befriending a ghost episode 26

A Ghost?

Episode 26

Declan Davies



All throu-ghthe drive to the abandoned school, I kept on urging Sinclair to drive fas-ter ….

Not that he wasn’t fast enough, I was just worried that Racheal will harm Sasha before we get there ..

Though she as-sured Cory that she will wait for her but as you know , a murderer is not to be trusted……

My phone suddenly rang , I brou-ght it out from my pocket and as expected, it was my mom

I switched it off and then kept in back inside my pocket….

I will explain everything to her only if all goes well …….


We soon got to the abandoned school and Sinclair drove rou-ghly into the bushy compound…..

I guess his actions alerted whosever was guiding the house because we sighted a lone figure trying to escape by scaling up the fence …..

And without wasting time , The second cops alighted from the car, brou-ght out a pistol from his pocket and shot twice at the figure

And with a loud thud, the figure fell to the ground like a log of wood …..

Stay in the car . Sinclair instructed Cory and I but I shook my head ….

And without waiting for him to say anything further, I alighted from my own end and rushed towards the figure………

Thanks to the moonlight, we were able to see clearly ….

It was a tall lanky man , he was gr-unting in pain , holding his hands while trying to put pressure on the bullet wound ……

as soon as he saw the officer and I , he tried to Stand up but the officer shot at his leg …..

Arggh! he Gr0-ned in pain and the officer bent to squat beside him …..

Where is Sasha? the officer asked

The man looked at him , at me and then shifted his gaze to someone behind me and without turning to look ,I knew it was Sinclair….

Where is Sasha? The officer repeated and the man grinned slowly, expo-sing his green teeth…

Yuck! I looked away in disgust

Do you mean the s-×y girl with a big a$$?he asked and I grit my teeth in anger

Yes, where is she? I asked coldly and he sighed

If you want to save her , you have to go now or else Racheal will crack open her skull

And without thinking, I ran like a mad man towards the house but was soon caught up my Sinclair

What do you think you are doing? he asked , pa-nting

Trying to save my girlfriend. I answered in a huff

he stared at me for a while and then sighed

Fine! Follow my lead ………


Following behind him , we walked slowly to a room that was slightly ajar and when he pushed it opened, we came face to face with the witch, Racheal….

Declan! She called I shock , what erm are you doing here? she stuttered,whimpering

And without answering her, I shoved her away and walked into the room fully and what I saw made me speechless

Sasha was tied up like an animal and was bleeding profusely from her head

Declan! She called with a weak smile and I rushed towards her …..

Hey baby! What happened! Did the witch do this to you? I asked rushingly , loosing the rope around her body

I am sorry Declan for not picking your calls . She apologise weakly and I bit my li-ps in anger, turning to face Racheal

You witch! I will make sure you rot in prison. I threatened

She was quiet for a while and then laughed out loudly

My dad will surely help me. She said boldly and Sasha chuckled

And how will he help you when he will be also rotting in prison! She retorted and Racheal froze

What do you mean by that?

There.Sasha said weakly, pointing to a corner of the room ……

I quickly turned in the direction to see what she meant , the” pen recorder was laying at a corner with a dim red light”

And in a rush , Sinclair went over to pick it ..

He dusted the sand off its body and playing it , it was Racheal’s confession…::

No it can’t be, it can’t be. Racheal yelled and I smi-rked

Of course it can’t be , a confession directly from the murderer’s mouth…..:

She tried to run but was blocked by the second officer who was just coming in , dragging the lanky man along ….

One more step from you and I will blow of your head. He threatened, co-cking his gun and the witch went stiff ….:

She was immediately handcuffed together with the lanky man and they were both dragged out of the room by the officer……

I shifted my gaze to Sasha and held her more ti-ghtly…..

Is she alright? Sinclair asked but I shook my head

Please call the ambulance. I pleaded and he did…..

I did it right . She said weakly and I nodded, trying to blink back the tears from falling…

Please stop talking baby . I pleaded but being the stubborn person she is , she didn’t budge instead she turned sideways

I did it Daphne and now you will be able to get Justice…..

having said that , she clutched unto my clothes ti-ghtly and started breathing fas-ter …….

She is having seizures. Sinclair screamed and in a rush , I carried her up in a bridal style and dashed out of the room ……

Stay with me Sasha , please stay with me.


Declan Davies



It has been two weeks since the attempted murder of Sasha and Sadly, she was still in coma…

I could vividly remember loosing my mind on that fateful day and only became calm when the doctor as-sured me that she will be alright …….


I stood in front of the mirror when I was done dressing and sighed in frustration

I was looking so pale and the puff bags un-derneath my eyes was enough to show that I haven’t been getting enough sleep …

Well! It is just a matter of time knowing for sure that I will be fine as soon as Sasha wakes …..

