Bad boys love 2 episode 11/12

(Awakened r0m@nç£)

By Sommy Pearl F.

Chapter 11



“Elvis?” I muttered, still breathing ha-rd .

“What’s it? You alright?” He asked, concerned trying to come closer to me.

“Wait” I suddenly uttered and he st©pped.

“I…don’t think I’m re-ady” I said, and stood up from the be-d with the duvet still on me. I took my clothes and entered the bathroom.

Minutes later, I c@m£ out with my clothes on, I kept the duvet and stared at Elvis. He had only his bo-xers on now.

I folded myl-ips and shook my head.
“I’m sorry” I muttered.

“What’s it, Rose? You are really scaring me? Did i do something wrong? I’m really sorry,, okay?”

“No,, Elvis. you didn’t do anything wrong at all. It just lately,, I’ve been anxious-

“Is it serious?”

“No,, not at all. I’m getting a…hang of it. Anyways, plea-se,, just give me 3 days to cool off,, then,, we are gonna have the type of se-x but for now- I paused and inhaled de-eply.

“It’s okay. I un-derstand” He said.

“Thanks of un-derstanding, Elvis” I smiled.

“Don’t worry,, just 3 days,,, huh?”

“Yeah,, for just 3 days,, let keep our relationsh!pplatonic”

“Got that” He win-ked and I chuckled.


“What! Platonic!” Lily shouted.

“Hey, keep your voice down” I snarled.

“This is so…I don’t even know how to explain this. I mean,, you guys are now following the no tou-ching rule? No pe-cks? hvgs? k!sses? and most importantly, se-x?” Lily rolled her eyes.

“Yeah” I sighed, as we continued digging into our instant noodles.

“Geez… and it because you keep seeing Axel’s face whenever Elvis is having se-x with you?”

“Yup” I replied.

Lily laughed.

“It’s not funny” I frowned.

“Tell me, why isn’t it funny? I think you are the first girl with this type of case, you know”

“It’s not a case, dummy” The frown didn’t leave my face.

“Then what? Its a problem?”

“Urgh. You are frustrating. I expect you to help me and not mock me. I have only 3 days, remember?”

“Okay,, okay,, I’m sorry. let’s get serious”


“So, what’s called? An issue?”



We both la-id on the be-d looking at the ceiling like we saw beautiful and lots of stars there.

“I think you aren’t over Axel yet” Lily said.

“What? I doubt it. I don’t like him anymore. I think… I’m just not over our se-x life”

“You got that right” Lily chuckled.

I sighed and shut my eyes.

“I have only one solution to your problem” She whispered.

“What’s that?” I whispered, with my eyes still closed.

“fv¢k Axel”

“What!” My eyes opened wi-dely.

She looked at me and smiled.

“Have you gone insane? Why would you ask me to do that?”

“Listen, dear friend-

“Don’t call me that” I snapped.
“A good friend in their right s-en-ses won’t advise their friend to fv¢k with their ex”

“Listen,, will you?” She sighed.

“Go on” I fumed.

“Right now, your de-sires and craving wants Axel and him alone. Let me ask, If you want a chocolate and you buy it and eat it,, what’s gonna happen?” Lily asked.

“What else,, I’m gonna poop it”

“So frustrating. Your de-sire and cravings for that chocolate would melt away. Why? Cause you’ve tasted it. When you are thirsty or hungry, and you drink water or eat food,, the thirst and hunger would quench and leave,, why? Cause you just satisfied your de-sires and cravings. That applies to Axel too. Once you have se-x with him,, the cravings,, the de-sires is gonna leave”

“Hold on. So, you are telling me I crave him having se-x with me and once I do it with him now,, everything will back to normal?” I asked.

“Hmm..Its so-

“Unless you want your relationsh!pwith Axel platonic forever”

“Oh no,, not that”

“That’s it,, dear friend” Lily smiled and I looked at space, perplexed.


I wore my mini free red with black str!pped Sk-irt cover a white t©p. I wore a bag over my back and sneakers to match.

I packed my hair into a ponytail and finally walked out. I felt nice and smart.

I was actually going to a national libr@ry. I wanted to feel alone and re-ad a lot of books. It was a Saturday and I had nothing to do.

Feeling lazy wasn’t my thing so…

I was walking down the road when I heard someone yell my name. I faced my side to see Elvis smiling at me,, while he waved.

I smiled and waved back at him.

“I miss you, flower” He whispered.

“I miss you, my elf” I chuckled and he laughed.

“I wish I could hvg you” He thought.

“You look good by the way” He smiled and I scratched my head.

“Thank you” I replied.

“Where are you off to?” He asked.

“The libr@ry. care to come?” I asked.

