Bad boys of b Kay high episode 90/91

( Crazy Cinderellas… )


By, Naomi Cindy B



Kingsley carried Jewel in his arms into the car as fast as possible and it was Len who drove them to the hospital

“Wait!, That’s one of dad’s car, his wine Benz” Kingsley said halfway throu-gh the drive

Len st©pped and the Benz sped after past them

“It’s him, same number” Kingsley said

” What are you gonna do?” Len asked

” Drive Jewel to the hospital I’ll catch up with you, but before then, give me a gun and teach me how to use it” he said

Len brou-ght out his gun from the drawer and handed it to him

” Hold like this, balance your hands on the b©dy and place your pointer f!nger near the trigger, don’t shiver cos you’ll lose concentration, measure your target and your sp©t before shooting” Len replied and Kingsley left the car

” plea-se, just like you saved me, save the love of my life, I nee-d to see Kay regretting everything he did to me” he said and Len nodded

” I believe you can do it, but be careful, don’t get hurt” Len said and Kingsley nodded

Len drove off immediately and Kingsley inhaled ha-rd before bringing out the voice recorder

In the middle of their search two hours ago, Richmond gave it to him…

FLASHBACK, Two hours ago**

“We’ve almost searched this street five times and the cops are searching too, are you really sure that this T-Flames of a guy is anywhere near? ” Jax said as they all got in the car to continue their search

“Let’s just search all-over again, I really nee-d to make sure she’s fine I can’t lose her I won’t be able to survive it” Kingsley replied

” You won’t lose her, let’s search all-over again” Len replied and Richmond started the drive again

The silent drive search started and Kingsley sighed as they c@m£ to an halt again

“I just hope dad won’t do anything to hurt her, I hope he won’t s£nd his guards after me when he hears about it” Kingsley said

” Dad?, Quit calling him that alre-ady” Jax said

“I’m not happy to call him dad too but I don’t have a choice, he’s my dad” he replied

” He’s not your dad and even Bianca isn’t your mum!, Monster kay stole you from your parents immediately you were birthed” Richmond replied quic-kly.

” What are you talking about?” Kingsley replied as they got out of the car

“I don’t un-derstand too” Len said

Richmond brou-ght out the voice recorder he has transferred the record to and gave it to Kingsley

“I shouldn’t be doing this right now but hearing you call that man your father irritates me, just listen to that, Bianca’s confession” he said and Kingsley stared at the recorder for a while before pressing pla-y

It started pla-ying and as Bianca spoke every line in the recording, his heart broke into shatters

His whole b©dy started shaking and his blood almost turned cold with shock

Tears ac¢v-mulated in his eyes and fell at the end of the record

“They’re not my parents….they kidnapped me from my real parents just to use me for revenge…..I’m scre-wed!!!” He yelled, hitting his hand on the car bonnet as he cried

” Veera is not even related to me and they aren’t even married, their plan is to ruin my life till I die, why am I so unfortunate, why am I ridden with bad luck, why is life so cruel to me why!”

” Half of my life has been wasted on their wrong teachings, I’ve been so daft, I’ve been a fool for years, Kingsley you’re a fool!, So I’m not even Kingsley Brown, now I’m Kingsley what?, Who knows where my real parents will be?, What will I do right now?, How will Veera feel?, Just what should I do!” He lamented bitterly, bending beside the car sadly and blocking his face with his palms

Len is beyond shocked too, he just stared shockingly

Jax bent in front of Kingsley and held his shoulders

“Don’t behave weak, be strong dude, be a man” he said

“That’s true, show everyone how strong you are, snap out of weakness bro, do it!, You can do it!, St©p being a crybaby and face reality, they’re not your parents and Bianca is with the cops alre-ady, Kay will soon be apprehended and now you nee-d to stand and let’s continue our search for your witch” Richmond said, patting Kingsley’s back gently

” It’s ok Kings, don’t cry anymore , be strong and let’s continue our search, go with Len and I’ll go with Richmond, let’s split” Jax said…


Kingsley put the recorder back in his pocket and looked at the gun again

Another minute, he’s alre-ady on the run, running towards the direction the Benz took earlier


Kay got to the hideout and was shocked to see T-Flames dead in the room, lying on the be-d in the pool of his own blood

He saw his guys on the road when he was driving there, they were sh0t dead on the road and now Tony is dead

Earlier his guards called from Australia that Kingsley has escaped and right now he’s so frustrated

“$h!t!” He ranted, hitting his fist on the wall

The cops are after him and he’s aware that if he’s caught, he’s going to be jailed forever

