Bad boys baby 2 Episode 21 & 22

🎧Bad Boy’s Baby 🎩
👗[The new girl next door] 🔞
Written By Kebby NG
Episode 21
Natalia’s POV
I continued watching her as she disappeared.
No, this isn’t right at all, I have to make her reveal it.
It’s not good that she want’s revenge on him, no matter what its not good to take revenge.
I ran after her and caught up with her.
“Hey Cindy, you nee-d to tell them what you did yourself, taking revenge makes you as bad or even more bad than him. You have to st©p this $h!t now” I screamed at her less concerned about other students around.
“No, I don’t want to, I want him to feel pain and anger the way he made me feel, I want him to feel them too” she insisted.
“This is not the way Cindy, there are other ways but this is just too much, taking revenge is too much” I replied her more calmly.
“No, no oo, I won’t listen to you Nat” she insisted and tried going away but I pu-ll-ed her back and embr@ced her.
“I know you felt so betrayed and used but this is not the way, I could forgive you for what you did so also find it in your heart to forgive him Cindy, plea-se teach him a better lesson by forgiving him” I pleaded with her.
I started hearing her sniffing and I patted her back.
“Make him regret doing those stuff to you by forgiving and I promise you that he’ll be the one running after you okay?” I cooed and didn’t hear her reply.
After some minutes I dis£ngaged from the hvg and starred at her face.
“Let’s go, correct your wrongs” I said softly and pu-ll-ed her along with me.
We got to the office in which Chris and the girl were taken.
I knocked and the door was opened by chase.
“Don’t worry, just let us in, Cindy c@m£ to save your brother” I cut him in and we got in.
Three other teachers were alre-ady there, a guy was standing beside Charlie there too plus the girl and Chris who looks really angry.
“Excuse me sir, she has something to say” I faced the man whom seems to be questioning them and said.
Cindy’s POV
I didn’t want to do it, but Natalia has a point.
She forgave me when I wronged her badly out of jealousy, tho I didn’t apologize immediately but I later regretted my actions and apologized bitterly.
Well, I don’t no if that will happen in this case but I’ll have to reveal it all.
“What do you have to say young lady?” That man there asked.
“I planned everything, I bribe-d her with some money, Chris didn’t r@p£ her it was just my ideas, I wanted to punish him for what he did but I aren’t interested in doing it anymore” I narrated with my eyes fixed on Chris who was also starring at me in shock.
“So, I’m done here, I’ll get going now” I concluded and immediately left the office before any of them could utter a word.
They are all shocked by my confession, all, expect the girl and Natalia.
I don’t want anyone criticizing me or anything so I had to leave.
I left the office and started running, running to a very lonely p@rt in the school to stay alone.
I’ll have to stay here for the rest of the day.
I got to the place and stood looking around while preventing myself from breaking down.
Why Chris? I really liked you, you shouldn’t have made me hate you now, I said to myself and was shocked to hear his voice from behind.
I turned and truly saw him standing there.
“If you wanna paint me black you can, you can add more to your insults, I’ll take it” I blunted out loudly but surprisedly he went down on one knee.
“I’m sorry for what I did Cindy, I’m so sorry for hurting your feelings, I’m a coward, I’m heartless, you can call me that but plea-se forgive me” he said softly and my heart beat decrea-sed.
Like I’m I imagining things or is it for real?
Chris on one knee asking for my forgiveness???
“You…” I made to talk but paused and sniffed.
I took my palm to my face and dried my tears.
“Cindy, I’m damn serious, I’m a j£rk, I’ve been a j£rk but I’m re-ady to change. For you to plan this as a revenge means I hurt you beyond words, I should have apologized when I had the chance to but didn’t, I’m sorry about that so plea-se just forgive me okay?” He said again.
The whole thing was melting me down.
Words couldn’t form themselves in my mouth. I felt lazy to move even to blink was a problem at that minute.
I continued watching him as he starred at me intensely probably waiting for my reply which I don’t no what to give.
“Cindy?” He called for the third time and I blinked.
“If you can’t forgive me its fine, I’ll just look for a way to solve things within me so its totally fine.”
“Its might come unexpected but plea-se just think about it, I’ll be really grateful and I promise to change from my ways permanently, so Cindy…”
“I forgive you” I cut him off.
“I forgive you Chris” I added.
Episode 22
Chase’s POV
I turned to look at Nat immediately Cindy left.
She also looked at me.
The girl whom claimed she got R@p£d ran out in shame then I followed her out.
Chris left immediately Cindy left. I don’t no if he ran after her or what but he left after her.
Natalia followed me out and we stood outside and faced each other.
“She really did that?” I asked still in shock and she nodded.
