Beautiful love song 3 episode 17

beautiful love❤song🎻
[ ❤my sweetheart❤ ]

© adesola adeomowole
#Finals.Season 3……
💛episode seventeen💛




my fear started cooking up and I hastily picked the we-t towel.
Royal watched me with so much de-sires,his eyes quic-kly travel to my slim narrowed w@!st down to my big bu-tts,his eyes couldn’t get out of my b©dy as he traced it quietly to my firm br£@st down to my h!ps.

de-sires made him almost ran wild.

“Royal” I called and covered myself with the we-t towel like that.
“ohh sorry am not forcing you- I will just go and maybe take–
he moved closer to me to pick his br@celet.

He closed his eyes when he got to me,then he took his br@celets.

will he still control and starve himself after he has seen me n-ked?.
he headed to the door and instantly look away from my b©dy..
“I’m re-ady” I said.
water started dropping from the shower he opened earlier.
he was alre-ady at the washroom door,he trier opening,I quic-kly walk to him and gently move into his back.
I was too nevours but I hvgged him well.

The soa-ked towel made his back we-t…
he tried leaving,I still hvgged him.
“I don’t think you’re re-ady,it’s fine”
he said..
“I’m re-ady,let’s go to your room” I said.he carried me with that we-t towel. I closer my eyes ti-ghtly.
we got to his room,he locked the door and faced me.

He k!$$£d myl-ips,
our k!sswas so slow,steady and filled with lots of de-sires. Royal mistakenly loose my hair and the water in it made our faces we-t. he moved my hair to the back,

we k!$$£d again and his f!nger traveled into the up of my towel, my towel fell and he gr@bb£d my br****.
I made sweet sounds onto the k!ss, he held the ti-p of my we-t n!ppl!s and tickled it with his thumb…I m0@n ed loudly cos my b©dy was we-t.
his f!ngersmoved to the other we-t brea-st, I felt sweetness…
every p@rt of my b©dy he t©uçhed made de-sires to cloth me.
He pressed me a little ha-rder.

I m0@n ed and held him sooo ti-ght like i don’t want him to run away.
he smiled and look into my face,
he lifter my n-ked b©dy,I locked my legs around his w@!st and he li-cked around my brea-st…

I watched his ton-gue fli-pped my n!ppl!s..
“ahhhhh it’s ticklish!!!!! I said,softly.
“would be gentle” he said and controlled his eyes that were glued to my killer h!ps.
“what’s with you and my h!ps?” I asked…
“aiiiish,your b©dy is specially different” he said and took my left n!ppl!s into his,mouth, I felt ticklishness all over my b©dy.

I relaxed in his arms like a baby,he su-cked me so slowly,it was sweeter cos he wasn’t rushing.
I m0@n ed softly and almost bite myl-ips in sweetness.
He helped me l@ywell on the be-d,he moved into me,his eyes wouldn’t leave my h!ps for me.

I watch him re-moved his presidential br@celet, he wore it on my wrist and pe-ck there..his figure is just sooo sweet and s£dûçt!veeven though he still had his cloth on.
he re-moved his t©p,
he’s just sooo sp©tless..
his skin was soo white, he doesn’t have a tatoo,just a small black dot on one side of his n£¢k.

“Am coming” he said and left me on the be-d,his phone beeped he took it and stayed at a far end in the room.
I took a de-ep breath as I checked time….10pm.
do I want this?????
yes,royal is 24!

the light in the room went off,
it switched on again then finally to green.Royal dimmed it green.
I looked at him very closely with interest,he was on a call.
it was a short call,he ended to call and s£nt a voice message to someone.

💌 the range is 20.8million won, if he’s interested, let him sign”…
he did his voice message,our eyes locked and I looked away,royal wasn’t looking away. I traced his eyes,it was on my che-st.

Bad choice……..I smiled and held the sparkling gold duvet well.
he threw his phone on a shelf,it landed perfectly and he entered the washroom.I looked around his room.
my eyes quic-kly diverted to the space between the two shelves,
money was scattered recklessly everywhere.
I breathed well and controlled myself.

The projector was on full displa-y,I had my eyes glued to it since I have nothing to do.
it was trending gist channel, inskiled as my interest increa-sed. My best channel right from when I was nothing. crazy!!!!!
An icon was shown.

