befriending a ghost episode 25

A Ghost

Episode 25


A confession directly from the murderer mouth


Declan Davies



With tears rolling down my eyes , I scurried out of the house with Cory ignoring my mom call……

Declan ! Declan! Declan! She kept on calling but I was in no mood to answer her as my heart was filled with pain ….. yes pain …..

All I wanted to do right now is cry out my pain and scream and let it out because it is killing me inside ………

Daphne skull was cracked opened with a mallet!…oh God! her death was so gruesome…….

Running as fast as I could to the taxi station, I kept on beating my che-st in grief

The thought of also loosing Sasha sent shivers to my spine ……

No I can’t let that happen! I can’t allow that beast hurt my Sasha !

All of a sudden , a loud thud coming from behind me distracted me from my thought and I quickly turned to see Cory on the floor ….

Ouch! It hurts! She muttered, trying to get back on her feet but I guess she was finding it ha-rd , because she fell back to the floor….

Are you alright? I asked but she shook her head

No Dec! I think my ankle got sprained . She said with a grimacing face , I could tell she was in pain

And without saying anything, I moved closer , reaching down to help her to her feet …….

Thanks . She muttered

Standing closely beside her , I held her wai-st as we both walked slowly to the taxi station ……



It was already pitch dark when we got to the taxi station and I lowered her carefully to sit on a bench ……..

Who are we waiting for? She asked

A friend. I gr-unted , bi-ting my li-ps

I brou-ght out my phone from my Pocket and was about dialling Sinclair number when I sp-otted a car coming from a distance

Is that your friend car? Cory asked , wiping her tears with her palm and I shrugged

I think so . I said with a straight face

Just then , her phone beeped signifying a text message and she immediately brou-ght it out from her purse …..

her hands shook as she read the message..

What is it? I asked , looking at her shaky hands and then back at her …,,,

Racheal has Sasha. She answered with a trembling voice and I clutched my fist in anger….

I was about to say something when the same car pulled up in front of us………

Get in! a familiar voice instructed, winding down the window and as expected it was Sinclair …

He was not alone, there was another cop officer with him sitting beside him in the pas-senger seat

opening the back door , I helped Cory get in before hopping in beside her ……

And without wasting time , Sinclair who was behind the wheel drove off ….



Sasha Alfredo



Panic stricken , I kept on pleading with the lanky man as he held my hands dragging me into an abandoned building……..

Please sir ! Please sir! Please sir! I screamed in fear but he did not budge , instead he seized me rou-ghly by my hair and dragged me along like a dog ……

My head was spinning, my hands shaking , my breathing heavy ……I.was so damn scared

What will happen to me now! Where is the fool even taking me too!

I tried struggling out of his ti-ght grip but he held my hair more ti-ghtly so I had no other choice but to bite him ha-rd on his hand

he Gr0-ned in pain and immediately let go of me…..

Looking around the dark room, I made for the entrance but it was of no use as the man caught up with me.

And where do you think you are going? he asked and before I could say anything, he gave me a thun-derous slap ….

I winced in pain

Please sir let me go , I don’t want to die . I pleaded and he seized me up , smacking his li-ps seductively

I wonder why Racheal wants a beautiful girl like you dead . he muttered and I froze

What dddo you mmmeean sir? I stuttered and he chuckled softly

It seems you really don’t know the kind of person Racheal is! he retorted with a dim smiled and I shivered in fear

Please sir let me go , I don’t want to die. I pleaded as tears rolled down my eyes and he sighed

I am sorry girly but a deal is a deal ….

But sir I …. I tried to say but he cut me off …..

Keep your f****ng mouth shut or else I will blow off your head. he barked and I recoiled in fear …..

Holding my hands ti-ghtly, he led me to a smaller room …….