“Nah. I guess I’m gonna skip this”

“Why? you don’t like libr@ries?” I asked.

“I do” He chuckled.
“Just that,, I wanna rest”

“Oh… so, where are you off to?” I asked.

“I’m coming from the grocery sto-re- He paused and raised the grocery bag to my face.
“Went to get something to eat” He added.

“Oh…” I said and looked at the time.
“Ouch! I’m late. it’s 4pm alre-ady”

He nodded and waved.
“Go on, alre-ady”

I smiled and rushed my steps but suddenly, my right sneakers sole went off.

I looked back at the floor and saw the sole there. I looked up and chuckled nervously at Elvis.

“So embarras-sing” I thought.


“Thanks for purchasing the red…heels for me” I smiled.

“You welcome” He nodded.
“Be careful with it, okay?”

I nodded and waved at him. He waved back and we both walked away in opposite direction.

“Geez. Why did I pick this heels? I guess I loved it and didn’t want to let it go. What if I come next time and it finishes. Besides, I don’t have money to spend. I’ll repair my sneakers later at the shoe repair shop” I sighed, and walked away from sight.


I walked into the libr@ry and noticed only a boy there. He was wearing a hoodie. It was practically empty. I was late. I sighed and sat down.

I opened my bag and took out a book which I soon began to re-ad.

“Hello, friend” I heard a soft whisper by my side and I quic-kly turned to see Axel.

I flin-ched and in sudden fear, I opened my mouth to scream but he quic-kly held my mouth.

“Sshh… We are in the libr@ry” He said, and pointed at the door.

I pushed his hand away and frowned.
“Why are you here? Did you stalk me?” I asked.

“Why would I? I was over there,, re-ading” He replied.

He kept a book on my desk and I sighed.

“Can’t you go else where? I don’t wanna be distracted” I said.

“Wow” He chuckled.


“So,, Rose… I distract you? Wow. I’m glad” He smiled.

I looked at him foolishly.


“I thought I was the only one. You distract me too” He said.

“He’s really foolish” I shook my head and looked back at my book.

He looked down and his eyes met with my red heels.

“What’s with the heel? Such peculiar taste”

“Not your business. I won’t take it off cause i love it and my b©yfri£ndbought it for me” I said, cooly.

“So, you’ve really forgotten about me, huh?”

“Sure. Elvis is a better b©yfri£ndthan you. He fv¢ks well too”

He looked at me and smiled. He suddenly pu-ll-ed my hair band down allowing my to pony fall down.

“Hey! What was that for!” I almost yelled at him.

“You really look good like this, Rose” He whispered.

I swallowed ha-rd as we stared de-eply at each other.

“Axel?” I suddenly called.

He raised a brow.

“What the fv¢k did you do to me?” I asked, and he still maintained that eye contact with me, without a word.

“Why can’t I get you out of my head!” I asked.

“You keep coming into my mind and we keep having se-x there,, why?”

He smiled.
“Not sure why. So, what do you want me to do now? Leave your mind?”

“I want you to fv¢k me”


“fv¢k me cause I want you away from my mind. This cravings… This de-sires nee-d to leave”

“I guess Elvis doesn’t fv¢k you too well for your de-sires and cravings not to leave” Elvis whispered.

“Just fv¢k me”

Axel scanned his eyes around me and brou-ght his face closer to mine.
“If i fv¢k you,,, I might make you forget how good Elvis fv¢ks”

“fv¢k me till I forget how good he fv¢ks then, Axel” I said fiercely, without blinking an eye.

Chapter 12


Axel gr@bb£d my hand and I stood up. He walked over to another enclosed desk while my heels kept ma-king this koi koi sound.

I quic-kly took my hand off him.
“What are you doing?” I asked.

Axel chuckled.
“You asked me to fv¢k you,, or was that a joke?”

I crossed my arms.
“It wasn’t. Why did you bring me here?” I asked.

“Let’s do it here” He suddenly said.

I looked around and then at him.
“Are you okay? Why here?… Have you gone pyscho?” I asked.

Axel looked down. He knew his father’s eyes,, his men precisely,, would be there at his hostel,, lur-k-ing around in case he met with Rose.

“What of somewhere else? Definitely not a h0tel cause I’m not a who-re. We can’t go to your hostel cause of people and I can’t take you to my room either”

“I want somewhere different” He said.

“Then,, why here?”

“You are gonna like it” He said, and carried me to sit on the desk. He kept his hands there and looked at me.

Hisl-ips slowly seized mine and he began to k!ssme. I felt his hand pave away un-derneath my t©p.

Still on myl-ips, he un-hooked my br@ and pu-ll-ed it out without even taking off my t©p.

He broke the k!ssand stared de-eply into my eyes, before taking my t©p up above my che-st. I was about fully taking it off fully but he st©pped me.

