Bad boys of b Kay high episode 88/89

( Crazy Cinderellas… )


By, Naomi Cindy B

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“Say what I want to hear !” Tony said and continued dripping the h0t candle water on her bĀ©dy allover

“Go fvĀ¢k your mother!” She screamed as she cried

He threw the candle down and r0Ć»ghly gr@bbĀ£d her hair, forcing her to look at him

“Listen, I can do anything to get what I want and I don’t know how to take pity!, So get re-ady to die after getting fvĀ¢ked ha-rd tommorow” he said and left her r0Ć»ghly, she hit her head on the wall and lost consciousness.


The Hales**

Rosie and Joey are still crying and Beverly hasn’t stĀ©pped her tears too since she hasn’t been found yet and no leads too

Love and Pearl are still consoling them while the rest are busy watching with pity

Rosie’s mind suddenly went to Bianca and she spranged up

“The Browns” she said

“What about them?” Pearl asked

“Bianca c@mĀ£ to my bar on Monday to threaten me, she told me to withdraw you guys from B-KAY HIGH to avoid problems for us” she replied

” Really?” Richmond said, standing with the others

” Yes, I think she’s aware of their relationsh!pand that’s why they sĀ£nt him to Australia, she told me to make Jewel forget about Kingsley if I want her to be safe, and now she has kidnapped my daughter, plea-se find her,the cops should arrest Bianca, all my waiters in my bar are my witness that she c@mĀ£ to my bar” Rosie quic-kly said

” So they’re aware, I knew it!, $h!t!, Kingsley nee-ds to get out of there very soon” Veera said, standing to follow them out

They called the cops and Veera led them to B-KAY penthouse where she’s sure they’re mostly at

The guards let them in and she continued leading them to the upper office where Kay stays

Kay saw them from the c@mĀ£ra alre-ady and smiled

“Are they coming to die?, And that bit-ch is leading them, let’s see what they’ve got” he said and sat, expecting them

Veera opened the door and led them in, he pretended to be surprised as he stared at them

“Veera?, What are you doing here with cops?” He asked

“Where’s mum?” Veera asked

” Your mum?, She’s not here presĀ£ntly, she’s out of the country” he replied

” Out of the country?”

” Yes, to Ireland” Kay replied

” Well we have a warrant to search all this building” one of the cops said

” No, I don’t allow that and what the hell are you guys looking for” he replied, standing up

” Jewel Hales whom your wife threatened her mum” one of the cops replied

” Start searching!” Another one said and they disseminated themselves into the whole penthouse

“$h!t!, The tra-p room must not be found” he said immediately they left and luckily, Veera is the last one by the door, she heard that

She joined the search, targeting any room that looks suspicious

Kay’s guards are just everywhere in the house, standing by every door

They’re almost done with the whole rooms when they got to the second to the last

They made to go in but the guards obstructed them

“It’s a restroom and someone is using it now” they said and the cops stepped back

” Open this door” Veera said authoritatively

“Miss, it’s really a restroom and…

“Open the door!” She interrupted

“Open up” Natalie said, getting suspicious too

” Break it down” Veera said when they hesitated

The cops broke it down with their guns and Richmond his his leg ha-rd o it,it opened and they entered

“Mum!” Veera screamed when she saw her tied up

” My baby” Bianca replied

” What the hell” Natalie said

The cops got stools which were set on tĀ©p of each other and one of them climbe-d,the rope was cut with a knife and she was brou-ght down

“Who the hell tied you here?” Veera said

“Kay” she replied

“You mean…dad?’ Veera said

” Kay is a monster right now, I guess Rosie told you guys about how I c@mĀ£ to threaten her alre-ady, here… Arrest me I’ll tell you guys all what you nee-d to know” Bianca said, pointing her two arms forward

“No cuffs, just move” the cops said

p@rt of them has gone back to Kay’s office but he’s nowhere to be found with all the guards

“He’d have escaped throu-gh the secret route,he has one” Bianca said as she entered the car with them and they drove to the station.