Standing at the entrance of the room , he searched my pocket thorou-ghly and then brou-ght out the “pen recorder”

My heart skipped a beat

What is this? he asked staring at the ” pen” intently and I exhaled de-eply

It is a pen. I answered with a tiny voice

he looked at the pen and then back at me

I can see you are the studious one . he said, handing the ” pen” back to me and without waiting for my response, he pushed me rou-ghly into the room and then shut the door , locking it from outside….

That was close! I muttered , sighing in relief

But what will happen to me! Why did Racheal bring me here! Or did she want to as the man said ……..oh no! It can’t be !

With the help of the moon light , I looked around the tiny room and shivered in fright …..

The room was dusty with cobwebs, the walls were cracked …… the room looked so creepy ….

Just then , I felt a presence in the room and I looked behind me to see Daphne

Daphne! I called excitedly but just stared blankly into space

Daphne! I called again and she slowly shifted her gaze to me

How did you find me? I asked and she pointed to my ne-ck

Oh! the ne-cklace? I asked to be sure and she nodded slowly, I could tell she was very scared …… I mean who wouldn’t be scared, I was also so f****ng scared but I was just trying to appear calm…….

Sasha! I think Amanda was right . She said , looking around the room

Amanda! Who the hell is Amanda? I asked with an arched eyebrow

The “clas-s gossip” . She answered and I exclaimed softly

And what was she right about?

The fact about my seat being cursed , she said anyone who sits on it will share the same fate as me , remember? She asked and I nodded slowly

I think it is about happening now . She added and my heart skipped a bit

What are you trying to say? I asked with a trembling voice and she broke down in tears

Can’t you see Sasha ! I got killed because I caught Racheal and Cory making out and you also ……..

Caught them in the same act . I completed and she nodded

I held the ” old looking” wall to stop myself from falling….

My instinct had been right all along , Racheal wants me to dead also!

Oh God! Is this how my life will end! Why did I not listen to Daphne! Why didn’t I tell Declan about it!

Speaking about Declan , I am sure he would be so worried…..

If anything should happen to me , how will my family react! How will Declan react! I am sure they would all run crazy …..

Oh Sasha! fuc-k You for being so stubborn! I muttered as tears rolled down my eyes…….

Raising my head , I was about saying something when the door suddenly flung opened and Racheal walked in with the lanky man following behind her

b***h! I cursed , rushing to punch her but the man pushed me away

I told you Rachel she is so fiesty. the lanky man remarked and Racheal chuckled

Let see about that , Tie her up. She barked and the man grinned widely , expo-sing his green teeth

Oh my gawd! Oh my gawd! What are we going to do now? I heard Daphne asked

She rushed to the man and tried hitting him but as expected, her hands pas-sed throu-ghhim ……:

Sasha you are not a coward, you really got to fight in your own way . I thought within,staring at the ” pen recorder” I was holding ………….

Pressing the thr-ust device of the pen , I tossed it to a corner of the room and then rushed towards the man like a mad woman…….

If I die , i will die fighting

I directed all the anger in me to the man and kept on punching him as ha-rd as I could but it seems my punch was doing nothing to him because he kept on laughing……

Can you see what your friend is doing? he asked facing Racheal and in a flash , he caught both of my hands and twisted it

Arrrrrgh. I screamed in pain but being the devil he is , he just laughed and shoved me rou-ghly to the floor ……

I love teaching bitc-hes like you lesson. the man retorted and then brou-ght out a rope from a bag at the entrance of the room …..

he moved closer and squ-atted beside me.

I was too weak so without struggling, I let him tie me up …

he stared at me for a while and then let his eyes roam all over my body

bas***d! I cursed weakly and he smiled lightly

Standing up , he faced Racheal who was typing into her phone wearing a wide smile …..

Racheal! Can I fuc-k the girl before you kill her? he asked and Racheal raised her head to look at him

She shifted her gaze to me and then tilted her head a little

hmmmmh I would have love to but we have got no time , Cory just messaged me that she is on her way . She explained and I froze

Cory! Is she aware of it also ?

