Babysitting the bad boys season two epilogue

👖Babysitting The Bad
Boys 😎
💯[Secrets and r0m@nç£] 💯
By: Blessing D writes
😇 Writer’s POV 😇
Life continued for all of them as the year pas-sed by.
Rico and Kendra d@t£d until they got out of college. Tho there were a lot of challenges, they broke up twice but ended up together afterwards.
Cole and kora got into a serious relationsh!p.
Sheila on her own didn’t achieve anything and she got expelled from school by Rico.
Nick got his forgiveness after two years from cole and returned home to continued staying with him after that because cole originally s£nt him to live with their parents abroad.
The twins stayed together until they also got their selves a girlfriend.
Fred, Kendra’s twin brother focused on his studies and bec@m£ an engineer.
The person responsible for Kendra’s abduction when she was a baby got fished out and was s£ntenced to prison, its just a family enemy tho.
Life went on for all of em.
Rico was the one that later got the largest shares of his father’s wealth.
His father had no choice because Rico changed and his also his first son.
And they lived happily ever after.
Thanks once again for staying there with me.
Love you all 💖💖💖

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