Behind the smile episode 23

Episode 23

He look straight ahead, nodding quietly to everything she was saying while she kept driving.
It was quiet a distance. all
He so much look forward to was seeing his wife again and knowing she was alright.
That was his wish. Nothing will make him so happy like setting his eyes on his wife.
He has miss her alot and whatever it has to take to get her out of the dungeon of the devil he will.
The police were alre-ady tracking them and following their trail.

Bianca almost ruined his plan, after he carefully fixing the tracker in her car she decided on the dying minute that she was not comfortable taking her car again.
She insisted on taking his own instead with the order that she will be the one to drive.

He was disappointed, angry, exhausted and broken at the same time.
He never thought Bianca will change her mind from using her car after she had fixed the tracker and that iss one of the things that will be pointing her location to the police.

He was very certain at first on the car to be used and quic-kly fixed the tracker without her knowing but she shocked him when she said she will rather use his.
She will love to drive his own car instead of hers.

Benny had tried to convince her to take her own but she insisted of his.

Luckily, he still had one more tracker which was in form of a wristband.

He wore it on his wrist as they journeyed on.
The officer was right in giving him two tracker.
If one disappoint the other will pave the way.
Getting to Dorcas and rescuing her is the only thing occu-pying his mind.
Once they arrive wherever Bianca kept her, in no time police will be surrounding the whole place and Bianca will be put in cuffs.
Benny wish it will go down that easy but fear of the unknown settled strongly in his heart.
As Bianca kept talking, Benny was beseeching God to take charge.
He prayed silently without hisl-ips moving.
Bianca called back his attention.
“Did you listen to anything I just said… you are not really paying attention to me right?
Bianca asked with a frown on her face as she kept driving.

“No sweetie, I’m listening…” Benny said trying to convince her.

“Oh yeh, what was the last thing I said… what did I say Benny, since you said you were listening, answer me…”

When Benny couldn’t say, she continued.

“Listen to me and listen well my love. When I talk you listen, when I nee-d you to say something that’s when you talk. When I ask question you answer, when I nee-d you to be quiet you do just that and when I want a subtle ro-mantic activities you give me an exceptional performance. That’s the way I like my men…”

“Doesn’t that makes you a control freak”?
Benny who try to hide his annoyance asked without care of whatever she may say or do.

“Call it whatever, I don’t give a damn. I prefer when things are done on my terms. And when I’m tired of you I dump and move on to my next man. Well, except this time…I don’t think I’m going to get tired of you anytime soon. You’re stuck with me my love. when you see your wife Today, you will tell her those hurtful words that you had in sto-re. Call her evil, wicked witch, ugly, barren, dull, weak, a dirty cheat, and a sneaky snakei. All the demeaning names you can think of. And mean it while at it. I want to see her weep, I want to watch her gr0@nin pain, I want to see her languishing in despair. That will be satisfying for me. Do you un-derstand me..”

Benny swallowed ha-rd before nodding.
Bianca gentle pat him on the shoulder and called him “good boy”
She continued talking

“,…have I told you about my Dad?

“Yes, you have. Back in my office. You said he was very religious like me, he taught you about God and you miss him alot…” Benny said wishing she can just shut up. He has heard enough alre-ady.

Bianca began to laugh sarcastically. Benny neither said a word or react.
When she was done she said with a sm-irking face

“I killed my Dad..”
Benny was taken back by her blunt confession

“… you heard me right. He was none of those things you mentioned. He was weakling and stupid. Well, like you alre-ady know that I put up several acting just to have you and look what the whole lies and act got me… hahaha. I don’t fail on a mission. I always achieve my aim. My whole troubles wasn’t in vain. As for my Dad he got what he deserves. He try to cut down on my right. My Mom had me while working for him as a domestic staff. She fell in love with my Dad, her boss and they both got something going but my Mom was hoping my Dad will ask her to marry him but he never did. She bec@m£ pregnant, my Dad took care of her until she gave birth to me. After two years and my Dad wasn’t saying anything about marriage, instead he was d@t!ngone pretty Doctor. My Mom got angry, left. She left me with my Dad. Found another guy who values her and moved to another country with him. I was raised by my Dad. He later got married to this doctor and had two kids. I watched how he shifted his focus and attention to this his new family. He s£nt me off to boarding school. He said I was very arrogant and disrespectful to his wife. I felt so bad but endured. After my high school, I got admission into the university but I was suspended for stabbing a girl who try befriending my crush. I later got enrolled into another university and I pushed a boy off the Cliff for ditching me. He said I was toxic and can’t be with me. I left and got into another but I hated that school and finally I c@m£ to my pres£nt university and I fell in love the moment I set eyes on you. As for my Dad, I learnt that he was trying to cut down on my right, he intend giving his legitimate kids almost all his empire while I get little. I won’t let that happen. I learnt a thing or two online on how to disable car engine…to cause accident. Well, it worked. My Dad had accident with his driver. The driver survived but he wasn’t any threat. My Dad survived the accident and was rushed to the hospital. While my Dad was in the hospital recu-perating, getting all the medical care he nee-ded, I pretend to go visit. His wife, who happens to be the doctor attending to him wouldn’t let me pas-s because we had alot of heated argument in the past so I put up this innocent, smiley face. It appears like I was truly sorry. She even get to hvg me, I dashed her few fake smile as I gently went to see my Dad. He was asleep. I re-moved the oxygen knowing he can’t breath well without it. His condition was critical. I watched him struggle for air before finally given up. I put it back before rushing to call his wife. She c@m£ in, did all she could, source the help of other health workers…none were able to bring him back. He was gone. I cried my eyes out…off course fake tears. I nee-ded to put up an act so I won’t be suspected. After the burial, I made a will with his forged signature. One of the best lawyers helped out. It was pres£nted to Jessica, my dad’s wife. She refused at first but since she wasn’t in the mood to fight legally because she was more focused on her kids and job. I won and took more than half of my dad’s properties. I always win and I’m still wining. Here we are… finally we have arrived. If I park now, there’s a building over there. That’s where I kept my prisoners…”

