befriending a ghost episode 27

A Ghost

Episode 27(Semi-Final)

Despite the speed, I got to the court house about an hour late to find it so crowdy……….

Jeez! It was like the whole town came out fight for Daphne and Sasha Justice…….

I looked around before opening the car door , there were hu-ge banner of Daphne and the “heroine” of the day everywhere….

The shouts of “We want Justice for Daphne Davies and Sasha Alfredo filled the whole air”

Alighting from the car , I shot the door then pushed and sque-ezed my way in and got in just in time to hear the judge read the final verdict ………

I quickly sat on at the back row

” Having listening to both defendant , I have finally made a say .he paused to stare at the chief police before he continued

Mr Micheal , you have not only proved how stupid you are but you have also show how unfit you are for this job so by the power vested on me , i sentence you to 20 years imprisonment…….,,.::

Mr Hampton, for siding with your “sick child “without even making a move to help treat her , you are sentenced to 40 years imprisonment with ha-rd labour……

Kelvin Marcus, for being an accomplice to Racheal , you are sentenced to five years with ha-rd labour

Racheal Hampton. he called and the whole court became so noisy

Order! Order! The court clerk shouted and everywhere soon became silent ….:

I don’t know if I should call you a human or a beast , you killed your clas-s mate , you turned your friend into a s-× object and made her live in fear , you attempted to kill Sasha Alfred who is still in coma and to make it worst , you did all of this without remorse…..

I won’t judge you base on your test result which says you are suffering from a “mental disorder” but I will judge you on the fact that you enjoyed doing what you did so Miss Racheal Hampton by the power vested on me , I sentenced you to 50 years imprisonment in the psychiatric home and even when you are better , you will be moved to the Jail to continue from where you stop…

No! No! No! Racheal screamed like a mad woman like she is and the whole court booed and jeered her …,,

And as for Cory Abel , after going throu-ghthis case , I see no stain on you so therefore you are discharged and acquitted ……

Thank God! I muttered, sighing in relief

The judge looked around the court and then continued…..

I want to use this medium to appreciate Sasha Alfredo and Declan Davies and I really hope they end up being detectives. he said and the roar of laughter filled the air ……………….::


having listened to the final judgement , I stood up and was about leaving the court room when I felt a hand around me and without turning to look, I knew it was mom , her cologne gave her away ….

Mum! I called , turning to face her and I saw the tears rolling down her eyes

You and Sasha both did it! She said slowly and I smiled lightly, wiping off the tears from her eyes..,,

Just then , my phone beeped signifying a test message

I brou-ght it out and it was from Sasha

I clic-ked on it and read it

“This is Kamara, Sasha just opened her eyes…..



Sasha Alfredo



Having felt a tiny hand wrapped around me, I opened my eyes slowly to see Kamara sleeping peacefully beside me …….

I smiled lightly

I looked around the room and saw Daphne standing beside me with her eyes closed …

Is she sleeping? No ghost don’t sleep…..

Daphne! I called weakly and her eyes flung opened

She stared at me for some moment and then she screamed loudly making me to chuckle softly…

I guess the chuckled disrupted Kamara sleep because she immediately jolted up from sleep

And on seeing me, she went pale as if she has just seen a ghost and then she screamed more loudly than Daphne….

And before I could say anything, she picked up a phone which is obviously mine from the table and then ran out of the room in a huff …..

Crazy girl! I muttered

I tried to sit up but the pain from my head was so unbearable

Arrrrrgh! I Gr0-ned as I fell back to the bed…..

Easy Sasha! Please don’t stress yourself. Daphne pleaded with a worried look written all over her face and I nodded slowly

Where am I? Where is everyone? I asked with an arched eyebrow

Your parent went to fix some stuff while Declan went over to the court house!

Court! I repeated and she nodded

I was about to ask more questions when the memory of what happened flowed into my head….

Racheal tried to kill me and Sinclair along with Declan was on time to save me ………

But wait a minute! How Long have I been sleeping? I asked

Hmmmh two weeks. She answered and I wide-ned my eyes in shock

Two weeks! Then what about Racheal? Did the evidence get her? I asked , fixing my gaze on the television remote

Of course, the whole town now sees you as an hero. She said she with a light smile and I nodded absentmindedly, my mind was on the remote ….

I stretched my hands to pick it but on hearing Daphne cry, I stopped

I shifted my gaze to her…

What a wrong? I asked worriedly and she exhaled de-eply.

