat down at the sitting room to discuss. The look on mum’s face showed that she was happy and anyone seeing us sitting together would think that we’re gathered for a family meeting.
Mum: I’m not going to take much of your time as its compulsory that I take my siesta, I don’t pl@ywith it especially on Sundays as it is the only day I get to relax properly. I just nee-d to ch!pin one or two s£ntences.
She paused and looked at our faces.
Mum: You’re all grown ups. The youngest amongst you all is Amanda and she’s no longer a kid. I want unity between all of you here. See each other as brothers and sisters. Quarrels and feuds should be far gone from you all. I know why I’m saying this and most of you know that as well. You all are old enough to know what’s right and wrong. You also have rights to call yourselves to order when you see that one of you is doing something contrary to your expectations. Finally,I wouldn’t want you all to disappoint me. Keep clean records and never,I mean never do anything to jeopardize your relationsh!ps.
She looked at all of us as if the words would sink in properly with her looks.
Mum: Having said that,I beg to leave you all now. Have fun and call me once dinner is served.
We thanked her and watched as she walked up the stairs gracefully.
Gospel was the first to break the silence.
Gospel: So, Hillary, tell us, what do you do with your free time?
Hillary cleared his throat..
Hillary: I go to my father’s hospital to help in the lab.
Ken: Wow! Your dad is a medical doctor?
Hillary: Yes.
Ken: Interesting. What are you studying in school?
Hillary: Microbiology.
Ken: What year.
Hillary: I’m in my finals.
Ken: Congratulations dude.
Gospel: So, what time do you spare then for Amanda?
Hillary: Oh! I always make sure we see at least three times in a week.
Gospel: Just that?
Hillary: Yes. That way, it won’t make the relationsh!pboring. I don’t want her to get tired of seeing my face. Though I know I’ll love to see hers everyday and I plan to make it so.
We all laughed except Gospel. I could see the defeat in his eyes.
Gospel: So how old are you?
Hillary: Wow! Is it necessary?
Gospel: Of course it is. I….
Hillary: I’m 24.
Gospel: Ken is alre-ady a lawyer at 24.
I frowned immediately. A quic-k tension pas-sed throu-gh the sitting room but Hillary remained with a smile.
Hillary: That’s very good. Very encouraging I must say. So when did you leave school?
Gospel: I schooled abroad. Got my degree at 23, now, I’m managing my father’s multinational company.
I knew what he was trying to do but I refused to say a word because I wouldn’t want our beautiful day to end up in fights.
Gospel: I’m the youngest CEO around the globe with a certificate from Oxford and Harvard.
Hillary scoffed and didn’t say a word, instead he sipped from his glas-s and focused more on the fool who wanted to show him he was lesser.
Kamsi stepped out with Rose to God knows where but I refused to leave.
Hillary: You’ve made a name for yourself I must say. Congratulations.
Gospel: Thank you. I deserve it.
Ken: So tell us, where are you from?
Hillary: My parents are from Udi local government.
Ken: Your parents? What about you? Ain’t you from there as well?
Hillary: I’m from California. I was born and raised there and only c@m£ back to be with my parents for a while.
I saw the smile on Gospel’s face disappear and change to a look of surprise. He wasn’t getting the victory anymore and I had Ken to thank for throwing in that question at that time.
Ken: Wow! So you’re a citizen there?
Hillary nodded, sipping from his glas-s again.
Ken: I swear you’re a good man. You don’t even act like one. Your personality is beautiful.
Hillary: What’s the nee-d? I love this place more that’s why I tried to adapt immediately I c@m£ in.
Ken: Beautiful. I like you man.
Hillary: Same with me here.
Ken: Follow me to my ap@rtment. I nee-d to show you some stuffs.
They excused themselves and left the sitting room. I was now alone with Gospel. He wasn’t smiling and he seemed so distracted. I went to him and tapped him.
Me: Thinking of what to do next?
He hissed and looked away but I won’t st©p pestering him. No.
Me: You got a degree at 23 yet you can’t maintain a relationsh!p. You’re not even good at it. Things…
Gospel: Amanda plea-se.
Me: plea-se what? Accept defeat and leave my life alone. Let me be. I’ve moved on. Quit trying to show Hillary that he’s not good for me. He’s the best gentleman I’ve ever met outside Ken so leave us alone.
He stood up and held my shoulders lovingly. I was even surprised.
Gospel: Okay. Fine. I accept that I don’t like that boy. I admit okay. But you know I love you. You know how much I care about you.
Me: No you don’t care about me. You don’t.
Gospel: They say,you don’t know the value of what you have till you loose it. I’ve lived in regret and it wors£ned after I saw you with this boy. I love you so much and I’m re-ady to make amends. I promise.
I stepped away from him,turning my back to him and fighting the tears that were threatening to fall.
Me: I nee-ded support, love, attention but you offered none. Even if you couldn’t continue with me,at least, you would have being kind enough to hide those words. You said them before me,in my pres£nce, you didn’t mince words remember? What happened? Now you’ve seen this light that is shining on my path and you want me to leave it and come back to you? Gospel, its not done. I love Hillary a lot and I’m re-ady to step on toes just to prove that point.
Gospel: The same way I’m re-ady to step on toes to prove mine too. I love you so much. Don’t you get it? You drive me crazy,being without you has left me empty and useless. I nee-d you in my life baby and I’m willing to do anything to make you happy, I promise.
I turned back to face him and he held my hands.
Me: You don’t nee-d to step on toes for my sake cause you’ve stepped on more than necessary. You’ve done enough. I don’t care about whatever stupid love you have for me. I’m happy now so quit trying to be nice.
He left my hands immediately and frowned his face.
Gospel: I’m sorry Amanda but you’re ma-king things very difficult for me. What p@rt don’t you get? The p@rt that I love you or the p@rt that that guy doesn’t deserve you?
Me: Oh! I don’t get any of them cause the only language my br@in listens to now anything positive about my b©yfri£nd.
He sneered and turned away.
Me: I don’t care the way your br@in interprets it. I’m in love with someone else and that’s final.
Gospel: You lie.
Me; I see.
Gospel: If I can’t have you, nob©dy will.
He turned and repeated it again, pausing hisl-ips to make sure I un-derstand.
I stood there as we looked each other in the face like sworn enemies.
Gospel: If you can’t be mine, you can’t belong to anyone else. I made you what and who you are so you owe me a lot. I own you and there’s nothing you or anyb©dy can do about it.
I found my voice immediately but instead of speaking, I found my arm flying in the air and registering a sl@p on his face.
Me: You listen,I own my life. If there’s anyone I should be fighting with about it, it should be God and not any useless and selfish man. That you picked me up from a dungeon, brushed me up,sheltered me, clothed me, doesn’t mean you own my life. And as for what you said,you’ll see with those two miserable eyes of yours how I’m so going to spend the rest of my life with the boy who loves me a lot and not you. You’ll apologise with that miserable mouth of yours for every damn word you said here.
I stuck a f!nger out and poked at his che-st.
Me: And when that time comes, I’ll give you more sl@ps than I just did.
He didn’t say another word. He just ru-bbe-d his chin and walked out.
I sighed and sat down, giving a de-ep thought to what just transpired. He shouldn’t dare to hurt my b©yfri£nd, if not, hell he’ll have me to battle with.
I felt a new fire light up in me and I knew I had to fight this one, no matter who was involved, even if its not for my relationsh!p, at least to get my sanity back.