He started searching for the helicopter key and luckily he found it in the drawer

“But I can’t fv¢king fly an helicopter!, I don’t know how to do it!’ he said, breathing heavily and taking off his suit angrily

He rushed out of the house and ran to his car but just as he’s about to open the door, he heard footsteps behind him and he looked back to see Kingsley standing there, staring at him with the anger he can’t explain in his eyes and the most terrifying thing is the gun with him

“Son” he said slowly

“Serpent” Kingsley replied icily

“What are you doing here?* Kay said, stylishly reaching for his gun in his car throu-gh the window

“To tell you your game is over” Kingsley replied

” What … What game?” Kay replied, getting the gun

“The one you’re pla-ying right now” Kingsley replied and Kay made to shoot but he was fas-ter

Kingsley sh0t at Kay’s legs and his gun fell from him before he followed, screaming out loudly

Kingsley walked closer to him and kicked his fallen gun away before bending in front of him

“You almost ruined my life” he said

Kay kept shouting agonizingly

“And when Jewel c@m£ to reset my life, you tried to take her away from me too just because of your bloody foolish revenge, are you and Bianca the first people to get betrayed?, You weren’t even killed, you were just wounded and because of that you decided to ruin me just to use me for revenge Kay!, You R@p£d more than 30 girls till death just because you were betrayed!, You st©pped me from falling in love and you made me into a Casanova who fv¢ks everything in Sk-irt!, You made love stink to me and you made me me into what you like…”

” But I’m glad I snapped out of it, God s£nt a witch to guide me to the truth and your doings to take her from me has all proved ab-ortive, I’ll marry her and make her the mother of our kids, I’ll be the best father to our kids and the best husband to her, I’ll prove it to the whole world that love is a the best thing that has ever happened to me but by then, you’ll be dead” Kingsley said and stood

He pu-ll-ed the trigger and sh0t at his che-st

Kay screamed again and blood gushed out of his legs and che-st.

The cops arrived and Kingsley smiled

“You’re a monster whose existence is nons-en-se” he said as he was taken into the car

Kingsley left with the police car but alighted in front of the hospital while Kay was taken to the cops station since he said he’s not re-ady to be treated

He’s still bleeding profusely but he was recalcitrant and was driven to the station

Bianca was led out to him and she smiled satisfactorily

“I told you I or he will kill you, right now it’s like I’m seeing his handwriting on your wounds, it’s over Kay, the game is over” she said

” I was just…I just felt…I felt betrayed, I felt bitter,I felt destroyed and cheated with richness, I felt like the world is cruel cos of girls, I felt like i was tortured,…” Kay stuttered, breathing heavily

” I felt that way too Kay, but I suddenly felt what we’re doing is insane since the ones who caused our pains are dead, why take it out on others using the poor child?, Why take it out on others by ra-ping innocent girls?, Kay we’re the worse humans that has ever lived, I can say that again” Bianca said, crying slowly

” I know, but I couldn’t st©p, that’s why… That’s why I never st©pped, I just couldn’t st©p myself” Kay replied

” Which hospital did you abduct Kingsley from? ” Bianca asked

” I didn’t go myself, I s£nt hoodlums and they reported that it’s from Dove hospitals…ward 19″ he replied and tears escaped his eyes too

“Kay you’ll die, you can’t escape the sh0ts” Bianca said

” It’s cool , I’ve had enough fun, it’s just sad that it wasn’t for long… Damn Vivian for betraying me,. Damn Boniface for doing that to you too, this started with them” Kay said

Bianca shed more tears as Kay’s b©dy went limp right in front of her.


The Browns family hospital**

“It will take a while before she wakes up” Kingsley met doctor Kang talking to Len when he got into the hospital

“But she’ll be fine right?” He asked

“Sure, but….is the person a human?, I mean…her b©dy has been disfigured a lot, red sp©ts allover like she was sprinkled with h0t water and a lot of skin peeled from her back, why on Earth will anyone do that” doctor Kang said

” You’ll hear the story behind it later today” Len said

Kingsley entered Jewel’s ward and sat on a stool beside her

“You can’t start crying you know” Len said

Kingsley brou-ght out his gun and gave it to him

” Thanks for letting me use it, I used three bullets” he said

” Killed him?” He asked

” He should be dead by now, he has been apprehended by the cops anyways” he replied and continued staring at Jewel on the be-d

” I hope you’ll be able to forgive me whenever you wake up, and plea-se wake up soon” he said sadly, tou-ching her hair fondly