Sasha my time in up! She blurted out as more tears flowed out …

I stared at her confusedly.

What time?

She smiled lightly, you see Sasha my greatest fear was leaving before you wake but seeing you now , I can say I am the happiest lady in the whole world

What the hell are you talking about? I half yelled and she blinked her eyes twice

I have to go back to where I come from, I can already hear them call .she explained and I huffed

Are you trying to say that you are gonna leave me ? I asked to be sure but she shook her head

I am not going to leave you. She said softly and my heart raced fas-ter

You will always be in my heart . She quickly added and I just stared on at her wondering what in god’s name she was trying to say….,

Thank you for everything Sasha , thank you for BEFRIENDING me despite me being A GHOST, thank you for being a good sister to me ,thank you for being that friend I never had when I was alive and most importantly thank you for believing in me……….

I tried to say something but no word came out….

I love you Sasha and if I had my way , I will stay with you forever…….

I shook my head vigorously

No Daphne you can’t do this , you can’t leave me all alone, I nee-d you , can’t you see you are my best friend? I said trying to reason with her ….:

She was quiet for a moment and then was about to say something when the door flung opened and Declan , his mom and Kamara walked in……..

Seeing Declan made me cry the more and he stood transfixed for a while before he rushed to hu-g me ti-ghtly ,careful not to touch where I was hurting…….

I missed you Sasha! I really miss you too! he said in whispers but I was just too gobsmacked to say anything….

Is Daphne really leaving me? I thought within……

Pulling out of the hu-g , he stared into my face

How are you? Does it still hurt? Are you alright? he asked in a rush but I shook my head negatively

Daphne! I called in whispers and he gave me a puzzled look

What happened to her? he asked , caressing my face

Without saying anything, I shifted my gaze to Daphne who had been crying all throu-gh

Are you really going to leave me? Are you really going to leave your family? I asked , trying to convince her and she nodded slowly

Tell my mum I love her so much! Tell Declan he is the coolest brother ever! Tell Cory I have long forgiven her! She paused to stare at me for a while before she continued

I love you Sasha , I really do!

And in a flash , the golden ne-cklace on my ne-ck cut into two and my vision became kinda blurry……

No it can’t be! No it can’t be! I screamed loudly ……..

I tried to get off the bed but Declan held me down so ti-ghtly …..:

Get your act together, people are watching you . he said in whispers and that was when I realised a doctor and two nurses were also in the room ……

But What is my own? Do I really care? No, I just want to see my Daphne ….

Daphne! Daphne! Daphne! Daphne! I kept on screaming like a mad woman and the doctor rushed to keep my calm…..

I kicked and struggled not minding the injury on my head but was soon overpowered by the drugs the doctor injected into me….:

Don’t leave me also Declan! I said softly before drifting off to sleep ……….



Daphne Davies



Daphne your time is up! Daphne your time is up! I kept on hearing the voice in my head but I waved it off …..

Sasha was still in coma and I could not just leave my best friend like that ……..

I was getting so weak but I never for once left Sasha side . I was hoping and at the same time praying that Sasha will wake before the “messengers of the un-derworld ” severe our ties by breaking the golden ne-cklace and to my relief, it worked exactly the way I wished…..::



Opening my eyes, I found myself in a familiar surrounding , The un-der world!

I walked up , no I wasn’t walking, I was floating …..

I floated all the way to a woman on white sitting in front of a hu-ge gate ………

Daphne Davies! She called without looking at me and I stared at her in surprise

how did she know I was in front of her! how did she even know my name! The last time I checked I was a lone spirit without a name …

And as if reading my mind, she said

We were all watching you from here and it may interest you to know that we know who you were ever since but we just wanted you to right your wrong yourself so congratulations Daphne.She explained and her voice sounded like an echo ………

Do you want me to erase all your memories as a ghost? She suddenly asked with the same echo voice but I shook my head

Hell no! I blurted out and she chuckled softly

I knew you wouldn’t but I just asked…..

She marked up something in a book and then for the first time, she raised her head to look at me …..

“Welcome to The “Good land”. She said and the hu-ge gate opened on its own……

Should I go in there? I asked to be sure and she nodded slowly……


Walking throu-ghthe hu-ge gate , I kept on walking and was at the same time looking around…..

Where is this place? I wondered

Everywhere was covered in gold and all the houses were so tall and beautiful, it was like a paradise…….

