Bad boys next door Episode 7 & 8

❤ Bad boy’s Next Door 🚪
Written ✍ by summer gold __________
Episode 7 💜💋
💜 Vanessa’s Pov 💜
Finally school is over, I rushed out of the clas-s. I know Stanley will be waiting alre-ady,
” Where are you going rushing like someone who lost something? ” A voice said and I turned back
” Alex? ” I called
” What ” He said and sm-irk
” I nee-d to go home right now,, Stanley is waiting ” I said and ran off.
” Hey Stan ” I said breathing heavily
” I guess you are missing me alre-ady ” He said and win-ked
” You don’t know how much am gonna miss you ”
” Let’s go,,, our parents will be waiting ” He said
I nodded and entered the car
” Do you like him? ” He asked and I faced him
” Who? ”
” Alex of course ”
” Why are you asking? ‘
” Come on,, I saw the way you always look at him. You really like him ” He win-ked
” I do ” I said
” Finally,, I think my wish is,,,,, ” I interrupted him
” But he doesn’t Even like me back ” I said
” How do you mean? ”
” I don’t know,,,, but am not sure about how am just feeling. Am so lost ” I said and we both laughed
” Am so jealous hun ”
” St©p flattering me ” I said and sl@pped him softly
” Come on darling,,, you don’t have to be sad. Am like your mother ” Alex mother said and hvgged me
” Thank you mam ” I said
” Alex,, take her to the guest room ” She said and walked into the kitchen
” Come with me four eyes ” He said and I followed him without any interruption
We entered into a room,, I breath in the air
” I think I will enjoy my stay here,,, since you are here ” I said and win-ked
” You are unbelievable,, nothing is gonna change even if am here ” He said and scoff
” Really? I thought we are friends ”
” I told you am only doing that because I don’t like Tessa and I don’t like you either ” he said
” I don’t care either ” I win-ked , he moved closer to me and I also moved back until my back t©uçhed the wall
” What are you doing? ” I asked
” You are gonna regret it if you fall in love with me four eyes,,,, am telling you this because,, ”
” Because you like me ” I said
” No ” he said
” Then why? ”
” Just enjoy your stay here, and try to avoid me ” he said and walked out of the room
Why is he ma-king everything ha-rd ? He should just un-derstand
” Hello clas-s,,, for this year final exam. We are going to have a project work done, so it’s going to be easy for everyone ” The teacher said and all the clas-s shouted happily
” So,, am going to group you,,, and it’s gonna include just two people in a group. I hope you un-derstand that ” she said
” Yes mam ” we all replied
But who is going to be my p@rtner,,, I looked back and search for Alex. He’s not even in clas-s,,, but his two friends are here. So where is he?
I sigh and turned back to the teacher
” Who are you looking for? Alex? ” lilah asked and giggle
” Of course not ” I lied
I walked out of the clas-s with Lilah after the teacher went out
” I cant believe Tessa is gonna be my p@rtner,,,, we are gonna kill each other in the name of project ” Lilah said with a scream
” That will be fun ” I laughed and then remember my p@rtner
” Oh Harry, gosh. How can that teacher do that to me ” I said shaking my head
I just wish I was grouped with Alex, it’s gonna be better. Why do I keep on bringing him in everything?
” Don’t worry,,, I know he’s a really nice guy. But,,,,, ”
” Don’t say it,, I know. But I don’t think he like me,,, he’s just like a friend. But am glad my p@rtner is brilliant, not that arrogant Tessa ” I said and we both laughed
” What did you just say? ” oh no it’s Tessa
I turned and faced her
” Did you just call me arrogant? ”
” So what? Are you not arrogant? Always feeling like you owns everything,, I really hate your gut ” I hissed
She sl@pped me and I faced her angrily and sl@pped her twice,,,,, by now students are standing watching the scene
Oh God,, I hate attention
” You still have the gut to sl@p me? After what you did? ” Tessa said faking tears
What is she saying?