Kingsley’s health got worse since he heard about the kidnap and he’s far from ok

He has the golden stud in his hands, ru-bbing it gently, wishing he’s in Korea right now

“Jewel” he murmured close to hundred times

“I’m so sorry you have to go throu-gh all these because of me, I’ve hurt you a lot and you don’t deserve this ” he lamented and a knock sounded on his door

He stood and took the flower vase on the be-dstand then hit it on the wall.

It crashed and he picked one of the pieces then opened the door while pointing the broken glas-s at his nĀ£Ā¢k

Len c@mĀ£ to view and his eyes wi-de-ned

“What are you doing young master!” He said

” I nee-d to get out of here!, Else I’ll dive this into my nĀ£Ā¢k right now and kill myself” he said and slowly started bringing it closer to his nĀ£Ā¢k

“StĀ©p !, Don’t do this plea-se, don’t do it, your girlfriend is in danger right now and you’re thinking of killing yourself?, It’s not the best in this situation plea-se drop that thing, take it off your nĀ£Ā¢k!” Len replied

” In a situation where I’m useless here and can’t help, killing myself is the best” he replied and raised it high, bringing it down to his nĀ£Ā¢k

” I’m re-ady to help!” Len quic-kly said and Kingsley’s hand stĀ©pped midair

” Really?’ he said.

” Yes, just drop that thing first” Len replied

“How will you help?” Kingsley asked

” I booked you a flight, we’re leaving this place together tomorrow morning” Len said

” You’ll risk your life…for me?” Kingsley said

” I can’t watch you continue to suffer here, I heard Kay Brown kills all his guards after some months and recruits new ones after he gets tired of them anyways, it’s better I take this opportunity and leave now…. and also, your friend called with my sister’s line to plead with me for help” Len said

” My friend?, Knows your sis?”

“I’m talking about Jax, my sister’s name is Cas-sy” Len replied

” Sounds familiar, what do we do?” Kingsley asked

“We’re sneaking out of this place tonight, we’ll lodge in a not popular h0tel and stay there till tomorrow morning when we’ll go for the flight back to Korea” Len explained

Kingsley hvgged him immediately for so long

“Thanks so much Len, thanks for acting like a brother, thanks for helping, I love you bro* he said and Len smiled before hvgging him back

“People say only family feels bonds, but I feel like we’re bonded though I don’t know what we’re bonded by, I’ll help by all what it takes” he thought .


Korea, 7pm, Cops station**

” I’m not the wife of Kay Brown” Bianca said and all mouths went agape

“What!” Veera said

Richmond put on the voice recorder on his phone and started recording as the interrogation went on

“Then what are you to him?”

“We’re on contract, we’ve been on the contract since nineteen years ago” Bianca replied

” Contract?”

” Yes… I was still a teen then, I had a bĀ©yfriĀ£ndwhom I was so In love with, he’s Boniface, I thought he loved me just as much as I did, not knowing he was a devil …. I got pregnant with his baby and immediately I got pregnant, he changed, back then I was poor and he was the one taking care of all my nee-ds till I got pregnant and he changed from the caring Boniface to the opposite, he never calls nor come to my house anymore, when I called he won’t pick and I almost died during the period, I had to work at a construction site despite pregnancy just to feed myself, then one day a girl visited me, her looks shows how rich she was, she told me to stay away from Boniface cos he’s now hers, she warned me a lot before leaving that day, I was heartbroken and I cried for days but i decided to hear what he has to say, I trailed him to an h0tel one day and successfully sneaked to his room, I opened the door and met him se-xing the girl, immediately they saw me, the girl flared up and pushed me out of the room, Boniface wasn’t even moved even when I kept calling his name, when I was too stubborn to go out, the girl gr@bbĀ£d something and before I knew it was a knife, she has stabbe-d my stomach and I pas-sed out only to wake up and meet myself beside a road where they dumped me, my stabbe-d stomach was bleeding profusely and I almost died till Kay showed up…”