Just then, I saw two girls of my age playing with some golden flowers and was about to go join them when I heard a familiar voice call me

I quickly turned in the direction and my heart skipped at who I saw ….. Dad !

I pinched myself to be sure I was not dreaming and i wasn’t ……..

Dad! I called loudly and then rushed to hu-g him ……..

I was expecting my hands to go throu-ghhim as always but it didn’t, we hu-gged each other so ti-ghtly…..

I have been waiting so long for you Princess. he said in whispers and I pulled out of the hu-g …..::

Do you know I was coming? Where even is this place? I asked , looking around and he smiled…..

And without answering my question, he held my hands as we took an opposite direction…..

So tell me is your mum and Declan alright? he asked and I nodded sheepishly…:

And guess what! I found a special friend who happens to be Declan girlfriend.i told my dad who just smiled……….

Looking back , I have come to realise that Friendship is not about who you have known for the longest ,it is about who walked in your life , said ” I am here for you ” and proved it ……though I might not be beside you Sasha but you will forever remain in my heart……….




Cory Abel



After signing lot of docu-ments, I was set to leave the courthouse with my mum when the cute police detective hmmm what is his name again? … Sin yes Sinclair walked up to us……,,

Good afternoon ma! he greeted my mum

Good morning! how are you doing? My mom asked and he smiled lightly

I am doing very well ma. he answered and then faced me .

I listened to all what you went throu-ghin the court and I must admit that you are one hell of a courageous lady …….

Thanks . I said in appreciation

So I was thinking of continuing from where Mr Hampton stopped. he said and I wide-ned my eyes in surprise…..

Continue! Stop! What are you talking about? I asked confusedly and he chuckled nervously

Actually Declan talked to me about your plight and I promised to help you attain your dreams….

I shifted my gaze to my mom

Mum! Did you hear that! He said he will as-sist me attain my dreams. I squealed in delight and my mom shot Sinclair a grateful look

Thanks so much. She appreciated

It is nothing ma. he as-sured and then shifted his gaze to me

So Cory if you don’t mind I will love to have your digit. he said and without thinking, I jumped and hu-gged him ……

Thanks so much! Thanks so much!



Declan Davies


Sitting on the bed, I brushed off the hair off Sasha face as I watched her sleep……..

It was already past 21pm and i was alone with her in the room ……

My mom left after I answered all of her questions about Daphne and to my surprise, she believed everything I told her ….

And as for Kamara , she was a little bit scared and to the surprise of her parent, when they came over to drop dinner , she pleaded to go with them……..

Such a Funny girl!


Even as she slept, Sasha still held to the broken ne-cklace and when I tried to take it from her , she clutched unto it ti-ghtly as if her life depended on it ……..

She must be really hurting! But she nee-ds to un-derstand that Daphne cannot remain by her side forever………

My phone suddenly rang, and on checking the caller , it was Cory

I received it

hello Dec! She greeted first

hi Cory! I responded dryly

What of Sasha? how is she? I heard she is already awake . She said in a rush

Of course she is. I answered

Okay! I will come check on her tomorrow, I have good news to share with both of you . She informed and I smiled lightly already knowing the “good news”………..

Alright Cory! I said and ended the call…….

What did she say? Sasha asked and I turned in her direction to see her eyes wide opened…..

When did you wake? I asked softly

Not quite long . She answered and I exclaimed softly

She looked around the room and sighed

Is Daphne really gone? She asked and I kept mute …..

This is so frustrating! She remarked, bi-ting her li-ps …….

Do you want to sit up? I asked softly and she nodded

Holding her by the wai-st , I helped her to sit up

Thanks! She said , staring at the broken ne-cklace….

Can it still be fixed? she asked and I nodded

Good! I want to fix it and return it back to….. she tried to say but I bu-tted in

And why will you do that? It belongs to you now ………

Oh! Can I really keep it? She asked to be sure and without answering her , I moved closer to her and made her lean on my che-st ……….

I love you so much Sasha and I promise never to leave your side . I as-sured and she stared into my face ….

Awww! Awww! my boyfriend is trying to be R0m-ntic. She said teasingly and I smiled

Or do you want me to go back to my cold ways? I asked with an eye roll and she huffed

Hell no! I prefer the R0m-ntic you.she said as she stared at my li-ps …..

I chuckled softly know what she wanted

And with my hands wrapped ti-ghtly around her , I ki-ssed her de-eply and ha-rd……