Picking up my phone and car keys from the table , I headed down the stairs and as expected, I met my mom humming a song as she set the table for breakfast .

That has been her way ever since Daphne case was re opened and taken to court ……

Good morning mum! I greeted

She turned to face me and then frowned

You didn’t sleep again right? She queried and I sighed softly

Is this because of Sasha? She asked and without waiting for my response, she continued.

only one night you spent away from her and you are looking so worst . Fine! I know how much you love her and to tell you the truth, I love her also but do you think she will be happy to see you like this when she wakes ? She asked , seizing me up …….

I sighed de-eply, I know mom but it is not just easy for me …. I mean how do you expect me to sleep when Sasha is laying so helplessly on the hospital bed . I retorted

She stared at me for a while and then smiled sadly

I un-derstand baby , come let us have breakfast . She said softly but I shook my head

I will pas-s!

And do you think I will allow you! And if I may ask, where are you going to this early hour of the morning? She continued with an eye roll and I was for-ced to laugh……..

Today is Daphne final hearing or have you forgotten? I reminded and she shook her head

Of course I haven’t , I mean why would I forget! but the hearing is gonna be by 10:00am … you know what just tell me you are going over to the hospital and I will un-derstand you . She said with a wink ….

And since you know, why did you ask about it? I asked teasingly and she gave me a playful glare.

I leaned over to peck her lightly on the cheek and then rushed out of the house

I will join you at the court room so we can both head to the hospital together. She shouted after me

Alright mom. I answered with a louder voice…..

Opening the door to my car , I got in and drove off heading to hospital……

I have to see my Sasha first before any other thing, one night away from her and I was already missing her ……

Dang it! She completely stole my heart……


On getting to the hospital, I drove into the big compound and parked out in the car lot ….
And as usual, there were few reporters lur-k-ing around. Just like me , they were all waiting for the “heroine ” to wake…

I smiled lightly.

I think it is time for you to get up Sasha……
opening the car door , I alighted, locked it and then headed straight to her ward ignoring the reporters who looked like they wanted to eat me raw with questions….:

They were all curious to know why Sasha chose to reinvestigate a case that was sealed as a sucide and I certainly couldn’t tell them that Daphne ghost urged her to or else I will look like a crazy fool…….
Entering her ward , kamara rushed to hu-g me ….
She was there in the room with her parent ….
I smiled lightly as I ruffled her hair
Declan! Sasha moved her feet not quite long . She informed with a large grin and excitedly I walked past her to the hu-ge bed …..

I peered Into Sasha whitish face and then leaned over to peck her lightly……

Good morning baby! I greeted softly and her dad cleared his throat……

Morning Declan! he greeted first and my face flushed with embarras-sment
I slowly shifted my gaze to him and then to his wife.

Erm pardon my manners, Good morning sir! Good morning ma! I greeted
Good morning Dec! her mom responded and as for her dad, he just nodded slowly
Actually we were about to take our leave, I nee-d to go prepare breakfast while my husband nee-d to rush down to pick some stuff at office so we were both hoping you will stay with Sasha and Kamara till we are back . her mum said, caressing Sasha face …..

Glancing at my wristwatch, I heaved a sigh
I really wish to ma but my sister final hearing will take place in the next 30 minutes.

I explained and her face fell
But I will back as soon as possible, I will also be spending the night here . I quickly added and she smiled slowly…
Thanks Dec, I really don’t know what we could have done without you….,
having said that , she stood up along with her husband and leaned over to peck Kamara before they both walked out of the room…….
I watched them go and then sat down beside Sasha on the bed ….

Baby! It is me Declan, ain’t you missing me! ain’t you missing our stupid fights and play! I paused to wipe off the tears from my eyes before I continued;

I know you are and that is way I am beseeching you to wake up ..A lot of things happened which you nee-d to see for yourself , Racheal, her father and the chief police are all behind bars and today will determine their fate ,Sinclair was promoted to the level of the chief police but he politely declined the offer saying he prefers to be a detective, Cory is so worried about you that she comes to see you everyday after clas-s but I figure she won’t be able to come today because she is the main witness of today, Kamara refused to leave your side saying she would go home when her sister wakes and as for ….. your best friend Daphne I am very sure she hasn’t left your side either….,

can my sister really see Daphne? Kamara asked , blowing her noses Into a small towel and I slowly shifted my gaze to her
Did she tell you anything? I asked but she shook her head negatively
But I have caught her once mentioning Daphne when talking to herself. She explained and I nodded slowly….

So can you please answer my … she tried to say but I cut in not wanting to hear her question.

I nee-d to go now. I said , glancing at my wristwatch..

Make sure you look after your sister!
I took few steps to the door and then stopped.
Please Daphne make sure you look after them . I said, glancing at Kamara who shot me a weird gaze and then left the room