” He took pity on me and took me to an hospital for treatment, there I noticed his stomach looked like it has been stitched as a result of surgery, he told me his life story too..He was stabbe-d and slashed with a sword by his girlfriend when he was trying to beg her to come back to him, the girlfriend has another rich bĀ©yfriĀ£ndalre-ady and that’s why she did that to push him away, he spent close to three months in the hospital and almost lost his life as a result of the wound,he has just been discharged when he saw me…”

” So we were both betrayed by our lovers and wounded by girls just because of richness, we both grew hatred for poorness cos it was what influenced our condition, we grew hatred for girls and we grew a lot of hatred .. for love, we hate seeing people in love, we hate being poor and we hate girls, we worked together and thanks to his intelligence, he got a job soon and though we’re not d@t!ngbut he took care of me, his brilliance made him got promoted quic-kly and soon, he bec@mĀ£ the vice president of the company, his boss had no children and when he died, he willed his properties to him and he bec@mĀ£ the boss, he worked ha-rd and I supported him a lot…”

” Then one day he brou-ght in a male child and told me to take care of him as ours, he said he’s our weapon for revenge, I did as he said and never asked for where he got him from since I was thirsty for revenge too back then… I named him Kingsley and then I signed a contract with Kay that we’ll act as a couple and as Kingsley grows up, we’ll lecture him about how love is wrong and how unworthy girls are, that we’ll tell him all girls are betrayers and don’t deserve to be loved, only fvĀ¢k, we’d make him hate relationsh!ps and spite love, fvĀ¢k them and throw them away…I signed the contract and we sealed it…”

“Six months later I gave birth to Veera my pretty daughter, I wanted to raise her to hate boys too but being a slut is what I hate so I let her be and raise her normally, she has been stern even since she was young so I was relieved that she won’t take $h!t from anyone…. Our lectures to Kingsley worked, when Kingsley grew up, he bec@mĀ£ what he wanted and hearing him break the heart of girls will always make us smile, hearing him saying love is $h!t will always make us happy, seeing him fvĀ¢k around gives us gladness….we bec@mĀ£ the arrogant Browns couple cos we’re really arrogant, I hate poorness!, I dislike commoners just like Kay…”

” Kay r@pĀ£s teenagers in his penthouse, he has R@pĀ£d close to thirty, he sĀ£nds T-Flames to kidnap them and after ra-ping them till death, T-Flames dumps them anywhere…. Boniface and the girl he betrayed me with died last year, and as for Kay…he killed the girl who cheated on him and the guy…”

” Just last week when I saw the agony we’re ma-king the poor boy pas-s throu-gh, I started having a change of mind and my thirst for revenge died down, I wanted to save him by all means but I got locked up by Kay who’s now a monster, still thirsty for revenge”

Bianca is in tears when she finished talking and everyone is crying too especially Veera

“So….. Kingsley is not my brother, he was kidnapped from his real parents right from birth, how cruel… and Kay is not my dad, I’m not even seventeen” Veera cried..

” You’re eighteen” Bianca replied

“I hate you!!!!!” She screamed and ran out of the station

“Ronny follow her” Artemis said and Ronny left to go after her

“How lame, so because you both got betrayed, you destroyed lives, how inhumane!” Joey said

Rosie gr@bbĀ£d Bianca by her hair and started pu-lling it

“Worthless woman!, Get my daughter out of wherever she is!, Get her out you fool!”

They almost can’t take Bianca away from her

” She’ll be in the hideout with T-Flames right now, they changed hideout when Kay saw I’ve started changing so I have no idea where it might be but it’ll be around the penthouse, that street, it’s always a house that won’t be suspected so be careful while searching” Bianca said and some cops were sĀ£nt to search again

” Kingsley will get here tommorow” Jasmine said, entering the station

” How?”