” YOU stole my money and you are still acting cool like everything is fine!! ” she yelled and everyone g@sped
” What the fv¢k are you talking about? You liar!! ” Lilah yelled while I only kept quiet
How can someone lie this way?
” Vanessa say something,,,” Lilah said
” She can’t say anything,, am saying the truth ” Tessa said still faking her tears
💋 She look really cool, never knew she’s a thief
💋 we should all be careful when we are with her
Tears rushed out of my eyes,, I ran away immediately. I went into the garden crying my eyes out,,,
I can’t believe she said that to me,,, am such a loser
” Of course, you are a loser. You should have replied when she said that to you ” my inner mind said and I wipe my tears
I am so stupid,,,,,
” Why are you crying? ” A voice said
” Why do you think am crying? ” I asked without turning to the person
” I hate it when you cry you know ”
I turned back immediately I heard that,,,,
” Harry,,,, what are you doing here? ” I asked almost with a smile
” I guess you are happy to see me ” he said and sat down
” Yea ” I said
He wipe my tears with his thumb
” Do you have to cry on every little thing? You should learn how to fight for yourself ” He said
” I know,,, but I hate it when I cause trouble. ” I said and we laughed
” It’s a good thing you are different though ”
” We are p@rtners in the project work,, so how are we gonna do it? ” I asked trying to change the t©pic
” My house? ”
” I don’t know,,,, ”
” You can come with Alex,,, ” he said and I nodded
” See you tomorrow ” I said as he stood up
He ruffled my hair and left,,,,, I wish Alex is also nice me,, it’s gonna be cool
❤❤ Episode 8 ❤❤
💜 Alex Pov 💜
I waited for almost an hour after school but she refused to come out,,, am really getting fed up alre-ady.
I walked back into the school and unfortunately for me I met Tessa in the clas-s alone,, I immediately turned to leave
” Alex!!! ” She shouted and ran to me
” Get out of my way this minute ” I said calmly
” Alex plea-se look at me ”
” And why the fv¢k will I look at you? ” I asked with a disgust voice
” If you don’t look at me,, am gonna k!ssyou ”
” You won’t dare do that,, am gonna kill you ” I said and pushed her out of my way
” Don’t go plea-se ” She hvgged me from the back
All these is because of Vanessa,, I shouldn’t have come back here.
” Tessa let go off me ” I said
” I love you so much,,, don’t leave me ” She said still holding me
I looked up and found Vanessa starring at us with a sad look,, before I was able to call her. She ran off
” Let go off me you devil!! ” I yelled angrily and pushed her off me
” Is it because of Vanessa? Do you like her more than me? ”
” Even my shadow can’t fall in love with you Tessa,, just st©p all these ” I said and ran out of the clas-s.
I sighted Vanessa standing beside the car alre-ady,,, I entered and she also did.
💜 Vanessa’s Pov 💜
He took off immediately he got to me,,, he did not even try to tell me what happened with Tessa wasn’t true.
Are they couples now? I hope not
” Why do you keep on falling in love with someone who doesn’t even love you? ” My inner mind asked
” He’s gonna love me back very soon ” I replied inwardly
” That’s never gonna happen, just give up ” It said again
” Shut the hell up!!! ” I yelled inwardly
” Jeez,, why are you yelling? You scared me ” Alex said and I g@sped
” What did you hear? ” I asked facing him
” Shut the hell up? ”
” Thank God ” I said and sigh
” Why? ”
” Never mind ” i replied
We got home,, I guess no one is here yet
I walked into the room am staying and coll@pse on the be-d. I remember how I saw Vanessa hvgging him
“Damn,, it was so ti-ght!! ” I shouted and threw a pillow away
” What happened? ” Alex rushed in
” Oops,,, nothing ” I said and smiled
” You are becoming something else ” he said
” Am gonna follow you to Harry’s house tomorrow ” I said and pouted
” For what? ”
” What’s your business with that ” I asked and sm-irk inwardly
” Then you can find your way ” He said
” Okay,,, he’s my p@rtner in the project work ” I said
” Okay ” he said and opened the door
” And happy love life with Tessa ” I said and covered my face with a pillow
” Thanks ” he replied
I threw the pillow immediately
” What??? You guys are d@t!ngnow? ” I asked
” Yeah ” He said
” Okay ” I said and stood up
” You can leave now ” I said trying to prevent my tears,,
” How many times do I have to tell you that I hate her? ”
” But she hvgged you,,,, you didn’t even push her away. You like her,, just pretending like you don’t and,,,,, ” he interrupted me with a k!ss
I wi-den my eyes open,,, what is he doing right now
” Gosh!!! What type of girl are you? You should just close your eyes!! Stupid four eyes ” he said and left
Wait,,,,, did,, did,,, did Alex just k!$$£d me?
