ki-ss me episode 92 & 93

? ki-ss
ME ?
( The Beauty Inside… )


By, Naomi Cindy B.



Naomi and Merritt walked into chief Barrington’s ward at a time, waving different things in their hands.

Naomi is waving a book while Merritt is waving her ID.

Chief Barrington is lying weakly on the bed.

He has been there since he collap-sed the other time and he hasn’t been able to stand.

“Howie you chief Barrington?” Merritt smiled and he opened his mouth to talk but nothing came out.

He started opening and closing his mouth, trying to form a word but it was impossible.

“Look, I got promoted” Merritt brou-ght her ID closer to his face.

“And here’s the docu-ments of the book I’ll be writing with Romeo very soon” Naomi showed him the book with her and he started breathing fast.

“We’d have gone farther than this if you hadn’t acted as a stumbling block” Merritt said

“The one thing I regret most in this world is having a father like you” Naomi said.

“Same here, i’ll just come and show off to you anytime I go higher” she said and looked at Naomi.

“The first copy of my book, I’m bringing it here to show off too, thanks for wasting my years at the law firm, but I’m glad it’s all over” Naomi said.

Chief Barrington raised his shaky hand slightly, trying to grab onto one of them but they both shifted back and left the ward immediately.

“Gosh!, I feel better” Merritt said when they got out.

“Me too, can’t wait to start writing” Naomi smiled and they hu-gged each other.

“You didn’t tell Romeo yet” Merritt said.

“No, he’ll find out soon anyways” Naomi replied and Merritt smiled, breaking the hu-g

“Going home?” Naomi asked.

“Yes, I’m spending the rest of this week with my sweetheart” Merritt giggled.

“I get” Naomi smiled and they waved at each other before getting into their respective cars.




Romeo drove into the school driveway and came out of the car with Krystal in his arms.

Juliet came out from the other side.

Kids could be seen, making their ways into the school.

“Why are you frowning angel?” Romeo asked, noticing her face.

“I don’t want to leave you and Aunt Juliet” she replied childishly, hu-gging Romeo.

“But you can’t stay home without schooling you know” Juliet said, stro-king her hair.

“I have friends in my school in England, but here it’s a new place, I’ll be lonely” Krystal complained.

“I promise you’ll make friends fast” Romeo said.

“But I still don’t want to leave you guys” she replied, clinging more ti-ghtly unto Romeo.

Juliet took her from Romeo and ki-ssed her cheek.

“School ends at 4, we still have a lot of time to spend together after you come back” she said

Krystal just hu-gged her ti-ghtly.

“Mr Spencer!” A voice sounded and Romeo was surprised to see little Carlo, walking to them.


“Yes Mr Romeo, it’s me” he smiled adorably.

“You attend this school?” Romeo asked.


“I forgot to ask how old are you”

“Seven” Carlo replied.

“Great” Juliet smiled.

“You came alone?” Romeo asked.

“Yes, grandpa Geoff’s driver drops me every morning and comes back to pick me up every evening” he replied.

“Cool, meet my daughter” Romeo said and Krystal looked at Carlo.

“Hi” she waved from Juliet’s arms.

“Hi I’m Carlo” he waved back.

“Krystal” she smiled.

“You both are same age, definitely same clas-s” Romeo said.

“Yes Mr Spencer, Krystal let’s go to clas-s together” Carlo offered and Krystal looked at Juliet before looking at Romeo.

“I’ll…go” she said and they both smiled.

Juliet dropped her and Romeo strapped her backpack to her back.

“Stay around each other ok?, And listen well in clas-s” Juliet said.

“I promise to do that Aunt Juliet” Krystal said and Juliet ki-ssed her hair.

“What should I get for you on my way back?” Romeo asked.

“Chocolates” Krystal replied.

“Done” Romeo said and ki-ssed her cheeks.

She smiled out her dimples and Carlo held her hand.

“Let’s go” he smiled and she started following him.

She looked back to wave countless times before they went out of sight.

Romeo and Juliet entered the car and drove to work afterwards.

Naomi was already in when they arrived.

“Latecomers” she said, smiling from Juliet’s desk.

“Sis Naomi!” Juliet waved and Naomi winked.

“Welcome back boss and his Juliet” Ben greeted.

“Welcome back Mr Spencer and Mrs Spencer to be” Sugar greeted too.

“Welcome back boss, Juliet I missed you” Lovelyn smiled

Juliet replied with a cute smile and Naomi stood.

“Are we starting work on the synopsis today?” Romeo asked and she nodded.

“Of course”

“You’re meeting with Tessa Jordan today too, your movie shoots is starting next week” Ben said.

“After that?”

“You’re meeting with the BOE, that’s all” Ben replied.

“I have to wrap up before 4 though, nee-d to go pick my daughter” Romeo said.

“I un-derstand boss” Ben smiled as Naomi entered the office with Romeo.

“I missed this place whoa!” Juliet hu-gged her laptop.

“I missed you more” Lovelyn said.

Sugar remained quiet.