“She got really hurt by what Chris did, she probably thought this was the only way he could regret his actions” she replied.
“Hmm so what made her reveal things to you? How did you find out?” I asked her.
“Well, I just didn’t believe that Chris could do such a thing so I suspected it was a planned work, Cindy was the only girl I could think of and yes, she turned out to be the one” she cooed and I smiled.
“Thank you for saving my brother” I thanked her and she c@m£ closer and hvgged me.
“You’re welcome, I couldn’t let you remain sad and worried” she said and I smiled again.
“I love you” I breathed out.
Natalia’s POV
I was sitting down in front of our compound, Mona was pla-ying around today in the compound.
She looked really happy.
Suddenly a knock c@m£ at the gate and before I could get up Mona ran to the gate and got it.
She opened the gate and left it open, a small boy of about her age got in.
“Hi henry” she waved at the small guy who kept looking around.
“Hi Mona, hope I’m not late” he said and adjusted his shi-t.
I kept watching them as they advanced towards me.
They got to where I was and st©pped.
“Hey Mona, who is he?” I questioned starring at the small guy.
“Hi Natalia, my name is Henry, I’ve heard about you from Mona” the little guy spoke up.
“So who are you? Did you come here alone?” I questioned.
“No, I got esc-rted by my elder brother, he left as soon as we got here, we also leave in this estate” he narrated.
“Oh..okay, so what are you doing here? How do you two know each other?” I asked directing it to them both.
Mona gr@bb£d the boy’s hand immediately.
“That enough questioning, you aren’t even mom” she snapped and pu-ll-ed the boy with her into the house.
“I..I..we’re both clas-smates” I heard the boy yell from the inside.
What was that? I wondered and laughed.
Did she get herself a b©yfri£nd?
I looked at the gate as its opened again.
And surprisedly but not too surprising Chase c@m£ in.
I stood up and immediately ran and jumped on him.
He embr@ced me ti-ghtly, ruffled my hair then gave me a five minutes k!ssafterwards.
“What are you doing here?” I inquired as we went to have a sit on the pavement.
“Just felt like seeing you again” he replied with full smile.
“Where is your sis?” He asked and looked inside.
“I think she’s with her b©yfri£nd” I replied and chuckled.
He gave me a “are you serious look”.
“I’m just joking but if they weren’t kids I’ll say that they are in a relationsh!p” I cooed and he let out a smile.
“Its good that she is happy” he said and I agreed.
“Yea” I nodded.
“What of Cindy then?” He asked again.
“Um..Cindy still hasn’t showed up, tho she called and informed me that she is okay and will return eventually.”
“What of Chris?” I asked him.
“I think he gave answer, he still isn’t back, by the way Nat, you still haven’t told me why you disliked Cindy at first.”
“You said she did some hurtful…”
“Yea, I’m sorry, I kinda of forgot” I apologized.
“Its alright, you can talk to me now” he cooed and I faced him properly.
“Okay its happened last year, we still lived in NY then.”
“I had a b©yfri£ndor I thought I had a b©yfri£ndbut he turned out to be a pla-yer.”
“He was just there to steal my heart together with my vir-ginity and unfortunately he succeeded.”
“He succeeded in both and after two weeks he broke up with me.”
“Not that he broke up with me I actually caught him ma-king out with another bit*h in a restroom.”
“That was it, he didn’t apologize but went on to tell me $h!ts.”
“He told me he doesn’t love me and never will. He calmed to have gained access to my pu-ssy and that’s all that matters to him.”
“I got so heart broken, I cried for days but didn’t get over him.”
“I felt like pleading with her to take me back but of course didn’t, then I later found out that it was Cindy.”
“Cindy s£nt him to also pl@yme. ”
“I bec@m£ so mad, so angry at her.”
“I hated her a lot.”
“How could she do something so awful? So painful to me in the name of jealousy?”
“Its hurt a lot of and I felt like stabbing her throu-gh the heart multi-ple times.”
“Then that was when I started calling her a witch.”
“She did an evil thing, I thought.”
“I even wanted to get my revenge on her but of course didn’t.”
“Mom likes Cindy a lot, one of the reasons I couldn’t do it.”
“But its all in the past now.”
“I have forgiven her and have also learnt a lot of lessons. Reason why I didn’t like your brothers no matter what.”
“I knew they were also pla-yers by their sweet words and ways.”
“I didn’t wanna get pla-yed. I’m glad I ended up in love with you chase, I’m really glad its you” I concluded with smiles.
He also smiled and leaned closer to me.
“I’m also glad I met and fell in love with you Natalia, you’re honestly very beautiful and attrac-tive, that guy doesn’t know what he lost.”
“I love you so much” he concluded and embr@ced me again.