” What the hell!, He escaped with Len?, $h!t!, How dare he!, Search every h0tel in Australia, get him and kill him Immediately” Kay said on phone when one of his guards in Australia reported Kingsley as missing

He cut the call and called T-Flames

“Is she dead alre-ady?” He asked

“Trust me boss, should I sĀ£nd her pictures?” He said

” No I trust you, I’m leaving this country tommorow night, you should come with the helicopter keys and let’s leave together, this country is not safe anymore, Bianca ruined everything!” He said

” Ok boss” Tony replied and he hung up

” Damn you Bianca!” He ranted


Next day, Australia**

Kay’s men are really searching for Kingsley and Len and throu-ghout last night, they didn’t lodge in any h0tel as planned, they kept lur-k-ing around the streets, avoiding Kay’s met till daybreak when they used disguise before leaving for the airport

Kingsley used a fake moustache while Len used a white wig like an old man

They got to the airport and never breathed till the plane took off.

Korea, 6pm**

They landed in Korea and re-moved the disguise, Jasmine and Richmond are waiting alre-ady and Kingsley hvgged them both at once

“Welcome back” Jasmine said

“I missed you” Richmond said and they hvgged again

” What’s up?” He asked

” Get re-ady to get the shock of your life but before then let’s Join the search squad and search the penthouse street” Richmond said

Jasmine hvgged Len

” Thanks for helping even when it’s dangerous

” It’s ok, he’s like a brother to me right now so I’m fine, let’s go” Len and and they all got in the car.


T-Flames hideout**

Jewel is just regaining consciousness and right now her bĀ©dy is disfigured alre-ady, bruises, wounds, spĀ©ts, scars, redness!

Her skin is far from what it used to be right now

She tried to cough but so-re throat won’t let her, her throat hurts as a result of much screams

T-Flames barged in and r0ƻghly pu-ll-ed her up then untied her before pushing her to the be-d

“I’m tired of waiting for your stubborn head to talk so I’ll just make this my first se-x with an unwilling p@rtner” he said and started tearing her go-wn off her bĀ©dy

” No don’t…. plea-se spare me!” She pleaded with her alre-ady faint voice but she was sl@pped and she spit blood as he pu-ll-ed the go-wn off her bĀ©dy

Her br@ and p*nties c@mĀ£ to view and when he tried to take off her br@, she attached her teeth to his arm and made sure she dug in her teeth and his blood stained herl-ips before letting him go

He fell from on tĀ©p of her, holding his arm that’s hurting like crazy from her bite

Jewel stood and when she sighted a knife on the be-dstand, she took it and when T-Flames started struggling to stand, he dived it into his belly and he fell back as his blood stained her face

He screamed loudly in pains

She stabbe-d his belly repeatedly and moved to his ba-lls, she dived the knife right there and he stĀ©pped breathing

Not minding weather she’s only in her p@n-ties and br@, she ran out of the room and when she made to take the left, she saw Tony’s guys coming so she took the right and the seven guys chased after her till she’s out of the house and she continued running without looking back but she’s sure they’re after her cos their footsteps revealed that

She’s getting tired but she kept doing it, running fast despite the cold that’s gaining entry into her n-ked bĀ©dy

“Shoot her” she heard one of them saying and her heart skipped a beat

“Will it really be over here?” She thought and closed her eyes as she ran

Tears rolled out of her closed eyes down her cheeks and she continued running with closed eyes till she got hit by a coming car

“$h!t!, A familiar voice said as she fell and can hear gunsh0ts as blood gushed out of her wounded leg

Someone tilted her up though she wasn’t able to open her eyes, it’s burning and heavy but she can easily guess the person…

His scent, hands, presĀ£nce…

“Witch” that voice said before she lost consciousness

Len brou-ght down all the guys chasing her before coming to Kingsley

His eyes wi-de-ned when he saw what they did to her bĀ©dy

Kingsley is in tears alre-ady

“Into the car…fast!, We have to save her” Len said