Benny felt terrified listening to her talk about her Dad.
She is a cold blooded monster.
She parked, brou-ght out a gun tucked inside her clothes.
She rechecked to make sure it was well loaded before putting it inside her handbag.
Benny watched, more terrified as his heart began racing.
They c@m£ down, Bianca checked around just to make sure she wasn’t being followed.
She ordered Benny to walk in front.
He did until they entered the building.
It was an old abandoned building
There was a young lady, on her feet immediately she saw Bianca coming.
She looked at Benny uncertain.

“How’s my prisoner Geni”..?

“She is still ill, plea-se… plea-se Bianca she nee-ds a medical care or something worst may happen. This place is no longer safe for us. We will still be your prisoner, nothin will change, if you can get a doctor to come check her. I…”

As Geni try to speak further she got a resounded sl@p on her mouth.

“, Your only job is to take care of my prisoner. A single prisoner not ten or twenty. Why do you have to whine and complain every time over that. I s£nd my men to supply food and toiletries, what else do you nee-d. I was only waiting for a perfect time for her death, it would have pave way for me freely but free way c@m£ early for me. Her ex husband is here to bid her farewell…”

Benny was looking all around the pathetic condition of the house. He shakes his head sadly knowing Dorcas was kept in such a condition and maybe worst.
Bianca asked him to follow her, he did.
His legs couldn’t carry him, he try to appear courageous but he was shaking inside.

Bianca opened an iron gate and went in.
Benny entered the small semi dark room.
He can’t believe that it was Dorcas that l@yon a small student be-d la-id out on the cold ground.
He gro-an ed bitterly, tears clouded his eyes.
Dorcas who was very weak turned and looked up when Bianca mentioned that her ex husband was around to bid her goodbye.

Dorcas face lit up the moment she saw Benny.
“Benny, oh Benny… finally… I get to see you again. Is that really you… you slimed down. Are you alright? Benny, plea-se take me out of here… I’m dying…”

She began to cough, she coughed so ha-rd , and threw a brownish spasms at a corner.

Bianca screamed “eeew, gross. This is so disgusting. Benny…my love tell her what you c@m£ to tell her let’s get out of her. I can’t stand the sight or stench smell of this place…”

Benny stood frozen to earth. Dorcas looks unrecognizable. He couldn’t find the right word to describe her condition.

He bit his l!pha-rd trying to suppress the urge of strangling Bianca at that moment.
If not for the loaded gun with her he could have given her the taste of her own medicine.

“I can’t…” Benny finally managed to say as Bianca urged him.

“What do you mean you can’t. You must or i will kill…wait a second…!

Bianca paused from talking.
She fixed her gaze on Benny’s tracking wristband. As Benny t©uçhed it to mark his location to the police it blink with light.
Bianca f0rç£ful pu-ll-ed it out.
Benny legs began to shake as he stood.
His main focus was on Dorcas and what Bianca will do to them.

“…Hold on, this is not an ordinary wristband. Is a tracking device… right? Are you wearing a wire… you have been recording me? Bianca barked angrily

Benny stuttered a little before saying
“Never, no… this wristband is one of the numerous gifts I got from my students. Is very ordinary. I’m not recording you… plea-se…”

She pu-ll-ed out a gun and pointed to his head.
“I will b!ow your head off and strangle your wife to death. I will not waste a single bullet on her because she is as good as dead, if I find out that you have being stabbing me at the back. Now, pu-ll off your clothes. I want to be certain that you’re not wearing any recording wire…”

Benny hesitated, Bianca striked him ha-rd on his face and said.

“….I won’t think twice before shooting you again if you dare blink at my command. We made out, k!$$£d, got involved inti-mately. You told me your wife is an ugly old witch with a barren wo-mb. I agreed to bring you down here because I thought you’re faithful to me but I guess I was wrong this time… maybe because I failed to listen to my guts. Start pu-lling off your clothes right this minute before I pu-ll this gun trigger.
If I can kill my own father, Benny I will waste you without a second thought. Do it right this second…”

Benny looked over at his wife, who stared back at him with fear and anger written in her demeanor and su-cked in eyes.

He wondered what was delaying the police from getting to where they are.
As he bu-ttoned down his shi-t his hand kept shaking.
each move brou-ght him closer to uncertainty.

(Do NOT take credit or plagiarize AMAH’S HEART stories)