Bad boys love 2 Episode 18

(Awakened r0m@nç£)

By Sommy Pearl F.

Chapter 18



Axel looked back and saw his mother behind him. Her arms were around his back.

Loud sirens of the police were later heard and Mr Wins muttered a “Sh!t” before jumping out from the window.

“Mum?” Axel’s voice shook.

His mother fell but he caught her. She had taken the bullet for him and was bleeding too much.

“My baby” She whispered, tou-ching his face.

She coughed and blood spilled from her mouth.

“Mum…stay with me, plea-se” Axel begged, taking her out of the inner room.

“And I only just met you. Too bad,,, I can’t stay any longer” Her voice muttered.

“Don’t! Don’t say that! Help! We are here, plea-se!”

Maggie and two other nurses rushed in. One left and brou-ght in a stretcher later on.

As they ran after the pushing stretcher, Axel kept breathing ha-rd .

“plea-se, you have to stay with me. Stay with me, plea-se” Axel kept running with large beads of sweat falling down his face.

His hand was holding onto the bullet wound on the side of her w@!st.

She went into the emergency room and two more doctors went in.

Axel stayed outside and rou-ghed his hair. He covered his face with his bloody palms crying out loud.

Maggie was with him.

“She is gonna be-

“Where were you then!” Axel suddenly yelled.

“What?” Maggie asked.
“I… went to call in the cops. Mr Wins is on the run now. You should be grateful to me you know”

“I am. But I thought you left, how did he know I c@m£? When did he come back”

“According to my observation, I think he was about leaving and he suddenly had a intruder alert in his system. So, he c@m£ rushing in”

Axel sighed de-eply.

His eyes suddenly opened wi-de. He remembered something.

“Rose!” He yelled.

“What? Rose?” Maggie blinked her eyes.

“plea-se, look after my mother. I’ll be back. I’ve got something to rush to” Axel said and ran out.

Immediately, he was running out, a stretcher pas-sed by him…


Axel was p@n-ting heavily. He was knocking the door ha-rd and loud.

Julie was the one who opened the door. She looked really scared and nervous.

“Rose? Where is Rose?!” He asked.

“She…She…” Julie swallowed ha-rd .

“I said where’s Rose!”

“Someone suddenly called me. The person asked me to ask Rose to come over…I-

“You, what! Talk like a human!”

“I asked her to go, take something for me and out of guilt, she went on the errand. What I’m hearing right now isn’t true right?”

“What are you saying!”

“Rose. She had a ghastly accident. Peeps said she wasn’t even breathing. What to do?” Julie cried.

“Mr Wins at work” He gritted his teeth.

“Where’s Rose now?” He asked, in tears.

“At the hospital. Your dad’s hospital”

“My dad? You haven’t heard? Its better you checked the news and other upd@t£ online” Axel said, and rushed out.


“Axe!?!” Maggie waved.


“Rose? They just registered her now. She’s the girl who you were talking about earlier, right?”

“Yeah. Yeah” Axel nodded.

Maggie sighed de-eply.

“She’s in a critical state right now. She’s breathing though but she looks no more like a dead person”

“Where’s she now?” Axel said, hastily.

“Ward 12”

“My mom. how’s she?”

“Haven’t heard anything yet. She’s still in surgery. Oh, Everyone knows the real truth now. Its out in the news”

“I know that. The truth must be revealed” Axel said and ran off.

3 Days Later**

“Gosh. She hasn’t still woken up? You sure we shouldn’t contact her friends and even family?” A nurse asked.

“No, plea-se. Just leave it up to me” Axel said.

“If you say so” The nurse bowed a bit and advanced to the door.

“My mum? How’s she?” He asked.

The nurse beamed.
“She just finished eating. She’s resting now”

“Okay then. Thank you” He smiled.

The nurse bowed and walked out.

“Rose…plea-se, wake up” He muttered,,holding onto my hand.


Mr Wins wore a surgery coat and its head cover. He wore a face mask and brown boots over white gloves.

As he walked throu-gh the hospital ways, he kept bowing. He st©pped a nurse.

“What ward is Mrs Wins, plea-se?”

“Mrs Wins?…Hmm…I don’t know. They hid it from most people” The nurse replied.

“Then, Miss Rose Ire?”

“Oh…That should be ward 12”

“Thank you” He bowed and walked away.

The nurse scratched her head. She called Axel, the new boss immediately.

“Hello?” She said.

“Who’s this?” Axel asked.

“Its nurse betty. a nurse who works in your hospital”

“Yes? How may I help you?”

“Did you s£nd in anyone?”

“I don’t un-derstand??”

“Actually,,, hmm… someone c@m£ around, all covered up. The person asked for your mother ward but since its confidential,, I couldn’t reply. However, I told him Miss Ire’s ward num-



“Hello? Hello? Oh gosh!”


Axel st©pped his sport car and entered the hospital premises with high speed.

He slowly opened the door, Ward 12.

“Just half of this,,, and you’ll be good as dead” Mr Wins sm-irked, as he held a syringe which had a poisonous, bronze substance. He was taking it to the drip.

“No!” Axel screamed and ran to him.

He quic-kly gr@bb£d it.

They both struggled with him and eventually…

“Aqq!” Axel coughed and fell on his knees. His eyes were red and teary. He had veins popping on his n£¢k.

He coughed again and blood c@m£ out. He t©uçhed his n£¢k and felt the syringe pierced in his n£¢k.

Mr Wins smiled wickedly and pu-ll-ed it out.
“I’ll have to use the remaining on Rose” He said.

“No” Axel said weakly and fell to the ground,,with his eyes gradually closing but he didn’t fail to see Mr Wins injecting the remaining substance to the pipe…