” What the fv¢k!!!!! ” I shouted jumping round the room stupidly
💜 Alex Pov 💜
Why did I k!ssher again.? Why? The more I wanna avoid her, the more she keep on coming to my mind, and I ended up k!ss!ngher again.
But the truth is I still love Ana a lot,, I just wish she come back to me. It’s been 3 years now.
” I really miss you a lot ” I said in tears starring at her picture
” Who is she? ” A voice said from the back
” When did you come in? ” I asked and put the phone away
” That doesn’t even answer the question,,, ” Vanessa said and walked closer to me
” She’s someone you can’t know ” I said
” You,,, cried ” she said and wipe my tears with her thumb
” St©p ” I held her hand to prevent her from tou-ching me
” Am sorry,,, I just wanna help “.
” I don’t nee-d your help,, stay away ” I said and stood up
I was about leaving the room when she held my hand back
” Why are you always ha-rd on me? Some minutes ago, you were nice. You even k!$$£d me,,,, ”
” That was a mistake,,, just forget about it ” I said and a h0t sl@p landed on my face
” I hate you!! Why do you keep pla-ying with my emotions? Do you think you can just do that for fun? Jeez,, you disgust me ” She said and walked out
” Vanessa wait ” I imagine myself saying but I could not
Am just too sad and angry at the same time,, do I really pla-yed with her emotions?
” You are such a j£rk Alex,,, you told her not to like you and you keep on k!ss!ngher. You sure pla-yed with her emotions ” My inner mind said
Maybe I should just apologize to her,,, I was about going when I heard mom voice
” Kids!!! Come have dinner ” She shouted
💜 Vanessa 💜
I c@m£ out of the room am staying when I heard mom’s voice,,, I bu-mped into Alex. I immediately ignored his gaze and went downstairs,,
Such an as-s-hole, am gonna avoid him even if it’s ha-rd
” your face is dull,, are you sick? ” Mom asked
” Am fine ” I said simply and sat down
Just then Alex also sat down just opposite me,,, I wonder why his father always come home late,, just a workaholic like my dad
” Do you guys have a fight? ” Mom asked
I guess she’s just as curious as my mother,,,
” Of course not ” Alex replied
I sh0t him a glare and focus back on the food,,,
” j£rk ” I muttered
” What? ”
” Nothing mam ” I said With a smile and faced the food again
I just lost my appetite,,,,,
I was about to enter my room when Alex c@m£ in before I do
” What the fv¢k are you doing here? ” I asked
He locked the door and sm-irk
” I asked a question ”
” I,,,, I am sorry. I am really sorry if I pla-yed with your emotions,,,” He said while I just stood there like a dumb person
I don’t know what to say right now
” Am I forgiven? ” He asked
” Yeah ” I said and smiled
” But do you think you can survive it if you avoid me? ” He asked with a wi-nk
” Get out this minute ” I said pointing my f!nger at the door
” This is my house not yours ”
” I don’t care ” I said and pushed him out
” You can go to Harry’s house by yourself ” He spat out
I opened the door immediately
” Am sorry ” I said and he laughed,, so ha-rd that I also joined him
” I can’t believe you threatened me ” I said
” Am sorry “.
” But don’t try to ignore me again,, never ” I said
” I won’t ” He said
I hvgged him without giving it a second thought,,,
” I love you Alex ” I imagined myself saying that