” My daughter!” Rosie shouted from the door and rushed in with Joey and her sisters

” What happened to her skin?, What on Earth did they do to her b©dy” Love said, checking her out

” This is callous, how could a human do this to a fellow human!” Pearl said in shock too

” Is this really my daughter?” Joey said

“I’m just glad that she has been found, there should be a dermatologist among the doctors, I’m sure her skin will come back to normal after the adequate treatments” Beverly said

” My baby plea-se be fine, be fine so we can ask for forgiveness for the pains you went throu-gh on behalf of all of us” Rosie cried

” Madam plea-se calm down,noise is not advisable right now she’ll be fine and like this little girl said she’ll be treated” Len said

” Kingsley you’re back” Rosie said, just seeing him

Kingsley nodded

” Son-in-law!” Joey said

“Brother in-law” Beverly said surprisingly

” King Kong, when did you get back from the tra-p?” Love said

” Just today, earlier in the evening” he said

” Meaning you…saved her?” Rosie said

“Not I alone, I and Len” he replied, pointing at Len who’s smiling

“How can we thank you enough” Joey said

“He was the one who helped me escape from Australia too, he’s like a brother to me, he hasn’t even gone home to see his family, he has been with me since we arrived, he’s one of the guards Kay as-signed to guard me” Kingsley replied

” Kay?” Pearl said

” He’s not my dad, and Bianca is not my mum” he replied

“Holy Molly” Love said

He brou-ght out the recorder and gave it to Pearl

“Feel free to listen before it’ll be revealed to the whole Korea” he said

Pearl took it confusedly and pla-yed it

Five minutes later**

“What!!!” They all screamed, beyond shocked after listening to it.


The Mendoza’s**

“I wonder if he has arrived or not, he hasn’t called and he’s not picking his calls, I’m worried” Mr Mendoza said worriedly

” Me too, I just hope he’s fine cos if he’s caught escaping with Kingsley, it’ll be ha-rd to predict if he’ll still be alive or not” Cas-sy said fearfully

” He’s fine, nothing will happen to him” Mrs Mendoza replied, trying to act fearless but de-ep down she’s greatly troubled

“Ria!, Josh!, You nee-d to see this!” One of the neighbors who is Mrs Ria Mendoza’s friend screamed, entering the room with her phone

“What’s happening?” Ria asked impatiently

“The news, its allover the TV and internet, the history of The Browns family and the secret behind their arrest” she said, giving them the video on her her phone

? A shocking news is just reaching the press about the successful rich Browns family, the riche-st after the president popularly known as B-KAY, owner of B-KAY conglomerates

The two has revealed the shocking secret and their dirty pla-ys using Kingsley Brown as a weapon for revenge

They both revealed that Kingsley is not their son, according to Kay Brown, he was kidnapped nineteen years ago from the 19th room in Dove hospitals right after he was born…..

Josh didn’t wait to listen to the rest with Ria

He screamed greatly in shock

“Kingsley….that golden boy…. he’s…he’s my son, my son that was kidnapped after birth, my baby!” Ria cried

” Kingsley is my brother?” Cas-sy said, shifting back

” How could they…. how could they be so callous… how could they!, They took away our son and….threw us in sorrow… how wicked” Josh said

Cas-sy dashed out of the house and kept dialling Len’s line but when he’s still not picking, she tracked his location and found out it’s an hospital, she went there after texting her parents the location.


Back in the hospital**

The news is all-over the TV about the demonic Brown’s couple

Their aim, how they got betrayed and stole a child at Dove hospitals to get back nineteen years ago, how they deceived Kingsley into becoming a Casanova, Kay’s r@p£s, Jewel’s kidnap and everything…

All mouths are agape but Kingsley is not shocked and the Hales family that has listened to the record earlier, they just got more shocked..

“Dove hospitals, room 19?” Len said with the greatest shock in his eyes

“What about that?” Kingsley asked, standing up

” Room 19, Dove hospitals” Len said again

It was Jax who rushed in next, breathing heavily

“Kingsley that’s your brother in front of you” he said

“What are you talking about” Kingsley replied

” My…baby brother?” Len said, still surprised

” I’m not un-derstanding” Kingsley said confusedly

” Big brother” Veera said, just coming into the ward

“Veera” he replied and just as Veera made to rush to him, Cas-sy walked into the ward and ran straight to Kingsley..

She jumped on him like a monkey and hvgged him ti-ght, confusing Kingsley more

“Big brother” Cas-sy said, crying in his arms

Tears escaped Veera’s eyes on her sp©t.