The woman beater*Crown Beater*-
hashtag- Celestine Dollars.
I quic-kly sat well immediately Eve’s b©yfri£ndpicture screened boldly on the expensive projector.
hmmm is this real.

Eve usually says her b©yfri£ndis nice and that he treats ladies with care.
how come this???…
my innocent eyes glittered as I watch the gist with so much enthusiasm.
🚺 Ladies,say no to violence!!!!
🚺 Yes,Capital NO!!!!!!.
🚺 Fight for your pride!.
🚺 Your life is yours to make!…

Eve’s name wasn’t mentioned but Celestine on was boldly written.
is this true?????….
Wanted to call eve but my phone isn’t here. I turned and saw six of Royal’s phone on a red l@pt©p.
I took one,I quic-kly dropped it.
how will I t©uçh his phone without asking??

“honey,which of your phone should I make use of???” I asked.
“the white one,no pas-sword” he replied from the washroom.
I picked it and my picture with royal together screened as the wallpaper.
I quic-kly dialed Eve’s number cos I knew it off hand.
she didn’t pick,I text her instead.
💌 eve krish just called…pick it” I s£nt and called her.She picked quic-kly.

“eve is it true…the true” I asked.
“my condition is pitiable,plea-se forgive me for keeping it to myself.. my first secret tho” she said.
“so where are you?” I asked.
she smiler wildly.
“why do you care so much…you’re not the cause of my misfortune…fine am with Dilrabat,my aunt.Dora and Nina are also here with me-
I just pity myself!!!
Celestine will still come to get me”
she said.
“who reported?” I asked.
“I don’t know,but am suspecting Justin….after this, am done with guys and maybe travel to Vietnam to take care of my dad’s company…
krish,I alre-ady accept fate…the worst p@rt is that I now hate guys.I fall sick each time I see them..
this is my little confused life! she said…
“Eve!!!! I said.
“Lucky you,ummm good luck at nationals” she said.
I dropped the call.
Royal c@m£ out of the washroom,he now tied a white towel and he wore a red sli-pper.
he smiled as our eyes locked.

ohhh my goosssh,
I cant believe he would someday see my n-kedness.
he sat on the edge of the be-d and changed channel to music,be looked at me on the be-d and stretch his hand,i hastily took it.

he drawed me to sit on him.
he satisfied his eyes with my n-kedness,the only thing I did was to look down.
“Am shy…” I said.
“k!ssme” he said.
I cooled and moved the way he wanted, he changed the style of k!ssing,it got sweeter,my nervousness disappeared.
I stro-ke his hair..

I m0@n ed loudly as Royal brush his f!ngersto my brea-st,his other hand ru-b my bu-tt deliciously.
I felt sweetness as he su-cked me so sweetly,I bec@m£ so we-t and where I was sitting on him bec@m£ we-t.

I got carried away by so much sweetness, I left my b©dy for him, I didn’t notice him brush his f!nger de-ep down my vag****.

I m0@n ed loudly,he still ca-ressed me there,I got crazily we-t.He turned me over to the be-d with his f!ngersstill tra-pped into my v@g!n@ ..
he t©uçhed my h!ps and wi-de-ned my legs very well.

he thrû-st his f!nger in,my walls wra-pped around it ti-ghtly,he ca-ressed the upper wall..
“honey…..I…….!!!! I m0@n ed and threw my head backwards.
“love me” he completedbabf leaned in,he balanced in between me and tea-sed my cl!tt with his ton-gue..

my m0@n s were wild,the room was filled with my shouts.Royal smiled in enjoyment and I keep shouting.
“you’re so ti-ght…it’s sweet” he lean to k!ssme.I tasted myself from his ton-gue.

his f!nger moved into my v@g!n@ again…
“ouuuuuch,it really hurts! I exclaimed.He k!$$£d my w@!st and wi-de-ned my legs the more.
“Royal!!!!!!!!! I called and held the be-d. I don’t really know what to t©uçh.

he added another f!nger..
“royal!!!!!!!!! I screamed,he quic-kly re-moved one…
he used my hand to re-move his towel, I got crazily shy to look at his man-hood.

he lift the silky gold duvet to cover us,we k!$$£d again..
lost in sweetness,his erection t©uçhed my entrance.
We both m0@n in rhymth. He ru-bbe-d the cap of his man-hood with the upper walls of my vag***** downwards…

“Royal…….!!!!!!! don’t st©p!!!
I ran wild when sweetness clouded me.I held him ti-ght in a pinching manner.
his ha-rd ness ru-bbe-d me again and the we-tness made me run wild.
he dragged me from my killer h!ps with his sweet f!ngers.