“We can do this with your clothes still on. We don’t want to get caught, would we?” He smiled and I shook my head.

My b00bs got expo-sed and he ca-ress them ma-king me m0@n softly. He took hold of my left n!ppleand began to stro-ke it.

He looked at me before taking his mouth right there, su-cking it in utmost plea-sure.

“Ow…Axel” I m0@n ed, patting his hair.

He kept on su-cking that he began to slurp. I felt we-t alre-ady. I just wanted him in… so that it would end this de-sire once and for all.

He left my n!ppl!s and looked at me. Still looking at me, he sli-pped his hand un-der my Sk-irt and pu-ll-ed my p@n-ties down, on my legs.

I k!$$£d him lightly first before bending my n£¢k down slightly. I un-buckled his belt and took down hia trou-sers and un-derwear.

I met his di-ck alre-ady out,, standing out for me. I swallowed ha-rd and looked at him.

“Was it always like this?” I asked.

“Why? You regret d@t!ngElvis alre-ady” He sm-irked.

I scoffed and opened my legs with my heels resting on the same desk I sat on.

“Just do it” I said.

“Do what?” He smiled.

“fv¢k me” I whispered.

“Beg me”

“Won’t. just do-

I paused when his di-ck began teasing my cli-ts,, stro-king the entrance of my cunts. I m0@n ed softly and he shushed me quic-kly.

“Suppress your m0@n s. We are at a libr@ry” He whispered, still plea-suring me with his di-ck.

“Axeell” I m0@n ed, p@rting myl-ips.

“So, you wanna beg now?” He asked.

I nodded.

“Now, beg me”

“plea-se, fv¢k me” I whispered.

He smiled se-xily and I g@sped softly adyer feeling his di-ck dive into me. I opened my legs the more allowing him to thrû-st.

He stro-ked my hair as he kept thrû-sting .

“Ah” I gro-an ed and closed my eyes.

“Axel” My whole b©dy vibr@te.

“Yes?” He anawered.

“I can’t…” I sobbe-d.


“I wanna m0@n ” I said.


“Ah…I can’t” I m0@n ed, lowly.

“Hold yourl-ips,, I’m gonna add to my pace now” He said.

I nodded and closed my mouth with my palm. He kept to his words and increa-sed his pace.

I m0@n ed musically though it was muffled, due to my palm covering my mouth.

He kept on hitting me,, that i almost shouted. My palm sli-pped away from my hand and I quic-kly closed my eyes.

I hvgged him ti-ghtly and di-pped my face on his che-st,, m0@n ing just right there. It went for minutes. My legs went around his w@!st and entangled right there.

“fv¢k,,, Axel…oh” I m0@n ed and he pu-ll-ed his D out.

I took my eyes off his che-st and looked up at him weakly and slowly took my legs away from him.

“I’m not done” I heard him say.

“Eh?” I whispered.

He slowly p@rted my stubborn closed legs and charged inside me again.

“Oh” I m0@n ed softly, with my hair now scattering around my face.

I held him close again as he kept ramming into me.

“Should I st©p?” He gr-unted.

“” I sobbe-d.

“I fv¢k better than Elvis, right?” He asked.

“Yea” I replied.

He held my face and made me face him.

“You miss me, don’t you?” He asked.

I looked at him de-eply.
“I’m…c-ummimg” I muttered.

Its been lots of minutes alre-ady.

“fv¢k” Axel gro-an ed and pu-ll-ed out letting our h0t jui-ce flow out.

My b©dy was seriously shaking. I stared at my legs and they were wobbling.

The pointed heels on my shoes was visibly shaking like crazy.

I felt weak instantly and fell on Alex’s b©dy.


“Ah… it hurts” I m0@n ed and opened my eyes, tou-ching my pounding forehead.

I saw I was now sitting down. Axel was close to me.

“You dozed off” He said.

“I didn’t ask” I said.

“You don’t have to worry, I cleared our mess up”

“What?…Ah,, you even dressed me back up” I scoffed

He nodded with a smile.
“I poured water on the floor and told the libr@rian I nee-ded mop and a bucket of froth water which I used in ma-king there good again. I also sprayed my perfume”

“You talk too much” I said, keeping my books back into my bag.
“I got my cravings gone. What we did today,, didn’t happen” I said and stood up.

He breathed de-eply.

“What’s the time, by the way?” I asked.


“What?… When those the libr@ry close then?”

“7:03pm… We are practically locked here”

“What? You’ve got to be kidding me” I said, and took few steps.

“Oww… It really hurts” I said.

“What’s it?” He asked, concerned.

“My legs… in between them” I muttered.

Axel folded hisl-ips and I saw a small smile come out.