“Who wants coffee?, I’m going to make it” Ben suddenly asked.

“Espresso please” Juliet said.

“Maxim gold” Lovelyn replied and Ben faced Sugar.

He’s staring into space.

“Sugar!” She hit his hand on the table.

“Huh!” Sugar spranged up.

“Are you ok?, What are you thinking about?”


That moment, the elevator door opened and Agnes came in.

“Hi everyone!, Today will be my last day here cos as from tommorow, I’m starting my internship at Mystic cyber!” She announced loudly.

“For real?” Lovelyn and Agnes asked at a time.


“I’m glad then” Ben said and they stuck hands.

She gave Juliet and Lovelyn bear hu-gs and walked past Sugar to another desk where she sat, then she got her phone and started browsing.

The rest noticed the awkward air between them but they just went on with their duties.

Sugar suddenly stood and walked to Agnes.

He grabbed her hand, pulling her up

“What?” She said curtly.

Without answering, he took her out of the office.

Juliet looked at Lovelyn and Lovelyn looked at Ben.

They all smiled knowingly.

Sugar took Agnes to the rooftop and she took her hand from him.

“Why are we here?” She asked, looking at him .

“Why didn’t you pick my calls last night?” He asked.

“Why would i?, I’m not Jocelyn” she replied.

“Jocelyn again?, You won’t even let me explain?”

“What is there to explain?, I saw it clearly” she replied.

“Saw what?”

“You ki-ssed her back” she said silently.

“But you told me yesterday that we’re not an item, so why are you like this?” He said calmly.

“Seriously?, I came to your place because I wanted to go drink with you and spend time with you but I met you ki-ssing another girl, what were you expecting” he replied, breathing heavily already.

“She ki-ssed me first” he replied.

“But you ki-ssed her back and that’s just the point!” She snapped and he immediately grabbed her wai-st.

He tried ki-ssing her again just like last night but she pushed his che-st again and he let go of her.

“If you don’t have feelings for her anymore, you wouldn’t have ki-ssed her back” she said.

“Why are you mad at me because I ki-ssed her back?” He replied.

“Because…. because… because..

She found it ha-rd to say so she turned back and rushed downstairs but halfway throu-ghthe stairs, she got a beep and when she checked her phone, her eyes wide-ned.




A SKYSCra-peR**

Cops can be seen moving around and reporters are busy feeding their cameras.

So many people are surrounding the place, forming a crowd.

Romeo’s car stopped in front of it and he rushed down with Agnes and Juliet

They made their way to the circle and found the shock.

Mona is lying down in blood, head cracked.

Blood is pumping out of her cracked head, forming a stream down the lane.

“Doctor Mona!” Juliet felt tears escaping her eyes.

“Doctor Mona” Agnes cried.

A lone tear made it’s way out of Romeo’s eyes as he looked up at the skyscra-per.

It’s the one his mum jumped down from, seven years ago.

Same one.

“We found this on the top” Swan said, handing a note to Romeo.


I know I’ve never brou-ght good news, all I’ve ever done was bring sorrow and tears since I stepped foot into the family. I’m sorry.

I’m sorry for everything I and my son made you pas-s throu-gh, sorry for being a bad luck to the family.

I’d rather die than live and be shamed for my son’s sins, I’ll go to hell where I belong.

Forgive me not.

The letter ended there and Romeo’s tears dropped on it.

“Doctor Mona” he cried silently, closing his eyes as more tears fell.




Justus sat separately in his room, staring into space.

Apart from the wounds given to him by the guys before he was thrown into jail, he has fresh wounds again from him cellmates.

They’re thu-gs and hefty men who beat him up at every chance.

They always bully him, he’s their punching bag.

He never realized when he started crying silently, thinking about why all this is happening to him.

Anytime regrets starts to creep into his heart, he waves it away but little did he know that today is the start of his regrets.

“Hey obsessed man, did you hear what happened to your mother?” The heftiest in the cell said and the rest laughed.

He faced them slowly and a newspaper was thrown at him.

He picked it up and saw the news about how Mona committed suicide by jumping down a skyscra-per.

His whole body started shaking.

“No, no it’s not true… no!!!” He cried loudly and the rest laughed at him.

“No,mum…mum!!!!!” He cried more loudly.

“Stop the noise!” One of them yelled at him but he kept crying.

“Make him shut up” Mr heftiest ordered and the others pounced on him.

They started hitting him on every part of his body and he kept crying.

“Mum…mum” he cried bitterly as the hits came.

The regrets pene-trated without hindrance into his heart and he started wishing he could turn back the hands of the clock.




Merritt came out of the bathroom in her towel and Reid smiled from where he’s sitting at, on the bed.

If only she knows what he’s gonna do to her tonight again.

The lady four days has been full of endless se-x and ki-sses, make outs and fun for them, he can’t ask for more.

She was already drying her body when he suddenly walked to her and pulled the towel down from her body.

She didn’t object, she only giggled.

He hu-gged her from behind, palming her bo-obs immediately.