“should I come in?” he asked.
“ummmm royal…..!!!! I m0@n ed in a scream as his ha-rd ness t©uçhed me.
he wi-de-ned my legs and pene-trateslowly..

my screams filled the room,he applied more f0rç£ till he got a bit dee-per.
“does it hurt??? he asked in a sweet smile,he push my h!ps and made us joined well.
I m0@n ed in pain as I look at where we are joined.
my f!ngerspinched him de-eply.

“it really hurt!!
“honey don’t t©uçh me again…it’s really hurting me!!! I cried in pain and still held him very ti-ght.
“I know,am sorry” he whispered and k!$$£d me to ease the pain.
he k!$$£d me sweeter into his arms,

I almost bite hisl-ips in pains.
I felt something cutting in my v@g!n@ , it peppers a lot,it c@m£ with lots of pains.
I cried soo much, Royal k!$$£d me each time a tear wanted to drop.

“it really hurt! I said.
Royal bent into me,i hold him ti-ght…
my tears t©uçhed him too.
I felt a thick liquid gushing out of my v@g!n@ ,it really stained where we were joined.

Royal looked there and saw my blood on him….I looked at it pitifully.
“does it still hurt?” he asked.
“I love you” he whispered.
he tried moving out,I held him back.
“I want to re-lease” he said,I still good him. He smiled and started doing it with care…
we m0@n ed at the same time,
he was enjoying,I m0@n ed with so much pain…
he re-leased inside me…
I smiled with pains,am happy he’s the one…
“Am sorry” he said and gently moved out, he cleaned me up with the towel.
I sle-pt off.

Royal’s p.o.v💗💗💗💗💗

I looked at her,she’s still slee-ping.
I felt sorry she’s in pain,I k!$$£d her n£¢k and stayed awake just for her.
we are to leave for Germany in the next four hours…
she’s still slee-ping.
I moved close to her and watch her closely, am alre-ady prepared for the trip..
I gently in-sert a white band into my hair…

sweetheart,I don’t want you to change after this pride I took away from you,I really like the simple and shy Krishna,only you made me loose so much control.
have never starved for S-x with a girl.
Am also keeping to my promise of oiling you with money.
I wanna love you all over,
show you am loyal,Want to hold you like a folder…
You’re my beauty,I’m the beholder..

She opened her eyes,
I quic-kly carried the tray of h0t tea and bre-ad to her..
“good morning” she said.
“thank you” I said,she smiled shyly and drank the tea.she didn’t t©uçh bre-ad…

we are leaving in the next 2hours…
“do you still feel pain?” I asked..
“yes” she nodded slowly and wanted to get out of be-d,I helped her up and instantly close my eyes as I tied her a towel.

she entered the washroom,her steps were slow,I carried her in and helped her in setting the bath.
finally I can d@t£ a girl I can trust, I didn’t get a cheap girl, I got a girl who have self control, heart of gold and very innocent at first sight,she doesn’t get carried away by material things…..
this is how love should be.
I looked at her,she was lost as she stared at everything in my washroom.
“your bathroom implements are quite different from mine” she said.
“I will bath you,we are running late”
I said.She quic-kly loose her towel with shyness and kept it on a stand.

I used the hand shower to pour warm water on her b©dy. I used the sponge to scru-b her b©dy softly.
The first thing I crushed on her whole b©dy was her brea-st.
gosh, it’s pretty and badly tempting.
it stood crazily well set even though I pressed them yesterday.
I remembered the r0m@nç£p@rt, the s-en-sation I felt made me feel like teasing her n!ppl!s.
what a pretty one….she’s tempting.

I ru-bbe-d her face with soap,then I went back to her brea-st.
i f0rç£d myself from looking but gosh, I got carried away when I looked at her back side and in between her legs….it was more than firm…it doesn’t look like it has been t©uçhed nor pressed.
I got carried away and was no longer pouring water.
“my eyes…honey did you leave me?”
she asked.

Am i drun!k???
“I can’t leave you” I replied.
she smiled shyly,I poured her water.
my eyes got tra-pped in between her br*******