I shifted my gaze to Daphne and met her gaze

She shook her head as the tears rolled down her eyes

I looked away and sighed

I guess there is no way to escape death but I nee-d to make Racheal confess , you know someone else might see the “pen recorder “and might choose to help Daphne and I get Justice just like the way I helped Daphne……..

br@cing up, I shifted my gaze to the witch

Murderer! I cursed at her

She looked startled for a moment and then quickly composed her self …..

Kelvin! She called facing the lanky guy , can you please excuse us? She pleaded and the guy leaned to whisper something to her before leaving the room ……

I laughed bitterly

Why did you send him out ! Are you scared of him knowing who you really are . I retorted angrily and she smi-rked ….

And why should I be ! I just want us to have a heart to heart discussion before I kill you . She said with a smile and I shivered in fear….

You see Sasha, I am really sorry for doing this but love is not meant to be shared…..

Pathetic b***h! I cursed and she laughed loudly

Who! Me! No Sasha you are the one that is pathetic. She paused to type something into her phone before she continued…..

I loved Declan since we were in junior high school and do you think I will fold my hands and watch you take him away from me? She asked, fixing a cold gaze on me but I shook my head

No, I don’t think you love him at all , because if you really do , you wouldn’t kill his sister? I said trying to get to her and I guessed it worked because her hands began trembling……

I didn’t mean to kill Daphne , I mean why would I plan on killing the twin sister to my boyfriend. She said trying to reason with me and I smi-rked

But you did . I drawled

Yes! that is because she erm saw something she shouldn’t have seen . She stuttered and I smi-rked

I turned sideways to look at the “pen recorder” and on seeing the dim red light, I smiled knowing It was recording……

And do you think Declan will forgive you if he finds out what you did? I asked , trying to get her to say more ….

And how will he know! Who will tell him ! My dad took care of it well , he even bribed the chief police to seal the case as a sucide . She answered foolishly

Oh! Sucide! So you mean all the story about Daphne lover were all fake? I asked and she chuckled softly

Of course! Daphne was a bookworm who doesn’t care the hell about a boyfriend , too bad she got in my way ….. you see Sasha , I still remember that fateful night

Declan being the snub he is was hitting on a girl right un-der my nose, I got angry and scolded at him but what did he do? He told me bluntly in front of his friends, that I was nothing but a friend . I was so pained and without knowing what to do , I picked up the bottle of wine I was drinking from the table and then rushed up the stairs….

I was so mad , I just wanted to be alone so I sat down on the ba-re floor crying my eyes out and when Cory came in to console me , I told her to get down on me . She said and I shook my head in disgust…..

You are not only a murderer, you are also an animal . I cursed expecting her to flare up but she just smiled

I didn’t ask Cory to be born poor . She drawled and I scoffed

How I wish she was here to hear this!how I wish the whole clas-s knows you for who you really her! how I wish Declan knows you are beast! I am sure he is gonna regret it for the rest of his life . I fired at her and she shot me an angry glare

Declan won’t regret it because he loves me . She insisted and I laughed bitterly

You know what Racheal , you are nothing but a delusional fool and that is why Declan will never love you . I said in a huff and in a flash, she brou-ght out a bottle from the big bag at the entrance and rushed to hit my head with it …..

The bottle broke into two and she laughed loudly

Arrrrrrrrrgh! I gr-unted in pain as blood flowed freely from my head but there was nothing I could do since my hands were tied up …

Sasha! Daphne screamed loudly and I smiled faintly….

I guess we will both become ghost !

This is to teach you not to mess with me ! She retorted angrily and I swear, I saw a beast in place of Racheal …

Do you worst, I won’t beg! I half yelled she smi-rked evilly

She was about hitting me again when we heard gunshots…..

She froze and then dropped the half bottle on the floor , making it to give a clunking sound……

What is with the gunshot! Did anyone inform the police! She threw her question to no one in particular…..

I watched her behave like a crazy person and my heart became a little bit lighter….:

Did someone come for me! Will I be save! …..

Just then the door to room got wider and I heard her call Declan …