“Thought we were gonna skip tonight” she said and he ki-ssed her ear.

“No freaking way” he whispered and she smiled as he kept fondling with her bo-obs, decorating her ne-ck with ki-sses.

His left hand suddenly moved down to her navel and immediately he started caressing it, she rested more on him and he started ki-ssing her ne-ck again.

She let out throaty M0-ns as he made her w£t with his hands.

She suddenly faced him and impatiently slammed her li-ps on his own, he’s already shirtless so she just drew invisible lines on his body with her fingers as they ki-ssed insanely.

Reid pressed her bu-tt continuously till they got to the bed and fell on it.

Merritt immediately unbu-ttoned his pa-nts and pulled it down his legs.

She grabbed his di-ck in the middle of her palms and started ru-b-bing it thorou-ghly.

“Starlight…jeez” he gave her a Gr0-n which made her chuckle as she continued ru-b-bing.

His erectness grew more and more unbearable as she ru-bbed till he stood and made her lay down.

He was fast in inserting his member inside her and she smiled immediately she felt it.

She arrested him between her legs and he started going fast, right from the start.

“I love it fast baby” she breathed, pulling him to herself.

He covered them with the duvet and captured her li-ps as he Fu-cked her sweetly.

“Sweetness!” Merritt giggled un-der the sheets.

It’s as if earthquake is happening un-der it as their bodies moved rou-ghly with the duvet.

“Damn!, I’m not cu-mming anytime soon!” Reid’s voice said.

“Fu-ck me till you collap-se on me sweetheart” Merritt M0-ned loudly and Reid gave her an ha-rd slam.

“Yes!, Yes sweetheart oh my gosh!”




The crazy lovers were already ki-ssing ha-rdly as they entered Romeo’s room.

Krystal is already asleep in the next room so they have the whole room to themselves.

Romeo thudded her back gently on the wall and his right hand rested on it too as they ki-ssed impatiently, as if they want to eat each other’s li-ps up.

Juliet peeled his shirt away from his body and he carried her immediately, letting his hands stay on her as-s as he walked to the bed.

He placed her on it and started caressing her right leg, she folded her fists and gave out heavy breaths as he kept caressing till he got to the shorts she’s putting on.

He ki-ssed her shortly before sli-pping the shorts away from her as-s, then he started ki-ssing her fresh legs slowly, trailing the ki-sses to the middle which was still covered with her pa-nts.

He ki-ssed her core in the pa-nts and she M0-ned se-xily.

He moved to the second leg and caressed it like the first one, leaving her to crave for more of him as he performed his magic.

He ki-ssed up to her tummy and suc-ked on her navel, raising the singlet from it.

“Romeo….” She gasped shortly and he smiled.

“I love when you M0-n my name like that” he whispered and she breathed ha-rd, looking nervous.

He brou-ght his li-ps to hers once again and ki-ssed her crazily fast, holding her ne-ck.

She responded as their li-ps moved in an automatic sync with each other.

He slowly dropped her singlet straps and it went down her body.

He got a hold of her bo-obs and she gasped into his mouth sharply.

“I love when you gasp for me too” Romeo said against her li-ps, playing with her nip-ples as he rolled them between his thumbs.

Juliet held on to him like her airbag and the ki-ss got broken by Romeo suddenly.

He ki-ssed her forehead.

“I love you Bluebell” he whispered.

“I love you more babes” she replied.

By now, her nervousness has been replaced by excitement.

He went down to her legs and pulled down her pa-nts.

A river of w£tness is waiting for him over there so he covered her pu-ssy with his li-ps immediately.

“Romeo!” She M0-ned beautifully.

His head moved slowly down there as he lic-ked her gently, pleasuring her just like he should do.

“Ahh… Romeo I love you”

“Romeo… Romeo gosh!”


Her legs shook as his tongue worked on her, doing wonders on her cl-it and it’s surroundings.

She started pulling his head closer to her c*nt, wanting him to co-ckmore.

“I love it Romeo”

“Don’t stop anytime soon… don’t…


He moved his tongue in her and her pu-ssy shot layers of cu-m into his mouth which he lic-ked up before coming back to her.

He smashed their li-ps together and she could taste her cu-m in his mouth as their li-ps suc-ked and bit.

They were still ki-ssing when he drove his di-ck inside her.

She broke the ki-ss instantly, breathing loudly.

“Is that you?” She whispered and he smiled naughtily.

“Yes, a king and more, let’s make babies Bluebell” he winked and started ban-ging her ha-rd immediately, raising her legs up.

“Romeo! Ouch!”

“Gawd!, Oh no!”

“Louder!” Romeo ordered, hitting her ha-rd again as he started suc-king her nip-ple, his di-ck worshipping her pu-ssy madly fast.

“Oh Romeo I love this!”

He poured ki-ssed on her face as the ban-ging went wild.

He suddenly pulled out of her and lic-ked her cl-it shortly before inserting his d*vk into her again.

“Ironman damn!”

“Yes gosh!”

“I wanna ride your di-ck!”